I've never used powerups (besides the freebies they gave me when I started back in 0 cool , but I can see how they'd help. Our whole crew died today in EB and someone used revives on 2 that had defib. We ended up beating it the next time ;D

? you can use revives on other people?

and i normally only use revives in EB or ... SS if it's an emergancy, b/c
they're like what? 30+k on the MP last i checked (months and months ago) and i cant zomg as much as i would like; i've been off for 3+ weeks e__e, so its not like i have the means to easily replace that gold.

lul; i have a friend who's getting back on gaia so i'm actually going to walk her through zomg with one of my mules that needs lvling up :]

Oh, you can't?

Maybe they had defib and quickly healed someone then x.x

My bad