Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:07 pm
thats the same thing we have at our school...and we have to make a food in french class without using any nut products....
how do you do that? seriously? I understand the kid has a problem and could die...but really...why assign a food project in a school like that?! I have no clue what to make!
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:11 pm
LordKiston Well That was annoying. I had a class mate who was afraid of black. She faints when she sees black t-shirts. (Which pissed me off.) And so we can't wear black.(Which pisses me off most. Cuz I love BLACK) mrgreen You're not the only one. wow. I would be expelled then....because every time she looked at me she would faint. I wear black a lot..... what about Goths? that would be interesting to see.....BLACK OVERLOAD! *dies* but in all seriousness....thats a mental problem...she should get therapy....
Rabid Bagel Cow Thing Vice Captain
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:39 pm
Haha, you all have weird schools. And weird phobias. >_>
My school had nothing like that.
Worse thing was "lactose intolerant" people.
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:46 pm
I'm afraid of bugs...even butterflies. They should have made that I didn't have to dissect them in biology class! stare
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:20 pm
LordKiston Well That was annoying. I had a class mate who was afraid of black. She faints when she sees black t-shirts. (Which pissed me off.) And so we can't wear black.(Which pisses me off most. Cuz I love BLACK) mrgreen You're not the only one. oh then i guess they would be pretty scared of me then
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:17 pm
They're right. You're wrong.
Of course they're going to say you can't bring any peanut stuff into the school. I mean if you did it would defeat the purpose of getting rid of all the peanut stuff in the school.
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:02 pm
emo well i don't believe their right and i never will i mean they should have some restrictions but if u don't even see the kid then i don't think there should be a pro. i mean theres no way they can stop every single kid that goes to school.. people would do it anyways so... emo
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:46 pm
wow, didnt expect the all of the feed back. welll time to get explaining. turns out their was a miscommunication and the kid will be in the school next year. but i will still respond to people as if it is happening right now.
@Pesky: no they are the ones that are wrong. they cannot tell us what to eat and no eat, that is against our rights. that would be like the government making a law that said that we dont have a right to protest, which we do!
@LordKiston: well i would say she needs thearpy, not in a mean way.
@Inryoku: well that is a common fear, unlike being afraid of the color black.
@Kuro: that would be a great alternative, but i think they should just have a peanut free zone for that kid and he and a his friends could eat there.
@rainbowZOMB13: i do feel bad for the kid, but this is an injustice that i won't stand for.
Rabid Bagel Cow Thing Vice Captain
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:57 pm
But its just peanut butter.. xD
I'm glad I had sorta normal schools.
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:16 pm
I still think that kid should get medication for his peanut allergy. And my sister's fear isn't so common because she was run over by a truck as a small child. stare
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 2:49 pm
@Bagel: i found out another complaint with the penut butter kid, and it is coming from the lunch ladies! they sell pb&j for 50 cents and they told me they sell an average of 500 pb&j's a day! thats $125 a day, thats is $625 a week. there are about 158 day in my school year, not including weekends and snow day we might have. when i did the mat i was astonished to see that the school was going to loose around $98,750 from their total income for one school year!
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:58 pm
If that kid is poor they could use part of money from selling the pb&j sammichs to pay for the peanut allergy medication... Why do schools have to be stupid... stare
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:01 pm
xX Inryoku Xx If that kid is poor they could use part of money from selling the pb&j sammichs to pay for the peanut allergy medication... Why do schools have to be stupid... stare
»[♪ [[Rawr, this topic is confuzzling..]] ♪]« •The schools don't care about the kids, all they want is the money and to let them go ASAP. =/ That's how I see it, anyway.•
Current Gold: 1,524
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:18 pm
mailer04 so their is a freshman coming into our school who is allergic to peanuts. he is so allergic to them that he could die if he smells them becasue his throat closes up. i can understand that the school would take away all items with peanuts. but now they are saying that people cant even bring any peanut products into the school. now i love peanut butter and jelly sanwhiches, so i was naturally a bit ticked off. so my classes Vice President is going to organize a "sit in" until we get what we want. but here is the part the really pisses me off. my older brothers class started to protest about this issuse last year. guess what the school told him? they told him that they could not do anything about it because it would be considered "segrigation". (i dont know if i spelled that right) as i have said in the title THIS IS BULLSHIT! i would like your thought and opinoins on this situation. Kids can be cruel, so I thoroughly believe every precaution is necessary - especially in high school.
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:38 am
are you shitting me? thats absolutely fair. i had a friend who was severely allergic to peanuts, and some jackass brought some peanut butter crackers into school, and he had a seizure and had to use his epi-pen. is that like, funny to you or something?