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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:03 pm
Ariel had stopped when the dog had turned suddenly and seemed to gesture for her to follow. Wait. Gestured? That was unusual. Whatever the dog wanted from her, she decided to follow it. 'Why do I suddenly get this strange feeling something odd and unpredictable might happen?' She sighed to herself.

Once they were outside again she stared down at the dog and pondered on it's familiar aura. The whole entire sight of the animal seemed unusual and the fact it had followed her ALL THE WAY back to the Market District in Meridian...

"You understand me, don't you? Every word." She said to him. "You're not any oridinary, strange dog, are you?"

She sat down on a small stack of crates. The familiarity of the creature became increaisngly stronger as they stood there with each other and Ariel blinked. "I don't know what you expect from me but...get on with it if it's something important."  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:58 pm
Raziel nodded, then closing his eyes and bowing his head, he concentrated on the shape he wanted to take - not unlike how he manipulated corpses to take shape in the physical realm. All it took was a small effort of will to reshape his body and soon, standing before Ariel, was Raziel in his true form.

"It appears you have been mislead." Raziel said, opening his eyes once more and looking to Ariel. "You are right, I am no ordinary dog - I'm no dog at all. My name is Raziel, I was taken prisoner by the Hylden. Thank you for going to such great lengths to save me -- even if it was just because you thought I was a pup, as you put it." He bowed his head a little to her in a gesture of thanks.  

Reaver Of Souls Raziel
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:10 pm
Ariel's expression changed from expectant to surprised at the feat that the animal had just done and standing before her was...was it a man?

She gaped at least for a moment before the crates gave way beneath her and she fell forward. "Oof" Oh perfect. She grumbled something before standing back up and dusting herself off.

Well...it was some kind of man. He was. Raziel? That name... "I know that name..." She said. "How do I know that name?" She asked herself, not paying him any mind for a moment before she remembered he was standing there.

"Oh..I-I'm sorry." She apologized, trying to get her bearings together. "I'm...somewhat confused by the situation. Do I...know you?" She asked him. Wait. She was asking this same...whatever he was, this man, Raziel, that had changed from a dog to a person only moments ago.

"I thought soemthing was strange. Why do I know that name?" She shook her head. "Well...either way, really. You need not thank me I just..was doing what I thought was right. You're not going to go an wreak havoc now that I've done so...are you?" The last part she asked skeptically, but in a way hoped he would take it as a joke.

"I'm pretty sure the Sarafan would think you were a demon of some sorts. I'm sure you seem aware of how they are. The only ones they seem to be looking out for are vampires and work for their superiors...The hylden. Oh...I'll have to find another job after what I did." She sighed. "I suppose we're fugitives now?"  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:36 pm
This really was Ariel? She wasn't exactly as graceful, was she?

Raziel watched her get up and dust herself off. "You put yourself in great risk by rescuing me. Not only am I a vampire, but I am the key to the Hylden's victory -- or their demise." He told her, watching her curiously as she seemed to recall his name.

"You feel it too, don't you?" Raziel said cryptically, but before he could go on, he was interrupted by the sounds of men in the alleyway behind them, shouting drunkenly and laughing as they went.

Raziel shook his head dismissively as the men passed. "We haven't got much time. It wont take the Sarafan long to find this place, we need to get you and you family out of here and to a safer location."  

Reaver Of Souls Raziel
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:15 pm
"What?" She said looking up at him in surprised. Ariel gazed at him with confusion before asking. "You have felt it too? The same familiar feeling?" Ariel gazed at him to try and recall if she remembered him somehow in any strange way. "Your voice is familiar too. But I don`t know you. Uh." She said, realizing she would have to ponder on such matters later.

"Raziel...was it? My family? In danger? It`s not as though they pay attention to where every human lives in the Hylden City. However..." She trailed off. "You are correct. My family does not know that what I have done is...illegal to the Hylden." An instrument of salvation...or destruction? His words concerned her. " And where would I tale my family? Sarafan are abundant around Meridian. If anything father would be against having us move in the slums district. My father grew up there..."

