Bui seemed to be unimpressed by the demon's claims, though he was quite pleased with the idea that he had a strong resolution. He knew he did, and he was quite proud of the fact that nothing the demon had said had broken his resolve. "I know I'm right. That's all I need."

Bui tilted his head to the side, "If a demon wanted to change, they should join us and make the other ones want to change too." He said, clearly very much believing everything he said, "And even if a demon doesn't kill innocent creatures, then they're still standing around and watching the others do it. That just makes them cowards and fools. Like you." As always, very sure of what he was doing.

Bui was also convinced his secret was better... but he really did have to ask his mother what a 'firekin' was.

He watched the other lion leave and grinned under his breath, "I knew it!" He would have to go back and tell his mother. A child theif! He could only assume that he hadn't been taken because the demon was afraid of his father. Fair enough. But now he had to go back and tell his mother!

...or maybe not. She'd probably be a little less than impressed with him wandering off.