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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:08 pm

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Mwanamke Wa'mwezi
Zabuni Nafsi
Asante Kwa'maisha
Toruk Makto
Szürke Szellem
Rävasz Ëmber
Kivuli Cha'mifupa

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:09 pm

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Name: Mwanamke Wa'mwezi
Meaning: Lady of the Moon
Nicknames: Mwana
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Mate: Kivuli
Offspring: --
Pride: Tuait'tekem
Rank: Priestess
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #00125c
Obtained: God Event Advertising contest
Colourist: Kireiryuu

. razz ersonality:.
With her coat coloured like the night sky and the mark of the moon sits upon her hip, she is certainly a striking creature. And yet her manner is reserved and contemplative. A kind lioness at heart she finds it hard to express herself easily and as such, has fewer friends than perhaps she might. But those that do take the time and patience discover a gentle and caring, if sometimes awkward lioness within. She is deeply religious and often turns to the gods when she can not turn to mortals, as they are always there, always listen and don't tell her to stop being stupid. Erstwhile and honest she fully believes in the gods and in the pride.


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Name: Kuzaliwa'Jpi
Meaning: "Sun Born" (swahili)
Nicknames: Kuza
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Father: Vanhi
Mother: Jyotika
Siblings: 13!!! { Aodhfin, Ea'Pavlov, Kazi'wakia, Angana, Jvala, Uruloke, Saoiraed, Gimli, Fisidi, Yuna, Volkeno & Flammare
Mate: None
Offspring: n/a
Pride: Motoujamii-Simo
Rank: Cub to Soldier (aiming for Lieutenant)
Seer: Yes

Roleplay color: #b40000
Obtained: Cub custom-in
Colourist: Kireiryuu

. razz ersonality:.
One of a litter of 13 cubs, Kuza is a well adjusted and centered lioness, and is devoted to her family and the pride. While she has a natural kindness she is also a full Firekin and proud of her pride. A natural warrioress she tempers strength with patience and violence with honor. She would never abuse her position in the pride, or beat up on someone weaker than her. Though if a lion was being unruly, she would step forwards and stop them, offering words first then a swift paw swipe if they ignored her. In balance, she will defend those that need aid against a bully and is certainly not above 'paying back' the bully's actions to themselves. She can be hot headed at times but that is simply down to youthful vigor and she will mellow out as she matures.


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Name: Sliabh
Meaning: 'Mountain' in Irish
Phonetic: Slie-ave
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Mate: Eva`raja
Offspring: Caoilainn, Sorcha & Beag'bás
Adopted offspring: Haruma, Ndale & Faraa
Pride: Kitwana'antara
Rank: Guard
Disease state: Immune
Seer: Yes

Roleplay color: #497383
Obtained: Kitwana'antara pride contest
Colourist: Nerpin

. razz ersonality:.
Stoic and steady, this large male can sometimes be mistaken for being a little dim or slow.. in reality he is an intelligent and swift-minded individual. The main reason he is mistaken as less able than he is, is the fact that he has a reserved and quiet personality, rarely speaking outside of what is required though when he does is is as polite and as soft-spoken as can be. A true gentle giant, his secret pleasure is watching the cubs at play, and when he gets a few are hours off-duty, he will go down and sit among the cubs, letting them crawl all over him and chase his tail or bite his ears. He adores cubs, and will do anything he can for them. The chance to have his own cubs has been a secret desire of his for a very long time, but none of the lionesses in the pride have ever been interested in him, and being as reserved and as shy as he is, he has never tried to approach them. Though unbeknownst to him, there are many who would love to be courted by the hansom, powerful male.

Sliabh had always been much bigger than most of his pridemates, even as a cub he had been the biggest of the litter, though all were relativly small since their mother was a sufferer of the plague. As they grew, he was the only one who never showed signs of the sickness, growing into a leggy adolescent and then maturing into one of the biggest lions the pride could boast. Due to his robust health and large size, his parents nudged him into the role of guard and within a few short months he had completed his training and rose above his tutor in terms of ability and strength. Both solely (according to him) because he never got ill. Though in reality he is good at his job.

Sliabh is devoted to his pride and his role within it as a protector. He realizes just how vulnerable many of the ill pride members are and takes his job of protecting them seriously. Hes not completely convinced that its a good idea for him to abandon his post, and would much rather stay to protect the pride. But he is loyal above all else and the idea of disobeying his Queen never even crossed his mind. He will do as ordered, and will complete his mission with the same seriousness and respect that he holds for all aspects of his job.

Solid and dependable, he will go out on the mission given to him without complaint, though he certainly has no intention of 'goofing off' while away from the pride. He knows just how important new blood is to the pride and will be very strict in his criteria for any prospective mother to his cubs. As yes... he refuses to break up an existing family so will not be looking to cub-nap. Instead, he is going in search for a lioness (or several) who will willingly and knowingly agree to birth cubs for him to take back to the pride. He refuses to lie about his task and so any female who agrees will know exactly what he plans, though he may or may not divulge just what pride it is he belongs to.

Having always lived within the pride, he will have to adapt fast to life out in the rogue lands. it will open his eyes to what lion life is really like, but ultimately he is loyal to his homeland and will return.
His real age is only about mid-age for a lion, but mentally he is an older male. Having seen so many pride members come and go he lost the youthful optimism long ago.

.:.Original contest brief.:.
Unlike some of the contest members offered above, there are a few restrictions that go along with this guy!

First and foremost, he is immune. There is no changing this fact. This is one of the few Kitwana'antara lions who will never be affected by the plague, and in all likelihood will naturally grow to a ripe old age. If he isn't old already!

Because he is one of the few lions who can leave the borders (if necessary) and doesn't pose as a threat to outsiders, he has a choice of these three ranks - Warrior, Scout, Guard or Bard.

If you decide to write him as an ancient and very aged lion, he CAN be a vizier to the pride. He was no mate to any of the previous queens, but he due to his longevity he has seen a lot of changes in the pride and therefor has some good advice. Again, he can only be a vizier if he's REALLY old.

Last but not least, because the pride is suffering from such low numbers, Nawiri has hand picked a few of the healthier lions and lionesses to actually leave the pride in search of finding cubs, or having cubs their own. You guessed it, this guy was tapped and a great honor is bestowed upon his shoulders - he gets to go out and fling it!

That's right. Go spread those genes you player you!

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Name: Kyoko
Meaning: Echo
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Offspring: --
Pride: None
Rank: Rogue
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #00527f
Obtained: M&M Crack!breeding Custom
Colourist: Mila

. razz ersonality:.


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Name: Asali
Meaning: Honey
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Mate: Ozark
Offspring: --
Pride: Kizingo'zaa
Rank: Healer
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #eb6c02

. razz ersonality:.
Gentle and friendly, she is a happy, well adjusted if lonely lioness. Born a rogue, she left her family when she grew into an adult, needing, as all youngsters do, to spread her wings away from the nest. Yet almost immediately she lost track of where she was and where she had left her family. Within months all hope of ever finding them again had vanished and so, she turned an struck out on her own. Barely managing to feed herself and with absolutely no sense of direction what so ever.. its a miracle that she hasn't succumbed to another predator or the elements so far. Luckily, she stumbled across the Kizingo'zaa, and its a chance she is going to grasp with both paws.

.:Rank Info:.
Healer. With her future mate as an Usher, it seems fitting that Asali would deal with life in contrast to his death. Together, they would look after both ends of the pride's needs and as partners, could work together to aid their patients more effectively.

Having been born to rouge parents she has never had pride to call her own, but desperately wishes for a family, a pride to love and to be loved by, to support and be given support. Shes just not one of those that is built for life as a rogue. The Kizingo'zaa pride suits her, for she is not quiet all there in the head sometimes. She adores cubs and is a friend to everyone she meets, but there is an innocence about her that would leave her vulnerable if she stayed a rogue. She also has no sense of direction and is incredibly forgetful, often loosing her kills not to another lion or a hyena, but to the fact that she simply forgets where she left it...

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Name: Zabuni Nafsi
Meaning: 'Tender Soul' in swahili
Nickname: Buni ('Zaf' as adult)
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Mother: Emm`ahlie
Father: Velius
Other Mother: Xixilli
Other father: Canicus
Pride: Rogue (Intaba'umbikezeli at adol/adult)
Rank: None (Icala'phatha)
Seer: No

Roleplay color: forestgreen
Obtained: Concept Contest
Colourist: Kireiryuu

. razz ersonality:.
Quiet and shy around strangers but bubbly and fun when with her close friends. She loves all her parents though does find the teasing and taunts difficult to handle. Not even realising that her situation wasn't the norm until she began to socialise with other cubs, the cruelty all young ones are capable off is hard for her to bear, making her more withdrawn than she would naturally have been. It takes some years for her to regain her balance, but she never stops loving all her family and is utterly devoted to them.

.:Contest reply:.
Curling her tail round her paws, the young cub trembled, slim frame curled up tight under the bush. Tucking her head against her short, stubby forelegs she couldn't hold them in any more. Body shaking as great heartbroken sobs trembled through her. Why.... why did they say such nasty things? Why did they call her names? Mom and Dad loved her... they did! She knew they did! They had too.... The tiny, pleading voice in her mind begged desperately. Ears pressing back against pale fur, vivid green eyes squeezed shut tight as a sharp pain pierced her heart. Tears matted white fur, streaking down thin cheeks to decorate the dust at her paws. "M-mom...... Dad..... where are you.. where are you..."

