Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:10 pm
Feb '11 Workload smile ALL DONE AND PAID. sorry for wait exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend **fill in work for payment!!** 1. Answered questions on main mule 2. worked with outstanding customer quality related issues 3. Answered customer, colorist, and staff questions 4. Confirmed quota completion of colorists turning in credit requests 5. Accepted credit requests of colorists with completed quota's.
Mindsend's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 2
Stats: Mouselet PAID 1. Answered questions in thread and via PM. 2. Updated teepee list. 3. Updated bonus stats and opened questions for March. 4. Updated stats and emailed my worddoc to Sirenz.
Mouselet's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. - 4 sc for breeding 2/10/11 -made Oneeko a teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Epine de Rose's teepee -changed teepee name for Kaisanti since they changed their gaia name -made Pinka a teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to dawns_aura's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sawaki's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Geyser Elborn's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Shtrdrngry's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Divena's teepee -added a soquili and stats to ArashiX's teepee -made Celestial Requiem her own teepee -added a soquili and stats to Moxxiie's teepee -made Gl!tch~ a teepee -added 5 soquili and stats to Vollyballrocks91's teepee -added a soquili and stats to sbuggy166's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Wyntre Iceblade's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Caitlyn hellstorm's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Darkmoon Dancer's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Cyhorse's teepee -made les vagues a teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Dixie's teepee -made Dooma a teepee -added 7 soquili to Cihiru's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Pale Mist's teepee -added a soquili and stats to ~Kiana_Nala~'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to GunSniper's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Thalion's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Nymphalidae's teepee -added a soquili and stats to icy serenade' Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Atheart's teepee -made Nisshou H a new teepee plus added 2 soquili -added 2 soquili and stats to Rhyleigh's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Selalusia's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to AlexiaSilver's teepee -fixed banner images in Faid Shadowlight's teepee -added a soquili and stats to LOLTERNATIVE's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Malhith's teepee 2/18/11 -added a soquili and stats to Sleet Tempest Snape's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Syaoran-Puu's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Marzipanz's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to II Paradox II's teepee -added a soquili and stats to [+Katch+]'s teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to saedusk's teepee -added a soquili and stats to [x]Natty-Chan[x]'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Vashtya's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Andranis' teepee -changed cert link in Eienna's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Atheart's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to sabin duvert's teepee -added a soquili and stats to tefla's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kara Asumie 2/21/11 -made Moonstar-xo a teepee -made yeomso a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Cheshirekttty's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Malhith's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Magnadearel's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Les Vagues' teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness -added 2 soquili and stats to Ishtanballa's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats also removed one soquili from Etherial Requiem's teepee -added 6 soquili and stats to Hanging Gallow's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Jezbel's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to -MoomoolatteCha-'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kurama no Koishi's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Novablu's teepee -made Serpentsong a teepee -made KanamiTenjo a teepee
Samus X's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade PAID 1. 31 Updated Certs 2. 6 New Certs
Wyntre's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Guild: Reeve PAID 1. Archived 1 thread from Sales Stable 2. Archived 3 threads from Contest & Gaming 3. Archived 9 threads from Shop Events 4. Monitored Lover's Rocks 5. Revamped and reposted MCCL. 6. Monitored both guilds. 7. Archived old MCCL 8. Updated NCS credit logs
Reeve's SC: 13 + Monthly Credit = 15
RP: Nisshou PAID 1. RP Stalking monitoring 2. Answering questions 3. Updated the guide 4. Maintaining the lifemates lists
Nisshou's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Assistant Managers
Assistant: Malhith PAID 1. In thread- helped find a cert and whether a foal had grown for harukaharu 2. Found cert for Nyao-Chan 3. Monitored the thread. 4. Answered a few questions.
Malhith's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:12 pm
Mar '11 Workload smile ALL DONE AND PAID exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend **update duties to receive payment!! 1.
Stats: Mouselet PAID 1. Redeemed 3 credits for edited regular from mindsend. 2. PLOT!PLOT!PLOT! 3. Updated teepee list. 4. Updated bonus stats and opened questions for April. 5. Updated stats and emailed my worddoc to Sirenz. 6. Dealt with the co-RP stats issue.
Mouselet's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit -3 (Mind Edited Reg) = 17
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. 3/2/11 -made HarukaHaru a teepee -made x_nagatai a teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Eranas' teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's teepee -added 3 soquili to Thalion's teepee -updated cert in Revolutionary Roniel's teepee -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_SilverBlood's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Thalea's teepee -added a soquili to Shikon Miko's teepee -removed dusty trails from .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Aniira's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Fawnzy's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Malhith's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to XxPrimevalPandaxX's teepee 3/5/11 -added a banner to Yeomso's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lady Argentum Draconis' teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sabin Duvert's teepee -added a soquili and stats to DemonWingedPoetGirl's Teepee -made Kettyn a teepee -added a soquili and stats to DemeterJade's teepee -added 4 soquili and statsplus removed a soquili from Heavenly Snow's teepee -made Akira-Kisho a teepee -added 5 soquili and stats to [ Lady Kiya ]'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to SkyDragono's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Roman Foi's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Oneeko's teepee 3/19/11 -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_SilverBlood's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Cricket2008's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lady_Ourania's teepee -fixed certs in icy serenade' Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Caitlyn Hellstorm's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Revolutionary Roniel's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Haisyn Fierra's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Faithofthefallen's teepee -added a soquili and stats to crayons 4 the color blind's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Dulcea's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Agneza's teepee -added a soquili and stats to SilverShieldwolf 's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sadi Sidhe's teepee -added a soquili and stats to DracoXK's teepee -added a soquili and stats to YamiBakuraChan's teepee -fixed first post in -[The Spoof]-'s teepee -made Nerpin a new teepee
Samus X's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 8
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade PAID 1. Used 4 SC for a Breeding from Sabin 2. Updated 12 certs 3. Certed 5 new pets
Wyntre's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit -4 (Sabin Breeding) = 8
Guild: Reeve (-3 credits for Mind Alicorn Custom) PAID 1. Archived 1 thread from Events forum. 2. Deleted one early entry from Mare's LR. 3. Updated NCS Credits for February 4. Archived 1 thread from Contest & Gaming forum
Reeve's SC: 15 + Monthly Credit -3 (Mind Edited Ali) = 14
RP: Nisshou -4 credits for a breeding (for Niss not Uta xD), NOW UTA PAID 1.some rp monitoring 2.updating the lifemates/broken mates listings
Nisshou's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit -4 (Bee Breeding) = 4
Uta's Stuff (officially started working March 13) 1. Began RP monitoring 2. Approved and added lifemates to the list 3. Aided Roniel with a custom question Answered some questions posted in thread via PM from others as well.
Uta's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 2
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Malhith PAID 1. Monitored the thread 2. Answered a few questions.
