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How can Allah just forgive without doing anything about sin? Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:42 am

but u need to now that god does forgive you from everything if your good deeds outway the evil deeds and who honestly defines fair
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:16 am

Voldemort point two
Okay. One of the major issues I have with Islam (if none of you have seen my intro post, I'm a Christian, not a Muslim) is that Allah just forgives. I don't know how accurate this is, but nothing I've heard about Islam says that Allah deals with sin, he just forgives it. Now, if he was a fair God, he wouldn't be able to do that. It's like a policeman seeing someone commit murder and just walking away, forgiving them.

So yeah, please can you tell me what Muslims believe about this? I assume there's gonna be a lot of discussion on this topic. But there's been nothing about it in my RE (religious education) lessons.

EDIT: I know this is probably just going to end up with me either arguing with you for ages, or us just agreeing to disagree. But I'm just interested in what Muslims have to say about this.

Christianity, believes that Jesus died for your sins,
but when you look at it, it is not fair.. and it removes the meaning of Hell and Heaven, why would a Good man?.. pay for a Bad man? it doesnt fit.

Islam does not see it like this. Allah will never let a good man pay, for a bad man.

If the man who has commited sins, really rejects them. he needs to pray to Allah (swt) for Him to forgive him.

If he is really sorry, and that means that if he could turn it back he would do it different, so if he is really sorry, and shows he is, ( also with his heart ).

Then Allah (swt) is very forgive full.

You see Jesus as God.
Didnt Jesus forgive... Many Many Times?... didnt he saw people doing bad things, stealing etc. and did he not forgive them after their deeds?
Remember " You are Forgiven."
isnt Jesus a very Forgive full man ( in your eyes God. )
SO if Jesus is God to you, wouldnt that make him likely to have the same forgiveness as Islam?

You see where Im going at?.

Jin Saga

Jin Saga

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:44 pm

. . . Does this mean Ive answered your question? 3nodding
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:11 pm

The first thing is allah wont just forgive you if u say I am sorry. you have to do a deep prayer like surat fathia or Qrusyu and beg for allah to forgive all ur sins I went to mousqe and they said if u wake up in middle of night to say a special prayer ur sins will be cleared. why don't we forget about? the devil and start doing good deeds there should be no one that wants to go to hell lets spread the great word of islam biggrin heart


Geek Zombie

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:49 am

Eh, i think we have wasted out time, the poster ain't replying.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:55 am

it turned into a pretty interesting conversation,
though I was also taught that depending on your deeds in life, and the things you've done will also direct what level of Jinnat you are rewarded with, so like if you did a few bad things, that weren't really major you'll get this level of heaven and if you were really good, didn't sin, prayed all the prayers, went for hajj, did everything you're supposed to do etc, then you get the highest level and so on.
And after all Allah's mercy and forgiveness is not anything like the forgiveness or mercy of a human being, he is all encompassing, and you can't liken him or his mercy on the same level to anyone, he knows what is in all of our hearts wink if he forgives he forgives, but he may decide that when we do something bad he'll give us some punishment in life to help us realize what we're doing and steer us onto the right path to Him, but if you keep doing the bad things and you don't stop etc, and depending on what bad things you're doing of course Allah may send you to hell, depending on your actions and your convictions.


Geek Zombie

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:55 am

i would like to add one more thing, not only good deeds overweigh the bad ones but also the vice versa.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:49 am

Voldemort point two
Okay. One of the major issues I have with Islam (if none of you have seen my intro post, I'm a Christian, not a Muslim) is that Allah just forgives. I don't know how accurate this is, but nothing I've heard about Islam says that Allah deals with sin, he just forgives it. Now, if he was a fair God, he wouldn't be able to do that. It's like a policeman seeing someone commit murder and just walking away, forgiving them.

So yeah, please can you tell me what Muslims believe about this? I assume there's gonna be a lot of discussion on this topic. But there's been nothing about it in my RE (religious education) lessons.

EDIT: I know this is probably just going to end up with me either arguing with you for ages, or us just agreeing to disagree. But I'm just interested in what Muslims have to say about this.