Darkness surged forwards, sweeping through her, tainting everything as it flooded her chest with a deep, searing tightness and burned at her eyes. Limbs trembled with the force of the grief that overwhelmed her, forcing tiny paws to dig into the ground, clutching at the earth as the darkness threatened to drag her spinning into the depths of despair. "M-mom.... I love you.. please, please, I love you..... say they are wrong.. please! They have to be wrong! You love me! You and daddy both love me! You said so... Papa and Mama love me too!! You told me, you promised! Please.... please.... " Curling up in a tight little ball, body shaking with the force of her heart wrenching sobs, the tiny cub trembled and cried. Breath escaping in strained gasps as a high, pain-filled keening slipped from parted maw. White fur streaked with muck from the brush, rocking slowly, back and forth, back and forth. So alone, so very alone with the sounds of childish taunts and sneering adult voices echoing in her ears.

"Your mom doesn't love your dad, your mom doesn't love you. You're weird, your family is weird. No one loves you... you aren't good enough for your mom, you made her go with that rogue. That filthy rogue. It's your fault you know, it's all your fault. It has always been your fault. If only you hadn't been born your mom wouldn't be sick! You did that to her, you hurt her. You made her ill. Stealing her life. Selfish! You're so selfish! Selfish child. Disgusting child."

Gasping, the pain in her chest a living, breathing thing fighting to get out, she panted harshly, unable to catch her breath, unable to see as tears streamed from closed eyes. Yet even behind the lids the voices remained, echoing, taunting, tearing, cruel, hateful, jealous. "Why don't you live with dad like the others? What did I do wrong? Please mom.. tell me what I did... why are you sick, Im sorry.. I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I beg you, please forgive me."

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Name: Caoilainn
Meaning: Caol "slender" and fionn "white, fair, pure."
Pronunciation: KEE-len
Nickname: Kay
Species: Lion
Gender: Female
Mother: Maile
Siblings: Sorcha & Beag'bás / Haruma, Ndale & Faraa
Mate: None
Offspring: --
Pride: Kitwana'Antara
Rank: Kitling (Spy)
Diseased: Immune
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #3a5761
Obtained: Mix&Match Breeding custom
Colourist: Cajanic

. razz ersonality:.


Several saints were Caoilainn and one was described as "a pious lady who quickly won the esteem and affection of her sister nuns by her exactness to every duty, as also by her sweet temper, gentle, confiding disposition and unaffected piety."

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Name: Asante Kwa'maisha
Meaning: 'Thank you for life' (swahili)
Nickname: Asante / Maisha
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Mate: Incendia
Offspring: --
Pride: Jini-misemi
Rank: Provisionary - Hunter
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #645346

. razz ersonality:.
Down to earth yet carefree, Astante is not one to take offence easily. He loves nothing more than to live life to the full, enjoying every moment and rarely worrying about the future. Though he is certainly not without awareness, even as he is playing he never forgets about those around him, always looking out for their well being. Under the playful, carefree exterior lives a lion who was forged within the strict lines of an old, heavily traditional pride. With his laid-back and friendly personality it is hard to imagine him as a prince, though that is exactly what he is.

Born Zawadi Ya'tatu, the third son of the pride's leaders, Asante was raised under the full weight of the crown, following in his father's footsteps, expected to rise above all the other pride youths in hunting, philosophy, worship and leadership. To be as his father, a serious, worldly lion who never smiled and rarely praised his cubs, Asante grew up as an old mind in a young body. Yet the restrained young cub had one thing he managed to keep from his tutors... He would slip away after his classes were over for the day, and walk the pridelands, not as the Takatifu Duniani's youngest prince, but as Njema'mwana; son of an elderly couple who mistook the young prince for their dead child. It was not deciet, for he had told them of their mistake the first day they found him, sneeking about the lowest areas of the pride's home, and yet they took him in, begged him to visit when he could and relieve the loneliness. With both close to the end of their lives, he could not find a reason to refuse and thus, every few days he would visit them, bringing back kills for them when he was old enough to hunt and simply spending time with them near their den. He made several friends among the poorest members of the pride, none of whom ever saw the young princes and thus, never realised his true identity.
Eventually, his two older brothers rose to become the next Heir and the heir's advisor. For Asante, the fact that there was no place for him was a devastating blow, and yet he discovered that he was still expected to do as told, to become a member of the council. He knew he would never be accepted, the council was made up of older lions, their experience raising them above the rest of the pride. Asante, doomed forever to live within the shadows of his brothers without any chance to prove himself, finally snapped. One night, after the rest of the pride had fallen asleep, the young male slipped away from his family's den and left the Takatifu Duniani and vanished into the roguelands. Assumed dead by his family, Asante changed his name and now lives alone, free and happier than he has ever been in his life.

The markings on his face, tail and hind legs are only found in the royal line of the Takatifu Duniani pride. He usually tries and hides them under dirt or bits of leaf and grass he picks up.

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Name: Lennart
Meaning: 'lion-strong' (Scandinavian )
Nickname: Len
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Father: Taraxa
Mother: Moray
Siblings: Loki, Eirik, Morath, Tyggr, Ulrika & Pewakani
Mate: n/a
Offspring: --
Pride: Myrsky Syntynyt (Stormborn)
Rank: Reaver (to captain)
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #d7ac5e
Obtained: Gift from Pinch
Colourist: Ecavi

. razz ersonality:.
Lennart is not your average, brash, loud-mouthed Stormborn. Though as a cub he is the typically bouncy, curious and energetic youth. As he grows he becomes calmer, more serious and is wholly dedicated to the pride and his family. Though he does know how to relax with his war-brothers and enjoy himself. He always knows he will become a reaver, there is simply no other option for him in his mind, and he will dedicate himself to being worthy of the title. A natural born leader, he is honest, hard working, fair and always polite.

Son of Reaver Taraxa out of the lioness Moray. Returned with his father and siblings to the pride.

He will be forced into becoming a captain.. His band voting him into the position when they loose their first in a raid and he, being a responsible lion, accepts it for the duration of their mission in order to protect his fellow stormborn. Unfortunately for him, he proves to be very good at his new role and his friends/pridemates playfully press-gang him into keeping it. He would be a fair and just leader, never asking anyone to do something he wouldn't do himself and regardless his place in the pride, he will always be on the front lines of any battle.

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Name: Mashika
Meaning: 'Born for the rain' swahili
Nicknames: Mashi
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Father: Muscardini
Mother: Lipi
Aunt: Gliri
Siblings: Sciuri, Serali, Cassiopea, Aylin, Lua
Mate: Rêvez [Das Tor] (Future)
Pride: Rogue
Rank: n/a
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #864b23
Obtained: Personality contest
Colourist: Blue

. razz ersonality:.
The tomboy of the family, 5th Daughter Mashi has the laid-back and bubbly personality of her parents and more than a touch of her mom's smarts. As a cub, she's loud, brash and has a heart of gold. She also loves to play and has no fear of getting dirty in the process. Constantly getting her nose into trouble with her massive curious streak, she is pretty insistent about getting herself out of it, though she does at least recognise when the trouble is just too great and will accept a helping paw with gratitude, and will try and learn from her lessons and not repeat the mistake. As she matures, she grows into a lioness who is more than willing to mix it up with the guys and most certainly can hold her own in most company. She has a quick tongue and a playful if dry sense of humour. Mashika loves her family and would do anything for them but she is most certainly a 'unique' young lass and is not afraid to go out there and live life to the full.

.:Future plots:.
~To meet a lion/ess who is the strong but bitter type. A warning about being too independent to the point where you simply can't live with others. Family is as important as being strong.
~Help another who has no confidence what so ever, take them under her wing, so to speak, and teach them how to survive with more confidence and skill.
~To fail badly and be forced to rely on a complete stranger (eg. wounded while hunting too far from home) the stranger betrays her (steals her kill and sneaks off) teaching her to be less trusting of everyone around her.
~Eventually, to get into a similar situation with a male who falls for her. She has to learn when and where to trust others and eventually, these two would mate, after a lot of trials and resistance from Mashika. (hopefully).


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Name: Wayra
Meaning: Native American Quechua name meaning "wind."
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Mate: deceased
(*Ohitekah: Native American Sioux name meaning "brave.")
Pride: Intaba'umbikezeli
Rank: Ikhansela (council)
Pride 'Seer' ability: Strong (8/10)
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #7b7b7b
Obtained: Harry Potter event - die roll
Colourist: Ecavi

. razz ersonality:.
Wayra is an older lioness, her iron grey coat a good match for her steely will and iron discipline. That's not to say she is hard hearted, she has raised her fair share of orphans and strays. She is however, very experienced, not only in the way of the pride, but also in handling individuals. She is a steady, hard working lioness who has a measured and practical outlook on life. As a young lioness she had been a fighter, a warrior, a scout, a healer. Her drive and fire to prove her worth led her down many paths, and with her youth and spirited temper she proved she was as good as any male on the battle field, as skilled and as driven a hunter as any other pride member. But as the years passed the rough, prickly lioness slowly settled, making mistakes and unwillingly learning from them. Life smoothed her edges, taught her humility and grace, taught her patience and courage. Gone was the wild fire of youth, and in its place burned the slow, steady flames of experience. Now, in her later years, her actions were respected and her words considered wise. A corner stone for the younger generation to learn from, to go to for advise and guidance. She has also developed one of the most powerful seer abilities in the pride. She has long ago given up the idea of being a mother, her mate having died several years before after failing to gifte her with cubs. Unknown to her, it was he who had been infertile after a hunting accident, but in her life now as a council member, she doesn't expect to take a new mate.

