Monsieur Apothecary
Hmm you make a good point. But this book is bond so that you can add or take away pages that's why I decided to use it. I only said 98 pages because it is really hard to add or take away pages. perhaps i should use a binder though I will have to see that I can do. I am still new to the path so I am not sure how much info I am going to compile over the next couple of years. So you may have a good point.

Also, you may want to consider what I think San is trying to get you to think about: Witchcraft and paganism are separate entities, and not necessarily interconnected with one another. If you are attempting to keep a book about magic, it doesn't necessarily require any of your religious information, and vice-versa.

If your 'Book of Mirrors' is a ritual/dream/vision journal, and your 'Book of Shadows' is supposed to be your magical/witchcraft book, then you may need to consider a third book to separately record your religious component: invocations, rituals, lore, etc. regarding your religious path.

Yeah - I know some religious witchcrafts will have the Pagan stuff and the magic stuff in the same book, and that's fine, but just from what you've said, OP, you may be replicating stuff.

On top of that, if you're just starting out, you're going to be changing your mind and stuff about things as you go along. There's a thread in this guild about "a fluffy's book of shadows" and what someone put into his BOS early on that he laughs at now - you don't want to be starting a really nice book to begin with and look back at it and cringe in a few years. If you want to write it out nice in a collected book, do that a bit later on. Stick with the binder or computer folder for now.