For Aedan:(Not sure if it's foal Rp or not, but either way I'm fine with it)
Which plot: Not so Knightly
Nidawi isn't a bad-a** mare persay, but she definitely is a mare that doesn't need to be protected. Her family line is very male dominated and it's a family where females really aren't suppose to do any kind of
physical work such as being a warrior. They are meant to be more dainty and intelligent, not aggressive.
Now I'm sure your looking for a mare that could show him a thing or two, but I'm going to throw another idea your way. Since Nidawi isn't really the kind of Soq to beat another up. What if she is bad-a** in another way such as her intelligence and her all around confident attitude? She is dainty yes, but she isn't afraid to get her hooves dirty. She isn't helpless either.
Also I kind of think it's amusing that BOTH have two fathers. xD So she is very open minded about sexuality.
For Adva:(Not sure if it's foal Rp or not, but either way I'm fine with it)
Which Plot: Companion or Nemesis
I honestly think this could go either way and whatever way you want it to. Zachariah is an honest to goodness a*****e, but at the same time once he is fond of someone as a friend, he will be the most loyal friend in the world. He takes after his father and can sometimes be a little sexist towards females only because he is use to them not doing much within the family. So having him meet a mare that is different from that might be a shocker and could take him some time to adjust to it.
With that being said..
If we go the rivalry route I could see it being a bitter one. He probably would try to make her life a living hell and do all he can to succeed, but he would have to have a reason for doing it. He is easy to enrage also because he is a bit of a hothead. xD
If we go the companion route, he might take a good while for this one. He doesn't see the point in friends and probably would shun her away numerous times if she could handle something like that. It's just how he was raised and honestly, he didn't have any friends at all so it will be strange for him.
OR...we could even talk about combining the both of them? xD I'm not sure how, but I'm willing to work something out for it.
Anyway let me know what you think and I'm really flexible with ideas <3