Wayra is the Intaba'umbikezeli's most powerful Seer (Rolls), born of one of the pride's oldest bloodlines she can trace her lineage all the way back to the almost mythical mountain valley lion pride. Her mother was a mid-level Seer, a lioness of a pure white colouring who held the honored position of iNkosi'enyula, one of the God Chosen. Her sire was a low ranked lion, a Ibutho (warrior) by the name of Maza'blask, his dark iron grey coat was not as favoured within the pride, for it was patterned as if he were covered in armour, yet the pair were deeply in love and no one could bring themselves to try and part them. Aiyanna did her duty, raising two litters of cubs fathered by another pure white male in the pride, but there after she and her lifemate were completely faithful to each other. Wayra was the eldest born of the pair's last litter before her mother's untimely death in a freak rock slide. Wayra grew up with memories of her sweet natured seer mother, while training under the loving but firm paw of her father.

As soon as she was of age, Wayra entered the Ibutho (warrior) caste and trained long and hard to be the best that she could be. Within a year after her acceptance her elderly father passed away, leaving Wayra and her two siblings as the last of the blood line. The youngest of the three, a gentle, shy lioness with the desired pure white coat, died in childbirth with her very first litter. The brother, paler of coat than Wayra herself even before he began to whiten with age, was ambushed during one of his last scouting missions and died back home in his den with only Wayra and his mate at his side.

After the loss of her father, Wayra threw herself into her work, training morning and night. Within another year she had over taken her brother in skill and advanced to being the Offensive Commander's second, when the elder lion retired, Wayra stepped into his paw prints, taking on the mantle of Icala'phatha with dedication, skill and determination. It was also during this time that she met, recruited, and finally fell in love with her mate, a kind hearted, bear of a lion named Ohitekah. The brown-coloured lion was her confident and companion for many years, though he eventually died in an especially vicious attack by a local band of bachelor rogues. Wayra was heart broken, left alone without even young ones to carry on her beloved 'Tekah's memory, she threw herself body and soul into her work.

The stone-coloured and iron-willed lioness held and retained the position of Icala'phatha throughout her adulthood, surviving not only rogue and pride attacks from outside, but also the great Floods that decimated the pride from within, and the last biggest blow.. the death of her mate. Yet time and tide wait for no man and when a bad injury laid her up in her den for a season, the Kabaila'umbikezeli came to her and asked that she consider taking her place on the pride's Council. That very night, Wayra received the strongest vision of her lifetime and the very next day, shaken and sleep-deprived, she went to the sisters and accepted.

Now, with the pure white sister long dead, and her brother leaving behind a heart broken mate and three litters of grey and black coated offspring, and she herself cubless with only the memory of her lost mate to warm her nights, Wayra is the last of her bloodline still surviving, and the last hope for a iNkosi'enyula (God choosen) descendent. It is not only expected that she should produce cubs for the future of the pride itself, but with her position as Ikhansela and the fact that she is the strongest seer in the pride today, it is one last duty that she feels entirely compelled to fulfil before she can pass on without regret.

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Name: Lucivar
Nicknames: Call him 'Luci' at your peril
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Father: Gunner
Mother: Pumzi
Siblings: Naja, Kalii, Amalie, Halvar, Wodin, Egil
Pride: Myrsky Syntynyt
Rank: Captain
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #7a4a3c
Obtained: custom-in
Colourist: Eskimo

. razz ersonality:.
On the outside he is cold, driven and with a fierce temper, yet below the shell lives a lion who possesses a wry, sharp-witted humour and a strong sense of honour and moral code. Family is a touchy subject for him, but any who he takes as adopted family or close friends, will earn themselves his protection and loyalty. Tough as nails and having seen some very brutal things in his life, Luciver is an old soul in a young body.

As the youngest cub Luciver always felt that he had something to prove. At a very impressionable age the pride's hash words and swift paws made it very clear to the youth that he was vulnerable and at the mercy of anyone older and stronger than he. Something that many of the other pride members were more than happy to prove correct as the cub had a rough introduction into pride life. As a result, the cub developed a fierce hatred of being weak, of being other lions pawn and made a pact with himself that he would rise to the rank of Captain, a rank that meant no one, other than the Warlord, could ever make him do something he didn't want to again. He has no desire to be the Warlord, he doesn't want that responsibility, doesn't want that kind of power over another's life, he only wants to be able to control his own.

Ambitious and driven Luciver ruthlessly works his way up to Captain. His drive and determination stemming from his simple desire to have some kind of control over his life. To break free of the chains of servitude and helplessness. His father's thrall Ferawyn (and Taraxa's thrall Mopani) will be the softening influence in his life, teaching him the sanctity of family and of female kind.

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Name: Farai
Meaning: 'Rejoice'
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Mate: Mwezimoma (Future)
Mother: Daima-tii-mlei
Father: Majilipio-ni-Tupu
Siblings: Beti, Uko, Hafidh & Anila
Pride: Jini-misemi
Rank: Youth > Pilgrim
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #1b1b1b
Obtained: Custom-in
Colourist: Caj

. razz ersonality:.
Farai will grow up to be about Daima's size, making him a tall male. He doesn't inherit all of that side of the family's bulk, but he is a lean, muscular lion well suited to the fight training he loves so much. As a cub he is cheerful and chirpy, constantly wanting to get into trouble like most boys, and he loves to play rough in the mud with his friends. He does chaff a little at just how over-protective Maji can be though he loves his parents deeply and never means to hurt or worry them, he is just an excitable youngster. As he grows into a young adult he understands and accepts his father's protectiveness (whether or not the reason behind it is explained to him) and he in turn wishes to protect his family. He is a kind and caring lion, very polite to his elders (once he grows out of that cubby wilfulness) and patient with the youngsters in the pride. His favourite hobby is fight training, he will bug his parents incessantly as soon as he is old enough and certainly before he goes on his name quest, and if possible, he would try and find his grandma, Daima's mom, once out in the rogelands and ask her to train him too. Once he returns he will continue his training, and would love to set up a camp for youngsters to at least learn the basics of self-defence before going outside of the swamp lands on their own naming quests.

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Name: Tsamsiyu’eyng
Meaning: Warrior's Answer
Known as: Toruk Makto
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Mate: Juubeihlee
Pride: Iknimaya
Rank: Toruk Makto
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #2a5c7b

. razz ersonality:.
A typical 'silent type' Tsamsiyu, better known as Toruk, is a lion of the shadows. Believing actions speak louder than words, he lets his actions speak for him, though if someone does get him to talk, his words a thoughtful and well considered, nothing pointless or frivolous will ever pass his maw. He is a skilled hunter and a powerful warrior, yet you are more likely to find him sat by himself quietly, than making loud with the other males.

.:Rank info:.
Rather than being 'Rider of last shadow' the name is actually an honorary title rather than literal. The lion who carries the name 'Toruk Makto' is an elite warrior, but he is NOT like the Commanding Warrior. His skills are not the same as the 'Karyu'. Instead, Toruk is a 'specialist' warrior. Instead of being a teacher and planner, he is more like an advisor. When the pride is not in danger, he has very little to do with the day to day activities of the ruling members, instead he is almost like any other member of the pride, hunting and living as a na'vi. Yet he does have a special and very important job... to research and understand neighbouring prides and packs, to know where, how and why they live, but mostly, to understand how they fight. So if one of their neighbours ever attacks, they will be prepared.. and through the Toruk, they will know how the enemy will fight them and how best to counter it with as little loss of life and damage to their environment as possible. "Offence is the best form of defence", and knowing your enemy is an essential part of co-existing in a landscape full of war-like prides. (Firekin/Stormborn/Demons/U'W etc )

If he is ever called upon to defend their home, he will work alongside the Commanding Warrior, and will help with advising the War Leader as to how their enemy will behave. And likely be on the front line during the battle.

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Name: Kenan
Meaning: Possession
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Mate: Aaliyah
Offspring: n/a
Pride: Ela'wadiyi
Clan: Sky
Rank: Hunter
Seer: No
Roleplay color: #775d51

. razz ersonality:.
A quiet, soft spoken guy, Kenan has always been something of a silent shell hiding a tender heart. From a very young age he trained to become a warrior, knowing that to do so was his ‘calling’. One of the youngest ever to graduate his training, he joined the pride’s Guard, becoming one of the pride’s dozen warriors who protected its boarders and looked after the safety of the lands. They also went out with the hunting parties , to protect the females from rogue lions and to offer their strength when it came to hunting bigger prey. Yet Kenan was soon chosen for a very special task, to take upon himself the personal safety and well being of their young Sharmaness, Aaliyah. Slowly the air formed a bond that ran deeper than their duties, deeper even than their love of their pride members and the pair became mates in more than name. Devoted to his Aaliyah, Kenan is a stoic and steadfast mate. He is her protection, her provider and her healer. He is the one who cares for her after her visions have ravaged her body and soul, he is the one who lays beside her at night to provide warmth and comfort when her the things she sees distress her. Loyal and devoted he would give his life for her.

Aaliyah was the Shaman for her pride, a well respected and talented healer, and the Pride’s link to the spirits. Her mate was a solid, dependable warrior named Kenan. Given to her as Guardian on her ascension to ‘Shaman’ by the Pride’s Elders. The two were expected to become a mated pair, but were allowed to indulge in a slow and tentative courtship, so that both of them could carefully adjust to their new roles as well as each other. The pride itself was a collaborative effort between lions and leopards, a harmonious and peaceful Pride, who’s warriors defended her boundaries while the healers looked after the sick and elderly.