Malhith's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit = 12
Owner list: Samuel Carlin PAID 3/12/11 Added: 23 new entries to the owner's list, through DWPG's Tyler Updated: DarkHikari's Gale (added familiar cert) Corrected spelling for Tygress Dream on Niade Stargazer entry Corrected spelling for Death Resurrected on Caiez and Asher entries Updated elder tag for ELF's Nagual-An Updated elder tag for Death Resurrected's Cyrus Updated Neva (pippi18848 & Karoish) to reflect skinwalker status 3/13/11 Added: 17 new entries to the owner's list, through Shikon Miko's Ayla Updated: Corrected sex and spelling on Celeanor's Toujours Updated elder tag for Vashtya's Lakota 3/17/11 Added: 9 new entries to the owner's list, through Kara Asumie/yeomso's Tejina Suki 3/27/11 Added: 22 new entries to the owner's list, through Sabin Duvert's Ashling Updated: Added Skinwalker forms to Roniel's Samsara Added Skinwalker forms to Nidra, Lamashtu and Iavai. Added another 44 entries to the owner's list, through Tara de Draiocht's Shaman
Samuel Carlin's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 2
Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:07 pm
April '11 Workload ALL DONE AND PAID smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend (please fill in your duties to receive payment) ********************* 1.
Stats: Mouselet paid 1. Typed up new mini breeds intro. 2. Putti CYOA game. 3. Updated teepee list. 4. Updated bonus stats and opened questions for May. 5. Updated stats and emailed my worddoc to Sirenz. 6. Answered questions. 7. PLOT.
Mouselet's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit = 19
Teepee: Samus X paid 1. -4sc for breeding 4/3/11 -added 3 soquili and stats to Pollack's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Epine de rose's teepee -made Honeybii a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Divena's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to KanamiTenjo's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Thalea's teepee -made Rhyme or reason a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Skydragono's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Cajmera's tepeee -added a soquili and stats to Logue's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Tara de Draiocht's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to lilmissy4205's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Uta's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats Teh Roarie's teepee -added a soquili and stats plus fixed cert link in Nukido's teepee -added a soquili and stats plus fixed cert in Iysia_nyteblade's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Agenza's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Strait Jacket Girl's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Insane Butterfly's teepee -added a soquili and stats to ShinosBee's Teepee -readded a soquili to Elfstar89's teepee -made Hallucinogenishawhatever a teepee 4/9/11 -added a soquili and stat sto [+Katch+]'s teepee -alphabetized Roniel's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Icy Serenade's teepee -fixed cert links in Frezir's teepee -added a soquili and stats to LydaLynn's teepee -made Alliisara a teepee -fixed cert in ~latonia de la Courtel~'s teepee -fixed cert in Sleet Tempest Snape's teepee -fixed cert in Magnadearel's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Gunsniper's teepee -added a soquili and stats to marzipnz's teepee -added a soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Xblind-darknessX -added a soquili and stats to Harukaharu's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Lunarflowermaiden's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Leez0rz's teepee -added a soquili and stats to JetAlmeara's teepee 4/21/11 -added a soquili and stats plus fixed cert link in x blame it on the --- x's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Noxilicious' teepee -fixed cert link in Roman Foi's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Revel1984's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Bardess Ookami's teepee -added a soquili and stats to AlexiaSilver's teepee -made Loquita_de_Indiana a teepee -made Rian-chan a teepee -added a soquili and stats to ChaosTheories' teepee -added a soquili and stats to Faithofthefallen's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Orangeish Sherbert's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Iysia_nyteblade's teepee -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_Silverblood's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Atheart's teepee 4/25/11 -added 3 soquili and stats plus added banners to Muffinsbaby's teepee -addded 2 soquili and stats to Mahogany Sunset's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Shikon Miko's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to SilverShielwolf's teepee -added a soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's teepee -made a teepee for Karewynn -added a soquili and stats to Falenpants' teepee -added a soquili and stats to Angelique Delamort's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Tefla's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Kettyn's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kara Asumie's teepee -added a soquili and stats to -[the spoof]-'s teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Nyx oueen of darkness' teepee -fixed cert link in Iysia_nyteblade's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Moonlit-raven's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Magnadearel's teepee -added banners to x blame it on the --- x's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nukido's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Fawnzy's teepee -updated a cert and added a soquili plus stats to Rinial sisterdragon's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Chi honda's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Yuuka kurokawa's teepee -added a soquili and stats to dracoXK's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Yumitoko 11's teepee -added a soquili and stats to catmagick's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Seruta's teepee -added 5 soquili and stats to LadyNekoya's teepee -added a soquili and stats plus updated cert image for beejoux
Samus X's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade paid 1. 1 New Cert 2. 4 Updated Certs 3. 10 Uncerts Found
Wyntre's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Guild: Reeve paid 1. Deleted 57 expired posts from Female Lover's Rock. 2. Deleted 40 expired posts from Male Lover's Rock. 3. Deleted 25 expired posts from Usdia/Mer/Seathi Lover's Rock. 4. Archived 1 thread from Contests and Gaming Glen 5. Deleted 1 crossed out/duplicate post from Stallion's LR. 6. Archived 3 threads from Soq Shop Events. 7. Updated NCS Credits for March. 8. Archived 1 thread from Sales Stable. 9. Monitored Guilds
Reeve's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 16
RP: Uta paid 1. Updated Lifemates List 2. Stalked RPs 3. Added a Broken Lifemate 4. Typed Up Information For Nixie, Putti, & Imp Subbreeds 5. Updated the RP Guidebook for Nixie, Putti & Imp Subbreeds 6. Assisted Newbie/Answered Questions via PM 7. Created and ran four Nixie Race Games
Uta's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Malhith paid 1. Monitored thread, when I could. 2. Answered a few questions. 3. Found familiar cert for Katsura Zanshin
Malhith's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Owner list: Samuel Carlin paid 1.
Samuel Carlin's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:08 pm
May '11 Workload smile ALL DONE AND PAID exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend *update post to receive payment 1.Answered questions 2. Gave redlines as requested 3. Requested aid from Nerpin to help teach Junior colorists with styles closer to hers then my own. 4. Worked with Uta and Mouselet with info planning.
Mindsend's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Stats: Mouselet paid 1. Redeemed 4 credits for edited kalona halfbreed from JulianMoMo. 2. Updated RP Qualification list. 3. Updated RP Qualification list again. 4. Archived old threads in Questor's subforum (Era guild). 5. Updated bonus stats and opened questions for June. 6. Updated stats and emailed my worddoc to Sirenz. 7. PLANNING.
