Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:22 am
 Name: Sonja Temper: Fiery Color: Red Lifemate: Akh
Always eager for an adventure and to prove herself in a challenge, Sonja is the fiery first of this herd.
Found within a day of each other, she and Aydan became fast friends. Their relationship is one of siblings, Aydan looking out for Sonja and Sonja trying to get Aydan to loosen up and have some fun. For the moment, the pair is content with exploring their new world and meeting its inhabitants.
Along with Aydan, one of Sonja's earliest friends is Velika, a wind soquili. The two females enjoy flying with each other and teaching one another new aerobatic tricks.
Sonja's best friend is arguably her faithful companion, Nightstalker, a mountain lion who shares Sonja's love for adventure. Though Nightstalker enjoys running at Sonja's side, the panther looks out for her soquili friend and is very protective.
Lately Sonja has found herself very interested in a handsome and somewhat mysterious adventurer. With hair like the midnight sun and eyes of blue fire, this mask wearing stallion has won her heart with stories of far off places and many travels. In fact, Sonja is determined to see some of these places with her Akh...but is mildly concerned how Aydan will take it.
"Let's go on an adventure!"
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:27 pm
  Name: Aydan Temper: Patient Color: Darkred Lifemate: Velika
Aydan is calm, patient, and kind. He looks out for those around him and while he dislikes fighting, he will not hesitate to protect his friends.
His closest friend is Sonja, a horned flier that oftentimes causes Aydan to worry (she pushes herself too hard). Together they're exploring this new land.
Aydan and Sonja have joined with a fellow flyer, Velika, and survived a brief, but much too bloody, encounter with a skinwalker in the swamp. Aydan was the only one to sustain injuries and luckily for him, Velika is a talented healer.
Aydan fell head over hooves for his own Florence Nightingale and together now they have 3 children. As they often do the baskets popped and grew into three headstrong young soquili. Aydan finds himself worrying the most about his daughter Vyrikyr who seems to share Sonja's bad habit of jumping into a situation head first without thinking. Aydan is quite certain that between the children and Sonja his lustrous red mane will soon turn gray. Naturally his incredibly supportive mate, Velika, only laughs at him and assures him all will be well.
"Naturally she wanted to make friends with the creatures who had the sharpest teeth - wolves, bears, lions... That was Sonja."

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:01 pm
 Name: Apple Blossom Temper: Sweet Color: Deeppink Lifemate: Johnny
Apple Blossom is like a summer day. With a sweet, sunshiny disposition, This little pony with a huge heart lives to see the good in everyone and everything.
Lately Apple Blossom has been making friends in her own little way. She's been watching over a little colt who enjoys nature almost as much as she does. She's also befriended a small bunny named Snow who's become her constant companion. Though Snow may be small, she is a little live wire who's always ready to help Apple with anything be it gathering apples for a snack or hunting down daises for a flower crown. Overall, Apple Blossom is a very nurturing soquili who lives to care for every creature she meets.
"Hi there, sweety! Want an apple?"

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:02 am
 Name: Αελλα Temper: Tempest Color: Dodgerblue Mate: -
Looking for something a little wicked and mad? Must be time for Αελλα. But don't worry, this this twisted crazy lady has a lust for chaos and bloodlust. Then again, maybe you should worry...
Αελλα spends most her time trying to enlist males to do her dirty work. She's found a clever skinwalker to toy with and a fierce kalona male that could be of some use (if he didn't drive her crazy...er first.)
With some time and persuasion, crazy horse here has warmed up to a star studded kalona named Kaitos. Little minions could be in their future with some time and some luck!
"What a wonderful way to begin a partnership..."

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:39 pm
  Name: Pavlov Temper: Demoralized Theme Song: "Who's Afraid of the Big Bag Wolf" Color: Black Lifemate: Zahavah
Pavlov has been haunted for as long as he can remember by creatures of nightmares. They're always there, reaching for him, taunting him, threatening to pull him into their hellish world. Of course, he's the only one that can see them. That may make him crazy, but it doesn't make them any less real to him.
He has a difficult time forming relationships with the two-leggers and other soquili. First, he's never quite sure if they're real or if they're just another type of creature tormenting him. Even if he determines that they are real, they don't stay around for very long after he starts telling them about what he sees. In fact they tend to back away from him, very slowly.
Recently Pavlov has met a mini mare with a rare ability. Zahavah, a rough and tumble niximp who's always looking for a fight, can dispel his visions. Naturally Pavlov doesn't believe this is the cure all to his problems. In truth he has lived in fear for so long he scarcely knows how to hope. Though Zah has vowed to remain at his side, he still dreads the day when she can no longer drive away the demons from his mind, or worse yet, that those dark entities will finally prove their existence through harming the scrappy mare. The more time Pavlov spends with Zahavah, the more he worries about the later possibility.
Recently Pavlov has also crossed paths with a spunky little bunny named Grimm. This dark hare initially frightened Pavlov who at first could only see his blazing gold eyes in the dark. While Pavlov went into his typical stance of purring his head and muttering "Not there, not there..." the rabbit slowly approached out of curiosity and, upon seeing the stallion scared silly, promptly KICKED him in the head and chastised him for being scare of (of all things) a little bunny. After that night Grimm decided to practically adopt the unusual soquili and join Zahavah in looking after the fool (Grimm's words, not mine). Grimm honestly looks at Pavlov rather fondly and often implores the soquili to use his superior height to get apples, pears, and other treats for the short stacked rabbit. It's really almost a symbiotic relationship...
"Not there, not there, Not There!"