However, peace was not to remain, and eventually that peace was shattered, and shattered brutally. Though the cats didn’t know what it was that hunted them, men with guns discovered the pride and sought to kill or capture them with bullets and darts. Some lions and leopards were killed for sport, some for trophies, and some were tranquilized and crated up to be transported back to England and other rich countries where collectors would pay handsomely for these exotic ‘pets’. For Aaliyah and Kenan, the timing of the attack couldn’t have been worse. With Aaliyah deep into one of her trances, there was nothing Kenan could do except guard over her. The pair were soon darted and loaded up aboard a truck which set off for one of the many rough smugglers airstrips.

The Pride’s gods however had not abandoned the Shaman and her Guardian. On the way the convoy was ambushed by a less successful party of trappers and several of the trucks drove off the dirt road and into the wide ditch at the side. The truck over turned and the four boxes on board were flung from the wreck. One was crushed and its occupant killed, the second, containing Kenan was badly mangled, but he mostly unhurt, save for a plank that had sliced open his right eye. Aaliyah's crate was third, and the impact was enough to weaken the gate, the fourth was undamaged though the leopard inside knocked unconscious. Without a thought for himself or the pain in his skull, Kenan ripped the rest of his box apart and escaped, clawing and chewing at his mate’s as she clawed at it from within with her paws.

Their escape was narrow, for as the gate gave and she squeezed free of it, the men from the truck that had caused the accident came down the slope. The two lions were forced to abandon the last remaining leopard, and Aaliyah and Kenan fled, escaping into the rough shrub land of the wild plains. Both badly shaken and injured, Aaliyah weak from the physical stress and darts lingering effects and Kenan blinded in his eye from the plank which had sliced him open on impact

Exhausted and all of a sudden alone in the world, the pair wandered for days in the Rogue Lands, struggling to gather their shattered lives. The harsh conditions, and emotional toll of the loss of the pride she had been spiritually connected to weakening Aaliyah further, and had it not been for the fierce protection and determination of her beloved, the priestess would have died. Kenan desperately hunted for them both, knowing that both his and his mate's strength was waning, when fate smiled on them one more time. The Guardian came across the first scent of lion, along the Ela'wadiyi border. Weary but joyous, he went back to his beloved Aaliyah, and told his news, and together, they set off to find the Ela'wadiyi pride, hoping that there, they would finally find shelter and safety, offering their training and skill to this new pride.

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Name: Sanuye
Meaning: Native American Miwok name meaning "red cloud at sundown."
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Mate: n/a
Offspring: --
Pride: Pepo'porojo
Rank: Gatherer
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #943201
Obtained: Voodoo contest raffle
Colourist: [Eskimo]

. razz ersonality:.
As a young cub she was boisterous and unruly, though a loving and caring daughter. Adolescence saw her as a rogue, a female determined to prove herself against any and all males in the pride, a risk taker and a dare devil. After her accident she became almost silent, meek and painfully withdrawn. Everything frightened her and she held great fear of being touched. Now however, she is slowly recovering some of her natural good humour and playfulness, though will ever remain a calmer, more composed and experienced lioness.

She was born to a well established bloodline, her parents had both been Gatherers as had her grandparents and great grandparents. Being the only daughter born to her elderly parents, she felt a deep sense of responsibility to continue the family tradition. Her parents died when she was an adolescent, her mother passing away in her sleep from old age, her father followed his mate only a week later, dying from a broken heart. At this point the young Sanuye threw herself into her training, taking on bigger and bigger prey, seeking out bigger and bigger risks in an attempt to distract herself from her own grief. Many of the pride considered her broken from the deaths, others who knew her less thought she simply didn't care about her parents and was acting up now she wasn't controlled by them. However, her reaction had dire consequences on her life, more than just petty rumours that questioned her loyalty.. during one such hunt she came across a buffalo and decided to herd it rather than kill it. A decision that was to prove disastrous as the beast, enraged by her constant hassling, turned on her and attacked. By the time she managed to escape, she was badly wounded, and only just made her escape. She was found by one of the other gatherers and he brought her back to the pride slung across his back. It took months for her wounds to heal and several more before she came out of her den. By then, she had matured into the full body of a lioness but there was one difference about her that nature had never intended. She was completely blind. She was far quieter during those months that she had to re-learn her world with her paws, ears and nose, rather than relying on the use of her eyes. Jumpy and prone to fleeing when she felt someone get too close. But gradually, as the seasons turned, she slowly began to recover little bits of her self. Her sense of humour returned, thou muted now, and her fear of touch eased as she began to understand her new environment. A year after the accident, now a full grown lioness, she has taken back her old job as a Gatherer, though she sticks closer to home now, and only hunts and 'gathers' smaller prey, she has become adapt at collecting the harder-to-find roots and tubers and is often the one the priesthood go to when they want something from the ground.

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Name: Athelas
Meaning: Rare herb
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Beybanu: n/a
Banu: n/a
Mother: Furaha'hini
Father: Nav'hian
Siblings: --
Pride: UW
Rank: Pad
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #1e2554
Obtained: Gift from Telencia
Colourist: Ecavi

. razz ersonality:.
He is generally happy and cheerful, kind to everyone so long as they aren't cruel or mean. Once grown he will aspire to fit into the pride, wishing to have a couple of banu and a beybanu. He will keep his girls in line with gentle words, but when alone with them, he treats them as equals and loves to talk of all kinds of things.


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Name: Szürke Szellem (Was Vándor - wanderer)
Meaning: 'Grey Ghost' - Hungarian
Nicknames: Szellem
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Mate: --
Offspring: --
Pride: Jini-msemi
Rank: Provisionary - Hunter
Seer: No

Roleplay color: gray
Obtained: RNG rolling game
Colourist: Lithia

. razz ersonality:.
Vandor was a rowdy, rambunctious cub, tormenting his twin and siblings with his rough play. But he was a good kid at heart and always looked out for his siblings. Since the loss of his twin he has turned into a wraith, talking to almost no one, always roaming, following any hint of a lead as to where she may be.

Vándor has come to the pride in search of his twin sister, who was taken away from the family as a cub. Distraught by the kidnap, Vandor instantly left their parents and siblings and vanished into the rogueland, searching for his twin. Having heard a rumour of a pale lioness with a heart mark on her shoulder being sighted near the Jini-misemi, he made his way to the pride and is seeking entry in order to discover if she really is here.

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Name: Saoirse
Meaning: Irish/Gaelic name meaning freedom
Phonetic Pronunciation: Seer-shuh
Nicknames: Sai
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Mother: Zenobia
Siblings: Athair Scáthán, Bila, Ruko'yauwazo, Rian, Malaya, Zenoba.
Pride: Kitwana'Antara
Rank: Bard
Seer: No
Diseased: Yes

Roleplay color: 8eadb8
Obtained: Breeding
Colourist: Lithia

. razz ersonality:.
Saoirse is a very upbeat, bubbly cub. Ever curious and full of energy. She is struck down with the sickness early in her life and suffers greatly. Coming close to death on numerous occasions she spends her days listening to the pride, and when she can, she begs her father, Sliabh, to tell her stories of his time in the rogue lands. As she grows to adolescent, she enters a remission and the suffering she feels eases a little. Enough that she can get around the pride and tell the stories of her father to those others that are sick and dying.

From her earliest memories, she has always wanted to grow up to be a boarder guard like her beloved father. But after getting sick soon after returning to the pride, she is forced to abandon her dreams and fight for survival. Gradually she comes to terms with her illness and manages to recover enough to move around a little. She becomes a Bard, chronicling all the stories she had pried out of her father when she was sick, and adding what few memories she herself still has from her time before their return to the pride.

She starts to become ill at Juve stage, the disease progressing to adol where it hits her hard, making her mostly den-bound. During this time she relies heavily on Zeki, her long time friend. He wants to become a bard and she asks him to sing and tell her stories. As she matures to adulthood the sickness lessens slightly, allowing her to move about the land. She decides to become bard just like her friend so she can help lift the spirits of the other sick lions.


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:14 pm

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Name: Txep'tey
Pronunciation: Tep-Tay
Meaning: Na'vi for 'Keeper of Dreams'
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Mother: Zelt'zin
Father: Eytucan
Siblings: Sílron`zem, Saagar`Tarang, Sílron`zem, Ysandre, Tamal`Rowa & Niwan`eveng
Pride: Iknimaya
Rank: Dream Guide
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #4c1653
Obtained: Na'vi event
Colourist: Ameh

. razz ersonality:.

Background to the Dream Hunt: "The Dream Hunt (Na'vi name: Uniltaron) is a rite of passage, in which Na'vi seek their spirit animal. During a chemically induced trance caused by the bite of an arachnoid and swallowing a glow worm, they express themselves musically as the spirit moves.
Uniltaron songs are especially interesting. While under the chemically induced effects that mark the Dream Hunt, a Na'vi may utilize any kind of expression: standard social song structures, imitations of domestic cascading vocal style, children's songs from deep in their memories, wildly improvised songs or chants. The only type of songs not heard in this context are personal songs and the ritual songs of mourning."

The 'Dream Guide' is a position of great importance and respect, for it is this lion that prepares and guides the Dream Hunt cerimony. The posiiton is a part of the priesthood and yet it is distanced from regular priests. The lion in this position is in charge of gathering and procesing all the ingedients needed for the Dream Hunt cerimony. He is also in charge of the cerimony itself, the area it will take place within, and will guide the pride member as they go on their spiritual journey to find their spirit animal.

To attain this role, the heir will go through regular priest training, and then will be trained in the Master of Dream's position.

