Akatsuki Vash
@Shantal: Sounds fun XD I didn't didn't do anything XP I ate sushi though hahahah
I can't wait till winter XD although, the other day it felt like it was winter, so cold O.O hah hah

hehe. yup. yup.
oh dangg. sushi is a super snack! mrgreen
winter. haha. i can wait. i hate it. my stupid body doesn't know how to give me body heat. so... i steal it from others. xD

lol same for me...i sleep under 3 blankets but i roll around and i end up with none....my younger brother has like a ton of body heat...he kinda fat....my oldest brother has like super heat....he can wear shorts in the winter and still be warm....

haha. i know what you mean! in the middle of the night; i wake up verry cold and all the blankets are on the floor.