The night is a goddess. A muse if you will. I and my companions are simply her followers and gift givers. To us the night is our light and the city our canvas. Tonight is nothing different.

It's amazing what my friends have done before me, I'm still new to all of this. As I approach the oldest of the four of us I shake my spray can and gaze in wonder. This is our passion put down in paint. We art the modern Da Vinci’s and Picasso’s, but are treated as thugs or vandals because our art is misunderstood. I've heard that in a few cities some people like us are paid to do this and there work is appreciated, but not here.

Cautiously I approach the wall, the night inspiration taking sway. My colors are all that I have and after a few test sprits on my sleeve I'm ready to convey the night once again on these dead walls. We are not afraid of what the world calls us. We are artists and nothing can hold us back.