What do you think? |
Sounds good to me |
60% |
[ 21 ] |
No, there's enough going on already |
37% |
[ 13 ] |
other |
2% |
[ 1 ] |
Total Votes : 35 |
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:13 pm
But then, you see, they lack the ability to be in events like the mixer. I'm pretty sure if the people had found a mate for their Usdia, they would be there (in the MCCL), but I'm pretty sure a lot haven't.
No one's trying to imply anything, but what happens in shop events like this one do show that they are being neglected. There have been threads about trying to show more Mini/Mer appreciation, and I think adding to this event would do that some good.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:02 am
Well, all I can say if the colorists have chosen to do it this way because its the MOST fair to MOST number of people. As Sabin pointed out, there's going to be at least 28 different people benefiting from this event, and we should be grateful they are doing it at all, and appreciate the hard work they are doing..
Mini/Mer Appreciation is good and everything but you can't do it for every event. You're trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Throwing minis/mers in this kind of mixer/event just complicates things AND limits the creativity of the colorists . And its not because of any prejudice against them, it's just shop mechanics - not neglect.
Thank you colorists, SO MUCH, for the opportunity.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:13 am
My only soq is an usdia, and originally I was kind of bummed that they aren't included... but Kamiki and Sabin made some pretty solid arguments. The only fair way to add minis/mer to the event would be if the colorists rolled through all the mares regardless of breed (way too much work, I am not suggesting that in any way) or the mini/mer were cc only (not worth it given the time and effort/potential payoff).
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:22 am
Well what if the colourists had a list of ALL females, and then lists of males depending on their breed. That way, the probability of getting a mini would be proportional to the actual numbers entered for females. Then you roll the males for that breed to ensure that they can be crossed. Or vice versa, a list of all males and then females broken down into breeds.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:00 am
I don't know why this has caused such a stir, or is slowly starting to blow somewhat out of proportion, but I don't believe it is needed.
While yes, I do believe minis and mer do need some sort of help with gaining more attention and popularity I for one don't believe this is the way to do so. Breedings are a gift and a privilege, not a right. Like any other Soq they can be MCCLed and be in normal breedings raffles, missing out on one event, a drunk fling around event none the less, won't cause the end of the world for them.
If you want to bring more attention to these breeds then start small and simple and work your way up. Don't try and tackle something big, or something they might not be "ready for".
You have, what, over 400 minis running around, and maybe less than 100 are actually "active".
Whether it is cause they don't "compare" to full size breeds, or the owners just aren't really much of a fan of them is their own reason for not putting much of an effort to try and work them like a full size.
But like I said, if you want to try and bring a spot light on them, then start small and work up from there. Try to show that they are a big soq in a little body and they can be just as great as any other soq, in a way that does not include flinging them around and popping out more babies that may just end up with the other 500+ that never seem to see the light of day.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:59 am
As the one that started this thread meerly as a polite suggestion, can I please request that it be locked/taken down at this time? It is getting a little off the original topic and today is Valentine's so the point of this thread is now moot.
I know the staff has been working very hard and I'm very greatful to them for all they do.
On the larger topic of mers and mini's in general... . Show them some love with a featured sig, a plot thread etc... show that there are active interested owners out there so more people are willing to join the ranks with these breeds.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:54 am
Kamiki Well, all I can say if the colorists have chosen to do it this way because its the MOST fair to MOST number of people. As Sabin pointed out, there's going to be at least 28 different people benefiting from this event, and we should be grateful they are doing it at all, and appreciate the hard work they are doing..
Mini/Mer Appreciation is good and everything but you can't do it for every event. You're trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Throwing minis/mers in this kind of mixer/event just complicates things AND limits the creativity of the colorists . And its not because of any prejudice against them, it's just shop mechanics - not neglect.
Thank you colorists, SO MUCH, for the opportunity. 1. When has there been an event that was for minis or mers? Yeah, they've been included in some flaffle and stuff, but besides regular breedings and customs, I have yet to see them really be able to take part in something like the mixer. Yes, it is ONE event out of the whole year, but is there going to be another event-like mixer? Will the Minis or mer be included then? I really don't think so. 2. Obviously, the 'shop mechanics' are causing neglect and no one seems to want to change them. Edited upon request >>;
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:05 pm
Err I have to honestly say I think this thread has been thrown out of proportion and it has been taken in several different ways than originally intended........
I believe the suggestion wasn't so much for more breedings for minis and mers just a mixer the end, I don't think anyone here is upset that they aren't in the single mixers they just wanted to be a different mixer for the other ones since they can't participate in the current one,
Why because the mixer is a fun idea and who wouldn't want to their seathi or usdia to be a part of it,
I DO NOT THINK anyone is whining or complaining about not having enough breedings and etc. or that colorist aren't being thanks or people aren't showing gratitude.
And I do feel unless you have a suggestion of a better way of doing the mixer next time refrain from posting, if you don't like something take it to the pm and feel free to express your opinion there.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:14 pm
Besides... its not as if we may not have a Mini and Mer/Kelpie only mixer at some point: Its just a case of, the last few times we had a mixer, so FEW mers and mini's were added, and most of them were the same gender.