Mouselet's SC: 19 + Monthly Credit -4 (Julian KalonaHalf) = 17
Teepee: Samus X paid 1. 5/3/11 -made Sillyangelkitty a teepee -made Autumnvicky2 a teepee -made Lorne_Sionn a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nyx queen of darkness' teepee -added a soquili and stats to Allie23's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Jadedtiger22's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to x blame it on the --- x's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Katsura Zanshin's teepee -made Astroaries a teepee -added a soquili and stats to XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Ishtanballa's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to JetAlmeara's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Kitsune Mistress Nyoko's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to sesshy552's teepee -added a soquili and stats to ktqueen's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Beejoux's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Summer Raven's teepee -added a soquili and stats to stormflower's teepee -added 8 soquili and stats to Thamin's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Sweenys_revenge's teepee -added a soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's teepee -added a soquili and stats to cheshirekttty's teepee -made Looneytaz82 a teepee -made kachie katti a teepee 5/13/11 -made Lord_Lillith a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Etherial Requiem's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Glitch's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Zakiax's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Cheshirekttty's teepee -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_SilverBlood's teepee -made Hoshi Lockheart a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Katsura Zanshin's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Angelique Delamort's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Echolimafoxtrot's teepee -added Parasitic Candii to Of The Epidemic(dreaming winde awake)'s teepee as requested -added a soquili and stats to Hallucinogenishawhatever's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Of the epidemic and Parasitic candii's teepee -added a soquili and stats to x blame it on the --- x's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Lunadriel's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Insane Butterfly's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Celestial Requiem's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Marzipanz's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Amira Keller's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Strait Jacket girl's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mindsend's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lydalynn's teepee -added a soquili and stats to isismagic's teepee -added a soquili and stats to stormflower's teepee -added a soquili and stats to shtrdrgry's teepee -added a soquili and stats to nisshou h's teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to jezbel's teepee 5/22/11 -made xxRoze a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Thalion's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Nymphalidae's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Jynk's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Divena's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Jetalmeara's teepee -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_SilverBlood's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Saedusk's teepee -removed a soquili from Littletomol's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Pinchmonster's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lt Gnatty-Bug's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Dawns_aura's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Celestial Requiem's teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to NeonFly's teepee -made ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~ a new Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mahogany sunset's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kaitaia's teepee
Samus X's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit = 12
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade paid 1. 3 Updated Tags 2. 4 New Tags 3. 1 Uncert Found
Wyntre's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit = 12
Guild: Reeve paid 1. Deleted 7 expired posts from Stallion's Lover's Rock. 2. Deleted 5 expired posts from Mer/Usdia/Seathi Lover's Rock. 3. Deleted 17 expired posts from Mare's Lover's Rock. 4. Updated SC Credit logs.
Reeve's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18
RP: Uta paid 1. Read & Monitored RPs 2. Answered & Responded to RP Questions via PM and in thread 3. Updated Lifemates List 4. Updated the Broken Lifemates List 5. Wrote up information on Rarity, Hedgefrog, Jadeplate, and Lopelong
Uta's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Malhith paid 1. Monitored thread. 2. Answered questions. 3. Found certs and uncerts for people.
Malhith's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit -7 (Pure Skinwalker Custom) = 9
Owner list: Samuel Carlin *update post to receive payment!!! 1.
Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:09 pm
June '11 Workload - all done and paid smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend PAID 1.lotsa stuffz
Mindsend's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Stats: Mouselet PAID 1. Prepped Mini Breed part 2. 2. Ran Quilin Game. 3. Set up, opened and closed Mini Leader contests. 4. Answered questions in thread and via PM. 5. Updated bonus stats and opened questions for July. 6. Updated stats and emailed my worddoc to Sirenz.
Mouselet's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit = 19
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. 6/6/11 -made Yousei Akki a teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Beejoux's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Rhyleigh's teepee -added a soquili and stats to x blame it on the --- x's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Insane Butterfly's teepee -added a soquili and stats to XxPrimevalPandaxX's teepee -made Deadly Nonchalance a teepee -added a soquili and stats to ~Kiana_Nala~'s teepee -made Charmaine Kitteridge a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Twitchapher the 3rd's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lady Aria Starstone's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Split Personality's teepee -added a soquili and stats to -[The Spoof]-'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to bella dea's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kara Asumie's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to -moomoolattecha-'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Cheshirekttty's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Bardess Ookami's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Tanakako's teepee -added 5 soquili and stats to Kirowyn Love's teepee -added a soquili and stats to AislingJuno's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Skydragono's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Yaesumuji's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Jynx's teepee -fixed cert image in Tefla's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Romain Foi's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Marzipaz's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to DemeterJade's teepee 6/18/11 -added a soquili and stats to Ishtanballa's teepee -made Jinxgirl5 a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nyx queen of darkness' teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Roniel Targaryen's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sayuri_Nitta's teepee -added a soquili and stats to AlexiaSilver's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Mindsend's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Granceangel's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Zee Oddwyn's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Natty_chan's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kailey Koreco's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Lady Kiya's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Caitlyn Hellstorm's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Cyhorse's teepee -added a soquili and stats to cheshirekttty's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mahogany sunset's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mei Silja's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kara Asumie's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Marzipanz's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sillyangelkitty's teepee -made Mangshra a teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Cajmera's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Caffeinecraving's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Bloody Anubis' teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Shirouen's teepee 6/27/11 -changed image link in Nukido's teepee -added a soquili and stats to JetAlmeara's teepee -made Celeanor a new teepee -made Bullterrierlove a teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Ladyfirefox89's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_SilverBlood's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Leez0rz's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Teh_Sil's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Looneytaz82's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Rita Zyon's teepee -added a soquili and stats to .tortured. .pumkpin.'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kirowyn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nisshou H's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Etherial Requiem's teepee -fixed cert link in xXprimevalpandaxX's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Tefla's teepee -had to go back in Roniel's teepee and rearrange 2 soquili to abc order
Samus X's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade PAID 1. 2 New Certs 2. 1 Uncert Found
Wyntre's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Guild: Reeve PAID 1. Deleted 2 expired posts from Mer/Usdia/Seathi Lover's Rock. 2. Deleted 15 expired posts from Mare Lover's Rock. 3. Deleted 6 expired posts from Stallion Lover's Rock. 4. Archived 4 threads from Soq Shop Events. 5. Archived 6 threads from Contest & Gaming Glen. 6. Updated SC Logs. 7. Updated MCCL.
Reeve's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit = 20
RP: Uta PAID 1. Stalked RPs. 2. Updated the Lifemates Thread 3. Removed expired Broken LIfemating Penalties 4. Answered questions via thread/PMs 5. Cashed in 4 credits for a Unikalona by Nephilim Queen 6. Ran a Pixie Mini Game 7. Added Pixie, Nymph, Quilin, and Minicorn character information in the RP Guidebook
Uta's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit -4 (Nephilim Custom) = 4
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Malhith - add work if you did anything for june for payment. pm once you have. 1. Monitored thread. 2. Answered questions. 3. Found certs and uncerts for people. 4. Alerted Sirenz/Mind of things that were brought to my attention.
Owner list: Samuel Carlin same as above 1. Linked new owner's list in guild. 2. Converted links for ??? through Crisanto. A constant WIP.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:08 pm
July '11 Workload smile ALL DONE AND PAID exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend 1.
Mindsend's SC = 6
Stats: Mouselet PAID 1. Redeemed 4 credits for a halfbreed kalona from Nerp (twins with Nerp, double cooldown). 2. Judged Mini Leaders and announced winners. 3. Updated stats for July and emailed my worddoc to Sirenz. 4. Updated bonus stats for July and opened August questions.
