Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:31 pm
Name: Glamrock // the mare Personality: Motherly and friendly, she looks out for those in need of healing and a little kindness. Bio: Glamrock is an old mare, very wise in her years. She has spent her entire lifetime looking out for those around her, even the two-leggers. She has taken many under her wing that were in need of healing or simply a little guidance and has in many ways, become a bit of a mother hen. She runs a herd which follows similar beliefs. Relationships: She is in love with and mated to Starcandy.
-She has no breedings left.----- Name: Starcandy // pink stallion in back Personality: Originally cocky, he is much more down to earth now. Bio: He used to believe that the world revolved around him and that nothing was more important. He was a big flirt and even had a fling with a mare named Minty once. All that changed when he met Glamrock. He settled down, raised a family and learned that there's a lot more to love than just himself. Relationships: Loves Glamrock
-He has no breedings left.----- Name: Pop Rocks (Glamrock and Starcandy's son) // center front stallion Personality: Endearing and charming, if a bit immature. Bio: He was raised to a good family so has strong family values. He loves life, treats all living creatures with respect and especially loves to spoil the females. He doesn't have a single mean bone in his body. If love could pour out of his pores, it would. Relationships: Dreams about falling in love and raising a family. Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:32 pm
Name: Hellfire // stallion in the back Personality: Nice for the most part though there's still that maliciousness down inside. Bio: He used to have a malicious streak to him but in his old age, has become a bit more mellowed. He just wants to have fun. His nightmare nature tends to come out more when there are others with firepower nearby. Relationships: His brother is his best friend and he is currently in love with a mare named Styx.Breeding One :: Used with Styx Breeding Two :: Reserved with Styx Breeding Three :: Reserved with Styx----- Name: Firebrand (Hellfire's Nephew) // stallion in front Personality: He has a more neutral personality, his mood is defined by the situation. Bio: The son of Brimstone and Kindle, he was raised well. He loves his family very much and will do anything in his nature to protect them. He is dedicated to his species, however, not in a way that he would gloat it. He's very careful about his 'fire' when he's around others. Relationships: He would love a mare with 'fire' abilities too but understands how rare it is. If they are hot (as in attractive), that will work for him.Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:38 pm
Name: Zoey // mare with pink hair Personality: A bit of a loner, she cares for little more than her family. Bio: Her sisters and brother matter more to her than anyone else in this life, including herself. She has a large family and is very proud of them. To hurt one of them is to hurt all of them. Relationships: She is open to it but they have to be okay with being part of a large family.Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open----- Name: Jojo // mare with white hair Personality: Trouble, trouble, trouble. Bio: If she had a middle name, it would be trouble. Hell, if she had a last name, it would be Trouble as well. She's always getting in trouble because of her mischievous nature. She likes to start fights, though usually of the verbal nature but don't worry, she can usually walk the walk as well. Relationships: Maybe. She's not really looking but then again, trouble always finds her, right?Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open----- Name: Alaric Personality: Charming, friendly and a bit egotistical. Bio: He s a charming stallion. He loves his parents, thinking the world of them both. He hopes to become just as lovely and sweet as they are. He knows no fear, no worries and no sadness. It's not often that he is seen without a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. Despite being a sweetheart, there's a hint of something more underneath the surface. He'd fight to the death if needed, just to protect a loved one. Relationships: Open to love. Would make a wonderful father.Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Reserved for Wish* *let me know if anything has changed?
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:48 pm
Name: Damien // stallion on the right Personality: Sweet and playful. Bio: He is every bit the flutter. He is rarely found barely bigger than a butterfly as he prefers to fly amongst them instead of socialize with his own species. However, in his true size, he is barely smaller than the average stallion. Relationships: The possibility for love is always there as he is a very loving stallion.Breeding One :: ?? Breeding Two :: ?? Breeding Three :: ?? *He had originally found a lifemate though I don't remember who it was.----- Name: Zayn (Son of Zalifur and Tetesi) // gray stallion Personality: Chivalrous, ever the knight in shining armor. Bio: Zayn is very chivalrous, wanting to be the perfect stallion. He is friendly, helpful and kind. He can be a bit clumsy at times as he is always tripping over his long hair. He refuses to get it cut though. He loves the length despite the health hazard it presents. Relationships: Interested in EmilleBreeding One :: Reserved for Emille Breeding Two :: Reserved for Emille Breeding Three :: Closed----- Name: Pooka Personality: Mischievous and perhaps mean spirited a bit. Bio: She likes to cause trouble for others, especially the two-leggers. She'll destroy their crops, teepees and even release the livestock so that they have to constantly chase after them. However, Pooka does not hurt in physical ways. She gets enjoyment out of making life difficult for others. Relationships: It is possible though she's not as inclined to nice stallions as they would find her actions questionable.Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:49 pm
