Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:19 am
And Ms. Bella will guard the rest of the posts. . . as I think we're good to go! So consider this thread open even though I have very little up. << Some of my older ponies definitely need to be brushed off and dusted, the poor dearz.
Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:15 pm
I added information up on Amarii and Neph. . . . Zara and Nocturne both need some fleshing out though. >:
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:26 am
*Thoughtful hum and peers at her ponies.*
I know I has many RPs with you, but I would quite like to meet Miss. Neph. I know she's hungry, exhausted and miserable so would she like to meet Azzinoth? I would suggest Sparkles but she'd probably be incredibly overwhelming and she's not great with sick soquili. 8D
Alternatively - She could always meet my little midget, Fran! That'd be an interesting introduction to the Kawani lands. <.<
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:52 pm
It's so late but Neph would be ever so grateful to bump in to Azzinoth. . . she could probably use a little doctoring anyway, silly naive lady that she is. <3 Just let me know whenever you're ready and not sick of Uta ahrpeez!
Also, tossed up Nocturne. . . . and may chuck up a few others.
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:27 pm
i just joined this guild so i know htis sounds dumb but how do you get a horse?
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:25 am
xXMizzBananaXx i just joined this guild so i know htis sounds dumb but how do you get a horse? Please read the rules on the front page. Front PageIf you have any enquiries go and ask the soquili mule. You have to win them, or buy them. Maybe just try and mingle with the locals. xD You just missed an event.
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:58 am
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:29 am
*kicks this up and needs to fill out more information*
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:17 pm
*pops in to Uta-lady's thread* I have four pretties for you to choose from if you'd like some Rp. I've got a plot coming up for Candy, but that's not til she gets baskets. I'd love for Nocturne to become her friend before hand because she's going to need a good friend after the plot I've got cooking finishes. All of my quartet needs friends. Here's the quartet. You're welcome to choose whomever you'd like to RP with. Porfirio-small, but bold. He needs fleshing out since he's new. Candy Heart-sweet and a little shy, but thoughtful and kind. She's sometimes a little oblivious, but she means well. She'd be good for Nocturne if he wants someone to freak out, then convince he's not evil. She tends to give most Soq the benefit of the doubt. Allan- he's a nice guy and a goofball. He's looking for someone that will love him. He's tired of being ignored by the mare he was in love with (Candy). I'd like to develop any romance plot where he and the mare are friends first. Zuilian- a total gentleman. He's happily mated, but he could always use someone to talk to or someone to help. Maybe Neph could use a helping hand?
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:15 pm
I have a possibility for your "Let Me Be Your Armor" Plot.  Madoka, is very submissive, easily taken advantage of, trusting, loyal. She'd really kind of asking to get trampled and hurt. She has no direction in her life. She recently over came one of the largest problems in her life. Why was she all alone? Madoka originally grew up in a herd on the plains. And then her parents were killed when she was still a foal, and she watched as it happened, and it was just so horrible, that she repressed it. So when she finally grew, she couldn't understand why her herd had abandoned her. It was simply the herd's rule; Madoka should have been the one to take leadership but she never learned to be a leader, so they left her; in order to survive themselves. With the help of a rather cruel stallion Ritalin; he just helped her feel like dirt, and the lowest of low, because she was ugly, and unwanted and unloved... She found the place that the horrible event happened, and she came to realize, it wasn't that she was unwanted and unloved, it was because they needed to survive. So she has gained her self worth back, but she tends to amble around, and talk to strangers; and often gets lost. Though if Nocturne were to get overprotective, it probably wouldn't drive her away. She's find solace, and comfort knowing she'd never be alone again. Which in itself could be harmful, and a 3rd party would need to step in and say "Thats unhealthy for both of you". She'll never 'look' for someone to be with. Making a decision like that, would be almost impossible for her. She has to be 'claimed', or something similar. (I not really looking for breeding, but if it happens to go that way we can talk.) So for me, I see it definitely benefiting Madoka, because she'd have someone to be around, and talk to. And maybe even learn to be 'socially acceptable'. For her personality, dominant stronger types are what she needs to be around to be able to function. She needs that other horse to tell her what to do, and whats right and wrong, because deep down she is still childlike in that sense. She never learned all of life's lessons. But I'm not to sure if she brings what you're looking for, for Nocturne. I can definitely make changes, as needed. Madoka hasn't had to much RP, and I've been looking for RP similar to the plot you've designed for here. So I'm flexible, if you were interested in working with me and Madoka.
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:11 am
 As a possibility for the 'Armor' plot. She's sweet, bright, cheerful... And believes the world is her friend, she'll never get hurt. Presented with a Kalona or Skinwalker, it'd take them actually harming her for her to believe it could happen. Maybe even twice, she might believe it was an accident the first time. She's not dense, just too trusting, and all she wants is to enjoy life cheerfully. She has trouble seeing that others aren't the same as her. She loves making friends, she loves meeting every one, and as such, is bound to get herself into trouble sometime. She hasn't yet encountered anyone who will harm her, as well, making it even easier for her to believe she's safe with everyone. So she'd trust Nocturne on sight, like she does everyone. Perhaps have him run into her when she's managed to get lost/into some sort of difficult situation she got into because she followed directions/some one she shouldn't have trusted, but being who she is, did? In reaction to him clamping down on her, it might lead to her becoming the opposite of her nature, introverted and depressed, because of her desire for friendship. She'd maybe leave if her family or another friend MANAGED to intervene, but otherwise, she'd trust he meant well, for the best, and just be miserable, trying to see the best in a situation she had no idea on how to fix.