Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:22 am
Listen, I know we all look at the 1 in 200 odds of getting rolled and secretly hope that our ideas just are awesome enough to get CC'd. Soq is huge, and the odds of winning stuff is crap. And let's face it, some of us are more lucky or unlucky than others.
I've entered the same stupid manly man lumberjack concept for these semi-custom freebie things repeatedly. I know it's never going to be CC'd. Like, never. It hasn't been picked yet, and most of the colorists have done some sort of event along those lines. You know why? I come up with stupid, ugly concepts. I mean, a horse with a full, luscious beard? Yeah right. Who wants to color that?
So, if the hand of god intervenes and I actually get rolled for this concept that I'm hardheaded enough to keep entering, the colorist probably won't be a happy camper. Many a headdesk will be had. I think the colorist should most certainly be able to pick out some CC's after rolling. Some of the customers here (myself very much included) come up with ugly s**t. Don't b***h when the colorists actually want to color non-ugly s**t.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:19 am
Since this is mostly spoken up from my event, and now that my head is cleared out from last night's drama, I guess I should just come out and explain what happened, even though it is explained right in my post in my event thread.
I had almost 300 entries to pick and choose from. Some of which sparked my interest, and some of which did not.
What is the probability that I will roll something I will enjoy working on, out of 300 entries?
It will be pretty slim considering the odds of how many I wanted to and wouldn't mind working on, against those I didn't even want to poke with a 30 foot stick because I had no idea how I would cross those two items.
300 entries, I have to make a possible CC list in case I roll stuff I knew I would have some problems with.
My list can only be so big out of 300 entries. Do you really think I actually go around just picking my friends? Have you actually read through my list, or are some of you guys just making a big commotion because of one or two people out of 20 odd people on my list? Tell me the truth now, I want to know.
Do I actually seem like someone whom would favor certain people and sprinkle them with gifts?
Yes I am good friends with certain people, and love them like family, but no, I do not favor people. I do not sprinkle them with gifts.
OH! BUT RI! You and so and so are so close! You have so many plots together and co-own so many soq! SO WHAT!
What does that have to do with anything? Am I the only staff member in this shop that has a good friend? NO! I am not!
Am I the only staff member that has ever had a friend show up on their CC list? NO!
Am I the only staff member that has ever gifted one or two things to someone? NO!
If you actually knew me, If you actually spent the time reading over the stuff I say in shop, you would know I am actually very pro-newbie/pro-those that don't have 50 million Soq.
I tried my best to make my CC list fair. I tried my best to make a good mix of those whom are active in shop, those who don't own 50 million soq and those whom are newbies.
If I certain area outright won over another area, then so be it. I am so sorry the RNG was not in your favor when I Russian Rouletted my list.
Excuse me for trying to make a few extra people happy or make their day. If you actually read my post I did state other colorists could come in and pick a few things out, and that I would be happy to maybe roll extra slots later in the month if I had time.
It's a game. You win some. You lose some. Some people have more luck than others.
However, this is no reason for people to throw a hissy fit and point fingers. This is no reason to bash people just cause you think things are unfair. I'm not pointing directly at you, but to those whom felt the need to stir up trouble last night.
Do you know how frustrating things can get for a colorist, if you are not a colorist anyway? Very
We basically work for free. Why? Because we either enjoy it or we just want a little extra gold.
I work because coloring relaxes me. I enjoy making other people happy with my work.
However, as stated, at points every colorist gets stuck with things we don't enjoy doing. We get stuck with things that make us go insane.
That is the point of CCing. So colorists have something on the side to help even things out and keep us going. If we enjoy gore, animal print and skull work do you think we would enjoy doing fluffy little unicorns, dancing upon rainbow printed hair with a bunch of butterflies flapping around? Not likely. No. We can only take so much of things we don't enjoy.
Please, before some of you start picking up your pitchforks and calling biased. THINK. READ. Actually take the time to sit down and think about what you are about to start trouble over. Is it really worth it? Do you have enough proof to back up what you are going to rant about? Do you really want to cause trouble and make someone else feel like crap? Hm?