Mouselet's SC: 19 + Monthly Credit = 21
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. - 4 sc for kalona custom 7/6/11 -made Thy Reaper a teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Feathered Lunra's teepee -made Shyanimegrl a teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to She-ra of etheria's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Revel1984's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Bella dea's teepee -added a soquili and stats to XxPrimevalPadaxX's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Beejoux's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Cheshirekttty's teepee -added a soquili and stats to x blame it on the ---x's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kettyn's teepee -made Plain old trudy a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Gl!tch's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to lysia_nyteblade's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Rinial sisterdragon's teepee -added a soquili and stats to harukaharu's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Faithofthefaith's teepee -added a soquili and stats to sweenys_revenge's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Dulcea's teepee -added a soquili and stats to ArashiX's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to MarggeXX's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to FitzRoyal's teepee -added a soquili and stats to thalion's teepee -made Alamoraina a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nisshou H's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Vistada's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Marinity's teepee -made x-ivory_feld-x a new teepee 7/13/11 -added 4 soquili and stats to Caitlyn Hellstorm's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Renegade Athena's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Roniel Targaryen's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Evelastina's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness' teepee -added a soquili and stats to Atheart's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Moxxiie's teepee -fixed cert links in lysia_nyteblade's teepee -added a soquili and stats to stormflower's teepee -added a soquili and stats plus banners to Magnadearel's teepee -added a soquili and stats to sbuggy166's teepee -added a soquili and stats to LadyKirin's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Fitzroyal's teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to Derivative's teepee -added a soquili and stats to LydaLynn's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Gl!tch~'s teepee -fixed a cert link in icy serenade's teepee -added a soquili and stats plus banner to Lady Kiya's teepee -added a soquili and stats to StarieMichie's Teepee -fixed cert links in Insame Butterfly's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Ishtanballa's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Ririka's teepee 7/27/11 -added 2 soquili and stats to [+katch+]'s teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Ac.wings' teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to Syaoran-puu's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Ririka's teepee -removed a soquili from Evening Night's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -added a soquili and stats to icy serenade's Teepee -made irishgirl1017 a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Moonstar-ox's teepee -added a soquili and stats to AlexiaSilver's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Faid Shadowlight's teepee -added a soquili and stats to [X]Natty-Chan[X]'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Zee Oddwyn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Teh Roarie's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Kettyn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sweenys_Revenge's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Seruta's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Crayons 4 the color blind's Teepee -added 5 soquili and stats to Pollack's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Agneza's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Lady_Ourania's Teepee
Samus X's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 16
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade PAID (-5 Credits For Mutant Wind Soq by Mind) 1. 5 New Certs 2. 6 Updated Cert
Wyntre's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit -5 (Mutant Wind Mind Custom) = 11
Guild: Reeve PAID (-3 Credits for Edited Cerynei from Agneza} 1. Deleted 7 expired/crossed-out entries from Stallion's LR. 2. Deleted 18 expired entries from Mare's LR. 3. Deleted 8 expired entries from Usdia/Seathi/Mer LR. 4. Updated MCCL lists. 5. Archived 1 thread from Sales Stable. 6. Archived 7 threads from Contest & Gaming Glen. 7. Updated NCS Credits logs for June.
Reeve's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit -3 (Cerynei Agneza Custom) = 19
RP: Uta PAID 1. Monitored RPs 2. Updated the Broken Lifematings Listing 3. Updated the Lifematings Listing 4. Answered questions & dug up some needed uncerts and lost certs 5. Cleared up some RP & Plot issues via PM 6. Helped judge the Mini-Breeds RP Contest
Uta's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Malhith PAID 1. Monitored thread. 2. Answered questions. 3. Posted in the meeting agenda thread for Sisi.
Malhith's SC: 9 + Monthly Credit = 11
Owner list: Samuel Carlin PAID 1. Still catching up. (I know). 7/9/11: Fixed Damien - Iniabi
Samuel Carlin's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:10 pm
August '11 Workload smile All Done and paid exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend *updated your duties to get payment!* 1. Checked on quota status's 2. Answered questions. 3. forwarded Pm's around 4. confirmed quota completion/credit purchases
Mindsend's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 8
Stats: Mouselet paid 1. Answered questions. 2. Updated stats and emailed my worddoc to Sirenz. 3. Updated bonus stats and opened questions for September.
Mouselet's SC: 21 + Monthly Credit = 23
Teepee: Samus X paid 1.
8/10/11 -changed cert link in Roniel Targaryen's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kyaishi's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mindsend's teepee -added co own soquili's stats to XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Beejoux's teepee -made Sirene Naiads a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Insane Butterfly's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sweenys_Revenge's Teepee -made Mia Firestorm([Mialee]) a new teepee and added a soquili with stats plus removed 2 soquili -added a soquili and stats to .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Hoshi Lockhart's teepee -added a soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Zakiax's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Musicaloner7's Teepee -added a soquili and stats plus fixed cert links in RockerWolfie1616's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Amira Keller's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Celestial Requiem's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Shyanimegrl's Teepee -updated cert link in Anthro!sparky's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to JetAlmeara's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Thalea's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Deadly Nonchalance's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kailey Koreco's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lady_Ourania's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Malhith's Teepee -added 4 soquili with stats plus fixed cert link in Rein_Carnation's teepee 8/22/11 -added a soquili and stats to Elfstar89's Teepee -put Syaoran-Puu's Teepee in abc order -added a soquili to Frezir's teepee -made Natsuko-neko a teepee -added a soquili and stats to FitzRoyal's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Phail Ninja's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Andranis' Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Kiara Lime's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Naru_Uchiha007's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Rhyleigh's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to DemonWingedPoetGirl's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lady Argentum Draconis' Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Bella dea's teepee -updated a cert link for Kirowyn Love -updated a cert link for Roniel Targaryen -added a soquili and stats to Evelastina's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Darkmoon Dancer's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sabin duvert's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Thalion's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to sparrows_poppet's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mia Firestorm's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Agneza's teepee
Samus X's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade paid 1. 5 Updated Certs 2. 3 Uncerts Found 3. 1 New Cert
Wyntre's SC: 11 + Monthly Credit = 13
Guild: Reeve paid 1. Deleted 19 expired/crossed-out entries from Stallion's LR. 2. Deleted 19 expired/crossed-out entries from Mare's LR. 3.Deleted 7 expired entries from Usdia/Mer/Seathi LR. 4. Updated MCC Listings.
Reeve's SC: 19 + Monthly Credit = 21
RP: Uta paid 1. Stalked Rps 2. Removed expired Broken Lifemating Penalties 3. Added broken Lifemates 4. Updated the Lifemates List 5. Answered questions via PM 6. Sent out a few warnings and clarifications about RP via PM 7. Wrote & Posted Powers & Abilities Thread
Uta's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 8
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Malhith paid 1. Monitored thread. 2. Found a few uncerts for various people. 3. Answered minor questions. 4. Took care of minor drama/brought things to Si's attention. 5. Helped someone figure out the pricing of crossbreed customs. 6. Hunted down familiar uncerts.
Malhith's SC: 11 + Monthly Credit = 13
Owner list: Samuel Carlin **HIATUS (I think?) 1.
Samuel Carlin's SC = 6
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:08 pm
September '11 Workload - DONE AND PAID smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend paid 1. Checked on quota status's 2. Answered questions. 3. forwarded Pm's around 4. confirmed quota completion/credit purchases (Why do I even bother with this lol XD)
Mindsend's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Stats: Mouselet paid 1. Updated RP Qualifications list. 2. Updated bonus stats and opened questions for October. 3. Updated stats and emailed my worddoc to Sirenz. 4. Updated teepee list.