You are right god forgives any action you do. unless you commited something against someone else such as stealing money or owing money. For that to be fixed, that certain person must forgive you if not then its up to god to decide what to do. in the day of judgement he may take some of ur good deed and give it to the other person u stole from or something. this is just an example i agree w/ u. this is y when u take shahadda those types of sins are not forgiven everything else is!



Magical Elder

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:21 am

Repentance and Forgiveness


Man by nature is weak and forgetful, and often makes mistakes, does wrong things and deviates from the right path. The Almighty the most merciful and forgiving likes His people to seek pardon from him and those who are repenting consciously towards Allah would be forgiven and this is called Tauba. Tauba means repentance for a sin by making promise not to do the same evil again and to return to the correct path as instructed by the Almighty and his Holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). The first man, Adam, himself deviated the instruction of the Almighty, committed wrong and there after repented much to seek forgiveness from the Almighty and thus introduced the rule of repentance for the sin he did in the past.

Repentance is a new beginning in the life of a person who intends to walk in the path of right. In Islam, sins are classified as those committed against the rights of God and those committed against the rights of human beings. When the divine rights are violated (e.g. by not offering compulsory prayers, by not performing a compulsory fast, by breaking a vow) it is necessary to fill the vacuum by the performance of some expiatory rite. When performing this rite, one must try to do what is possible. The Quran said: “Allah is the Most Merciful of those who have mercy.” On the contrary, when one has violated the rights of another human being, repairing the mis-behaviour has an absolute precedence, even over other acts of worship. If the wronged person seems not ready to forgive us or to accept compensation, we must go on striving to obtain his acceptance. Obtaining Allah’s forgiveness is, in a certain sense, easy, since the all-encompassing mercy is a permanent attribute of the divine essence, while human beings can in some cases be not so inclined to indulgence. In case of sincere repentance, the following results are obtained:

1. The mind forgets the recurrence of sins.

2. The mind becomes careful in committing future sins.

3. Such a man examines the previous omissions of compulsory duties from the dawn of intellect up to the day of repentance and tries to fulfil them.

Scholar Imam Ghazzali said there are four important principles in seeking repentance.

The first principle is the form of repentance, its limit and its knowledge. It is the duty of a man to repent after committing a sin. If it is sincere, it is accepted.

The second principle is to turn away from sins, to know the major and minor sins, to know the duties towards God and to men, to know means of progress and retrogression for virtues and vices and to know the causes of minor sins turning into major sins.

The third principle is to know the condition of Tauba and search the past sins.

The fourth principle is to know the causes of making Tauba.

Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran said: “.....be repentant to Almighty all together that you may get salvation.” [24:31]

Further, the Almighty said: “O ye believe! Turn unto Allah in sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will remit from you your evil deeds and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, on the day when Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will run before them and on their right hands: they will say: Our Lord! Perfect our light for us, and forgive us! Lo! Thou art Able to do all things.” [66:8]

He who returns from sin is like one who has got no sin. The Holy Prophet (Pbuh) said: “Think that a man went to a vast field with a camel loaded with food and fuel. He slept thereafter leaning his head. When he awoke, he did not find his camel there. Then he began to search for it running to and from and said after getting tired of hunger and sun: I will go to my former place to sleep, such a sleep that it may cause my death.”

“Then he placed his head upon his hands and slept there to meet with death. When he awoke, he found his camel standing before him with food and water. His joy then knew no bounds. Similarly God becomes more pleased with the repentance of a believer than his joy.”

Imam Hasan Basri said: “When Almighty accepted the penitence of Adam, the angles blessed him and Gabriel and Michael came to him and said: O Adam, God accepted your repentance and cooled your eyes.”

Adam said: “O Gabriel, what will be my rank if after acceptance of this repentance some questions are asked?” God then revealed to him: “O Adam there will be come sorrows and difficulties over your followers and repentance will be open to them. Whoever among them will repent, I will accept his repentance as I have accepted yours. Whoever seeks my forgiveness, I will not be miser in accepting his forgiveness as I am near and accept invocations. O Adam, when I shall resurrect the repentant men, they will smile and enjoy and their repentance will be accepted.”