Colorists work their asses off to make you guys happy. It shouldn't be some unholy crime to "pamper" ourselves every once and a while by choosing to do MORE WORK that we will actually enjoy.
I actually cried over the drama last night because it was a last straw for me. I could just throw my hands up and stomp out, but I won't, because it isn't worth it.
High-functioning Hellraiser
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:54 am
Poor Riri..it's sad that doing something nice can cause such drama, but when you get 100's of people in the same room I guess that someone somewhere is going to find something to be cranky about. Seems to be human nature.
CC should be CC, in the grand scheme of things they do far more randomly rolled concepts then they ever do CC - so give them a break.
But some of the things said in this thread have got me thinking - I know on the 'to do' list that's posted here in the forum that a Colorist likes/dislikes list was in the works at some point? Is that still a go? I mean if I have three custom concepts I want and they're all different I would rather skim a list and enter one I know a colorist might enjoy working on more then guessing and just throwing up the one I happen to want more on that particular day (And I don't follow the main thread enough to know the colorist preferences sadly) Anyways...it might help with burn out or frustration on the colorists part if even for rolled slots more people entered concepts they know the colorist will like.
Of course...that might make the CC harder for the colorists to pick from lol
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:30 am
Ya know, Every Colorist Has a Preference. Some don't like rainbows, Others Don't like Gore, STILL OTHERS, Don't like eyerape.
These Guys still DO them if they are Picked by the RNG, and to be honest, they still put the 100% into them... Sometimes 110%
That being said....I should point out that A LOT of shops do much worse then Soquili. I have seen shops BLATANTLY look away when a colorist CC's friend time after time after time....
One other thing I should point out... IN THE END....
IT'S ONLY PIXELS!!! your world is not going to fall apart and explode if you don't get cc'd. there is no prize for the most pixels when life finally hits.
That said..... Thank you to ALL soquili Colorist. Your time and Efforts are appreciated, and I for one, applaud all your efforts.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:53 am
I hate tossing rainbows on soquilis biggrin biggrin biggrin
A good idea if you want to be CC is READ. TAKE HINTS FROM COLORIST. Such as what do their soquilis look like? Or what do their couples look like? What sort of couples do they cc typically? What sort of things do they post or want when posting in other colorist games? What do they ask not to do?
SRSLY the reason people closer to them make the list is BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHAT THEY LIKE ITS WHY THEY ARE FRIENDS DUH.
Colorist have personalities too.
Sometimes colorist pick things for other reasons than just want they want such as CC a couple because they are LL. They are several reasons why someone can do what they want there is no reason to tell them how they should do things.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:42 pm
Scaramouche Fandango What? This whole thing just doesn't seem right. Seems like with every free event, somebody finds something that went wrong or coulda been more fair or better or different or something. CC is Colorist's Choice. They already gotta put up with people upset over the luck of the dice, and then they gotta put up with what the dice say they have to do. Maybe it's something they don't particularly like or something that's really hard or something that they would just rather not do. Colorist Suzy Q who likes fluffy bunnies might roll tentacles and grimdark all the time. If she isn't allowed to do something pink and innocent from time to time, she's gonna come to resent even opening the .psds. Whether you think it's fair or not, they're the staff. They're the ones who run this shop, and CCs probably help keep 'em sane. And it ain't always their friends- if somebody put down something that looked particularly cool or came up with an appealing design, that goes under colorist's choice, too. Y'all are so caught up with what makes things more fair to the competitors that what's fair to the colorist runnin' the thing gets overlooked. This. So much of this. And Riri? You're willpower is amazing. The fact that you're choosing to stay speaks volumes about the strength of your character. What happened last night was a prime example of how obsessive people get here.
Questionable Conversationalist
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:02 pm
I am slightly shy so I do not often like to join in on discussions with strangers, but sometimes I really, really feel like I should put my two cents in, so here goes. I am not totally sure how the CC list, that she was asked to post, was biased? I am new, I do not know many people in the shop, and so I do not know if every other name on the CC list was a friend of Ririka’s, but I do know that mine was not. I was not picked in the end, but I was happy to see that at least my idea was interesting enough that the colorist who was generous enough to do a bunch of freebies, and came up with such a fun and interesting idea for it, considered my entry at all. . Alternatively, a friend of mine was not on the CC lists at all, and did not find that discouraging because everyone has different tastes. So why should one colorist’s not preferring her idea make her want to complain and point fingers?
