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Are we becoming a junior America?
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weeping pixie

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:17 am
Does anyone else think that we are slowly being invaded my America. Not with a war way but how we talk, what we watch, what we eat, what we believe, what we wear, what we know, etc.

Personally I see it everywhere and I think we are looking like a junour America especially around the waist line. What do you think?

johny howards new policies say it all

*lets give poor people lower wages and longer hours, lets get the rich...richer,
*lets forget about publilc education and public health systems altogether cos who needs them...n lets make universities into instituations that collect money not develop people with skills that are needed to run the society
*lets make elections voluntary and hold them every 5 years

anyone else see the pattern there???  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:26 am
weeping pixie
Does anyone else think that we are slowly being invaded my America. Not with a war way but how we talk, what we watch, what we eat, what we believe, what we wear, what we know, etc.

Personally I see it everywhere and I think we are looking like a junour America especially around the waist line. What do you think?

johny howards new policies say it all

*lets give poor people lower wages and longer hours, lets get the rich...richer,
*lets forget about publilc education and public health systems altogether cos who needs them...n lets make universities into instituations that collect money not develop people with skills that are needed to run the society
*lets make elections voluntary and hold them every 5 years

anyone else see the pattern there???



Hermit of the Hills

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:08 am
Thus is the cost of globalisation. A loss of one culture for the gaining of aspects of another.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:35 am
Who cares?
Racist people. >(  

caramel slice

weeping pixie

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:20 am
Hermit of the Hills
Thus is the cost of globalisation. A loss of one culture for the gaining of aspects of another.

thus is the cost of having a lil weird monobrow man as a PM  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:02 am
Ah we'll never become Americans. You see, the key difference between our societies is that most Australians know that Australia exists. biggrin

But seriously, it never ceases to appaul and amaze me, how anyone who has ever seen a map of the world can be ignorant to the fact that we are here... right in the middle of the ocean...

Grah stare  



PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:19 am
I have no idea what anyone else, nor do I really care because you should all read this crap I typed up and think about whether we REALLY are becoming like America.

60 Reasons to Hate Bush Jr.
1. The national debt under Bush Jr. has increased so drastically that the average american's estimated share of national debt will be an astronomical $24,000 compared to $5000 when Dubya first took office.

2. Under Bush Jr. there are now 43 million americans with no health insurance.

3. Responsible for unemployment rate of 6%. There are now 9 million people out of work in America - 3.3million more than when Bush took office.

4. He cut healthcre benefits for War Veterans.

5. Bush Jr. deserted his unit during Vietnam and was reportedly awol for over a year from his assigned unit: the Texas Air National Guard, or as it's referred to by other military outfits, the "Champagne Division".

6. Despite a 13% umemployment rate among those aged 16-24, Bush Jr. proposed to eliminate youth opportunity grants - a program that provides job training to the nation's youth. A $225M program in 2002 is now being done away with so Bush can have more money for Iraq.

7. He cut funding for 375,000 low income college students and reduced pell grant amounts to such a severe degree that it effctively cause 84,000 students to no longer be eligible for pell grants. Pell amounts have been overall reduced for 1.5 million students...it's safe to say that the Bush daughters aren't eligible for financial aid. so this won't affect the opulent lives of anyone Bush Jr. may know.

8. Withdrew from the International Criminal Court.

9. First president in US history to refuse united nations election inspectors (during the 2002 U.S. elections).

10. All-time U.S. (and world) record holder for the most corporate campaign donations.

11. The Bush administration had twice as many FBI agents fighting the drug war than fighting terrorism prior 9/11. Even after 9/11, more than 2,000 FBI agents are wasting their valuable time assigned to the war on drugs.

12. His proposed "free trade" aggreements would result in the loss of U.S. jobs to foreign markets and the exploitation of third world workers.

13. John Ashcroft.

14. He has taken 11 official executive actions to undermine reproductive rights... How long will it be before a woman is stripped of her right to choose?

15. Failed to fulfill pledge to get Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive".

16. Wasted federal resources on a PR trip to baghdad where he staged a thanksgiving meal at 6am with troops that were screened based on their political affiliation. And the turkey? It was a prop.

17. His refusal to fire - or even reprimand - Lt. General Jerry "our god is bigger than their god" Boykin. Perhaps it's because Boykin said of the president, "George Bush was not elected by a majority of voters in the United States. He was appointed by god. He's in the white house because god put him there."

