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Mewsings of An Angel

Excitable Anubutt

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:27 pm

I would love to know what your lovely Angeni of Knowledge is looking for pertaining to RP or possible love interests?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:07 pm

Mewsings: Right now, Xocoyolcoatl is looking for his brother, Cuah. He knows he's out there, somewhere, but otherwise has no idea on the exact location. Currently, he's traveling with another angeni mare who is helping keep an eye on him, and keep him focused.

Love interest wise, he maaaay be testing the water with this other mare, but nothing has been set in stone, so he's still open. He would need someone who would, first and foremost, go on the search with him to find his brother (he doesn't know that he has a herd and family. . . so that'll be a surprise!). They would also have to be patient since he tends to be scatter brained and a little out of it, just due to his powers.

Really though, I don't have any real particulars for him. Just someone that clicks and someone that accepts him for who is . . and who will forgive his scatterbrain. :3


Shy Mage



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PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:22 pm

Would you be interested in having Xoco meet Cuah's missing daughter, Ekundayo, during his search for his brother? They have similar jewelry and markings, and probably familiar scents too, enough that it might spark some confusion between them? Ekundayo has no idea who her father is, so she might even wonder if Xoco is at first, lol. XD Could lead to some interesting plots if they met, though? Might be interesting for him to meet Kayla (Ekundayo's mother), too.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:54 pm


Oooooh, I think that could be terribly brilliant! Since she has no idea who her father is, and he has no idea that his brother has kids at all, or any sort of family, I think that opportunity for confusion would be excellent. That would at least give him a possible lead, or a little more information! Or, he might not even really put two and two together. . .

Xocoyol's sweet, but he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed by any means.

Still, I'd be way down for him meeting Ekundayo or Kayla or both! Just let me know! Granted, I'm slow as molasses but. . . could be fun!


Shy Mage



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PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:39 am


Yay! And no worries, I can be slow myself sometimes, I don't mind! biggrin

I'm thinking maybe he could just meet Ekundayo first -- and then as they talk, I feel like she'd definitely suspect there was some sort of relation there -- and so she'd bring him to introduce him to Kayla, to try and force her to finally reveal who her father is and what happened, etc. Kayla would be able to offer some information to Xocoyol, but not the exact location since she doesn't remember. (Although I also don't know where the herd is, lol, I'll need to get some info on that from you or mindsend.)

I also had a thought... depending on how the RP goes and your thoughts on the matter, Ekundayo may ask to go with him. Kayla would protest going back but she wouldn't leave her daughter's company either, so she'd probably go along too, if it's alright with you! Not sure if that would get in the way of plans you may have, just an idea! ^_^
PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:57 pm


Ooooh, I think that could work out wonderfully! I'll talk to Tirokio to make sure Bindi doesn't mind the addition of some family relations (but she owns many within the herd, not the least which is Cuah's mate so . . . I doubt there will be any objection!), but I think this could work out wonderfully.

Xocoyolcoatl will be so confused, but intrigued, if only because that would be terribly surprising if he found out his brother did have an extended family! What he thought was just one may now be an entire herd. Ahahaha.

Still, I would be more than happy to let Xoyco meet Ekundayo. We can always see how the RP works out, and where it goes. I could also imagine it being rather amusing to see the Angeni of Knowledge with an escort of mares as he approaches his brothers herd. . . Especially two mares which might be quite the surprise for Cuah to see!

I'm definitely down with all of this, yes!


Shy Mage



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PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:02 pm


Yayy I've been hemming and hawing over what to do with Kayla and Ekundayo for a bit now, I'm excited to have some direction for them now. biggrin Do you want to start or would you like me to?

As a side note, if you're cool with it and Tirokio would like to have Bindi in the RP too, I'd be up for it! smile
PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:52 pm

If Azimene is still seeking a healer while she travels, then perhaps Nithralith could assist with that plot? His studies lie within the usual herbal treatments, so if she is looking more for the healing properties of Unicorns, then sorry if I misread the plot. x'D Aside from that, he could use some friends as he is still new to this land. Be them long-term or short-term can depend on the rps~


Shy Seeker


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 4:49 pm


I would be more than happy to let Azimene meet Nithralith! While she's accustomed to having the aid of unicorn healer, due to her uncle Azzinoth, I absolutely do not see any problem or trouble with her getting assisted by someone who knows herbs. Azzinoth used herbal remedies to help treat her, as much as he also used his horn . . .

So that would be fantastic!

By all means, let me know when and if you'd love to have them cross paths in the RP-verse, haha. I love Azimene, and she hasn't had many excuses to step out and get some time to shine. As for long-term or short-term stuff, I'd be more than happy to wing it and see what happens. . . xD

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 4:54 pm


Ahaha, excellent! I've always wanted an excuse to write you so this is sublime. I'm glad to be able to give you some direction with the pair! Feel free to let me know when you're ready to have them cross paths. I'll talk to Tirokio and see how she feels about getting Bindi involved, as they are hanging out and about together. . . .

Even if he did get the location of where Cuah's herd is, I'm sure it still will take them some time to get there. So I can fit in all the development I need in that sort of 'area of grey', should the RPs bring him closer to reuniting with family than he had originally thought, or plots had planned. So yes! I am down for this whenever you are. 8D


Shy Mage


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:19 am

Alrighty then!

Getting a head start posting all my rp threads, and here is ours:

Doesn't matter to me who starts the actual replies, since the schedules vary. But I intend to tackle them asap on my part. n_n
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2013 6:58 pm

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I've pretty much loved her since you got her, Uta. She's so purdy. >w<; <3

If you want to give them a whirl (and don't mind our slow RPs if you wanna test 'em out), may I present..~

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Divine Galaxy

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:02 pm

Hey Arashi!

I still haven't figured Iara out in the least, but I would love some RP with her, regardless. It would be good for me to figure out who she is and what she wants in life, haha. I think we discussed some foal RP if you didn't mind backdating some stuff?

Let me know!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:49 pm

Would you be interested in Utpala meeting Aleajandra? =D She's a princess of sorts, though doesn't title herself as one formally to others. Aleajandra wouldn't come outright and say she was a princess, but she does where a crown.

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I think it would also be cute for some foal rp between her and Polar. He's got a soft heart, but he's clumsy as all heck with those big hooves of his.

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:54 pm

Lunadriel: I am always, always pro foal RP! And Polar is absolutely adorable. . . .

And Utpala would be thrilled to meet Alejandra! She would coo over how pretty she is, and think the crown terribly romantic and just . . . flutter and squee and live in a daydream. Little realizing she was meeting real royalty!
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