Its much much easier just to limit it to the main template for this one, since everyone's only allowed to post one soquili, then open up another on a later date when caught up with this one.
However, I'm sure people will be upset that they cant enter their regulars into it as well. Almost every breeding, custom, or event is going to limit someone.
I personally ADORE, positively ADORE Mini's. I was so happy when two of my customs for my quota were mini's given the same level of love and care as a grown one. And one of these days, I plan on having a mer of my own, and RPing her just as I do my other soquili.
However, I'm all for this mixer not allowing them: it means I am well within my rights to host one devoted soully to them next month, mwahahaha Mine is an evil laugh.
Also, A Theart -- I OFTEN have "Mini and Mer only" slots in my breedings, and as I stated above, plan on eventually doing a mini and mer/kelpie only mixer, possibly even Next month once caught up with everything, so I am within my rights to take offense to you causing accusations and calling us neglectful. Thankfully, I do not. heart I just want you to not accuse us of such things, when this was done mostly due to past occasions, and the accusations are done without any true evidence on your part.
We've allowed them in the big open ones before, while they didn't get rolled, people, if given the choice of entering a regular or a usida/mer, will tend to pick the regular since they'd have a higher percentile of choice partners. This, in itself, is not fair to the Usidas, Mers, and seathi to actually HAVE to compete against these more common species in the mixer, and have such a limited selection of possible candidates.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:39 pm
ATh e a r t 2. Obviously, the 'shop mechanics' are causing neglect and no one seems to want to change them. I don't see this changing anytime soon, sadly. When usdia's first came out it was proposed that they could breed with regular sized Soquili (after all, people who are genetic dwarfs can breed with any other person, regardless of size)...it was shot down pretty quick, which I think is a shame.
I, just personally, think that any Soq breed should be able to breed with anyone, with like the rare exceptions of Ageni x Skinwalker... but that's probably a topic for another day..
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:23 pm
@mind; It's different from what has happened in the past and what you're trying to do now. No, I wasn't trying to be offensive, but you have to admit that the stuff you are doing now was not done months previously. Yeah, I know some colorists did somethings, but compared to the regulars, they really don't get much, so I'm pretty sure they can still be counted as a neglected part of the shop.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:04 pm
... Yes, it is different, but because what was happening before was UNFAIR to the Usdia, mers, etc themselves. Most of us like Usida, Seathi, and mer... Past event's where we did have it showed how unfair it was to the Usdia, seathi, and Mers to have them to have to compete against the regular templates. CUSTOMER interest in them just isn't as strong. Putting them in there, in my opinion, IS neglecting them worse, in this particular situation.
Simply put, its like putting a turtle against a horse in a footrace: There are so few Usdia, Mer, Seathi, and even Kelpie as it is, and you can only post one soquili, period, into THIS mixer. We'd rather keep them separate in this instance, and give them their own on a later date once we're caught up, for the sake of giving them an honest chance to win, and actually have something to pair up with AND have a nice selection to choose from rather then Limited to one or two.
Meanwhile, in things such as customs, events, etc. Colorists make Usdias, seathi, and Mers, and have other things available.. Most people would rather not enter or even prefer being 'passed over' or give them away. We make them, only some really want them in such instances. Its a case of supply and demand. We try to do something for them, and usually end up with little interest.
I know we've made it so Usida's were open in Flaffles, and regulars were newbie only in the past. People complained because they wanted the regular. We opened it up, and made it fair game. People still wanted the regular.We cannot control things and force people to RP Usdia's, seathi, and Mer. We've put them out there, and had them passed over. They're basically the cult classic of the soquili world: They have a small, but extremely loyal following. Shop attempts in the past to make them more popular have fallen flat in the past. We can't force customers to like them better.
We may like them, some very loyal and vocal customers may like them, but attempts in the past have fallen flat, and in the end its more fair to them to place them separately until we figure out a way to make this 'cult classic' more mainstream. sweatdrop
Edit: there are 590 Usdia, Seathi, and Mer combined total... Vrs 5919 other soquili.
In my last customs, there were 16 people trying for Usdia or seathi, and 108 people trying for a common/uncommon breed. Both Mini's and Common/Uncommon had 2 slots open originally (I had to roll a third common due to a listing error.)
At one point we mentioned giving Mini's a separate cooldown from the regulars in customs in the past, but then some people complained that that would belittle them, and make them "less important then other soquili by treating them as lesser/not as important".. So really, in the end, there's no win-win for it, quite yet. I'd LOVE for them to get a separate cool down, but it's something that'd have to be brought up and voted on.
They're 9% of the total soquili population.
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:34 pm
mindsend At one point we mentioned giving Mini's a separate cooldown from the regulars in customs in the past, but then some people complained that that would belittle them, and make them "less important then other soquili by treating them as lesser/not as important".. So really, in the end, there's no win-win for it, quite yet. I'd LOVE for them to get a separate cool down, but it's something that'd have to be brought up and voted on. They're 9% of the total soquili population. I like the seperate cooldown idea and would totally support it. I love the little guys, and have custom concepts for at least two (I could probably go for more than that).