The crimson lionness, freshly caked in blood and dirt, sensed that the battle had been won. Well, not won, necessarily - the two had remained rather even (the burning ache in her back reminded her of this) - but she had proven herself worthy. She nodded solemnly before taking a few strides nearer to her fallen feather when she saw the welcoming glance in his shining blue eyes. As she stretched her neck to pick up her treasure, she remained in a low bow for a brief moment to prove her newfound loyalty to her new leader. Raising her head once more, she gently used her nimble paws to replace the feather in her hair, then answered him, "I am honored to join you. Thank you for accepting my services." Bele's tone was still formal; after all, this was probably one of the most important moments of her life: she had her own pride now. She could stay with Hewa without having a mile or so of separation, and could use her skills for the benefit of many lions.

Her jade eyes lingered but a moment longer on the Aran'shale's face before a wave of calm euphoria dawned on her. With a smile, she looked back at her beloved brother. "Hewa," she said. "I'm home."