Again she tried to picture how she could have known this vaguely familiar stranger in front of her. "I suppose you have better things to do than help someone you hardly know simply because I freed you." Ariel looked back at the back door to her home. "My father won`t go anywhere tonight. I doubt the Sarafan can get the word out everywhere about my warrant." She hoped Laylan would forget what Ariel looked like with her mental ailment. But the servants..."They`ll torture the ones I feed in the prisons on where I live..." She gulped. "Well we can`t leave anywhere tonight. You may have to stay here...I can provide shelter unti
we figure this out." She offered.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:57 pm
Although Ariel had a point, Raziel was anxious to get to someplace safer. Not that he doubted his strength, he could easily protect himself, but now Ariel was here... if may not have been the same Ariel he knew, the she had helped him before and he wanted to return the favour. He also felt Ariel's reincarnation played a significant role in all this; Ariel saving him couldn't be just a coincidence.

Raziel leapt up onto a pile of crates, stacked up against the rickety, wooden fence the separated Ariel's house from the alley way. He looked back over his shoulder at Ariel. "I don't know much about this city, but I do know where there's Sarafan, there's bound to be vampires. If they've managed to elude the Sarafan for as long as they have, we can to.

"I'll be back later, but you need to be ready to move your family when I get back, this isn't up for debate. The Sarafan wont wait until its convenient for you father to leave.

"I know this is all must be very confusing for you, but I need you to trust me, and soon, everything will be made clear to you." And with that, Raziel hoped over the fence and headed in search of the vampire's sanctuary, wherever that may be.  

Reaver Of Souls Raziel
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:21 pm
Trust him? Ariel didn`t think it an entirely wise idea. Though he was right about moving her family and quickly. Ariel watched him go [o search out refuge for them it seemed. She found it slightly ridiculous though. What did he care what happened to the woman and her family? Ariel sighed. "I suppose I`ll have to tell father about thism" She lingered outside to watch where he had been a bit longer before going back inside.

Her mother had returned after some coaxing from her eldest brother, Phillip. Victoria was was not in a joyous mood when she returned to the house and seeing Ariel made it worse. "Back from the cells I see."

"We`re not doing this this evening..." Ariel said. "There are much more important matters to attend to."

"You wish to explain, sister, why someone was asking about you when I brought mother nacl home?" Phillip asked.

"To marry her?" Victoria had been drinking it seemed.

"No. Ariel. Someone was saying you unlocked a project of the Hyldens."

Her father looked grim. "Ariel...that dog..."

"We have to leave here and go into hiding." Ariel said, the tone of concern reaching a sound of franticness now.

"Hiding?!" Victoria rose to her feet. "I knew I should have married you off when I had the chance! You wouldn`t have been our problem anymore-"


"Victoria!" Her father snarled. "Enough of this nonsense! Our safety is more important than you wanting to marry off my child for reasons of your own. Sit and be quiet woman. Now...Ariel...I understand what you did was wrong and...morally right but where have we to go?"

"I have...a friend. He is making arrangements." Call him a friend? That Raziel certainly sure was a peculiar friend if he was to go through so much trouble to hide them amongst...vampires.

"Arrangements? Where?" Phillip asked. "Is it Tahlman?"

"Yes..." she lied. "Tahlman...is arranging for us..."  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:52 pm
It didn't take long for Raziel to find vampires -- or in this case, one found him. A young, female vampire who had been out doing patrols, or something to the affect. She nearly attacked him - like a bird swooping down to discourage a predator, who was too close to her nest. Raziel assumed the vampire haven must have been close by...

It was easy to immobilize her without hurting her, long enough for Raziel to discover that she had a very familiar scent on her. She was definitely one of Vorador's fledglings, it was reassuring to know the old vampire was alive and kicking in this time.

It took some convincing as well as some information about Vorador that only another vampire would know before the vampire trusted him enough to agree to help him. In her own words "I suppose any enemy of the Sarafan is a friend of ours." She said this with a wink. Raziel appreciated the help, but he could've done without the mock flirting; this child was definitely one of Vorador's, without a doubt...

Soon there would be a knock at Ariel's door. The female vampire that Raziel now knew as Umah had called two other vampires to assist them in moving Ariel's family to the vampire's hideout. They were all wearing cloaks to hide their identity, including Raziel; he didn't want to scare Ariel's family - he was surprised Ariel herself hadn't been scared of him! Then again, she had rescued him, and even as a wolf he was pretty gruesome looking.  