Txep'tey often uses his own body to aid the dream hunter on their path. As they start to fall, he will weave and dance before them, using his dark coat and subtle markings to help induce the trance.

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Name: Abel
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Father: Kwea
Mother: Amara'sarai
Pride: Ukuchaa'wafalme
Rank: Pad
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #a00000
Obtained: Gift from Syri and Pinch!
Colourist: Cavi

. razz ersonality:.
On the surface, Abel appears to be a clumsy, absent-minded and very compassionate male who has bad luck and is always hungry. Yet under the facade is a lion who is very private and subdued, keeping all his problems to himself and never leaning on anyone. He will help anyone who asks even if they aren't the nicest sort, though he wont hurt others, ever.

He will likely have a small harem, possibly only a beybanu, or a beybanu and just one banu. (Though I can see him looking after random lions when needed.)

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Name: Rävasz Ëmber
Meaning: 'shadow fox' in Hungarian.
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Father: Aesir
Mother: Räven
Siblings: Herryk, Ormarr, Calder, Odd Haleifr & Bronislawa
Pride: Myrsky Syntynyt
Rank: Freeborn (- reaver)
Seer: Yes

Roleplay color: #ca5f17
Colourist: (Litter was Safia)

. razz ersonality:.
Known commonly as Ember. She is sensuous and slightly mysterious, more like her mom than the viking's typical solid, brutal clansman. A strong, stubborn and spirited girl she is not afraid to challange even the biggest male. She can be playful and a bit sassy with the guys when shes not training or viking. All about woman-strength for sure, though not pink-power, more the, 'I have a different chromosome, why does it matter' type. She works hard in private but cops a serious attitude in public... her 'brass monkeys' are bigger than most males. Determined to gain her father's notice as well as achieve the rank of captain, and woe betide anyone who suggests she rode her dad's coat-tails to get there.


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Name: Kato
Species: Lion
Gender: Male
Parents: Hadaya x Kyoko
Siblings: 1 & 2
Pride: Rogue
Rank: n/a
Seer: No

Roleplay color: #7294aa
Colourist: Caj

. razz ersonality:.


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Name: Kivuli Cha'mifupa
Meaning: 'Shadow Bones'
Species: Lioness
Gender: female
Parents: Masika x ?
Pride: Pepo'porojo
Rank: Mambo
Seer: No

Roleplay color: small bold black
Colourist: Safaia

. razz ersonality:.
Cheeky and energetic day to day, she can be a bit of a hot head, but is fully devoted to her work and is dead set on following in her parent's pawprints, aiming to become an accomplished Mambo for her pride. She has a dry sense of humour and enjoys vocal tête à tête with her fellow practitioners.

Coming from a long line of Mambo and Houngan, the young lioness never even considered aspiring to anything else. Smart and talented in the use of her abilities she is a competent female.

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Name: Lochlan
Meaning: A popular name derived from the Vikings meaning "land of the lochs." Was generally given to boys that had fair or red hair - a tribute to their Viking ancestors.
Father: Sliabh
Mother: Khahlela
Siblings: Oisin, Utpala, 1, 2, 3 & Alastriona
Pride: Kitwana'Antara
Rank: cub -> Master Hunter
Diseased: Carrier
Seer: ?

Roleplay color: #552c11
Obtained: Custom-in twin
Colourist: Blue

. razz ersonality:.

Going to wreak havoc with his twin brother.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:20 pm

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= 1000+ words ѳ = used for breeding

Mwanamke Wa'mwezi
Passing Time (Tulia) [Pinchmonster]
The new finding the newer [Kilala] [Das Tor]

Used for Breeding


Used for Breeding

Unplanned return (Lihau) [Lorne]

Used for Breeding
Guards at the Borders (Maisha) [Das Tor] ●ѳ
[JRP] Kitwana'antara - Talencia ●ѳ
Glorious revenge ... maybe. (Jicho) [Christopher Johnson] ●ѳ
A Little Big Decision. (Haruma) [Talencia] ●ѳ
Endless Days and Eternal Nights (Berhanu) [ArashiX] ●ѳ
A Proposal (Khahlela) [Retro Coffee] ●ѳ
When is the time to say Goodbye? (Eva'raja) [xo-kairi] ●ѳ
Call to Duty (Nawiri) [Uta] ●ѳ
[SRP] Coming Home (Sliabh & Caoilainn) ●ѳ
Smooth Talker (Zenobia) [magnadearel] ●ѳ
The Good Samaritan (Lihau) [Lorne] ●ѳ
Death Came with Kindly Care (Sliabh & Buliwyf) ●ѳ
The Flower and the Mountain (Cradily) [NeonFly] ●ѳ
Parade Prisoners (Awani) [Talencia] ●ѳ
Passing Greeting (Slabh & Sadara) [Lorne_Sionn] ●ѳ
To sleep, perchance to dream..(Nuala) [Lorne_Sionn] ●ѳ

Used for Breeding
Its Raining, Its Pouring...(Sadara) [Lorne] ●ѳ
Timeless Searching (Fetina) [Cajanic] ●ѳ
Fortune favors the bold (Hadaya) [Lithia_Brandon] ●ѳ
[SRP] Strange Encounters (Sliabh x Kyoko) ●ѳ


Used for Breeding

Zabuni Nafsi

Used for Breeding

Coming Home (Sliabh + Caoilainn)
Used for Breeding

Asante Kwa'maisha

Used for Breeding

Father & Son (Taraxa) [pinchmonster]
Used for Breeding


Used for Breeding


Used for Breeding

Let's duel! (Eirik) [Adona Benedicta]
In need of some advice (Aesir) [Princess Feylin]
Used for Breeding


Used for Breeding

Toruk Makto

Used for Breeding
Night Balance (Kyam'itan & Clermeilli-pie) [Lorne_Sionn & Kathryn Dragonna] ●ѳ
[ORP]Ceremony! Come one come all! ●ѳ
Band of Brothers (Kaym'itan) [Lorne_Sionn] ●ѳ
Explorations (Kaym'itan) [Lorne_Sionn] ●ѳ
Trust in Me (Kaym'itan) [Lorne_Sionn] ●ѳ

[SRP] Troubled thoughts
Used for Breeding
[Festival - ORP] The Sky Clan ●ѳ
[SRP] Personal nightmares ●ѳ
Give All to Love (Aaliyah & Kenan) ●ѳ
The first time (Aaliyah & Kenan) ●ѳ
Clear Sky (Aaliyah & Kenan) ●ѳ
[Festival] The Tree Ceremony [ORP]


Used for Breeding


Used for Breeding

Szürke Szellem
[JRP] A New Kind of Green (Baridi'ini x Szellem) [Tisiphone]
Used for Breeding

[JRP] The New Generation (Yezekael) [MoonRazor]
Used for Breeding


Used for Breeding


Used for Breeding

Rävasz Ëmber

Used for Breeding


Used for Breeding

Kivuli Cha'mifupa

Used for Breeding


Used for Breeding

User Image


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:25 pm

User Image

Mwanamke Wa'mwezi
Looking For:
General RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

Looking For:
Family RP
General RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young >/

Looking For:
General RP

Not Looking For:

Romance status:

Looking For:
General RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

Looking For:
General RP
Pride RP

Not Looking For:

Romance status:

Zabuni Nafsi
Looking For:
Family RP
General RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

Looking For:
Family RP
Pride RP

Not Looking For:

Romance status:
Too Young :/

Asante Kwa'maisha
Looking For:
General RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

Looking For:
Family RP
Pride RP

Not Looking For:

Romance status:
Too Young :/

Looking For:
General RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young!

Toruk Makto
Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

Looking For:
General RP
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

Looking For:
General RP
Pride RP
Future Beybanu
Future Banu

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

Szürke Szellem
Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

Looking For:
General RP
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

Looking For:
General RP
Pride RP
Future Beybanu
Future Banu

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

Rävasz Ëmber
Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

Looking For:
General RP
Plot (positive only)

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

Kivuli Cha'mifupa
Looking For:
Pride RP

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:

Looking For:
Pride RP
Family RP
Cub love (Preferably with a girl who gets very sick later on)

Not Looking For:
Pride Offers

Romance status:
Too Young

User Image
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:51 pm

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
~~~~~~~~~~ Name ~~~ gender
~~~~~.~~~~~ Belongs to: ?????