18. After sending troops off to die in an unjust and unprovoked war, he still has yet to attend any soldiers' funerals.

19. His shameless nepotism for the rich and powerful. Elizabeth Cheney (daughter of ol' d**k) got hooked up with a cool gig at the state department where she was in charge of the $129 million Middle East partnership initiative and then was moved over to daddy and uncle Dubya's campaign payroll.

20. He dropped his dog on its head.

21. Bush Jr. is the first president in U.S. history to enter office with a crinimal record.

22. Bush Jr. has set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously protest a leader (10 million people), shattering the record for protests against any person in the history of mankind.

23. He slashed funding to the violence against women act.

24. He has invaded and occupied two countries at a continuing cost of one billion dollars per week.

25. He appointed Charles Pickering, a notorious segregationist from Mississippi, as a federal judge and suspiciously did so on Martin Luther King day.

26. Bush has spent over 100 billion on iraq, leaving states to face the largest budget crisis in decades and forced to cut off public services; now with the federal deficit at a new high Bush Jr. wants to award more tax breaks to the wealthy.

27. Under new Bush legislation (the Clear Skies Initiative), power plants are allowed to emit triple the amount of highly-toxic mercury into the environment.

28. Bush Jr. failed to protect 3 million acres of the Tongass NationalForest from Logging. The Tongass has the highest concentration of bald eagles on earth and has already lost 700 square miles to logging with 33 more loggin permits pending. Not even the sanctity of our endangered national bird can compete with Bush campaign contributions provided by the forest industry.

29. He is on pace to have taken more vaction than any president in history, including a 28-day vaction right before 9/11. Bush Jr. has taken 6 months of vacation in total...do you know anyone that gets 6 months of vacation?

30. He pulled out of the kyoto agreement on global warming, which had been agreed upon by 178 other countries.

31. Bush Jr. is endorsed by fundamentalist Pat Robertson who claims that god told him Bush will win re-election and that "It doesn't make a difference what Bush does because God is blessing him". Bush keeps some great company, but keep in mind Robertson was also the nitwit that blamed 9/11 attacks of gays and suggested that we "nuke"the U.S. state department.

32. He set the record for the most executions by any governor in American history. 152 in total; some of whom were mentally disabled.

33. Has repeatedly stonewalled the public investigations into 9/11.

34. Bush Jr. declined to fully fund the aids initiative after promising to do so. The final cuts that resulted were over $2 billion.

35. He still suggests that homosexuals are "sinners"and is pushing legislation that would forbid gay partnerships and deny fundamental civil rights on a national and local level.

36. Choked on a pretzel and nearly lost his life while seated in front of a TV.

37. Bush Jr. has gone to great lengths to prevent investigations of his friends at enron and halliburton. More time and money was spent investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair than has been spent on investigating one of the biggest corporate rip-offs in history.

38. Bush Jr. has set the record for the fewest amount of press conferences by a president since the advent of television.

39. Responsible for a 521 billion dollar budget deficit - less than 4 years after inheriting a 200 billion dollar surplus.

40. He has made repeated attempts to legalize oil drilling in the national wildlife refuge.

41. He refused to buy adequate body armor for out troops in Iraq. A study done by a defense consultant reveals that approximately 25% of casualties could have been prevented with better armor.

42. Responsible for the highest U.S. trade deficit EVER: $43.1 billion

43. Bush Jr. gave his campaign contributors and strongest supporters $8 billion in contracts to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan. Corporations like Halliburton, Bechtel, Kellogg, Brown & Root, etc. Numerous scandals have been uncovered regarding these "friendly"contractors who are ripping off US tax-payers by overcharging for their services.

44. Bush campaign shirts were made in Burma under sweatshop conditions. Interestingly enough, in 2003 Bush Jr. signed legislation banning products from Burma effective September 1st, 2003.

45. He approved the sale of $20 million worth of shackles, electo-shock technology, and other torture devices to countries that have been condemn for torture.

46. College tution has increased 28% during the Bush Jr. administration.

7. The Bush Jr. administration was told by over 60 influential scientists, including 20 Nobel Prize winners, that they are "Deliberately and systematically distorting scientific facts - in the service of policy goals on the environment, health, biomedical research, and nuclear weaponry at home and abroad."

