war_junky 91
war_junky 91
I'm more worried about VX than Nukes up here in Indiana, if somebody hits the entire stock with a bomb there goes North America.

Nah, its underground

EDIT: our government is not completely helpless retarded rolleyes


S-2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl-O-ethyl methylphosphonothioate ?

I hope they don't leave that stuff lying in the open. If so that's like saying, "Oh hey towel heads! BOMB HERE! LOLZZZZZ!!!"

And here I almost soiled my pants when I over heard Al's, the guy doing the transfer for me, former occupation hazard at the Chlorine plant or whatever it was.
A leak or spill and everyone down hill or down wind is dead.

The Chlorine they were using is the s**t they use to put holes in pieces of metal and in the old TV tubes.

But I suppose Nerve gas is... a lot worse.

I thought the Geneva or whatever the ******** they call it now banned the use of that stuff and perhaps even the manufacture.
(insert maniacal laugh from a shady General)

Yeah, we are destroying VX now, but the problem is it takes ten times more power to destroy it than make it (they cryo-freeze it with liquid nitrogen, smash it with about 10 tons of force and do what ever else to nuetralize it), and we had enough VX to blanket the entire planet, so its gonna take a while. And i'm pretty sure we have most, if not all, of the VX stockpile here in Indiana.

Compare this to Nukes and Nukes seem over nine thousand times better.