Almighty’s forgiveness

There are many names of God given in the Quran. They are called Most Beautiful Names and they indicate many different and diverse attributes and qualities of God. Some of these names are related to His mercy and forgiveness.

Al Ghafoor: The Most Forgiving. This name occurs in the Quran more than 70 times. There are other names from the same root, such as Ghafir and Ghaffar.

Al ‘Afuw: This has another aspect of forgiveness. This name occurs in the Quran five times. Literally the word ‘Afw means “to release,” “to heal,” “to restore,” “to remit.”

The Holy Prophet used to seek repentance to Almighty every day 100 times (and in some saying it is mentioned more than 70 times twice a day).

“Oh people, turn to Allah in repentance and seek his forgiveness, for surely I make repentance one hundred times daily,” the Holy Prophet told his companions. “

Human forgiveness

Just as it is important to believe in God’s mercy and forgiveness, it is also necessary to base human relations on forgiveness. We cannot expect God’s forgiveness unless we also forgive those who do wrong to us.

Forgiving each other, even forgiving one’s enemies is one of the most important Islamic teachings.

In the Quran, God has described believers as “those who avoid major sins and acts of indecencies and when they are angry they forgive.” (al-Shura 42:37)

In one the sayings of the Prophet, it is reported that he said that Allah commanded him about nine things. One of them he mentioned was “that I forgive those who do wrong to me.”

I hope this article will help you...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:41 am

allah is forgiving but punishes severely
if u truly repent and never do the bad thing again god forgives you
we are told a story of a man has done so many bad things is was ridiculous
on judgment day god but all the good things he has done and all the bad things on a scale the bad things outweighed the good so much the angels came to take him to hell but then god stooped them and anded just one thing to the scale on the side of good and that one thing outweighed all the bad that man has done, when the angels asked god what it was he said, once in that mans life he said "ashhado an la elaha ela allah we ana mohamadan rasol allh" and it was pure and true from his heart and that alone was bigger than all the sin he has done.

what the man said in english means:
"I testify that there is no god but allah and that Mohammed is his messenger"

god is kind and loving not vengeful like he is shown in Christianity, when you go to hell you dont go there forever you go there till your sins are erased then you go to heaven for muslims if u cried only once for god, be it out of respect or love or fear of upsetting him no matter what the reason as long as its for allah your face shall never be burned but hell's flames no matter ho long you stay in there heart

Fish of Steel
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:52 am

Well, doing a thing like fasting, can erease 60 years from hell. But doing a thing like talking bad about someone can give infinite hell.

So yeah, it's very easy to go to hell or paradise. U need to do very li'l.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:51 pm

It's so simple .
If you do a sin while you don't know it's wrong then you knew it's wrong and stopped it ALLAH will forgive you .
If you were doing a sin and then decided to stop doing it ALLAH will forgive you .
In Islam it's called repentance .
But if you done the sin again after the repentance then ALLAH won't forgive you till you stop doing it forever .
And from the terms of repentance .
1- Stop doing the sin .
2- Decide to never do it again .
3- Remorse on that sin .
4- If the sin was in a human right , you should go and give him back his right , as if you insulted him you should tell him you're sorry .
I hope it's clear .

fancy hossasm

fancy hossasm

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:55 pm

And I think the repentance in Islam is more convincing than repentance in Christianity .
In Christianity instead you ask from god to forgive to you and tell him your sin and ask forgiveness from him , you go for a Priest who god created to tell him about your sin , if the Priest made a sin he goes to the Pope , if the Pope made a sin who would he ask forgiveness from ? rolleyes
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:20 am

Hesham akhi. A religion is not a good religion when it shows beauty by talking bad about other religions. Alright?

The pope ask god for forgiveness, isn't that simple??? U should respect catholicsm and not make fun of their believe.



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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:28 am

Allah forgives you when you make a promise that you'd never do the sin again. ^^
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