Reaver Of Souls Raziel
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:17 pm
The knock came abruptly and Ariel`s father had looked up at the door with interest. "Is that Talhmab...?"

"I certainly hope so..." Phillip said as Kelvan came down the stairs. "What`s going on? Why is everyone acting scared?" The younger brother asked.

"Wait! I`ll answer it..." Ariel said. "And father...just so you know...Tahlman arranged something with some vampires for us to stay with..ahem."

"Vampires?!" Victoria snarled. "Are you mad?"

"I don`t know...but I know we`ll be safer amongst vampires than at the mercy of being tortured by Hylden."

Ariel spoke suddenly. "Who goes there?"

A quick peek out the door and she could feel that familiar aura. "You returned..." she said with surprise. "Raziel."

The vampires. He had brought them with him to assist in their travel to the sanctuary. "I see you`ve brought help?" she said to him, glancing at the woman vampire nervously. "Well..." she straightened up. "Are we to leave now?"

"Just shove her out the door and have them feast on her-"

"I`ve had enough of this! You can stay here if you like Victoria but I plan to save my family with or without you."

Her father opened the door further. "Ahem...We are ready to leave when you are...Tahlman."

"That`s not Tahlman father..." Ariel said in reference to Raziel. "It`s another friend of mine..." she said "He did the arrangements...not Tahlman. Thank you...Raziel. You didn`t have to do this for us...well, any of us. But I thank you and I am grateful."  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:35 pm
Raziel didn't know what all this talk about the Blacksmith was about, but he supposed Ariel needed to tell her family something to convince them to leave.

Raziel pulled his hood down further when he was addressed, trying to hide his glowing eyes.

As the family was led out, Raziel pulled Ariel off to the side to speak with her.

"If you want to bring your blacksmith friend along, too, that would be a good idea. The Sarafan might try to question him if they find out he knows you." Raziel told her quietly.

"Is there something wrong?" Umah interjected, looking between Ariel and Raziel.

"We may have an extra human along. If so, would you be able to lead Ariel's family to your hideout? I know the way now, we'll catch up to you" Raziel told her, Umah nodding in return.  

Reaver Of Souls Raziel
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:01 pm
"Raziel...I understand we`ve only known each other due to the circumstances we went through, for a few hours, but do you find this all truly necessary. As thankful as I am, don`t you wonder if perhaps this may be a bit much?"

"And where will you go once we are safe?" she asked him. "They`re looking for you too..." That same feeling came back and she could only recall bits and pieces in her memory. Some forms of past conversations with the very man and even an argument at some point.

"Raziel, Tahlman can hide on his own. He`s not dumb and he will deny knowing me. They couldn`t torture it out of him even if they tried. He probably destroyed the evidence of the collar by now. There`s no way...I can`t do that to Tahlman. He doesn`t talk to many people. I and his family are the only ones he associates with." Oddly enough she reached her hand out to give Raziel a reassuring touch. "...You act as though I`m overly important or something." she chuckled. "Well...shall we go then?"  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:20 am
"Like I said before, I know this must all be confusing to you, but I do have my reasons for saving you, other than just returning the favour..." Well there was that too, but mostly he was just doing this because of who she was.

Raziel was a bit surprised when Ariel touched his hand - just like the Ariel before her had touched his hand. He sighed. "You have no idea..." He muttered as they started to move along.

Raziel hadn't really known Ariel, he couldn't have even said they were friends, but throughout his journey, she had been one of the only one who had not tried to deceive or use him. She was honest, but not only that, deep down Raziel felt as if she was like a kindred spirit; they both had experienced great suffering and betrayal, they were both tortured souls, but in the end, they helped each other. He may have never said it, but he considered Ariel a dear friend.

Soon they had reached the Blue Lady Curios Shop and Umah lead them down into Vampire Sanctuary that resided under the shop. Vorador was waiting for them, and all around them, small groups of vampires talked among themselves, mostly about the new, human visitors.

Raziel found it strange, he knew how much the elder vampire hated humans, even now he could see Vorador suppressing a sneer, but he supposed in these difficult times, one couldn't be too choosy about their allies.