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:02 pm

User Image


Father: Vanhi (Kireiryuu)
Markings that are covered by his mane

Vanhi`s Dad
Mother is a rogue.
Mother: Jyotika (Syrius Lionwing)
Jyotika`s Father
Jyotika`s mother
Jyotika`s Grandfather
Jyotika`s Grandmother
Jyotika`s Great-great grandfather
Jyotika`s Great-great grandmother

Kasai`waka [Velveteen Angel]
Angana [Dgcakes]
Jvla [Pinchmonster]
Uruloke [Princess Feylin]
Aodhfin [Samus x]
Saoiraed [ShinosBee]
Jimli [Kireiryuu]
Yuna [Kireiryuu]
Fisidi [Masamune]
Ea`Pavlov [Syrius Lionwing]

Crack!Father: Here
Crack!Mother: here
Crack!Siblings: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8

From Khahlela:
Eldest son - Oisin, owned by krankhafter.
First Twin - Utpala, owned by Peppermint Coffee
Second twin - Lochlan, owned by Tanakako
Eldest daughter - --, owned by ??
Middle daughter - --, owned by ??
Second youngest daughter - --, owned by ??
Youngest daughter - Alastriona, owned by MoonRazor
From Zenobia:
Zanoba [Revel1984]
Rian [Lorne_Sionn]
Malaya [magnadearel]
Saoirse [Tanakako]
Athair Scáthán [Neon_Fly]
Bila [Kaimi Kalani]
Ruko'yauwazo [Talencia]
From Maile:
Sorcha [Neon Fly]
Beag'bás [Spazzy the wolfy]
Caoilainn [Tanakako]
Haruma [Talencia]
Ndale [Uta]
Faraa [SSBrosM]

Zabuni Nafsi
Father: Velius [Kireiryuu]
Mother: Emm`ahlie [Yin-Bug]
Second-Father: Canicus [Buffy the Bloody]
Second-Mother: Xixilli [Yin-Bug]
Siblings: Taabika'nafsi [Talencia]
Maiara [Yin-Bug]
Kuno [Moonrazor]
Azayo [Ariya Launa]

Father: Taraxa [Pinch]
Mother: Moray [Split Personality]
Tryggr [Spazzy the Wolfie]
Eirik [Adona Benedicta]
Loki [Syrius Lionwing]
Penwakani [Velveteen Angel]
Ulrika [Pinch]
Morath [Split Personality]
Half siblings From Nymph
Second Son [Pinch]
Ingmar [Mtorolite]

Father: Muscardini [Princess_Feylin]
Mother: Lipi [Retro Coffee]
Aunt: Gliri [Princess_Feylin]
Siblings: Sciuri [Princess_Feylin]
Serali [Rown]
Cassiopea [Manchu]
Aylin [Retro Coffee]
Lua [Strawberry Gumi Bunny]

Father: Gunner [Christopher Johnson]
Mother: Pumzi [Christopher Johnson]
Thralls: Ferawyn (Gunner's) & Mopani (taraxa's)
Siblings: Naja [Pinch]
Kalii [DieKraft]
Amalie [MoonRazor]
Halvar [Christopher Johnson]
Wodin [McPeach]
Egil [Mtorolite].

Mother: Daima-tii-mlei
Father: Majilipio-ni-Tupu
Siblings: Beti [Das Tor]
Uko [Sergeant Sargent]
Hafidh [NaomiNaomi]
Anila [tuesdayscat]

Mother: Furaha`hini
Father: Nav`hian
Siblings: 1, 3, 4 & 5

Mother: Zelt'zin
Father: Eytucan
Siblings: Sílron`zem [Split Personality]
Saagar’Tarang [Mogami]
Sílron`zem [Yin_Bug]
Ysandre [Doodle p***s]
Tamal'Rowa [KasaiLoki]
Niwan'eveng [Ameh]

Mother: Amara'sarai [Pinchmonster]
Father: Kwea [Syrius Lionwing]
7 [Pinch]
8 [Andranis]

Rävasz Ëmber
Father: Aesir [Princess_Feylin]
Mother: Räven [Christopher Johnson]
Siblings: Herryk [pinchmonster]
Ormarr [Christopher Johnson]
Calder [Peppermint Coffee]
Odd Haleifr [Princess_Feylin]
Bronislawa [Mtorolite]

Father: Hadaya[Lithia]
Mother: Kyoko
Siblings: 1[Lithia]

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Kuzaliwa'Jpi: http://familyecho.com/?p=I28P0&c=hsxkrf1ogs&f=677698676222564775 (Firekin tree) & http://www.familyecho.com/?p=N0P05&c=kp4vbr3o1v&f=266749181314758157 (soa tree)

Sliabh, Caoilainn & Saoirse: http://www.familyecho.com/?p=X3C1M&c=b9t38uzd0b&f=266749181314758157

Zabuni Nafsi: http://www.familyecho.com/?p=KGXF5&c=1337c5gqqxv&f=266749181314758157 (soa tree)

Lennart: http://www.familyecho.com/?p=TJT2V&c=11kqcns1evt&f=854314416785432225

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:04 pm

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Altus Sententia Meta Contest - Whodunnit?

mother Mezin (moon) and the father Jua'kanzu (Fur like the sun).

Entering For: The friend
Name: Kimya'moja (Swahili - The Silent One)
Personality: Always the silent, strong one, Kimya is more often found in the background, silently watching over his two companions. He is difficult to get to know, as he barely speaks unless spoken to first and even then his replies are short and to the point. It is not that he strives to be antisocial, he simply does not see the point in useless conversation when one or two words will get the pint across just as well. The finer points of social interaction escape him, but he is fiercely loyal and would do anything for Jua and those he considers friends. He is deeply in love with Jua, but knows that the red male loves Mezin and the sudden knowledge that the pair are having a family has thrown Kimya for a loop. He still sticks close to them, but he has retreated from even Jua, becoming even more of a shadow as he watches over the pair from the fringe of the pack, but rarely includes himself in their lives.
Who did it?: Honestly, he doesn't know, but he wants to find out in order to clear his name. He suspects either Tuna, or a rogue, as he found strange paw prints on the edge of the pride that appear to date to that night.
Character Response: He knew the pack were looking at him with suspicious eyes, that he was high on their list as the pup-napper. But how on earth was he going to prove otherwise? His single witness was about the only hyena who would never say anything.. could never say anything. Sighing heavily he let his muzzle drop onto his forepaws, crimson eyes closing. Jua, what am I going to do? Letting his mind wander, he couldn't help but go back to that night...

The sickle moon was hidden by the darkest clouds, everyone was a-bed, deep in their caves or stretched out on the sun-warmed rocks closer to the entrances. But the only thing that mattered to Kimya was the fact that no one was currently around this particular area. The complete absence of a single scout should have worried him, but instead he was simply grateful that there was no one around to make this meeting any harder than it was already going to be.

So, silently, and with his heart in his throat, he snuck out of his own cave, pausing just long enough to glance up the path to the cave where Jua and his mate Mezin stayed with their cubs before he turned and swiftly crossed the cliff to the main path, trotting up the well-marked path on silent forepaws. It wasn't long before he reached the top and with a fugitive glance over his shoulder he slipped up among the large boulders, his dark black and grey coat blending well with the thick shadows the huge lumps of rock created. He couldn't settle, every moan of the wind made his hair stand on end, every tiny rustle and squeak made him jump. His heart was in his throat by the time heavier pawsteps caught his attention. Turning expectantly, he held his breath, bot fear and excitement filled his chest as he hesitantly lifted one paw, crimson eyes straining into the shadows. Suddenly, out of the gloom, the fiery red and orange shape of his Jua appeared, pacing between two boulders. A wide grin spread over Kimya's muzzle as he stood, taking a step forwards but then stopping, waiting for the red-coated male to join him in the sheltered lee of the stone pile.

"Jua... you came.."

Joy and amazement coloured his voice, the soft tentative flush of true emotion warming his eyes, eyes that were usually so cold and detached. Yet slowly, his smile faded as Jua simply looked back at him, green eyes pained and full of regret."Kimya" His low voice murmured, soothing, gentled, the tone one used to comfort wounded pups of offer condolances to a recently widowed mate. Kimya felt his heart sink like a large rock in a deep pool, a chill filling his body as denial began to whisper through his mind.

"I can't do this any more Kimya... I have Mezin and the kids. You are like a brother to me, but that is all it is.. all it can be." The red hyena regarded his friend with sad, apologetic eyes as Kimya simply stood, jaw open in shock. When the father said no more, Kimya slowly shut his mouth, ears flicking back, forwards, then back to flatten against his skull.

"I don't... I.. but ... " Crimson eyes stared at the other, unbelieving, then slowly, the truth of what the red-coloured male had said began to sink in. "I know you feel responsible Jua, but the pups will grow fast... we have time.. after.." He was cut off by the slow, sad shake of Jua's head and felt as if his heart had been dealt a death blow.

"No Kimya... I have a family now. I am sorry." With that, the red haired male turned and padded away, leaving Kimya standing alone in the dark shadows, crimson eyes open, unblinking, unseeing, as heavy tears rolled down his cheeks. It was not until dawn first started to lighten the sky before Kimya seemed to rouse, dulled crimson eyes blinking, looking around as if uncertain how he had got up among the massive boulders. Slowly, movements stiff and jerky, the dark-coloured hyena turned round and walked slowly back along the path and down to where his small den was still shrouded in shadows. Silent, ears low and paw steps laden, Kimya'moja made his way inside his den, retreating to the very back of the small cave and curling up, his back to the entrance. Tucking his muzzle under one foreleg he closed his eyes and let the despair that had filled him as he had watched Jua walk away rip through his body, tear his heart apart and send his mind skittering away on waves of agony.

For two whole days Kimya stayed in his den, curled up at the very back, ignoring all visitors. It was only when whispered comments outside his den spoke of the kidnapped pups that he finally stirred. He loved Jua, despite what had happened he loved the red-coated hyena still, and the thought of the pups, of innocents, being taken was enough to pull him from the depression he had become lost in. et it hadn't taken him long to realise, after emerging into the too-bright sunlight, that it was he they suspected of stealing the pups. He couldn't blame them, knowing he had never made any real effort to integrate into the pack, and with his absence the past few days...

Yet he couldn't bring himself to care what the pack thought of him, not until he realised that if they kicked him out, he really would never see Jua again. Swallowing his own grief he set about finding out what he could, discovering that aside form himself, three others were under suspicion, which he hoped gave him time to work out what really happened. He spoke to no one during those days, ignoring everyone unless they greeted him and even then, his only reaction was a curt nod. When he wasn't looking for clues, he spent his time with the distressed couple, hiding his own pain as he watched the pair lean on each other, offered reassuring words that tasted like ash in his mouth. Yet when he caught Jua looking at him with a grateful expression he knew all the pain in the world was worth it if he could be regarded favourably by his Jua.