Mouselet's SC: 23 + Monthly Credit = 25
Teepee: Samus X paid 1. - 4 for custom
9/10/11 -added a soquili and stats to Kiara Lime's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mindsend's teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to Teh_Sil's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Falenpants' Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Marzipanz's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to DarkHeartedSorrows' Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Rinial Sisterdragon's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Cajmera's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to RockerWolfie1616's Teepee -made Elf Princess Flannery a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mameha Otome's Teepee -added a soquli and stats to x_nagatai's Teepee 9/16/11 -removed and added a soquili with stats in Pollack's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LadyKirin's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Faid Shadowlight's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to silent artist's Teepee -added 5 soquili and stats to Hanging Gallow's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Darkmoon Dancer's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Jynk's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to x_nagatai's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sillyangelkitty's Teepee 9/24/11 -redid Kamiki's first post for her as requested -added a soquili and stats to mangshra's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats plus changed cert image in Roniel Targaryen's teepee -added a banner to Lysia_Nyteblade's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Akira-Kisho's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Zee Oddwyn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -added a soquili and stats Nukido's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Thalion's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nisshou's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Rinial Sisterdragon's teepee -added a soquili and stats to JetAlmeara's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LadyKirin's Teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to Etherial Requiem's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Mameha Otome's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to _-Cheeky_Chobit-_'s Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Saedusk's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Dixie's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Toadies_soarys's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_SilverBlood's teepee -added a soquili and stats to dracoXK's teepee
Samus X's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit -4 (Custom) = 16
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade paid 1. 4 New Certs 2. 4 Updated Cert
Wyntre's SC: 13 + Monthly Credit = 15
Guild: Reeve (Partial Hiatus) 1/2 paid {I fail for September. x.x} 1. Pass updated to half of PB.
Reeve's SC: 21 + 1/2 Monthly Credit = 22
RP: Uta paid Cashed In 4 Credits - Used them for a breeding from Nephilim Queen 1. Updated the Lifemates list 2. Stalked RPs 3. Wrote & Posted Powers Approval Thread 4. Answered questions 5. Clarified powers to individuals via PM 6. Updated Guidebook with Ulun'suti & Hippogryph information
Uta's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding) = 6
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Malhith paid 1. Found uncerts. 2. Helped Si. 3. Monitored thread 4. Answered questions. 5. 11 new certs
Malhith's SC: 13 + Monthly Credit -5 (Angeni Custom) = 10
Owner list: Samuel Carlin paid Back to work! Sorry! 1. Updating from OL corrections post. 9/18 Fitzroyal, Kettyn 9/20 Ivory_Feld, Faithofthefallen, ramenli, Asuka Fujimiya, Mahogany Sunset, bella dea, Roniel Targaryen 9/21 Seruta, Teh Roarie, stormflower, shadica, Syaoran-Puu, astroaries, Seiana_ZI, Nyphalidae (x2), Phail Ninja
Samuel Carlin's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 8
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:16 pm
October '11 Workload smile ALL DONE AND PAID exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend PAID 1. Worked on setup and running of part of the event 2. Approve credits 3. Answer questions
Mindsend's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit = 12
Stats: Nisshou H PAID 1. Wrote bonus stat questions for November 2. Made list for October stats (bonus and RP) 3. Updated RP Qualifications list 4. Made new RP Qualifications thread (it still has that new thread smell)
Nisshou's SC: 0 + Monthly Credit = 2
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. 10/15/11 -added a soquili and stats to Ruhane Chiisai's teepee -added a soquili and stats to HyperCandy Loli's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Moxxiie 's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mahogany Sunset's Teepee -updated cert image in Jinxgirl5's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to [+Katch+]'s Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Ishtanballa's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Roman Foi's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Mindsend's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Laroawan's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to DemonWingedPoetGirl's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to ~Kiana_Nala~'s Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to FitzRoyal's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Ladyfirefox89's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Roniel Targaryen's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Thamin's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nukido's teepee
Samus X's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade PAID 1. 4 Updated Tags
Wyntre's SC: 15 + Monthly Credit = 17
Guild: Reeve (Partial Hiatus)
Reeve's SC: 22 + Monthly Credit = 22
RP: Uta PAID 1. Updated the Lifemates List 2. Removed expired Broken Lifemates Penalty 3. Stalked RPs 4. Added Broken Lifematings to the Penalty List 5. Answered questions via PM
Uta's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 8
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Malhith PAID 1. Monitored thread 2. Answered questions
Malhith's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit = 12
Owner list: Samuel Carlin PAID Maintaining raffle list for paid raffle/Soqween event 10/26: Corrected owners list mistakes: stormflower, lysia_nightblade, Kettyn, magnadearel, chi honda Added to OL: King Julian aka MoMo, Alc'ander, Floraidh, Rainbow Heart, Rising Rainbow, Lady Cregga Rose Eyes, Cato Updated on OL: Sen'jin, Tai'jin, Ysiel, Jonquil, Dayunsi, Rasui 10/27: Added to OL: Auva, Heze, Talos, Kratos, Teacups Airay, Tumble Bug Airay, Revolution Airay, Loch, Keleptis, Ulfric, Sheria, Amandine, Tilonas, Memory, Shade, Aldebaran, Xiulan, Dreamz, Master Chief, Reject Fixed OL links for: Isiah, Jame, Joh, Jon, Ju, Kaida, Kearn, Kitsune, Kohana, Kohana Kwahi 10/28: Added to OL: Magnus, Medea, Citrine, Isolean Vriends Updated on OL: Maggot Fixed OL links for: Konpeito, Kyrie Skye, Lightning, Linnea, Lloyd 10/30: Added to OL: Resplendent Discordance, Doc, Celcius, Zamyr, Guardian, Azumet, Sulo, Aquilina, Laveda, Zalia Fixed OL links for: Llyr, Lord Reliquary, Lord Soth, Luna, Mar'li, Mari Llwyd, Mephistopheles, Misu, Morphee, Morrigan
Samuel Carlin's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:17 pm
November '11 Workload - all done and paid smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend -paid 1. continued working on event 2.handled questions 3. approved credit purchases 4. organized winter event discussions
Mindsend's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Stats: Nisshou H -paid 1. Added the stats for October (sent the list to Si) 2. Opened bonus questions for November 3. Made list for stats for November 4. Updated the RP qualifications thread
Nisshou's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Teepee: Samus X -paid 1. 11/13/11 -added a soquili and stats to Pollack's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Musicaloner7's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to icy serenade's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to ChaosTheories' Teepee -made ~Twilight...Angel~ a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nisshou H's Teepee 11/15/11 -added a soquili and stats to sparrows_poppet's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Roniel's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Scaramouche Fandango's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sawaki's Teepee -updated the layout to -[The Spoof]- 's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Amira Keller's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to [X]Natty-Chan[X]'s Teepee -made Chenabby a teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Stormflower's Teepee
Samus X's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit = 20
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade -paid 1. Cashing in 10 SC for Twin Angeni from Neza 2. Ran "Design a Mask" Game 3. Updated 2 Soquili Certs 4. Found 13 uncerts to get started on the cuter soq conversion...
Wyntre's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit -10 (Agneza Custom) = 9
Guild: Reeve -paid 1. Deleted 66 expired/crossed out entries from Mare's LR. 2. Deleted 47 expired/crossed out entries from Stallion's LR. 3 Deleted 9 expired entries from Usdia/Seathi/Mer LR. 4. Ran 3 games for the Halloween event & designed 1 game for Samuel to run. 5. Updated Staff SC for September & October.
Reeve's SC: 22 + Monthly Credit = 24
RP: Uta -paid 1. Stalked RPs 2. Answered questions via AIM 3. Updated the Lifemates Listing 4. Removed expired Broken Lifemating penalties
Uta's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit = 10
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Malhith -paid 1. Archived 9 threads from the Contests & Gaming forum. 2. Monitored thread. 3. Ran a game, and did other minor things for event. 4. Answer questions. 5. Found uncerts. 6. Dealt with drama stuffs.
