Tabia managed to keep the amused laugh from slipping out, but it echoed in her head at the male's cold response. The game was always the same, no matter where you chose to play it.

She was well trained, and she knew it. Seduction was second nature to her, her every look, step, word or tone calculated to be a part of that sensual dance. Not to say that she wouldn't entertain him if he so desired, but it wasn't on her agenda. However, what was, was a nice bath and then a long nap.

Tabia smiled at him when they arrived at her new quarters, a warm, inviting one, she just couldn't help herself, it was almost fun to tweek his tail. " Thank you sir," she whispered to him, turning to enter her den, " this den is more then generous," the lithe dancer turned to look at him over her shoulder, eyes sparkling with amusement, " If I need anything Sir, I will ask one of the other girls, there is no need to bother you more then I have. Thank you again, goodnight."

With that she slipped into the cool shadows of her own space, and smiled, removing her veil, she gave a low purr, she was finally home.