Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:24 pm
I'm not entirely sold on the idea than extra perk is needed for a last breeding. But if there was going to be one, I think increasing the chance for the max basket count would be easier to implement than making a whole event or new slot for them. Getting that extra basket is really special sometimes... especially to give it away to a friend and introduce a new person into the family.
I've maxed out a few of my ponies so I can understand the sentiment behind it. It's very bittersweet. heart
*throws in her $0.02*
Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:43 pm
We decided in the meeting that although we won't do an official event for this option, breeding colourists could make a possible option in their breeding threads for said couples - sort of low luck like - but not a permanent option. (Even i'm considering it.)
If you wanted to do a soq-owner's run event about soqs talking about coming to their last breeding, have at 'er!
Final answer, but thanks cool b