Being considered at all felt like a mini-win, just like getting into the speed-raffle in the usida sub-breeds event felt like a mini-win, even if I was not rolled for that either. Part of the fun is playing the game, even if it is as simple as looking through the internet for pictures of things that should look interesting together or as complicated as trying to determine the answers to a long series of riddles. Complaining and asking for more freebies to make up for not winning just does not seem fair to me, especially when the colorists at this shop are so frequently generous like this. It is not anyone’s fault that there are hundreds of people looking for pets, and as far as I can see all of the colorists here are doing their best.
While frustration is understandable given the competition for these pets, where there is no fault there should be no fingers. So thank you for the interesting event Ririka, I am glad you are staying in spite of whatever drama generosity seems to bring. And also thanks to all the other colorists who do events for us. As has seemed to be said several times over by now, and can be said again all the same, you guys rock.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:10 pm
The colorists here work REALLY hard to make Soq's for people, they may not like EVERY single thing that the generators pick but they deal with it and do whatever they can to make it an awesome Soq, if you don't like it then why enter? The colorists do NOT have any control over what the number gen or dice land on, if they do not pick you it could be many reasons and if they do not pick you they don't have to, maybe this time your entry just didn't make them stop and think how much fun it could be to try and make that into a Soq.
This shop is one of the most popular shops in the B/C forum and when you get a popular shop like this you get colorists who have to work hard to keep up with the demand and so when something fun like this comes up like a freebie CC this is because they get to have a break and do something THEY want to do for a change. It isn't just customs or breedings etc, sure it is what they get paid for but coloring random things/putting together Soqs for those whos ideas inspire them etc is something they can do for fun and having people complain because the dice/number gen hate you is NOT. THEIR. PROBLEM, deal with it, so you were not picked either by the gen or the colorist themselves, that is NO reason to complain, next time just try again, maybe one day you will be lucky.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:16 pm
I feel really ignorant as I have no idea what people are talking about when they refer to someone ranting or complaining or whatever about favoritism but from reading everyone's comments I get the gist of it and at least I know what event everyone's talking about so I'm just going to try and add on to what everyone has said.
Ok first things first. I'm pretty sure everyone gets it but I'm going to reiterate it seeing as that's a key point here. CC is Colorist Choice. You know as in the choice that the colorist gets to make. I can't grasp the scope of what the colorists have to deal with coloring something they don't like, feel uncomfortable doing etc. but seriously if they just want to color something they's enjoy after completing so many works of stuff that they don't like doing why not let them enjoy something about being a colorist. What's the harm in that? Friends are friends and they should know things about each other, if we go really crazy we could even say that they may have things in common. Who's to stop them from choosing their friends if their friends are the only ones who want what they want to color? Before they get so exasperated with the monotony of doing what they dislike that they want to leave let them indulge themselves and color something that they would actually enjoy.
I don't want to start ranting or anything so I'm stopping now, but I would like to say how much I appreciate all that the colorists do. I for one don't want to see anyone of you going mad. LOVE YA! heart
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:49 pm
I didn't see that Bias post...
I have to add this to my previous comment...
You throw out the word Bias like my son uses the word please. It's labled on EVERY complaint i see... even when there is no Bias.
Definition of Bias... an unfair preference for or dislike of something....
Please note the word PREFERENCE!!!! How Riri's CC list became BIASED... i can't see... I can see where she listed her PREFERENCES... It's not like everyone wasn't concidered... I'm SURE Ri's list was probably 10 times as large, and it's really hard to rank. While I am not to the caliber of ANY soquili colorist (i worship you.... honest... see my shrine?) as a colorist... i know that EVERYONE wants there pet done.... and to everyone their pet is important... but... due to time constraints and REAL LIFE (i am a full time wife, Full time Mom, Full time college student for starters) Not every application can be DONE right when some one asks. It kills the colorist... and ... the thrill of the quest.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:37 pm
Speaking as someone who made it onto the CC list, but didn't win. I don't think there was bias. I have never gotten anything from Riri before, and have only chatted with her off and on. So there was no favoritism here.