48. He proposed a budget that would slash 40% of the funding for after-school programs. No child left behind? This decrease would cut off about 475,000 children.

49. Bush Jr. authorized the use of cluster bombs and "Daisy Cutters" (the world's biggest non-nuclear bomb) in populated areas of Iraq. These contributed to the deaths of over 10,000 innocent civilians, more than three times the number of casualties suffered in the tragic 9/11 attacks.
Note: NO Iraqis were involved in the 9/11 attacks.

50. Richard Clarke (Chief Anti-Terrorism Advisor) and Paul O'Neill (US Treasury Secretary) both testified that BUsh Jr. was intent on invading Iraq within the first few days of his Presidency. Clarke claims that Buch Jr. ignored his warnings about imminent al Qaeda attack. On September 12th, Bush Jr. instructed his staff to find a connection between al Qaeda and Iraq, and despite no connection ever being discovered (and against the CIA's recommendation), he still chose to invade Iraq.
Note: This has been confirmed by The 9/11 Commision.

51. Althought he still claims that fighting terrorism is his priority, Bush Jr. slashed the FBI's requested counterterrorism budget by two-thirds.

52. Bush Jr. has made it clear that in his next term he plans to appoint Supreme Court Judges who are against a woman's right to choose, and would effectively outlaw abortion on a national level.

53. Bush Jr. still has yet to attnd a soldier's funeral and continues to sterr the American public away from knowing about the casualties. He has done even less to acknowledge the over 18,000 troops that have been wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.

54. his administration illegally produce fake pro-Bush "news"spots for the Dept. of Health and Human Services. They went as far as to include phony journalists who praise Dubya's controversial Medicare Bill and they added a fake crowd to cheer the whole thing on.

55. In a effort to give the appearance that Bush Jr. was creating more jobs, his administration tried to reclassify fast food employment as manufaction jobs. These minimum wage jobs are nothing like real manufaction jobs the provie benfits and pay $15/hour.

56. His administration proposed the highest penalties in thw world for indecency violations on our public airwaves. Up to $500,00 for saying something the FCC deems offensive.

57. He is a religous fanatic that believes in the apocalypse and that ONLY Evangelical Christians are eligible for the afterlife. Catholics, Muslins, Jws, Hindus, Buddhists, and everyone that isn't in Bush's flock are doomed to Hell. To see the full extent of his extremist views, watch the PBS documentary "The Jesus Factor".
See it here: The Jesus Factor

58. The Treasury Department under Bush Jr. assigned five times as many agents to investigate Cuban enbargo violations as they did to track finiancial resources of both Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

59. Right before Christmas Bush Jr. cut overtime pay for over 644,000 employees who work over 40 hours a week.

60. Against Colin Powell's advise, Bush Jr. chose not to reconize Afghanistan's statehood, therefor making it's people not protected by International Law and vulnerable to human rights abuses and torture. Up until that decision by Bush Jr., the US Military could boast a proud history of upholding the humane laws of the Geneva Convention.

I won't add the quote I have by Justin Sane of Anti-Flag just yet. Unless someone else has it and wishes to type it up and post it.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:01 pm
1. You didn't type those up yourself.

2. The problem of record debt is mentioned at least three or four times, only in a slightly different context.

Otherwise, it's very scary stuff, and I feel sorry for a little under half of US Citizens, and anyone else afflicted by the Bush Admininistration. sad  



PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:19 pm
Anyone else afflicted by the Bush Admininistration. sad
Well that's everyone in the known world.  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:45 pm
Anyone else afflicted by the Bush Admininistration. sad
Well that's everyone in the known world.

True, I suppose I meant in a more direct and apparent way, like the American's themselves, and the Iraqi and Afghani people, not to mention whoever suffered under condoned torture, the Guantanamo Bay prisoners, etc.  



PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:46 pm
Lets just say the world shall we.  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:49 pm
The whole world would be a better place without him. 3nodding  



PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 7:04 pm
Well of course. New person next term anyway. neutral  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:15 am
Well of course. New person next term anyway. neutral

If only we could say the same for Johnny Howard.  



PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:43 am
He'll retire next term anyway, and then we might just have the glorious Peter Costello at the helm.  
The Official Australian Guild

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