Malhith's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Owner list: Samuel Carlin -paid Continuing to build raffle list for Soqoween Completed Soqoween raffle Ran 1 game, designed by Reeve
11/6/2011: Added to OL: Dominia, Kalvina, Yasmine, Topher, Lapointe, Cyanide Syn, Ravati, Dakarai'reth, Kateri, Arthgallo Updated OL Links: Mr. Cadaver, Muriel, Nathanial Christopher, Nozormu, Odele, Ophelia, Paris + 3 illegible soq 11/7/2011: Added to OL: Tsuritsa, Huapala, Tierra Avani, Tae-Hyun, Soarta, Zelia Dorei, Zhevra, Arahael, Galla Sile, Ambien Rose, Straterra Rose, Ean, Higurashi no Watasumi, Juno of the Shrine, Hei Zhenzhu + 2 unnamed Soq Updated OL Links: Patches, Puck, Pumpkin Spice, Raguel, Raikou, Razzi Paparrazi, Reaver, Remus, Ritual 11/10/2011: Added to OL: Cocomul, Artemisa, Brennevin, Eftemie, Brijana, Razzashi, Opharro, Zalashji, Najentu, Timbura, Sky Raider, Keary Oralee, Keagan Oralee, Bailey Rae, Bane, Paikea Updated OL Links: Ryuki, Ryutaro Mine, Sachiko, Sadie, Sayena, Serenity, Shihab, Shiori, Siren, Sirius 11/14/2011: Updated from OL Corrections Thread: Emryss, Zisor, Luna Updated OL Links: Emryss, Lycaon, Mephistopheles, Naoki, Veraql, Zisor, Aethereal, Aonani, Criana, Hologram Added to OL: Ebyk, Savannah, Amathio, Karei, Patchems, Shikon, Jessalyn Draculesti, "Mary" Ecaterina Draculesti, Rainata 11/21/2011: Added to OL: Abasambo, Visani, Sciore, Diego, Prodea, Bridgette, Lavinia, Lucinda, Chessur, Haemon, Aglaope, Mariabella, Adelicia, Horus, Padmasundara Anasuya, Vervada, Melanthios, Ashey Pelt Updated OL Links: Lilith, Idrenniel, Sirius Blac, Skull Cap?, Soup, Spot, Starlit Eclipse 11/29/2011: Added to OL: Sethe, Bereale, Jenesis, Allegro Amachi, Opus Amachi, Faegan, Mordecai, Brutus, Hepzibane, Mariketa the Awaited, Vargus, Red Plate BlackVerb, Grayson Pierce 11/30/2011: Added to OL: Umeko, Miran, Amyntas, Sir Lucian Misae, Lady Ysolde Misae, Lady Alani Misae, Maitreya, Anantavikrama, Devasrigarbha, Mirella, SkullKandy, Pontifax, Petrushka, Pavlov, Mokole, Grauen Kerze, Erolinost, Corvus Mortuus, Tairyn Ezbra Updated OL Links: Sylmeria, Takipsilim, Teykali, Thanatos, The Artful Dodger, Tir na nog, Tolavan + one illegible name
Samuel Carlin's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit = 12
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:17 pm
December '11 Workload ALL DONE AND PAID smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend -
Answered questions (Both main account and Soquili account) And transferred questions not in my jurisdiction to the correct people. Confirmed credits purchases for colorists Asked about progress and status
General Manager: malhith PAID -cashing in 4 sc for a breeding for a couple on the LL list. 1. Monitoring thread. 2. Answered questions. 3. Certed, recerted, or updated the cert for 33 soqs, and 1 familiar. 4. Found uncerts.
Malhith's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding) = 12
Stats: Nisshou H PAID -4 credits for a breeding 1. Added stats for November (list sent to Si though I called it December for some reason) 2. Wrote and posted the bonus stat questions 3. Answered some questions on stats 4. Re-opened the soquili races and ran races 5. Re-opened soquili trivia 6. Re-opened the bravery game 7. Updated the RP qualifications lists
Nisshou's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding)= 2
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. - 5sc for custom 12/1/11 -added a soquili and stats to Faid Shadowlight's teepee -Made Akkhima a teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Sabin Duvert's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Huroggmeten's Teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to Marzipanz's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to-PR0X1MA-C3NTAUR1-'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Apotropaics' Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Darkmoon Dancer's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Looneytaz82's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to [+Katch+]'s Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Nymphalidae's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Elf Princess Flannery's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Divena's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Faithofthefallen's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Tefla's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Kettyn's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nukido's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Roniel's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Of The Epidemic's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LydaLynn's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Chi Honda's Teepee -added a soquili ands stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -added a soquili and stats to CheshireKttty's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to YamiBakuraChan's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee 12/8/11 -added a soquili and stats to Angelique DelaMort's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Celestial Requiem's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Elf Princess Flannery's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Evil Pirate Duck's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kirowyn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Snow_Leopard_Anthro's Teepee -made DreamingIllusion a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sesshy552's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LOLTERNATIVE's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to JetAlmeara's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Seruta's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to SylverStar's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to ~Twilight...Angel~'s Teepee -added a soquili and stats to icy serenade's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to FitzRoyal's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Magnadearel's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sunchaser9000's Teepee 12/29/11 -added a soquili and stats plus recoded first post in Kamiki's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Roniel Targaryen's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Atheart's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Tefla's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kettyn's teepee -made xxLuminol a teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Sabin Duvert's teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Cyhorse's teepee -made Marsipanz a new teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to Syaoran-Puu's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kareswynn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_SilverBlood's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to LydaLynn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Vistada's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Yumitoko's Teepee
Samus X's SC: 20 + Monthly Credit -5 (Custom) = 17
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade PAID 1. 13 Updated Cuter Conversions.... 2. 2 Updated Certs
Wyntre's SC: 9 + Monthly Credit = 11
Guild: Reeve PAID 1. Updated NCS Stats for November. 2. Archived 2 threads from Sales Stable. 3. Archived 1 thread from Contest & Gaming Glen. 4. Updated MCCL Owner's Listings
Reeve's SC: 24 + Monthly Credit = 26
RP: Uta PAID 1. Stalked Rps 2. Answered some Lifemating & Broken Lifemating questions via PM 3. Removed expired penalties from the Broken Lifemating thread 4. Answered some RP Questions via PM 6. Updated Lifemates Listing 7. Helped fit work out backstory of characters to fit shop cannon.
Uta's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit = 12
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin - need to list duties for payment. pm when you have
Nerpin's SC = 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin PAID ~Sam is in the process of buying a new house. Will try to get -something- done this month, but as it came at a crazy/bad time, RL has to come first. Sorry!~ 12/22: Added to OL: Absalom, Youma
Samuel Carlin's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:18 pm
January '12 Workload ALL DONE AND PAID smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend paid Answered questions (Both main account and Soquili account) And transferred questions not in my jurisdiction to the correct people. Confirmed credits purchases for colorists Performed Artist critiques (Familiar colorists and hopefuls by request)
Mindsend's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 16
General Manager: malhith paid -4 SCs for a breeding on a couple on the LL list. 1. Answered questions. 2. Found uncerts/certs for a few soq. 3. Monitored main thread. 4. Certed 25 soq.