She just liked my idea more than some (and apparently didn't like all of the damn Peacock ideas).
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:24 pm
That was a ridiculous showing of immaturity last night over a free event, and I am glad Ririka and Ishtanballa managed to rise above it and take the high road. Kudoes you two!
To the rest of the staff, please do not use this as an excuse to further crack down on a problem that isn't really that big of a problem. I've been in this shop for six years now, and I can honestly say the FORMER issues of staff biases have been eradicated from where I stand. Maybe staffers turn in their credits for an awful lot of skinwalkers/mutants/edited awesomes ... but they earned those credits and to scream BIAS! is a massive stretch that brings to mind a toddler in a preschool being told "no."
Also, there used to be a culture of fellow-shop-goer appreciation of wins. It was called "sincere congratulations." Maybe instead of people continuously asking staff to somehow be the moral police, customers should assume some responsibilty and stop looking at your neighbors with envy. Plenty(most) of the newer (then me) customers have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more soquili then I do. Most of them have angeni, kalona, kirin, crossbreeds, ettccccccccc. Do I care? No. I'm glad this shop has kept running because I like my characters and want to continue to be able to play them in this setting.
So yeah, love thy neighbor, and don't envy his/her property... geez. xD!!!
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:25 pm
You know what would just solve all these issues?
If we just decided we've had enough of people complaining over getting free stuff and stopped handing things out all together.
Seriously people. Can't you just be happy we're offering up chances for freebies at all, and NOT look a gift horse in the mouth?
I for one am getting fed up with hearing nothing but negative feedback from our attempts to do nice things for you all.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:35 pm
I feel sorry for the colorists, they work hard and turn out beautiful pets and don't receive RL payment for for the hours they invest. For me being on Gaia is supposed to be a escape from real life, not another place to hear the people complain about bias and life not being fair.
I'd like to thank the colorists for being strong enough to not quit through all of the drama that is caused by the Woe-is-me users out there, I probably would have snapped by now.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:55 pm
Roserain Scaramouche Fandango What? This whole thing just doesn't seem right. Seems like with every free event, somebody finds something that went wrong or coulda been more fair or better or different or something. CC is Colorist's Choice. They already gotta put up with people upset over the luck of the dice, and then they gotta put up with what the dice say they have to do. Maybe it's something they don't particularly like or something that's really hard or something that they would just rather not do. Colorist Suzy Q who likes fluffy bunnies might roll tentacles and grimdark all the time. If she isn't allowed to do something pink and innocent from time to time, she's gonna come to resent even opening the .psds. Whether you think it's fair or not, they're the staff. They're the ones who run this shop, and CCs probably help keep 'em sane. And it ain't always their friends- if somebody put down something that looked particularly cool or came up with an appealing design, that goes under colorist's choice, too. Y'all are so caught up with what makes things more fair to the competitors that what's fair to the colorist runnin' the thing gets overlooked. This. So much of this. And Riri? You're willpower is amazing. The fact that you're choosing to stay speaks volumes about the strength of your character. What happened last night was a prime example of how obsessive people get here. Agreed!
Colourists in general do a great job and put up with a lot of *bleep* from us customers. Having a chance at a free pet is a privilege, after all how many of you would want to work for free? I know I'd be miffed if I went to work and got told "Hey we wont pay you this month, k thnx bye" Colourists come up with different and interesting mini events and games. So even if you didn't win, be glad you had a chance to win, think like that and there are likely to be more chances, complain and you will loose the chances available now.
So Riri thank you for a fun game/mini event I had a lot of fun choosing interesting and different items, and it got me thinking about what I'd like to see in my future pets.
Other colourists, keep doing the great job you are doing, and keep smiling it makes others wonder what your up to... wink