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:57 pm
 Name: Padmé Jade Temper: Audacious Color: Lime Mate: ???
Jade is a rough and tumble mare looking for a good time. While she may come off as more than a bit abrasive, if she takes a shine to you there's nothing she wouldn't do for you. Right now she's looking to find out how she fits in with this group and maybe even for a few travel companions. Any takers?
Unmasked Version
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:57 pm
 Name: Vyrikyr Taerdos Meaning: Rose Gold Temper: Daring Theme Song: "Touch the Sky" Color: Goldenrod Mate: ???
Vyrikyr is a fearless mare who lives to give her papa grey hairs. She is friendly and open with those new souls that she meets and cares deeply for her siblings. She enjoys spending time with her Aunty Sonja who is a terrible influence on her and spreading her wings.
Vyrikyr's favorite activities include exploring the lands, especially dark caves, and stretching her wings. While she has a great relationships with her siblings and family, she'd like to get out more and meet some new faces. Then go on adventures with them.
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:22 pm
  Name: Amaranth Amora Meaning: Unfading Love Temper: Brave Color: Darkblue Mate: ???
Amaranth is bright and brave despite some rough times in her past. She has a curious nature and enjoys taking time to smell the flowers, usually when she's roughly the size as a tea cup. She may act flighty but she has a soulful nature and what may be seen as drifting off in a daze is often deep contemplation. Sometime before she was found by the people she had formed a very strong attachment to soquili male in the wild. Though she doesn't say much about this time in her life, those closest to her came to understand that though the mare was deeply in love, the object of Amaranth's affection was either unable or unwilling to return those tender feelings and the pair split up soon after.
Alone in a new land, Amaranth struggles to find her place while accepting that her connections to the past are all but broken. Supporting her in her travels is a small, but intrepid mouse named Cydi who has taken the immense burden upon herself to help this mare heal her broken heart.
Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:26 pm
 Name: Cynder Song Meaning: The bright wood fueling the fire and a Doctor Who reference Temper: Scorned Color: Blueviolet Mate: ???
Cynder Song is new to these lands or is she just newly returning? It's hard to say really, the mare is quite secretive about her past and occasionally seems to tell conflicting stories of her life and her travels. What everyone can agree on is that someone in her past made this mare very angry and may the fates have mercy on his soul if she ever lays eyes on him again. There's a fire burning in her heart, brilliant and intense. Like all fires, it can bring warmth and passion to Cynder's endeavors or burn all that lies in her path.
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:47 pm
  Name: Adalind Sangfroid Meaning: Adalind is an old Germanic name meaning "noble and tender" and Sangfroid is composed of two French words "blood" and "cold" and means "the ability to stay calm in difficult or dangerous situations" Temper: Fatale Color: Deepskyblue Mate: ???
Adalind is a mysterious and sometimes misunderstood child. She was found in her basket by her parents Pavlov and Zahavah along with her twin sister Akis. Adalind is clever, even as a young foal, and enjoys exploring the world around her. She is fascinated by her father's tales of nightmares appearing before his eyes and seeks to both help her mother stamp them out and understand where they're coming from.
This foal is aptly named because she embodies the idea of Sangfroid - maintaining her composure even in the most stressful of situations. While she is a little haughty and thinks herself above others, she also has a compassionate side, but that is usually hidden beneath layers of sarcasm and pride. It will take some patience for outsiders to find that side of her.
As a foal she was approached by a strange soquili with large, batlike wings. This dark mare tempted Adalind away from her family with the promise of teaching her things about the world, things her parents would never dare discuss with her. How could a curious foal resist?
Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:00 pm
 Name: Davros Skaro Meaning: References the notorious creator of the Daleks from Doctor Who Temper: Arrogant Color: Indigo Mate: ???
Davros is a loner who is plagued by the imperfections of the world and longs to shape a perfect realm. However, he knows that is beyond his limited abilities and is thus cursed to roam the realms, looking down on a flawed land and dwelling on the fact that the spirits did not bless him with the power to change it.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:11 am
 Name: Malachite Kaari Meaning: Malachite is a green gem stone Temper: Adaptable Color: #4F1336 Mate: ???
Mal is trouble with a capital "T" for certain. He and his brother Zo run a type of "salvaging" business where they retrieve things that are lost under the surface of the water. It is only a small fact of note that they keep their treasures for themselves. It is only another small note that they occasionally persuade those that come to close to the water to drop their precious belongings through many means of trickery. The team's friendly alligator Crescent Coeur is a great help in parting the visitors from their shinies.
Aside from his business Mal is devoted to his little brother and now looks too take care of CC as well. His people are like family and he will do anything to protect them.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:15 am
 Name: Rio Du Rhinehart Meaning: River of the goldenheart - roughly Temper: Gallant Color: Green Mate: ???
Rio is a brave young soul who craves adventure.
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:16 am
Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:37 am