DJ Pandurz
Jester of Euphoria
DJ Pandurz
DJ Pandurz
ish makin me sad, for a while it was extremely active and was my favorite guild. then it started to die and MFOG became my favorite guild, now she is dieing to. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF THE GOOD POT GUILDS HERE!!!!!!

I'm working on it hun! D=

Aww. Busy bee.

You all have the complete rights to join my guild I know you guys like to be active but it seems that I am appauled by the guild being so.. eh I don't want to say..

Doesn't sound like a bad idea.

nope not at all.
i'm working on the front layout right now,. it's not much right now.. but when i'm finished with this next project, it's gunna look awesome.

Yar, I think I will too.