"That's really nice of you, Liraz, but I couldn't take any of your feathers. Your daddy brings them to you. I'll just ask my daddy if he can find any the next time I see him. I'm sure if he knew I wanted some, he would have no problem finding them for me. He's always asking if there's anything I want him to bring me, and I never know what to ask for. Now I do!"

The idea of making jewelry with Liraz was really appealing though, and Cor didn't want to dismiss it completely. Not when Liraz was so obviously excited about it and Cor herself wanted to do it, too. Because Liraz was absolutely right in thinking that princesses had jewelry, even though she hadn't said as much out loud. Cor was thinking the same thing, so they were in tacit agreement on the matter.

"I'd like to see what we can do with stones, maybe, until my dad brings me some feathers back. Maybe he'll find different ones from the ones your dad does, because he goes to the borders a lot and gets to see different things." She grinned at Liraz, agreeing that it would be kind of fun to watch the boys fight over them.

"Maybe we could..." She trailed off as Liraz began to cough, used to having that happen and aware that quite frequently it meant that the person hadn't heard what she'd said.

Rather than trying to repeat herself she waited for Liraz to finish and make her own request before she said anything. When she did speak, it was a promise: "I'll definitely come visit you. Be careful going home. I'm really glad I met another princess like me. It's lonely being the only one."