Becoming a shadow of his already ghost-like former self, the dark-coated hyena took to stalking the pack lands, slitted crimson eyes watching everyone and every thing. The fact that his actions set him apart as 'different' and only reinforced what the others though of him, did not seem to matter or register with Kimya. His only goal was to bring back the pups and stay close to Jua and Mezin. He never spoke to anyone about where he had been that night, never implicated Jua in any way for being absent and worse, being with another male, no matter what that meeting had consisted of or how it had torn Kimya's life apart. No, he kept silent on the whole matter, no one would ever know of their relationship, a relationship that had never really formed... he cod not do that to Jua, could not destroy the life his friend was building.

So he ignored the looks, ignored the whispers behind his back, and kept on searching for the real pup-napper.

While coming up with Kimya and his backstory, I have made sure that if I win, Kimya can react to the father's personality properly, depending on what the other player wants. Since I know it is unlikely that the father will feel anything at all for Kimya, and indeed once the father discovers Kim's secret, may in fact despise him, I do plan on him having his feelings denied and his heart broken. For the purpose of this contest, Im just going to use the father briefly.

DW boy
My name: Tanakako
The cub's name: Armæus "a king of Egypt"
Personality: A cheerful, happy youth, he does lack a bit of confidence but is not at all submissive. Friendly and always willing to help he will eventually become an artisan, possessing his dad's artistic touch.


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:06 pm

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KA girl
Kitwana'Antara pride contest entry
.:For The black and teal edited lioness:.
Username: Kaisanti
SoA Name & Meaning (if applicable): Mkono'wa Shetani (Hand of the devil - in reference to her markings on her legs) She used to go by another name in her old pride, but after leaving, she left that name behind and refuses to discuss it with anyone. She chose her new name while living as a rogue and has kept it in the Kitwana'Antara.
Rank in the Pride: Secret Keeper, or Guard. (I can't remember if lions are allowed to be secret keepers, though I'm sure it was mentioned in the IT thread at some point. Or Ive missed it in the pride forum. ;-; )
Is she diseased, a carrier or immune? Diseased, but apparently stuck at the first stage of symptoms. She secretly suspects that her job as a Secret Keeper actually helps keep the disease from progressing further.
How old do you see her as? She is still fairly young in age but after all she has been through, she appears worn and far older than her years.
Personality: Once she was a happy, outgoing and well adjusted youngster, but now after all she has been through, she is quiet and reclusive. Preferring to keep all others at a safe distance. When approached she is polite but distant and will excuse herself as soon as possible without causing offence or seeming rude. Some think her to be submissive, but in reality she is just unsure of her place in the world. Gradually, as she settles into the pride, she may realise that she is not going to be betrayed again and let one or two past the walls she built around her heart. She will never be the cheerful youth of her past, but she may be able to settle down and while she will never really trust another, she may accept that she is safe with the pride.
What has her life been like up until now? Tell me this girls story. . . : Mkono was born outside of the pride, in actuality, she was part of another pride altogether. She was born to a normal family, one of four cubs with loving and very devoted parents. She and her siblings began life well, growing healthy and strong and soon taking up their places as adolescents in the pride. It was at that point in her life that things started to go downhill. Her unusual and rather sinister markings had already begun to cause trouble for the young lioness, as the more superstitious members of the pride claimed they were marks of the devil, that she was an ill omen, and even that she had been cursed by the gods. Several of the young began to shun her, as youth often does, and the childish bullying was cruel and vindictive. She began to be blamed for any mishap that befell the pride. But thankfully for her, her family still loved her and many of the pride ignored the noisy few and remained warm and welcoming towards her. Yet that undercurrent of hostility was still felt clearly by the young female and it made her work harder to make her parents happy and to prove she was just like the rest of them. Her parents both died late that year, her father killed by a neighboring pride and her mother wasting away from a broken heart only to die a few weeks later. The siblings mourned with their pridemates, but gradually things returned to normal, the four orphans took up residence in a new den together.
But then on the verge of becoming a full adult, disaster struck.. Out on a hunt with her pridemates, the young lioness had been ordered to stand point some distance in front of the target herd ready for an ambush attack. Yet it was an ambush that never happened or at least, not on the lioness's side. A half mile downwind, the other lionesses were suddenly and brutally attacked by two rogue males. They managed to escape but many were badly wounded and one older lioness, her tutor, died later from her injuries. Mkono herself was never discovered by the two males, being too far away for their blood-soaked rage to notice her. And it was only as dusk fell that she left her appointed post and set off back home, wondering what had happened to call the hunt off.
Yet when she padded back into the pride's dens, unharmed and clearly nervous, the pride attacked her. Mistakenly thinking she had betrayed them to the two rogues in revenge for all the snide remarks and cold shoulders she had suffered growing up, and that she was responsible for the death of a much beloved mother and grandmother, someone who had cared for her deeply. That was the greatest insult and the pride, enraged by the loss and fueled by long built resentment and superstition, drove her from the pride lands forcefully. Bloody, wounded and heart broken, the female eventually managed to escape her once-pridemates crazed revenge and fled into the night, never to return to the lands again.
For several years she wandered as a rogue, having to learn how to function without the pride for support, how to hunt without back-up, and how to stay out of other lionesses and more importantly, the rogue lions paths. She became quiet and introspective almost over night, bitter from the unfair betrayal of her pride, it was some time before she discovered the actual circumstances of that fateful day. Accidentally overhearing a couple of lions when she went to drink at a watering hole, she heard tell of a pair of rogues who had been recently killed, apparently, for going mad. Rumors told of a pair of brothers who had gone around slaughtering whole prides, tormenting any lion or lioness they came across. Mkono crept forwards but being worn and hungry, was not as stealthy as she had planned and the older lioness and what appeared to be her younger mate, spotted her slinking around the edge of the water. To her shock and dismay the pair approached, but it turned out that they were kind-hearted creatures and after forcing her to accompany them on a hunt, she was sat down and grilled about what had befallen her. During that long night and the day that followed, the three slowly unraveled what had happened on that cursed day Mkono had lost everything. Though it was painful, she slowly understood why her old pride had done what they had done, and while she could not forgive them, she did realise that it had been a terrible mistake, unfortunate and wrong, but a mistake none the less. Yet still, she could never go back and when it came time for her to leave the friendly couple, they gently nudged her in the direction of a pride they had heard about that was close by the area. Mkono was clearly not going to survive much longer on her own and the pair hoped the unknown pride, who they knew were reclusive but seemed friendly enough, would welcome the poor lioness despite all that had happened and the cursed marks upon her pelt.
Little did they know that the pride was in fact the Kitwana'Antara, and carried a curse of its own.
Why does she look so glum and downcast? After all that has happened, the loss of her family and the betrayal of her pride, there is not much room left in her heart for joy or happiness. Yet now that she has a new family, there may be hope that one day Mkono will learn what it is like to smile again. Though she may never fully trust another lion in her lifetime.
How does she get along with others, both in and out of the pride? She is reclusive and defensive. With her spirit broken it will take another a long time and much gentle encouragement to draw her out from behind her protective metal walls. yet such is possible, she just needs time to heal and recover from her terrible experiences. She tends to keep to herself, perfect for her job, and has only a few that could be called friends. While she is not nasty to the others, she simply tends to keep an invisible distance between herself and them, as if afraid to let anyone get to close to her. Her detachment from the pride only adds to her mystery, her markings already setting her apart yet where they had been distrusted in the past, now they seem to link her closer to the pride's god and appear to be seen in a favorable light by those of the Kitwana, especially the priestesses.
If she had to have a theme song, what would it be? In the End - Linkin Park. - She appears far more timid than this track, but the strength of this song lives in her soul. ((And cos this is so fun, From the Inside & Crawling - also speaks of her. Not Alone - about her from an outside perspective. lol Its been years since I listened to Linkin Park.))
Any additional comments or notes of interest? I've applied for several other lions in this contest but the personality and history Ive come up with for Mkono is my favorite.
Link to one or two completed or current RPs (from SoA or another shop) just to get a sense of your writing style! (new samples) Soq - indian rp & Soq rp
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:08 pm

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Name: Säwäte ('Things disputed' in navi - as a cub, he refused to just agree with what he was told and always wanted to know why.)
Screen name: Tanakako
Personality: Säwäte is a classic tribal male, completely dedicated to the ways of the People. He is a fairy stern and serious lion, a skilled hunter as is expected of him and a male of actions rather than words. Though he can speak and he does so very bluntly when the need arises. There is little flair to Säwäte, but what he lacks in social grace he makes up for in stubborn will and determination. That is not to say that he is clumsy in his social conduct for he is not, he just doesn't see the need to sugar coat his words or actions for anyone but the youngest of cubs. A very honorable fighter, he does sometimes let his passion for his pride get the best of him, but he works hard to keep control and always obeys his superiors, even if he has a difference of opinion.
How does he feel about having a twin Family is everything to Säwäte, so of course he loves his twin. While he feels a deep need to protect her, he knows she does need space and he does his best to let her live her life without too much interference from him. But if she ever needs him, he is always right there at her side.
Rank; Warrior.
Mate option: I'd certainly try rping them together, but it would depend on how they are ICly whether or not they end up mates.

