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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:29 pm
De Botton the Weapon of Many Faces

Age: 32
Powers: De Botton has is an illusionist that makes a variety of weapons appear and disappear at his whim. He is quite talented with each kind of weapon, giving him many options in every situation. The type of weapon he makes appear bases the type of fighting he may do. De Botton also has a special dagger set aside for each of his great kills. Once the dagger stabs the heart of his important victim it changes to match the character of the person killed.
Origin: Minimoto
Fights for: Himself
Hair: long and jet black
Eyes: a deep brown
Background: When De Botton turned 12 he left his family to study martial arts at a distant school. He loved everything about his fighting style. He treated it like an art, like apart of his own expression. He noted that each person at the school had their own expression through the fighting art and he could identify people just by their fighting. He considered this characteristic more important, more revealing, about a person then their own name. He truly believed you couldn’t know someone until you have fought them.

De Botton graduated from the school when he was 25. Around that same time his mother became deathly ill. He rushed home to see his mother but she died before he ever reached home. Up until then he had only spent the first 12 years of his life with her and even he didn’t even remember many of those years. The only things he had to remember her by were a collection of her items. From that point on De Botton became a hoarder that held on to something as soon as he made a connection with it for fear that he would lose that connection once he no longer had it.

Hoarding began to take over De Botton’s life. He hardly had time to do anything remotely important because he spent most of his time relishing in his collection of things. He could barely move around his own home with the number of items stacking to the ceiling and pilling outward into the rooms. De Botton even almost died because the nasty disease that killed his mother was harvesting among the junk in the house.

The disease came close to killing him but while he was delirious he noticed something he wasn’t quite sure was real. In the middle of his home was a rift in space. This gapping slip cut straight through his living room and inside there looked to be an endless amount of space. The thought occurred to him to store all of his things in this rift so that he could continue to hoard but he stepped above it. Instead, De Botton had the great idea to burn down the house and only hold onto the few things that were important to him, the people that made a serious impression on him. De Botton pulled himself up from the filth of his floor, walked up the stairs to his mother’s bedroom, and pulled a special knife that represented his mother from out of a drawer. De Botton moved over to his mother’s bed where she still laid dead and decaying. He stood over her body and then drove the dagger through his mother’s heart. This is how he wanted to remember those that were important to him. He wanted to collect them as weapons, daggers containing the stain of their blood. When De Botton turned to leave the room he noticed the rift was fallowing him. He giggled slightly, as if a puppy had followed a young child home. He thought to himself, ‘store the dagger inside.’ He did so without another hesitation. As soon as the dagger passed through the rift it mixed with his mother’s blood. The dagger transformed then into a shield, representing his mothers love for him and her shielding him from the world. Hence then De Botton cut the heart of any memorable foe with a dagger and entered it into his collection of weapons to see what it would become.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:54 pm
Ethet the Insect Fairy

Age: 7
Powers: Ethet can dissipate into thousands of small insects and cause insect specific affects. Ethet can also cause poison and disease in her enemies. She fights with a sling shot that slings her bugs at her foes, causing any kind of status ailment.
Origin: Yulta
Fights for: Yulta
Hair: Green
Eyes: brown
Background: Ethet was born from the blood of battle absorbed by a monarch rose. When the plant reached its seeding phase one of it’s seeds bared a very different makeup. The seedling had a heart beat and organs. It grew like all the other flowers around it but by its first bloom the plant gave birth to a fairy. A farmer discovered the strange baby while readying to clear the field for his crops. He noticed wings of a butterfly on its back and took it to the king immediately. The king gave it a good home and made sure it was trained to fight because it would be brought up fighting in the arena of the League.

http://browse.deviantart.com/digitalart/?q=insect fairy&order=9&offset=24#/d35m78n  



PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:30 pm
Lady Selia Beauboun the Valkyrie


Age: 30
Powers: Flight, healing, wing control
Origin: Yulta
Fights for: Yulta
Hair: teal
Eyes: Brown
Background: A high born noble from Minimoto Selia is all that a woman could aspire to be; tough, beautiful, powerful, and famous. She is the ideal role model to females all over the kingdoms. She is elegant and surreal, men would die to escort her to a ball. She lives a life of piety.  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:28 pm
Scigle Malfon the Master of Diamonds

