Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:09 am
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:11 am
Ehren Shibuya
Name: Ehren Shibuya Breed: Wind (Cosplay offspring) Temper: Honorable Mate status: Taken
Personality: Tacturn and quiet, Ehren finds himself wanting to live up to his father's expectations, and yet not knowing quite how to do so. Having grown up looking more like his father, than his flutter-mother, Ehren feels almost too big. Taller than the average soquili with the heavy bones of his father make him careful when travailing as he has the habit of hitting his head on things accidentally. His long hair, from his mother, is constantly getting in his way, much to Ehren's chargrin.
History Born to the hyper mare Feena and the large wind stallion Yuuri, the little colt had perhapse a good, if unusual start to life. Born last of the three brothers he has always felt behind, the slowest to learn things, the slowest to mature. He seeks his father's approval, and after learning that Yuuri is what he called the demon Kind, of the Great demon Kingdom, Ehren seeks to live up to that grand-seeming title as the Son of the Demon King. His only problem is that he doesn't feel either dignified or particularly royal.. He sees himself more as an over-grown stallion that has difficulty relating to others. He has no real ambition in life other than to not embarass his family and try to live up to the tales his father has told them of the Great demon Kingdom and the brave knights who lived there.
Plots He runs across the injured mare Misti, a lady who has lost her memory of her past and has no idea where she is. After helping her recover sufficiantly to move they leave the dangerous area he found her in and end up travailing together. She later is discovered by her lost mate and Ehren continues on alone.
He befriends the mare Marut, and though he likes her company he is to socially akward and uncertain about himself to persue anything and eventually his search leads him away from her area.
A chance meeting with a young filly opens doors to him. She tells him of things called 'two-leggers' and then bowls him over with the information that, unlike what he had previously beleived, his father was not the only soquili to take on the human form. Her own mother and two siblings could perform this trick also! Stunned and excited that finally, he might have some answers to his questions, he sets off to find out the truth.
During his wandering he stumbles across a two-leggers camp, they turn out to be hunters and they had caught a strange, beautiful mare. Unable to simply pass by Ehren rescues her and leads her to safety. Determined to live up to his own expectations and his father's stories, he pledges to see the lost Princess out of the area and away from danger....
Seeking: Foal rp Adult rp Family rp Plot rp - helping him discover the truth about himself and his bloodline RP with Tian-Li
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:13 am
Details to come, lost his plot write-up
Name: Sutekh Breed: Ice Demon : Dante's Inferno Edition Temper: Bitter Mate status: plotted
Ugh.. write-up coming soon.
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:14 am
Name: Xiau-Li Breed: Kirin Temper: Vivacious Mate status: Eventually taken
Personality: Vivacious (err.. will fnish this soon)
History Waking up half-way up the edge of a cliff, she has no idea where she is from or who she is, though she does recall her name after escaping from her perilous bed.
Plots Ideas welcome. >.>
Seeking: Anything right now. Though plot is prefered over rp for this girl.
Breeding: 1- Ouijaki. 2- Raedyn? 3- Raedyn.
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:16 am
Name: Lord Valentino Breed: Appaloosa Temper: Courtly rogue Mate status: Taken
Personality: The epitome of a gentleman, suave and with impecable manners as befits a nobleman of the herd.
History He is one of ten Lord's that live within the kingdom of the Prince. His dam raised him alone after her beloved husband passed away in an unfortunate accident. Brought up on stories of his father he strives to live up to his dam's expectations. With five younger sisters he is perfectly comfortable in feminine company and loves nothing more than entertaiing them with stories and tales of his explits a ayoung stallion. Dashing adventures and perilous journeys that are actually true. For while his mother still lives he is free to induldge his wandering nature and goes on many travails. Seeking company and adventure.
Plots A lover and a fighter, he lives to seduce women. he sees so many who think themselves ugly, or undesirable, he wants to prove to them thay they are not. Each is unique and gorgeous in her own way. He lives to please them, to show them just how beautiful they really are. He wants to give confidence to the shy, hope to the hopeless, love to the unloved. He knows that just because one is physically pretty, she can be misrable. He loves them all equally, turning himself into their own personal phantasies to give them the love and attention they so deserve.
Yet what of Don Juan himself? Who is he really? Undernieth that mask of playful amusement, behind the velvet tongue and charaisma? What does the real Don Juan wish for in his life, in love?
Seeking: Mares to woo and help with their problems Mares for comfort Jealous fathers/mates for some 'retribution'
Don Juan Info The most consistent feature of Don Juan’s character, is his ability to seduce women, but there are other aspects to the legend that recur. He is usually a warrior as well as a lover. He is a libertine in his overall world view, not only openly and unapologetically making love to many women, but also espousing atheism and politically radical philosophies. The women that Don Juan seduces are typically of all possible varieties. Don Juan does not confine himself to a specific class or age. Although the Don Juan tradition has distinct misogynist features, there is also a recurring proto-feminist sub-text in which Don Juan gives women freedom that other men repress even as he robs them of their virtue. Horvath takes the Don Juan myth and puts it in a twentieth-century, post-WWI context. Most men have died in the war, economic depression ravages the lives of the survivors and previous notions of social and sexual mores have been altered forever. In this topsy-turvy modern world, Don Juan is both out of place as an aristocratic lothario and in his element as the object of universal female fantasy
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:17 am
Name: Líadáin Breed: Cerynei Temper: Graceful Mate status: Lifemated to Monfulta
Personality: Skittish and uncertain of herself the young doe is struggling to find her place in the new lands. Though she never strays far from the herd she is also not a part of it, prefering to live on the fringe and spent the winter up on the mountain slopes above where the bulk of the herd stayed.
History -to come
Plots Ideas welcome
Seeking: Anything right now.
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:20 am
Name: Yukishii Breed: Pokemon Temper: Mystic Mate status: Mated to Carlisle
Personality: -to come-
History -to come-
Plots Ideas welcome.
Seeking: Anything right now. Plot prefered over rp right now
Breeding 1- Carlisle 2- Carlisle 3- Carlisle
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:21 am
Name: Jasper Breed: Cosplay Temper: Focused Mate status: Lifemated
Personality: -to come-
History -to come-
Plots ---
Seeking: -----
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:24 am
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:52 pm
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:44 am
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:30 am
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:58 am
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:20 am
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:29 am