.:. Blind Lioness .:. (Eskimo)

Girl's name: Anapenda Maisha

Name meaning: 'Loves life' in swahili

Personality: Upbeat and daring this lioness knows what her limits and are frequently pushes them. Most creatures pity her at first glance, when they realise that she is completely blind, but Mai soon proves them wrong with her brash and sometimes dangerous active manners. Of course, she is blind and there are a lot of things she can't do, but she has learned how to live with her disability and uses the environment to her strengths. She sticks to a fairly small territory that she knows intimately, from every shrub, rabbit hole, fallen log and bird's nest. She is also mainly a scavenger, but will and can hunt smaller prey herself, and only does this at night when her lack of sight is balanced by the lack of light for her prey, her dark coat helping to make them blind to her. She has trained her ears and her sense of smell to a fine skill and often shows an uncanny awareness of her surroundings. She also has help, a small black bird that helps to guide her when she is travailing out of the area she knows.

How did she become blind?: A very mundane, but depressing manner. As a young female just learning to hunt, she as wounded out on lessons though not badly and was soon up and hunting again. Yet an infection found its way into her wounds around her eyes and within months, she was completely blind. It took her to the depths of despair, and in desperation, she fled her family. Yet her family refused to let her go and though they could not leave their own area, they sent her brother after her. For several years the pair wandered, she in constant grief, he the solid, constant companion. Over time she grew to adapt to her disability, but it wasn't until after her brother's death at the hands of another rogue male, that she realised she had been the walking dead. In honour of her brother's memory, she vowed to never again let the fates dictate to her and took it upon herself to live life with the same virility and lust for life that her brother had possessed. She takes a new name, Anapenda Maisha, and carves out a new life for herself.

What happens now?: Having settled down in a distant patch of savanah, she doesn't get many visitors, a tough, independent lady, I'd love to see her run into a male who falls for her. He would have his work cut out, as she is pretty blind (pardon the pun) to the direction male interest can take and misses a lot of cues like being gazed at, obviously because of her impairment. It would take work for a male to win her, but it would be utterly adorable. I doubt she would join a pride unless he came from one, she doesn't like any space too large or too populated as it wears on her senses, constantly having to avoid bumping into others and trying to 'listen' to her environment when there is a lot of noisy chatter from others.
Of course I'll get her, her familiar friend to be her guide.

Personality: Loud and brash she speaks her mind and shows little fear of anything. That's not to say she's unkind, she can just be a little oblivious to the under currents of people and can sometimes accidentally steamroll all over them. Though she will do her best to make it up to them after she realises what shes done.

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Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:17 pm

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Natural TLK lioness (bald)
(SoA wanted: Lioness)

(Writing as if a plot thread looking for players for the two males. Old lion is her father, and the dark lion as her to-be mate.)

Name: Aesha
Meaning: 'Life' in swahili
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Stage: Adult
Mate: None
Offspring: n/a
Pride: Prindeland (If she gets accepted)
Rank: Huntress
Fertile: Yes

.:About her:.
Aesha is the youngest daughter of her father (old lion), her family is huge, and part of the Pridelands. A plucky, playful lioness Aesha loves to live life to the full. She doesn't believe in being careful all the time, but instead wants to experience the world and everything it has to offer. Of course she is devoted to her family, but she also feels stifled by them, and mostly, by the expectations of her father. All his older kids have grown into productive and responsible members of the pride, and he fully expects her to follow in his footsteps. He was a powerful and influential member of the pride in his day, a great hunter and skilled tracker. Age has slowed him down but has certainly not affected his drive or his mental abilities. He wanted his daughter to take over the Head Huntress position, and eventually, to become part of the council. Yet she has other ideas. She's perfectly happy as a huntress, she is good at it and she gets to explore all kinds of new places. She would consider a scout position, but she is far too bubbly and energetic to have the patience required to be a scout. So she gave up on that idea.

.:The love interest:.
While out on a hunt one day, she runs across a hansom, dark coated male. Its instant attraction, for he is nothing like the males of her own pride. Tall, muscular, with that stunning dark coat and pale creamy mane. She can't take her eyes from him. He looks nothing like the lions her father had picked out for her to choose from, and for that, she fell in love with him for the first time. During the course of the day, they ended up hunting the same herd of zebra and wildebeest... constantly fouling each other's runs and spooking the herd. Eventually, dripping with sweat and with nothing to show for an entire day's worth of work, she chased him down and laid into him with fang and claw. He gave no quarter, nor held back due to her being a female and in the end, both of them ended up bloody and bruised, yet with no clear victor. He had strength, but she had agility.

It was a stalemate.

Panting, tired and sore, the pair eyed each other form yards apart. Yet suddenly, she burst into laughter, a warm, light sound that rung like bells. Not laughter at him, but at them both and how stupid they must have looked to anyone else. Stunned at first the male finally heaved a heavy sigh and gave her a quirky smile.

"Well miss... since it seems we are stuck at an impasse... how about accompanying me to the river for a drink.. "

Still giggling she tossed her head and sauntered over to him, pacing past with a sensual glide and flicking her tail under his chin. "Hmm.. I certainly can't refuse such a gallant offer, now can I? Lead the way Casanova."

Together, the pair of them went to the river where they drank and bathed and finally, talked. They stayed there, lost in each other, until the darkness brought a chill to the air. Knowing she was a long way from home, she stood, intending to leave, but he reached out, placing his paw over hers and asked her to stay, offering his own den to shelter in that night.

She had lost her heart for the second time that day, during their long and in-depth conversation and she agreed. A new spring in her step and joy in her heart. For she was head over heals in love and he he seemed to be the same. Together they travailed to his single den just as a thunderstorm ripped open the sky. The rain and water and crashes of thunder a mirror to the wildness of young emotion.

.:Future Plot:.
Aesha of course, brings the rogue male home, planning on taking him as her mate. Her father objects strongly to this and is hell bent on her marrying one of the chosen pride-born lions. The dark male will have to prove himself to her father, with Aesha's help, and also win over most of the other pride members. He will also have to support her as she rises up against her father's smothering expectations, and help her grow into the lioness she will one day become. Giving her support and comfort and strength, without smothering her as her father has. Eventually, she and her father will reconcile and the dark male will be welcomed into the family, just in time for Aesha to have her first litter with him.



Name: Aesha
Meaning: 'Life' in swahili
Species: Lioness
Gender: Female
Pride: Tuait'tekem
Rank: Huntress

.:About her:.
A plucky, playful lioness born to the Pridelands bloodline, Aesha loves to live life to the full. She doesn't believe in being careful all the time, but instead wants to experience the world and everything it has to offer. Her parents both died while she was young, and she was left in her uncle's care. Over time, she grew into a beautiful lioness. Sleek, fast and a talented huntress. She would have considered a scout position, but she is far too antsy and energetic to have the patience required to be a scout, so she gave up on that idea. She has a silver tongue and a sharp, witty sense of humour. She doesn't suffer fools and has no problem telling someone straight up if they are annoying her. The only bane of her life is her uncle. Over protective and pushy she feels almost as if he is strangling her slowly. Unbeknownst to her, at first, is the fact that he has designs on her.

Then, one eve, her world was shifted. A stranger, dark of fur and bright of eye, appeared before her. His kind smile and easy manner was a balm to her worried soul. As the night bore down, they talked, of mundane things and private things. She spilled her heart, and her worries and found in him a companion. Someone who didn't see her as weaker for her troubles, as less able because she wa snot fearless. Together, they came to a decision, and for the first time in her life since she grew to adulthood, she trusted another, leaned on him in a way that only age and shared experience brought them. But there was something honest, and pure about him.. something that drew her.

After the escape, while she tended his wounds on their long and harried journey, another emotion came to her, along with the respect and trust, love bloomed. It was new, brilliant and shining and yet scary to her. Her world went from the horizon, to this one being, this one male who had shed blood for her. How could she ever repay his sacrifice, his emotion?

When he asked her, told her of his own feelings, there was no other answer that she could have given, and no other answer that she wanted to give. Scared, young and dizzy with it all, she agreed.

Don't think that she changed though, beyond the love-sick gazing and blushes, she was still the huntress with the quick it and wry tongue she had always been. Only now, she had someone to share those inner jokes with.

She is aimed for the Tuait'tekem pride, as they are a sandy/naturally coloured pride and hidden away from her uncle. She has come from a prideland bloodline. If accepted, I would like her to have been a member of the prideland pride before her escape.

.:The Future:.
The plot will obviously depend on how the three interact, but loosely it is thus: Aesha, feeling the growing need to escape from under her uncles lecherous paw, runs into the handsom and charming dark-coated male. After becoming friends with him she confesses her situation and how desperate she needs to escape before her uncle can make his move. The two youngsters plot together, hatching a plan to allow her to escape in a way that will prevent the uncle, hopefully, from trying to follow her. (Though we plan on him doing just that.) The rogue male will pretend to claim her as his mate, stealing her away from the uncle after beating the older lion in a fight. During the escape the two actually fall in love together and the hoax becomes reality. They make their way to the Tuait'tekem, seeking refuge among the desert pride.

Someone to play the lecherous Uncle. Hopefully he will follow her to which ever pride she runs too, where he will continue to be a thorn in her paw for a while before finally finding real love, or at least a mate he can settle down with. Eventually I'd love for them to have a reconciliation, of sorts. Though she wont ever think fondly of him, he is the only blood-relative she has left.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:19 pm

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Thank you for the arts fuKurohane!!

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Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:21 pm

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:36 pm

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Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:46 pm

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Wayra's breeding plot

Eva`raja - mate
Rajanya - rp?

Neon`s journal
Lathurn's Journal

Buffy_the_Bloody - Incendia

Kennet: Scandinavian form of Kenneth, meaning both "comely; finely made" and "born of fire."

Sliabh's next kid : Sioban


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