Name: Mal // rainbow stallion Personality: A bit of a troublemaker, he is naughty by nature. Bio: is a naughty sort. Despite his appearance, he's not as nice as he looks. He has quite a naughty side to him and loves to flirt with others, males and females alike. This causes a lot of confusion as to his sexual orientation. When asked, he gives no answer. It's no one's business but his own. Relationships: Always on the lookout for a little something something.Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Reserved for Saltwater Taffy* *if still interested----- Name: Chaos // black unicorn Personality: Wild and untamed, dominant/leader type of personality. Bio: Chaos was the kind of stallion to turn his shoulder to the world. That changed when he fell in love with Samedi. Over time, they grew distant and apart but he is thankful of the love they once shared and being able to experience it. He would like one final set of foals to raise so that he can leave this world with fulfillment. Truthfully, he wants that one child to take his place. The others have taken to their mother. >.> Relationships: Looking for a perfect candidate for his final set of babies. Isn't looking for love. Was lucky enough to have had it once.Breeding One :: Used with Samedi Breeding Two :: Used with Samedi Breeding Three :: Open----- Name: Tai Shan // panda stallion Personality: Playful and sensitive. Bio: Tai Shan is an emotional stallion. He will wear his heart on his hoof and won't mask his feelings. When he was younger, he was made fun of for being "girly" but he always accepted it as being part of who he is. He makes an excellent shoulder to lean on or friend. He's usually pretty good at giving advice and trying to cheer you up. Relationships: He has yet to settle down but it's not for his lack of trying. His previous love, Jailbait, was brutally killed by a skinwalker.Breeding One :: Used with Jailbait Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open----- Name: Pumpkin (Son of Tart and Kitsune) // orange stallion Personality: Trickster, Prankster. Bio: He's an all around good stallion but he's not above playing the occasional practical joke. He aims to tease or amuse, not to hurt. His favorite season is fall as he hates the heat and extreme cold. He prefers being out in the open instead of in secluded or confining areas such as mountains and woods. Relationships: He's a little immature for romance but you never know!Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:38 am
Name: Malphas Personality: Mean, a trickster. Bio: He used to be a nice stallion (see alternate form) but ever since wearing a cursed mask, something twisted took over. Now he makes a habit out of making life difficult for others. Relationships: Mated to Szelem Breeding One :: Reserved for Szelem Breeding Two :: Reserved for Szelem Breeding Three :: Reserved for Szelem
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:40 am
Name: Azrael (Lost Souls Angeni) Personality: He keeps to himself for the most part. Due to his 'job', he isn't the most appealing stallion. However, he isn't as mean or scary as one might assume. Bio: He is the one in charge of deciding which souls go to Heaven and which souls go to Hell. In many ways, he is seen as the Angel of Death though he is not. He does not bring Death to others. He simply decides on what happens after one dies. He is based on the Death/Pale Horse of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Relationships: He has found solace in Iofiel. She doesn't judge him for his appearance or what he is tasked to do.Breeding One :: Reserved for Iofiel Breeding Two :: Reserved for Iofiel Breeding Three :: Reserved for Iofiel -----
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:42 am
Name: Spectre // black stallion Personality: Loving, charming, mature, he used to be a wanderer but those days are over. Bio: He wants to build a life with Allariana and extend their family. He's finally willing to give up his wandering nature and settle down and she's the love of his life. He wants to have foals while he is still young enough to play with his foals. He regrets spending so much of his time as a nomad but is thankful for all the wonderful sights he experienced. Relationships: In love with AllarianaBreeding One :: Used with Allariana Breeding Two :: Reserved for Allariana Breeding Three :: Reserved for Allariana----- Name: Daemon Personality: Spiritual and thoughtful stallion. Bio: Daemon was raised by his mother for the most part as his father was always leaving for one of his 'explorations'. He was taught to respect all life. He has a hint of a playfulness to him but it comes out on rare occasions and is usually triggered by others. He's a thinker, he doesn't like to rush into anything. Relationships: He has a crush on Zoet though nothing is set in stone.Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:43 am
Name: Voldemort // if you can't tell which one he is, you fail. Personality: Megalomaniac, mean, cruel. Bio: He wants to be in control. He absolutely hates the regular soquili with a passion though he favors them for the most part, if you can ignore his small wings and serpent tail. He loves snakes, which isn't surprising since he looks like one himself. His beloved serpent, Nagini is always nearby, usually hanging off his master. He has little tolerance for others and so far, Bellatrix is the only one he has shown compassion for, albeit coldly. Relationships: Focused on Bellatrix.Breeding One :: Reserved for Bellatrix Breeding Two :: Reserved for Bellatrix Breeding Three :: Reserved for Bellatrix----- Name: Jasper Personality: He's not very bright but he's loyal. Bio: Jasper is Voldemort's lackey and eyes from the sky. He pretty much does whatever he is told. He's not mean per se, he just doesn't care one way or another and serving someone as powerful as Voldemort makes sense to him. Relationships: None, hasn't been looking. Too busy serving the Dark Lord.Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:44 am
Name: Personality: Bio: Relationships: Breeding One :: Open Breeding Two :: Open Breeding Three :: Open-----
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:45 am
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:47 am
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:57 am
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:59 am
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:59 am