Okay - because I just enjoy fiddling with numbers so they read differently than they are . . .
We actually have 51% male . . .
xp Alicorn - 47%
Angeni - 51.8%
Angenicerynei - 100%
Agnenicorn - 48.8%
Angeniflutter - 50%
Angenikalona - 52%
Angenikirin - 75%
Angeniwind - 60%
Cerynei - 52.9%
Ceryneicorn - 37.5%
Ceryneiflutter - 83.8%
Ceryneikalona - 0%
Ceryneikirin - 50%
Cursed Skinwalker - 56.4%
Elder - 43.7%
Flutter - 40.8%
Fluttercorn - 44.8%
Flutterkalona - 37.5%
Flutterkirin - 33.3%
Flutterwind - 33.3%
Kalona - 56.1%
Kalonakelpi - 20%
Kalonakirin - 48.3%
Kalonawind - 42.4%
Kelpi - 50%
Kelpicorn - 77.7%
Kelpiwind - 100%
Kirin - 45.6%
Kirincorn - 57.1%
Kirinwind - 33.3%
Mer - 53.4%
Multi-Breed (3+) - 56.7
Non-Hooved - 30.6%
Pure Skinwalker - 60.4%
Regular - 48.4%
Unikalona - 61.6%
Usdia - 45.7%
Wind - 53.6%You add up the totals and divide by the categories and you get . . . 51% male.
sweatdrop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Honestly - the balance isn't too bad except in a few areas - Angeni and it's variations tend to be skewed male - Flutters and those variations tend to skew female. But generally - it's a pretty close race.
I think the problem that most of the people are having with finding studs is that there are more active mares looking for male mates than there are active males looking for female mates. There's a chunk of the male population that's gay [which is fine - but it means breeding partners are more limited] - and there's a chunk of the population [larger chunk I'd expect] that are just sig candy. Not to mention all the people who'd rather role play their way into a relationship than post on lovers rock or whatever. And then there's the soq with characters that preclude them from settling down or wanting children. And there's more males that fit that bill than females.
In essence, the numbers arn't that bad - it's just the nature of things that there are more females wanting babies than there are males wanting to give them babies.