Mawi Mai smiled softly as she could feel her mate's nose on her own. She purred loudly. "I'm so glad to see you again love. You have no idea how much I missed you." She rested her forehead against his for a moment before she turned toward her cubs. Watching some of them worm around, they were all looking forward to this.

She leaned against her mate softly, she loved that she was next to him again. "They've all been wanting to see him." She licked one or two of the forheads of her cubs before she nipped at Aapep's ear.

"Well Aapep, Kirjava, Little ones." A smile grew on her lips. "Shall we head back to the den and get you all names and settled for a nape?" She asked with a chuckle.

((Gah! I need to be shot for gorgetting this, I hope no one minds me moving it forward XD)