The Guy With Condoms
It's actually just meant to be gay pride which just happens to have a furry in it. Most people just assume it's about furry pride even though it has rainbows all over it.
This. Uhm, call me crazy but I think it's pretty suggestive.
Also, yeah, I agree. I honestly thought that would get removed. It is rather suggestive.
------------------------------------Random Aside Stuff------------------------------------(Please note that the following has nothing to do with furry pride and should not be associated with such a very different subject matter. It's different on many levels making the following inappropriate for that subject matter.)
As an aside, I believe that gay pride is in response to the extreme shame that society places upon homosexuals. Gay pride is merely to even the playing field and hopefully put an end to the need for such things in the first place. It is a counter designed to help balance what is off balance.
A simple diagram may help to explain this.
Shame: ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Pride--: ♦
In (much of western) history, this was the standard. Homosexuals were classified as virtually everything negative you could come up with. To get a better perspective, under Nazi Germany if you were gay and Jewish, you were the lowest of the low.
Shame: ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Pride--: ♦♦♦♦♦♦
It's equalizing in the west. Does this mean that pride will be no longer necessary once things are equalized? Not really...
Once the ranking becomes this...
Shame: ♦
Pride--: ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Then you will have an end to the need for pride. Once the overwhelming majority of society doesn't care and accepts homosexuals, then you will see an end to gay pride. Until then, homosexuals will be demonized until people finally get a clue that this demonizing isn't appropriate behavior and is both unenlightened and completely idiotic.
Interestingly, I also believe that with regards to race that while the shame of having different skin has lowered, it still has not fully disappeared thanks to continued racisms still present today. (Idiots on Xbox live yelling racial slurs is proof enough.) Until that goes away, you will still see what are sometimes referred to as "racial tensions" long into the future.
In the end, I see pride as absolutely necessary. It's the only way to truly counteract the shame of mere existence placed upon homosexuals daily. Pride may be considered to be a negative thing, but humility has the connotation of internalizing the shame and accepting it. Perhaps "learning" from it as well, yet this shame has the intended purpose of placing others as superior. I personally, among many others, don't feel a need to be so humble. I don't need to loud to be proud, but when the alternative is accepting inferiority, then I'm sorry but I refuse accept that others have a innate superiority to me. You might as well use the false but widely popular pseudo-scientific early evolutionary "theories". The same ones which were used to justify racism, cultural genocide, genocide, and classism.
Gay pride is about being on equal footing and to not be shamed into inferiority. This is the goal. If you want an end to gay pride, then you'll first need widespread acceptance. Equality in laws is a start, but the hearts and minds of those which will be both the future generations and future parents are the truly important. No one deserves the unnecessary tortures many homosexuals have faced. The end to this is the end to gay pride. For who needs pride when one is finally equal? Who needs the boost to feel on equal footing when they aren't even close? This is what gay pride is about, and this is the end to my tangent.