Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:51 am
You must not wear nail polish while doing salah! "What about normal dua'h?"
And what about when u wear gel beffore wudhu? lol
And i normally don't wear it. Only at something big, like a marriage.
And i don't need that gel stuff, i can set my hair with just water ^^
But what about oil(the hair oil)? It is healthy for hair...
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:23 am
0_o___V I mean what do we wear that is holy anyway? That is why we wear nothing but cloths to be completely holy. 0_o___V I'm sure no one puts make-up on right when they are going to pray but instead they already had it on... And that makeup is washed away when you do wudhu.
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:02 pm
rasullah he put on a powder in his eyes,thats the same as the eyeliner we wear today,well at east the kagol we wear today,and that counts as make up,in other words make up is not unholy
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:46 am
kikyo026 rasullah he put on a powder in his eyes,thats the same as the eyeliner we wear today,well at east the kagol we wear today,and that counts as make up,in other words make up is not unholy yea that is not unholy but by makeup i meant the pink stuff on cheeks and colored powder on upper side of eyes and things like that are unholy
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:47 am
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:55 pm
tassan 0_o___V I mean what do we wear that is holy anyway? That is why we wear nothing but cloths to be completely holy. i know but clothes aren't holy either and plus the only physical requirements for prayer are that you should be covered and aren't wearing anything too distracting, oh and obviously you have to be clean (I mean thats a given.. Cleaniness is half our faith)...i've never heard about make-up and nail polish... It's not dirty, not distracting, and they don't do anything with covering.... So i dont get it... whats wrong with make-up nail polish? Plus Islam is a simple and logical religion so how doesn this make sense? tassan 0_o___V I'm sure no one puts make-up on right when they are going to pray but instead they already had it on... And that makeup is washed away when you do wudhu. And no make-up doesn't always wash off after wudhu (some make-up is water proof but still not dirty...) but ya your right most make-up does come off...
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:08 pm
its called blush and eyeshadow,and u cant say that those things are unholy unless it says that in the quran or in the haiths....
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:02 pm
Well, if want to meet the president, we have to wear a good and polite dress, aren't we? So, where pray shalah is basically like meeting Allah, who is far higher than president, why can't we dress up?
So, what I'm trying to say is, it's alright to make up, as long you dont overuse it. and remember to be polite dress (I don't know if I have to use word polite in this case, but I cant find any other english word, but you know what I mean), just like when you want to meet your superior, and as long as it doesn't get in the way of water when you wudhu
Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:34 am
my mom told me that the prayers of those who pray with nail polishes will not be accepted. when a person prays his hands should be clean and that includes his nails. when there's a nail polish, the nail won't really be cleaned.
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:33 pm
Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore my mom told me that the prayers of those who pray with nail polishes will not be accepted. when a person prays his hands should be clean and that includes his nails. when there's a nail polish, the nail won't really be cleaned. ya i've heard that one ALOT... but the thing is how can the nail be dirty if there is nail polish on it... it's impossible for the dirt to get inbetween the nail and the nail polish the only place the dirt can get is on top which can be cleaned during wudoo... and may I ask where your mom got that prayer isn't accepted when nail polish is on... b/c I've never heard that in the Quran...
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:34 pm
Shinigami Vayth Well, if want to meet the president, we have to wear a good and polite dress, aren't we? So, where pray shalah is basically like meeting Allah, who is far higher than president, why can't we dress up? So, what I'm trying to say is, it's alright to make up, as long you dont overuse it. and remember to be polite dress ( I don't know if I have to use word polite in this case, but I cant find any other english word, but you know what I mean), just like when you want to meet your superior, and as long as it doesn't get in the way of water when you wudhu I completely agree... 3nodding (nice way of putting it wink )
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:56 pm
Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore my mom told me that the prayers of those who pray with nail polishes will not be accepted. when a person prays his hands should be clean and that includes his nails. when there's a nail polish, the nail won't really be cleaned. I've been told the same thing. Although i do have friends who believe that it's ok to be praying with nail polish on and that it doesn't make that big of a difference. It clearly depends on what you really believe you should do. For me, i think the same way as my mom, that if i have nail polish on, my nails arent really cleaned and that also makes me feel self conscious when i pray so i just take it off. Basically, don't doubt yourself about stuff like that when you pray. If you think it's wrong, dont do it. That's how i like to look at it. =)
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:31 am
0_o___V Shinigami Vayth Well, if want to meet the president, we have to wear a good and polite dress, aren't we? So, where pray shalah is basically like meeting Allah, who is far higher than president, why can't we dress up? So, what I'm trying to say is, it's alright to make up, as long you dont overuse it. and remember to be polite dress ( I don't know if I have to use word polite in this case, but I cant find any other english word, but you know what I mean), just like when you want to meet your superior, and as long as it doesn't get in the way of water when you wudhu I completely agree... 3nodding (nice way of putting it wink ) Probably he used the world polite, which in my way does not included makeup in it, just a simple dress that covers your whole body that is it.
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:38 am
I just found this:: Is a woman’s prayer considered permissible after doing wudoo’ and putting make-up on her face?. Praise be to Allaah. If a woman does wudoo’ then puts makeup on her face, that does not matter, and it does not affect her wudoo’ or her prayer, so long as it is not naajis, because purity of clothes and body are essential for the prayer to be valid. It should be noted that it is not permissible for a woman to wear makeup in front of non-mahram men, because she is commanded to cover her face in front of them and because wearing makeup is an adornment that leads to fitnah. If she does that and then prays, she will have the reward for her prayer but she will have the burden of sin for tabarruj (wanton display). It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (17/129): There is no reason why a woman should not adorn herself by wearing makeup on her face, or kohl, or doing her hair in a manner that does not make her resemble kaafir women, but it is also essential that she cover her face in front of men who are not her mahrams. End quote. It also says (17/12 cool : Using kohl is allowed in Islam, but it is not permissible for a woman to show any of her adornment, whether kohl or anything else, to anyone other than her husband or mahrams, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “…and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands…” [al-Noor 24:31] And Allaah knows best. Sourceso ok i changed my mind ^^
Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:40 am
0_o___V Prof Albus PWB Dumbledore my mom told me that the prayers of those who pray with nail polishes will not be accepted. when a person prays his hands should be clean and that includes his nails. when there's a nail polish, the nail won't really be cleaned. ya i've heard that one ALOT... but the thing is how can the nail be dirty if there is nail polish on it... it's impossible for the dirt to get inbetween the nail and the nail polish the only place the dirt can get is on top which can be cleaned during wudoo... and may I ask where your mom got that prayer isn't accepted when nail polish is on... b/c I've never heard that in the Quran... hehe. my mother told me it's in the Hadith and the Ulamas(both Aleems and Aleemas) always speak of it.the nail being "polished" is not equal to the nail being dirty. it's about the water touching the nails. that's how i see it. xd