Kirja was keeping a close eye on every where she was stepping. Normally she was very bouncy with her, not only attitude but also the way she walked, but for the first time in a while she wasn't bouncy and happy, she was pretty calm and pretty happy. She was still excited though, happy to be wandering around and doing something and since it was with happy it was even better then anything else she could imagine that was for sure. To tell the truth she really wasn't even too completely sure if there was a time where she wasn't bouncing all over the place.

She paused for a moment. Thinking before speaking up again. "It really is." She giggled as she looked around thinking about it, "I don't think I've been anywhere like this before."she giggled again before pausing. "Okay!" She asnwered the lioness, watching what she was doing before following along with what the lioness was doing trying her hardest to keep track of everything and mkaing sure she wasn't about to fall any time soon.