KotoR is a star wars game... =/

Also a star wars game in a large universe with as much immersion as say, Arcanum or Fallout 2, set with live action combat, real choice and consequence, and multiple solutions would be the best experience for the setting, imo.

Then again, a modern game in almost any setting that follows all of those rules would be, phenomenal. AKA Oblivion or Fallout 3 done right. (as in with an actually good story, actual choice and consequence, and actual multiple solutions)

So, basically what Heavy Rain for the PS3 promises, but with more combat and a Star Wars setting?

Now that I know what Heavy Rain is. No. That's not even close. Heavy rain is a series of QTE's that shape a story. While I like the fact that any character can die and the story pushes on, I hate the fact that I have a hard time calling it a game.