Part of me wants to say it must have just been some mega Obama supporter that got pissed that someone could say bad things about her guy. And that she lied about a threat to him in order to call in the goons. And that if the goons heard a threat about any political official they'd get into attack mode. And that's what happened. And that it's not about Obama being leader of JBTs, just that the same would happen for any Presidential hopeful in the situation.

But the other part of me is reasonable. xd

And to expect that to do such an investigation as to go to someone's front door without physical evidence is reasonable?

I think you misunderstood me.

I'm reading it again, what did I misunderstand?
I got that the b***h lied from the beginning. But even so, wouldn't, or shouldn't rather, they get some evidence of the accusation first?
I honestly doubt that they wouldn't be recording the call for "training purposes"?

No, no, they have to investigate any and all possible threats. That way they can't be accused of ignoring it if something really happens. They SHOULD, however, take the other b***h to jail for false reporting of a crime.

... that seems a bit unconstitutional but on the other hand if they do go by it they'll get sued for not acting faster...
but if they do act fast, what are their odds of being sued?

Agreed, the stupid b***h should be taken to jail for false accusations and financially raped as well.

Which reminds me, I should get one of those phone recorders.


That seems like a good one.

Can you imagine the fiasco if the president gets shot and the Secret Service knew the plot was out there, but didn't act because the accuser had no evidence? They have to investigate. The do NOT have to act like thugs.

I think that's illegal, unless you tell everyone that their call is being recorded.