Age: 40
Powers: Diamond left arm, diamond shards, diamond armor
Origin: Minimoto
Fights for: Javell
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Background: Scigle is a treasure hunter from the mountains of Minimoto. Much of Scigle young age was spent traveling the caverns of the mountain sides in Necroplia and Minimoto searching for ancient and valuable artifacts of the Dark Days. Scigle was a greedy man, he stole, cheated, ripped off, and forged everything he could to make a quick buck. Despite being a good treasure hunter, Scigle had a habit of selling phony artifacts to anyone gullible enough to buy them. He cared for no one but himself; and got into trouble often. He learned to fight dealing with other treasure hunters, bandits, and people who realized he tried to rip them off.

Morality was no concern though. If Scigle took a partner to look for treasure they had a habit of encountering accidents while in the tombs or crypts; accidents on the end of Scigles blades. A good looker Scigle had everyone in love with him. He was exciting, rich, good looking, and charming. Scigle loved every minute of it. At the height of his life an old woman appeared before Scigle. She offered him a job, go into the swamps of Yulta and find an ancient tomb that held an ancient diamond that would be worth more than anyone could imagine. The old lady told Scigle if he brought the diamond back to her then she would give him a huge share of the profit. Scigle accepted the offer immediately, with black intentions. His plan was to steal away after finding the diamond and selling it on his own, the Emperor of Necroplia loved old artifacts. Deceiving the old woman Scigle got the location of the diamond and set off at once.

Scigle traveled to the deep of the swamp of Yulta where the tomb laid. Monsters like Scigle had never seen attacked him as he moved into the tomb, but by this time Scigle was a skilled fighter and fended them off. He made his way deep into the tomb to the place where the diamond was. The diamond was so big Scigle didn't know if he would be able to carry it out by himself. It was a deep blue color and clear as glass. This was Scigle's dream come true. He would never have to work again, he could sell this diamond and live literally like a king for the rest of his life, probably another one on top of that. Making his way to the diamond Scigle went to rub it and found his hand became stuck to the diamond. Panicking Scigle tried to pry his hand off, but nothing could get it off. When Scigle was finally too exhausted to fight anymore something worse happened, his hand began to be sucked up by the diamond.

Screaming as loud as he could Scigle realized that no one was around for miles, he would only attract the monsters he had fended off. So he shut up as his arm was pulled farther and farther into the diamond. "What is this crused thing?" Scigle proclaim as his arm was sucked up. What magic could do this? Would it absorb all of him? Again panicked flowed through Scigle's body. When the diamond was up to his shoulder it stopped, relieved Scigle set back to trying to free himself. Then he noticed something very horrifying, looking through the glass like diamond Scigle could see that his arm was not visible in the diamond, but the ground on the other side was. His arm was gone, nor could he really feel it. Scigle resigned to death, hoping it would be quick, that the diamond would take his whole body. He wasn't surprised, he always knew that his greed would catch up with him; but he didn't see it catching up to him like this. Maybe that was the problem, his greed had set off this trap. If Scigle could get out of this trap he would not be so greedy anymore. He promised to every god he could think of.

When he finished his praying a miracle happened. He felt his arm again, maybe his greed had been the curses focal point. Excited Scigle looked back into the diamond to see if his arm had returned, to his horror it hadn't. What did happen though shocked him, a blue light emanated from the diamond blinding him for a couple of seconds. When his sight returned he was shocked to see the diamond had disappeared. Then he realized that his arm had returned, but not the same way it had entered the diamond; no it was not hte diamond. The same clear blue diamond that the diamond had been was now his arm. Scigle had indeed gained a priceless gem, but it was one that Scigle would never be able to spend.  



PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:06 pm
Artimus Finn


Age: 50
Powers: Genius level intellect, mind control, paralysis touch
Origin: Javel (The south)
Fights for: Himself
Hair: White
Eyes: Brown


A clockmaker's son. Artimus was born in the heart of Javel's capital. A eccentric boy Artimus excelled at anything academic, he seemed to absorb knowledge at an impossible rate. His skills at math, science, and alchemy were unmatched. He was so intelligent he was accepted into Javel's most prestigious university, despite being the son of a low born clockmaker. The other kids at the school detested him for his low station. Though Artimus didn't care, he had no interest in human interaction, he became obsessed with his quest for knowledge. It is rumor that Artimus has read every book in the university library, a feat no other living person can come close to claiming. It was thought that Artimus had forgotten more information than his teachers had ever known while in school.

Soon the disciplines of the university became boring to Artimus, they were too safe, too explored. Turning to darker, forbidden quests of knowledge it wasn't long before he started to preform inhuman, unethical, and illegal procedures and experiments on participants. When the university found out they tried to have him arrested, but he escaped and set out to continue his work without the assistance of the university.

One night when he was deep in the woods working on a formula to make mind control serum he found a book in the foliage, just waiting for him to take. It was as if the book had been left for him there. Skimming through the book Artimus found that the book had the secrets of mind control, but not a serum, how to obtain the power for himself. With this new knowledge Artimus gained the ability to get endless subjects to test his experiments on.

Creating an army of mindless minions he set out and started to raid and pillage villages across the lands, all in the name of his experiments. He now could get any number of subjects, materials were just a raid away, and had enough guards none could disturb him while he worked.

His reign of terror grew so great the four Kingdoms came together and gathered a dozen of the best legends to bring Finn to justice. Leading an army of guards they assulted his lasted stronghold. Hearing about the attack before hand Artimus has raised his own army of villagers and made the legends slaughters two hundred innocents just to get to him and then took down ten of the legends before he was captured.

Now in the hands of justice thousands demanded him to be executed, painfully at that. They tried executing him, but his ability to control people's mind made it impossible. The executioners would simply turn their blades upon themselves when they tried to strike Finn down. Finally giving up on execution the four kingdoms settled on locking Finn in the deepest, darkest part of Kalbor far away from any people which could be forced into helping the maniac escape.  
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:29 pm
Iniac Carter The Stone Bear


Powers: Rock control, shock waves,
Origin: Jvaell
Fights for: Javell
Hair: Long white
Eyes: Blue

Born on the docks of Javell Iniac grew up on the shores. He learned his way around the docks and boats and grew up in rough part of town. It made him tough as stone as a child. Like an unpolished stone Iniac was rough around the edges, but all around a good person. Iniac was always willing to help out people in trouble and loyal to his friends. Quite content with life on the docks Iniac never expected his life to become a true legend.

When he was in his late teens he was hanging below the cliffs of the shores with his friends when a rock slide threatened the lives of his friends. Seeing that him and his friends couldn't escape the path of the falling rocks Iniac decided to defy them rain of stone threatening him. He shouted into the sky that he would not die this day. Throwing his arms above his head as if to catch the falling rocks he closed his eyes and prayed. While standing there he felt a warm soft breeze (uncharacteristic of the sea) on his neck and heard something that he couldn't make out. Then nothing happened. Nothing at all. After a couple of seconds he opened his eyes and looked up to see the rocks suspended in the air above him and his friends.

When the story of the cliffside reached the ears of the nobles of Javel they knew they had another body to ship to Kalbor to the arena. Sweeping him up from the docks they trained his new talent and taught him how to fight. Once Iniac got to the arena he became a hit. His street smarts and toughness from the docks gave him a great edge in the arena. He had honor, but unlike the people from nicer backgrounds his honor was a lot more loose, allowing him to exploit and take advantage of his surroundings and opponents easier.

No one could kill the man. He grew old as time went on. Older than the vast majority of legends got to be. But always stayed the same rough man, earning him the title the old stone bear. As he reached old age Iniac voluntarily stepped down from the arena, sticking only to friendly, nonlethal combat and talent shows. Past his prime, allowed the younger generation to move in and shine, plus having lived in the arena so long he had become close to nearly everyone who graced the sands. Without the arena he had nothing, to fill the gap Iniac hung around the arena helping out the youngsters, teaching them tricks to stay alive, training them, and telling them stories of legends the boys and girls had only heard about in childhood. Despite his decline in strength and ability, his wisedom and stories kept his place as a favorite of the arena, as its old stone bear guiding the young.  



PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:21 pm
The Juna Sisters


Name: Selina
Age: 21
Origin: Kalbor
Fights for: Merc
Hair: Pink


Name: Vivian
Age: 19
Origin: Kalbor
Fights for: Merc
Hair: Purple


Name: Margo
Age: 18
Origin: Kalbor
Fights for: Merc
Hair: Indingo
Skin: White


Selinia is the oldest of the Juna sisters. She is the most charming, or so the men say, able to seduce any man she pleases and turn them into her little toy.

Vivian is the middle sister of the Juna sisters. Vivian is the smartest of the three, excellerating in military strategy and history

Margo is the youngest of the Juna sisters. She is the strongest of them, mastering a unquie sycthe that used four blades.

Born to rich parents, Margo and her sisters all were privalleged from a young age. Under the strict training of Kalbor legends Margo and her sisters where trained from a young age as warriors.Their background, training, and personality all twisted to form the sisters into sadistic cruel monsters of nympths who are feared on the battle feild.

During a skirmish with Yultan soldiers in a forrest bording the Yultan terroritories the sisters' unit was slaughtered forcing the three to kill an entire company of Kine soldiers. Without recieving a scratch the three killed mercilessly the Yultan soldiers.

Now that the war is over and the peoples without any solid leader the Juna sisters have decided to profit themselfs as best they can, lending their blades for the highest bidder  
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:16 pm
Rentus The Stalker

http://lordnetsua.deviantart.com/art/Shadow-Demon-202290921?q=boost:popular shadow monster&qo=109

Powers: shadow melding, soul reaping, dark energy
Origin: unkown
Fights for: Yulta
Hair: non-applicable
Eyes: non-applicable


Rentus' past is unknown to any living being. No one knows where it came from, what it wants. One day couple of decades ago a Yultan survey team searching for a new place to establish a city were traveling through on of Yultan's many swamps on the southern border. The first night in there a couple of surveyors went off for a walk and never returned. Thinking that it was simply the work of bandits the remaining surveyors tried to hurry along and get out of the area to avoid coming in contact with them again. However the next night one went to piss and in the morning his body was found, the body looked horrifying. The eyes had rolled back into his head, the skin had withered on his body and his hair gone frail. The body seemed like it had never seen life before.

Realizing this was something worse than bandits the team made haste to get out of the swamp entirely but as they fled stragglers where picked off one by one. The last two were able to escape the pursuing creature's wrath and sent word back to the capital of the creature. A bounty was put out for the capture of this creature and many young men and legends set out to capture the beast, but none came back. After 3 years of would-be heroes dying for glory Yulta made a warband lead by their as many champions as they could muster to find out what creature was lurking in the swamp.

For a week the band was assailed by the creature, but every time it attacked no one could find it and a couple bodies would be left. Some of the bodies were torn to shreds, some left in that lifeless state. Finally a young man who was at the verge of manhood joined the group claiming to have be told by a prophet that he would capture the beast. The legends laughed at the boy and sent him home, telling him this was no place for boys.

But the boy was a believer and set out to hunt the creature by himself. Somehow the boy found its lair and was able to draw out the creature. The boy fought the creature and used some unknown magic to bind the creature to a scepter, giving him partial influence over the creature; how he did this is unknown as during the fight the boy was gravely wounded. Fortunately the boy was able to make it back to the camp with the scepter and told the legends and remaining troops the gist of what had happened before dying.

The boy's body was brought back to Yulta and exulted as a hero. The scepter was given to the King to be used as a secret weapon for Yulta's gain. This did not come to be. Although the scepter had the power to exert some control over Rentus it did have complete control of him. At best it allowed Yulta's King to direct the beasts power, but it still killed at will anything that got in its way. Because of this the beast was deemed to dangerous to be used unless the situation was especially dire, as it was an uncontrollable force.  



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