Malhith's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding)= 10
Stats: Nisshou H paid 1. Added stats for December 2. Wrote and opened bonus stat questions for January 3. Made list for January stats 4. Answered stat and general questions (pm) 5. Updated RP qualifications list 6. Updated teepee listing
Nisshou's SC: 2 + Monthly Credit = 4
Teepee: Samus X paid 1. 1/10/12 -added a soquili and stats to Sadi Sidhe's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Stormflower's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to [+Katch+]'s Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -removed a soquili and stats from LOLTERNATIVE's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Ol-j-man's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Scaramouche Fandango's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Bardess Ookami's Teepee -updated 2 certs plus added 2 soquili and stats to Malhith's Teepee -made [.Silvr-Moon.] a teepee -added a soquili and stats to ~Kiana_Nala~'s Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Marzipanz's Teepee -SylverStar's Teepee -rearranged Marinitys Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Jynk's Teepee 1/25/12 -added a soquili and stats to Cajmera's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Moxxiie 's teepee -added a soquili and stats to LunaRei_SilverBlood's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Roniel's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Chenabby's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Redbud-tree's Teepee -changed cert link, rearranged the first post plus added 2 soquili and stats to Nyx queen of darkness' teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Irishgirl1017's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Elfstar89 and Geyser Eelborn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Akkhima's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to .Tortured. .Pumpkin.'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Darkmoon Dancer's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Laroawan's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to yeomso's Teepee -fixed 2 cert link plus added a soquili and stats to Revel1984's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Celestial Requiem's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kara Asumie's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Daeril-sama's Teepee -changed first post plus added 7 soquili and stats to Infinities's Teepee -made Tenko72 a teepee -added a soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -added 5 soquili to mindsend's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to RockerWolfie1616's Teepee -added 2 soquili adn stats to Fawnzy's Teepee 1/26/12 -added 2 soquili and stats to DemeterJade's Teepee -added 6 soquili and stats to LOLTERNATIVE's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Looneytaz82's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nisshou's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to xxLuminol's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to CheshireKttty's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to JetAlmeara's Teepee -added 5 soquili and stats to Uta's teepee -added a soquili and stats to YamiBakuraChan's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to -[The Spoof]- 's teepee -added a soquili and stats to ~Kiana_Nala~'s Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Sillyangelkitty's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Kamiki's Teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to Dovaxy's Teepee -made Kesmi a new teepee
Samus X's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit = 19
Tagging: Wyntre Iceblade paid 1. Updated 9 Soquili 2. Certed 21 New Soquili 3. Made uncerts for 7 baskets
Wyntre's SC: 11 + Monthly Credit = 13
Guild: Reeve paid 1. Deleted 23 expired/crossed out entries from Stallion's LR. 2. Deleted 20 expired/crossed out entries from Mare's LR. 3. Deleted 6 expired/crossed out entries from Seathi/Mer/Usdia LR. 4. Updated MCCL list. 5. Updated Staff Credits.
Reeve's SC: 26 + Monthly Credit = 28
RP: Uta paid 1. Stalked RPs 2. Worked out plot & history issues with a customer via PM 3. Updated the lifemates list 4. Updated the broken lifemates listing 5. Answered questions via AIM & PM
Uta's SC: 12 + Monthly Credit = 14
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin *edit your duties and then PM sirenz for payment*
Nerpin's SC = 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin *edit in your duties and then PM sirenz for payment
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:19 pm
February '12 Workload-ALL DONE AND PAID smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend PAID
Mindsend's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18
1. Answered Questions 2. Transferred questions to the proper person/asked questions FOR people 3. Monitored the thread 4. Asked about progresses of colorists
General Manager: malhith PAID -4 SC for a surprise custom for someone. 1. Answered questions. 2. Found uncerts. 3. Monitored main thread 4. Certed/recerted/grew soq. 5. V-day Flaffle 6. Drama stuff. >.> And blacklisted a person. 7. Did the list, and rolled for Sisi's Leap Day mare. (:
Malhith's SC: 10 + Monthly Credit - 4 (Custom) = 8
Stats: Nisshou H PAID 1. Added stats for January 2. Opened bonus stat questions for February 3. Answered stat related questions (pm) 4. Updated the RP qualifications list 5. Updated the teepee list 6. Made list for February stats
Nisshou's SC: 4 + Monthly Credit = 6
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. -4sc for breeding
2/23/12 -added 2 soquili and stats to Novablu's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Yumitoko's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Roniel Targaryen's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mewsings of An Angel's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Faid Shadowlight's teepee -added a soquili and stats to SylverStar's Teepee -added a soquilil and stats plus updated banners in Sawaki's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to The Dawn Of Twilight's Teepee -added a soquili and states to [Mistress Morbid]'s Teepee -added banners (malhith gave me code to copy/paste for her front page) to Malhith's teepee -added a soquili and stats to icy serenade's Teepee -made cashmeresky a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Mewmew kittykat94's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Moxxiie 's teepee -added a soquili and stats to JungleRunner's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Tamiko_kitten's Teepee -updated cert and added a soquili plus stats to Aether's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lunadriel's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to [X]Natty-Chan[X]'s teepee -added a soquili and stats to Ladyfirefox89's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Orangeish Sherbert's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Scaramouche Fandango's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to 'Raze's teepee 2/28/12 -added 2 soquili and stats to Syaoran-Puu's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Faid Shadowlight's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Nyx Queen of Darkness' Teepee -added 3 soquili ands stats to silent artist's Teepee -made xKOVAKtheWOLFx a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lady Argentum Draconis' Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Saedusk's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Ramenli's Teepee -removed a soquili from -MoomoolatteCha-'s Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Yuuka Kurokawa's Teepee -added 7 soquili and stats to AlexiaSilver's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Frezir's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Ladyfirefox89's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Thy Reaper's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Kurama no Koishi's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Kamiki's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lady Kiya's teepee -added 4 soquili and stats to Kyaishi's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Sabin Duvert's teepee
Samus X's SC: 19 + Monthly Credit - 4 (Breeding) = 17
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade ((Just a note there was 10 Credits Cashed in Nov that might have been missed)) Fixed - Reeve PAID 1. 14 Growth Certs 2. 12 New Cert 3. 11 Updated Certs
Wyntre's SC: 13 + Monthly Credit = 15
Guild: Reeve PAID 1. Updated Staff Credits for January.
Reeve's SC: 28 + 1/2 Monthly Credit = 29
RP: Uta PAID -5 SC for surprise mutant custom for someone 1. Stalked RPs 2. Updated the Lifemtes List 3. Updated the Broken Lifemates List 4. Answered questions via PM & AIM
Uta's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit - 5 (Custom) = 11
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin **UPDATE DUTIES TO RECEIVE PAY (IF ANY)*
Owner list: Samuel Carlin PAID Back at it this month.
