
      So I've stumbled upon something interesting in the past few nights.
      Read on, but only if you want Gaia Cash to support zOMG!. >.>

      Gambit, the Video offers system, seems to refresh their video "stock" at Midnight.
      Last night, at 5AM (two hours after Midnight in California, where Gambit is likely based) I watched nearly 200 GC of videos before collapsing under the weight of my own eyelids.
      And this is the second time I've done this.
      Haven't run out of videos either time.
      Great way to make Gaia Cash for Powerups, Pets, or Headstart Tickets.

Sadly, it seems they've lessened the amount of cash you can earn from a video on Gambit. While it used to give out 4GC per vid, now you only get one...