Tulgey Cat

Name: Tulgey Cat
Family tree: To Be Updated
Colorist: Merangue
Received Through: Colorists Choice Customs
Breed: Regular
Stage: Adult
Orientation: Bi-curious
Post Color: Olive
Date of Discovery: Mar 27, 2009
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Offspring: /w Daniella: Acta Est Fabula and Praetoria
Uncert: X
Status: Mated to Alice
Tulgey is a Sprightly and savvy fellow with a near constant smile, living out in the wooded, wild areas, feeling as if he is king of the territory he prowls. He thinks of himself as a ladies man, and can be rather charming when he so desires. However, those who spend a long time with him start to realize something is.. Off.
The Jokester has a twisted, wicked side to him, and when things don't go his way, while the smile remains, he gets 'twitchy' and often times violent. Which often leads to him going off on his own, no longer welcome. Though, contrary creature that he is, he'll simply claim he was bored. He also claims he gets his nature by being the offspring of a Cheshire cat and two roses, but since that is physically impossible its more likely he's either a compulsive liar or completely insane.

On occasions though, he may become madly obsessed about a particular person or thing that impresses him with their wit and cunning, and will cater to their every will.. As long as they stay his and do whatever he wants when he wants them to do it. If the person of his obsession does not do what he wants, he treats them like a child who disobeyed their parents. Should this unfortunate soul attempt to escape, he'd likely chase after them and try and trap them to be with him 'forever'.
However, sometimes he's kind, almost sweet, seeming to be a hurt individual with his mind somewhat scattered and searching for something that has gone missing in his life. He often fills this void by collecting things.
TL;DR version: he's a fruitloop that was that should be treated with extreme caution.
Coming soon
Other Statistics
-Has a Soft British accent and often uses the Slang.
- He suffered some brain damage when he was still a young colt which is the source of not only his unstable mind, but also of his accent, since he has 'Foreign Accent Syndrome'. Meaning that any offspring he has may (or may not) be stable and sane.. Depending on what happens to them and who the mother is.
-Sometimes suffers hallucinations, but doesn't realize it. The most common hallucination is that of a large grinning cat in the place of his own shadow. Because of this, he thinks he's a cat in the guise of a horse, though will often 'play along' as if he thought he was a 'real' soquili.

The map to the right are the area's Tulgey usually explores, but on Rare occasions he'll venture into other areas.
Tulgey's "woods" are in the foothills of the Western Mountain Range, near the ravine. Here, so high up in the forested mountains, the terrain is dangerous and unstable, pocketed with rabbit Warrens, crumbling rock slopes, tight tree growth, sudden drops into the young river, which is prone to Flooding in the Spring, becoming white rapids. And there is plenty of signs that the terrain had claimed the lives of many soquili, bones buried and unearthed by the turn of seasons. However, Tulgey had lived his entire life in this area since his family got separated.
However, he does wander from there regularly, though surprisingly he often spends the winter in a cave in his territory, stores of plants set into the cave and consumed over the winter, rather then moving south into warmer territory.
He will often follow either the River or the edge of the mountains to new locations, using them as a basis for figuring out where he is headed. He also has a cave in the desert side of the mountains where he keeps trinkets in a safe location