"Back with your humans, I see. I wonder what role they play in your enigmatic quest, Raziel." Vorador said, looking them over, also wondering what they had done to have every Sarafan out looking for them. Raziel hadn't said too much about what had happened when Umah had brought him here before, but he insisted that Vorador would give them sanctuary. Raziel was an old acquaintance, so Vorador agreed.

"The Sarafan are after them because of me. Is it not my duty to protect them?" Raziel retorted, knowing Vorador was implying that the only reason he ever did something for someone was when it suited his interests.

Vorador chuffed, waving a hand dismissively. "Alright, alright, I will not pry anymore than I already have, child. You asked for the Cabal's protection and now you have it, your reasons are your own.

"But..." Vorador continued "I would like to know why the Sarafan are after you, if you have a spare moment?"

Raziel nodded, then remembering he still needed to tell Ariel a few things about her role in all this as well. He looked back at her. "Come. You will get your answers, too." He said, asking her to follow them into what appeared to be a back room.  

Reaver Of Souls Raziel
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:42 am
Ariel`s father was unnerved by the prying eyes on them, and only voiced that he would stay out of the way and keep to himself. Phillip said nothing and tried not to stare at anyone or look at anyone the wrong way, Victoria was annoyed and in drunken stupor anyways, and Kelvan was still half asleep before he realized where he was. "Am I still asleep or did I miss something?"

"Stay away from my brothers..." she said to Umah sternly. "Please." Then she proceeded to follow Raziel along with the elder vampire. Her role...what role did she play in all of this. A back room. `I shall return fromm fiery pits of hell to kill someone if I am a sacrifice of some sort.` She pondered. As they passed several fledglings, she stuck closer behind Raziel and hoped this discussion would be over soon. She much wanted to remain cooped up in a room away from eyes that stared. It was the only thing that Ariel was bothered by. "I...i wish to thank you for your support, sir. Vorador was it?" That name was familiar too. "Despite the fierce tales about your kind, you`re people nonetheless and everyone has to survive somehow..."  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:14 am
Vorador curious to as why this girl was coming with them, but he supposed everything would be explained in due time.

Once inside the privacy of the back room, Raziel shrugged off his cloak before he started on his long explanation to Vorador. It started with The spirit Ariel imbuing him and his wraith blade with purifying and restorative energies, then him sacrificing himself to the soul reaver, and it ended with Raziel telling him that The Sarafan Lord, a Hylden, had extracted him from the reaver in order to use his powers to restore the Hylden race.

Vorador sat down heavily in a nearby armchair. "The Hylden... it can't be..." Obviously he needed a moment to take all of this in, so Raziel turned to Ariel, using this time to explain to her that she was the Balance Guardian reincarnated.

"I mentioned before that Ariel had bestowed me with the power of purification. To do so, she gave up a portion of herself onto me. It is why we can sense each other now; part of your soul - Ariel's soul - is bound to mine." He finished, wondering if he should give Ariel a moment to take all this in, too. Vorador looked like he was just getting over his shock, but after hearing this explanation, he looked just as pensive as before.  

Reaver Of Souls Raziel
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:30 am
The Balance Guardian? "Me...? Th-the Balance Guardian?" she said, startled by the sound of it. Raziel`s tale hald a half and half effect upon her. It seemed logical on his part but somewhat illogical to her. "I can`t be the...the Balance Guardian..." she looked generally stunned at the concept.

"Well...that explains my strange dreams during childhood." She laughed nervously to herself. "I just...I don`t know what to feel about this. It all seems very unlikely to me." But if it was so unlikely how was it that she was so drawn to Raziel`s spiritual aura? Maybe he was right on some parts but it was all greatly confusing to her and she shook her head. "I`m sorry...I need...I need time to think upon this. If I am the former Balance Guardian than I remember nothing of it...and if these events did take place between us...I remember nothing either. " She tried to think if she could remember anything at all and Ariel found nothing.

"You`ll have to excuse me, I believe I should go lie down now. I`m not feeling well. Mentally speaking. It`s so much to take in." she pondered again. Childhood dreams that didn`t make sense to her then made sense now. Foreshadowing events of a past life. Than Raziel, this stranger, who she apparently knew.

Ariel`s head whirled and she tried to shake the mental shock off. "Yes, I need to lie down now...Please." Her tone changed from confused to faltering and she steadied herself before she stumbled over. [he Balance GUARDIAN...WHAT A SHOCK.  
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