The thing we have to remember here folks, is that teflon is an excellent waterproofing agent and lubricant. Steel won't slide out of a holster as fast as teflon will.

armor-piercing subsonic
lolwut? Mutually exclusive.

Wait, it's good at waterproofing?

If it slips out of the holster easier, then it must slip out of the hand easier. How about working that safety? That's gotta be a bit more difficult.
But you could give it a miss and just half c**k it since it's DA it'll be fine.

Unless you get some kind of clear acrylic grips with sharp checker patterns.
Well, it's Teflon. Water just runs right off of it.

Yeah, with a decent set of grips and a couple choice parts not teflon'd, it'd make an excellent gun.

Yes it would.

But couldn't it still be teflon coated but the grooves and checkers left on?
Perhaps replace the grooves with checkers too.