Yay, politics talk is always fun. xd

My husband thinks Obama will be assassinated too. He has nothing against him...in fact, he voted for Obama. But he just has a feeling that something like that could happen because of racist people.

I had mixed feelings about both candidates. In the end, it all comes down to who you hate less. I can't say who I voted for, because I didn't. Not because I don't care, but because I was stupid and forgot to change my name and address for voter's registration. By the time I figured out what form to mail out, it was too late. So I had my husband vote for both of us.

And just for fun, I feel like adding in my 2 cents about the abortion discussion. I am against it, because I feel it is a form of murder. And yes, I know that women are raped and in that case it is very tragic. That may be the only situation I would not argue an abortion (though it would still sadden me). But when women are just being careless and having sex with no/little protection, that that's their own damn fault. They should bear the child, and give it up for adoption. If you're having sex, then you should also be ready for the possibility of becoming pregnant. Don't wanna become a parent? Then watch some porn and masterbate, that's always a safe alternative.