2/6/12: Added: Miquiztli, Nenetl, Charon, Uwasa, Tsukessi, Hedia, Hideaki, Isoba, Cillian, Gershwin, Pyper, Kealani, Taro, Laine, Lilian Updated OL Links: Tomas, Twenty, Uchiha Sasuke, Uni, Vaivo???, Venom Tone, Vicious, Virulent Jailrock, Walerian, Wherwithal 2/7/12: Added: Talbot, Ta'Lava, Queen Stephanie, Eleanor, Ronga, Vayu, Syuvei, Clavicus, Fee Marraine, Hanahi, Caleigh, Aether, Tokala, Amadeus, Neomonni Updated and fixed OL links: Maion
Samuel Carlin's SC: 14 + Monthly Credit = 16
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:35 pm
March '12 Workload - ALL DONE AND PAID smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend -list duties for payment 1. Answered Questions 2. Transferred questions to the proper person/asked questions FOR people 3. Monitored the thread 4. Asked about progresses of colorists
Mindsend's SC: 18 + Monthly Credit = 20
General Manager: malhith PAID -4 SC for a flutter made by Heart that I HAD to have. Oh Eolande... biggrin 1. Made this post FROM A CELL PHONE. biggrin 2. Monitored thread. 3. Answered questions. 4. Certing for Neph and some for Kia. 5. St. Patty flaffle
Malhith's SC: 8 + Monthly Credit -4 (Flutter Custom)= 6
Stats: Nisshou H PAID -5 credits for a mutant custom for Roni (And that takes talent Mal) 1. Added stats for February 2. Opened bonus stat questions for March 3. Answered stat questions (pm/aim) 4. Updated RP qualified breeding list 5. Updated teepee list 6. Making the stat list for March 7. Wrote bonus questions for April 8. Ran a race mini-game (for stats)
Nisshou's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit -5 (Mutant Custom)= 3
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. 3/15/12 -removed a soquili from xo--kairi's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Syaoran-Puu's Teepee -removed 6 soquili from Pale Mist's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Yumitoko's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Faid Shadowlight's teepee -added a soquili and stats to [+Katch+]'s Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Bardess Ookami's Teepee -made ShadowsCursed a teepee -removed a soquili from Jaleeni(aka Lovely wolf guardian)'s teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Lady in the Golden Wood -added 7 soquili and stats to Dolphingirl's Teepee -updated cert in Lady Argentum Draconis' teepee -replaced banners plus added a soquili and stats to Magnadearel's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Thalea's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to cashmeresky's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to mindsend's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Frezir's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Rinial Sisterdragon's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Beejoux's Teepee -added 3 soquili and stats plus changed front page layout to Kamiki's teepee 3/22/12 -added a soquili and stats to Catmagick's Teepee -changed a banner in Sawaki's teepee -added new banners and added 7 soquili with stats in Strawberri Stardust's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Nymphalidae's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to mangshra's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Andranis' Teepee -added 12 soquili and no stats to Tsunake's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Insane Butterfly's Teepee -made Fea Line a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Shyanimegrl's Teepee -made a new teepee for x blame it on the --- x and added a soquili plus stats -made TanuKyle a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Shikon Miko's Teepee -made -Yasha Alchemist a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Laroawan's Teepee -made anasazi_lemur_babe a teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to Sabin's Teepee
Samus X's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit = 19
Tagging: Wyntre_Iceblade PAID 1. 3 new certs 2. 7 updated certs
Wyntre's SC: 15 + Monthly Credit = 17
Guild: Reeve PAID 1. Updated Staff SC for Feb. 2. Deleted 16 expired/crossed out entries in Mare's LR. 3. Deleted 3 expired entries in Mer, Seathi, Usdia LR. 4. Deleted 17 expired/crossed out entries in Stallion's LR. 5. Updated MCCL.
Reeve's SC: 29 + Monthly Credit = 31
RP: Uta PAID 1. Stalked RPs as usual 2. Updated the Lifemates List 3. Updated the Broken Lifemates List 4. Answered questions via AIM & PM
Uta's SC: 11 + Monthly Credit = 13
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin -list duties for payment
Nerpin's SC: 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin - list duties for payment
Samuel Carlin's SC: 16
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:30 pm
April '12 Workload ALL DONE AND PAID smile exclaim Please list out every thing you have done for the month to receive payment.
Colorist Manager: Mindsend *list duties to get payment* 1. Answered Questions 2. Transferred questions to the proper person/asked questions FOR people 3. Monitored the thread 4. Asked about progresses of colorists
Mindsend's SC: 18
General Manager: malhith PAID 1. Monitored thread. 2. Found uncerts. 3. Answered a few questions. 4. Certed some stuff for Neph. 5. Found certs.
Malhith's SC: 6 + Monthly Credit = 8
Stats: Nisshou H PAID 1. Updated stats for March. 2. Working on April stat list 3. Opened bonus stat questions for April 4. Ran Soquili Trivia Game 5. Updated teepee list
Nisshou's SC: 3 + Monthly Credit = 5
Teepee: Samus X PAID 1. 4/23/12 -added 2 soquil with stats and arranged the first post in Roniel Targaryen's teepee -added a soquili and stats to Faithofthefallen's teepee -added 3 soquili and stats to minsends teepee -removed a soquili and stats from DemonWingedPoetGirl's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Bardess Ookami's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Arashi's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Zee Oddwyn's Teepee -updated a cert image in Fea Line's Teepee -made Dragoil a teepee -added a soquili and stats to Looneytaz82's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Leopleuradon's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Fatal Irony's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Lady_Ourania's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Malhith's Teepee 4/24/12 -added a soquili plus stats and rearranged the first post in LOLTERNATIVE's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Phail Ninja's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Snow_Leopard_Anthro's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to YamiBakuraChan's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Nisshou's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to XxPrimevalPandaxX's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Insane Butterfly's Teepee -added 2 soquili and stats to Fawnzy's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to ATh e a r t's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Hanging Gallow's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to [Mistress Morbid]'s Teepee -added 3 soquili plus stats and updated cert image in Three Tailed Fox's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Vistada's Teepee -made FallenThroughMidnight a teepee -added a soquili and stats to LydaLynn's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to JetAlmeara's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to She-Ra of Etheria's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Ol-j-man's Teepee -added a soquili and stats to Fea Line's Teepee
Samus X's SC: 19 + Monthly Credit = 21
Tagging: Wyntre Iceblade PAID (-5 for Mutant ^^ Gift from Riri) 1. 3 New Certs 2. 9 Updated Certs
Wyntre's SC: 17 + Monthly Credit -5(Mutant Custom)= 14
Guild: Reeve (-5 SC - Mutant Custom Gift) PAID 1. Deleted 55 abandoned entries in MCCL.
Reeve's SC: 31 + Monthly Credit -4 (Mutant Custom)= 29
RP: Uta (-4 SC - Gifted Breeding) PAID 1. Scour RPs 2. Answered questions via AIM & PM 3. Updated Lifemates listing 4. Updated Broken Lifemates listing
Uta's SC: 13 + Monthly Credit -4 (Breeding)= 11
Assistant Managers
Assistant Manager: Nerpin *list duties to get payment*
Nerpin's SC: 0
Owner list: Samuel Carlin PAID
4.2.2012: Tackling the error list. Added: Edmund Sylvilagus, Lavender, Titan, Selenas, Lynae, Moaleit Corrected: Zaniah, Aurynne, Rockstar, Nerissa, Ivory, Meroko, Corvus Albus, Hipelagan, Caryiln Naia 4.5.2012: Added: Nephthys, Sun Chaser, Gunkan, Nori, Onigiri, Akiko, Lyric, Cereus Zeridae, Kolli, Indilwen Updated: Allan, Fionuir Rhoswe, Hallow's Bane, Lyra, Mikaru Bloodbane, Musso Koroni, Proserpine, Vanaheimr
Samuel Carlin's SC: 16 + Monthly Credit = 18