Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:26 am
Renegade Athena But... But... I is broke... And Soq has a large number of free events and games that everyone can join in on. I was just saying that this would be a good option for those that have the gold and are willing to spend it to get better odds at winning a certain horse. Not everyone can participate in every event. In fact, due to my working/sleeping schedule I ended up missing a lot of the games that got run during past events. Also, as much as I want to RP my Soq, I don't have time for it, so I don't enter any of the RP events because it would be silly to try to win something and then never RP it again. But on the flipside, I do have a pile of gold. That's why having a variety of ways to win is good. Every user brings something different to the table.
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:46 am
StarieMichie Renegade Athena But... But... I is broke... And Soq has a large number of free events and games that everyone can join in on. I was just saying that this would be a good option for those that have the gold and are willing to spend it to get better odds at winning a certain horse. Not everyone can participate in every event. In fact, due to my working/sleeping schedule I ended up missing a lot of the games that got run during past events. Also, as much as I want to RP my Soq, I don't have time for it, so I don't enter any of the RP events because it would be silly to try to win something and then never RP it again. But on the flipside, I do have a pile of gold. That's why having a variety of ways to win is good. Every user brings something different to the table. This. I'm in a completely different timezone to whoever runs soq events and some of them start at 4am my time - i like sleep and as much as i love soq i'm not going to set an alarm to wake up early. so i would like something where i can tip the odds in my favour to make up for the games i lost. i'm not saying this is a fault of soquili. i'm just saying this is the reason i like this idea. i also agree with nyx that customs/breedings should be more frequent before they get added to raffles. colourists are getting overwhelmed enough as it is, let things settle down first. i'm sorry if this made no sense, i'm tired and typing after getting my nails done. it's hard to get used to. XD
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:13 am
Lulz, you guys it was joke. Clearly. That would be ridiculous of me to say its unfair because I don't have any gold. Just trying to throw some humor in whee
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:18 am
truthfully. i'm not a huge fan of paid raffles myself.. so what if everyone has a 1 in 200 chance.. we all have the same odds then and it's equally as fair thusly less drama that shows up in thread. paid raffles just opens the pandora's box for more issues and drama for those that don't have oodles of gold to splurge on them and making them customs and breedings as well might just put these less fortunate gold wise off the shop entirely. my first custom and only custom took me 3 years to come up with the gold because i didn't work in a shop and still don't for that matter. sure others have to scrimp and scrape as well but not all have the ability to shell out 4 mil every time there's a paid raffle just to get a pony they really REALLY love or custom/breeding for that matter. to ask us to shell out ticket money on top of our breeding/custom price might just be... well asinine to say the least. and really agree with nyx in the fact that customs and breedings are few and far between to the point that a bunch of the times.. by the time the next custom or breedings open up the same people who won 2 months ago are there vieing for a spot once again.
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:21 am
Having read through all of this I'm not sure where to come down on the suggestions. So here goes...
I never buy many tickets for a paid raffle, but anything like a raffle in soquili is fun and when they happen its great and I always buy a few tickets. However I think they are best left as something that colourists choose to do or as part of an event. Then again I prefer free raffles as everyone has exactly the same chance.
All in all I think breedings, raffles and customs should be left as they are, the shop does amazingly well as it is, demand will always be high but we can't keep asking for more of this and more of that, its not fair to ask colourists to do more than they are able/willing to do.
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:23 am
i agree 100% with your point Faid.
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:10 am
totally agrees with Faid
if there HAS to be paid raffles then there should be a max ticket limit
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:08 pm
I as well agree 100% with Faid
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:26 pm
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:29 pm
LOLTERNATIVE This. I'm in a completely different timezone to whoever runs soq events and some of them start at 4am my time - i like sleep and as much as i love soq i'm not going to set an alarm to wake up early. so i would like something where i can tip the odds in my favour to make up for the games i lost. i'm not saying this is a fault of soquili. i'm just saying this is the reason i like this idea. Just quoting good points for paid raffles.
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:33 pm
StarieMichie Renegade Athena But... But... I is broke... And Soq has a large number of free events and games that everyone can join in on. I was just saying that this would be a good option for those that have the gold and are willing to spend it to get better odds at winning a certain horse. Not everyone can participate in every event. In fact, due to my working/sleeping schedule I ended up missing a lot of the games that got run during past events. Also, as much as I want to RP my Soq, I don't have time for it, so I don't enter any of the RP events because it would be silly to try to win something and then never RP it again. But on the flipside, I do have a pile of gold. That's why having a variety of ways to win is good. Every user brings something different to the table. Very valid thank you.
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:43 pm
Scaramouche Fandango Paid breeding raffles sound like a pretty brilliant idea. It might really help cut down on some of the low luck tension- if you're really sick of your low luck, just buy a lot of tickets and cross your fingers. In turn, it might also help knock some names off the low luck list. (Note: I am NOT saying to replacing the regular monthly breeding raffles. These would be additional raffles whenever a colorist has time to take on another breeding.) And another!
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:29 pm
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:19 pm
The thing is, we're not asking for something new. There used to be a paid raffle for almost every big event. I think at one point people asked for more free events/raffles/contests. They were given. But I think in doing that, the paid things took a downfall.
I'm not saying that the colorists should do extra work - but if there is a certain quota for a raffle, why not split the Soquili pot in half of the ones that were going to be made anyway and do 1 free raffle and 1 paid? And it could be randomized which Soquili would go in which (Or one from each colorist etc.)
Also... a ticket cap I wouldn't like. I don't have millions to spend, but for those that do, they should be able to spend it. There has never been a ticket cap for Soquili... I don't really see why one should be implemented now.
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:26 pm
Yes we can have more paid raffles. :3 I don't think there should be a ticket cap. That kinda defeats the purpose of a paid raffle I think. There is always luck of the draw. Just because someone spends millions on a raffle doesn't mean they will win anything. I've spent tons of raffles and only won someone once.