Das Rabble Rouser
Requiem in Mortis
Das Rabble Rouser
It still violates TOS so Requiem should edit his post and remove it anyway.
Because the Mods can't take jokes, amirite?

I fixeded it, sorta.
Nope, they can't. I made a comment once about how "Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't shot because he was a n*****, he was shot because he was a powerful n*****." When I got a warning for racism, I argued that the words I wrote were a paraphrasing of what I imagined James Earl Ray to have been thinking. No dice.
I lost an account from April 2003 because I gave a mod's avatar a bad rate in Avatar Talk. Wish I was kidding.
You could easily have appealed that ban. Giving a mods avy a bad rating doesn't violate TOS which is a solid case.
Yea, that sounds like abuse of power. Too late now, though.