Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:09 pm
Your Username: Kamiki Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Stormwild Uncert Entered Relations: Balrog (mate, page 1 by Sabin Duvert) Zephyros (son, page 3, by Kesmi) Derecho (son, page 4, by She-Ra of Etheria) Short Personality Blurb: While she was a young and fool-hearty filly, Stormwild has matured in powerful and influential elder. Exceptionally more level-headed and sympathetic than her mate, Balrog, Stormwild is the Alpha of the Thunderbird Herd: a herd that reveres the Thunderbird and the ability of flight. They live high in the mountains, in the terrain that would be difficult to navigate without being able to fly. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Years ago, Stormwild and Balrog had baskets stolen and killed by the Purewalker, Kumiho. When the couple recently welcomed their new colts, Kumiho attacked again: attempting to kill the Elder couple's children again and use their baskets for her own incoming foals. Kumiho was defeated, but who knows how she will plan to levy her revenge? RP List: (optional) Most of her plot-relevant RPs can be found in her Thunderbird Herd ThreadUnentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Kumiho | Uncert-- Relation: Mortal enemy -- Personality: Sharp, sly, and deceptive, Kumiho is a malevolent trickster. More cunning than many of the Western cognates of skinwalkers, Kumiho enjoys planning, plotting, and maximizing the misery that she causes in others through elaborate tricks and deceptions. She is equally comfortable in either her fox-form or soquili-form, she will use what has the greatest potential for the situation. She is not a cursed skinwalker - she was born as she is, and considers herself as much a Fox as a mare. She also cares more for her appearance than most skinwalkers, to the point of being downright vain. However, she is as bloodthirsty and cruel and callous as any skinwalker. 2 ) Sequoyah | Uncert-- Relation: Eldest Son -- Personality: Before she met Balrog, Stormwild had a whirlwind relationship with a handsome ground Soquili. Sequoyah does not have wings: which was a wedge that divided the early Thunderbird Herd. Stormwild refused to kick her son out of the herd, which caused great strain on her relationship with Balrog. Sensing the coming internal war with the herd, Sequoyah decided to leave on his own accord, starting his own Herd in the Valley near Thunderbird Mountain. 3) Cataclysm | Uncert-- Relation: Daughter -- Personality: Cata is very much her father's daughter. She is egotistical and between her and her sister, Maelstrom, they truly are twin terrors. They are used to getting their way and hell be had if they don't. She is proud to be a wind soquili, and believes herself to be blessed and privileged to be so. She is the Alpha-in-Waiting of the herd, ready to step into Stormwild's shoes if the need ever calls for it. Lately, Cata has been rather withdrawn, leaving Cata with more free time on her hooves than usual. She's a bit at a loss of what to do with herself as so much of her identity is interwoven with her sister, and the jealousy she feels towards the attention she had given to her own family manifests in moodiness and a shorter-than-normal temper. 4) Stormchaser | IUncert-- Relation: Son -- Personality: Stormchaser takes after his mother more than his father; he's calm and level-headed; but still takes much pride in his family and what they believe in. 5) Firestorm | Uncert-- Relation: Step-son -- Personality: A child of Balrog and another mare, Stormwild stepped in and acted as mother to this alicorn. However, as Firestorm grew jealous of Thunderbird and bitter that his Kalona mate wasn't accepted in the herd, he eventually rebelled against his family and is now considered an enemy of the herd. Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Darshan UncertEntered Relations: n/a Short Personality Blurb: Darshan is a witty and wry traveling Soquili. No one knows about his past, and he's not telling. He collects stories, lanterns, and colorful birds. Short Blurb of Recent Events:Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Quetzalcoatl | Uncert Uncert (no wings)-- Relation: Best friend, comrade, occasional lover -- Personality: Quetzalcoatl is extravagant, showy, and possesses a huge force of personality. He expects respect from others, feeling entitled to praise if not abject worship. While he is a bit of a fish out water in the Kawani lands, he expects others to bend to his desires and needs as opposed to the other way around. However, to those who admire him, he can be a benevolent Angeni, though may ask for displays of loyalty. Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Harmony Erasure Wish (goes by the name 'Zee') UncertEntered Relations: Cockery (Father, owned by StarieMichie, page1) Twitchy (Mother, owned by StarieMichie, page 1) Short Personality Blurb: Nothing in Zee's life is mundane. She lives in the same world as everyone else, but she sees it in a way few others do. No, she's not crazy. Or cursed. No, Zee certainly feels like she's the most blessed and 'in tune' of them all. She knows her and her family is special, and feels she sees deeper than most young Soquili of her age. You see, where most fillys would see a wandering lizard, Zee sees a mighty dragon. A rainbow is not just the illusion of light through the raindrops - its a bridge to another world. Butterflies are elusive fairies. Always questing, always experiencing - she lives her life with a constant stream of adventure, elation, and drive. From the moment she could stand on her four legs she was ready to join her mother and father on their grand adventures. She longs to vanquish the Evil Doer who destroyed her father's clan, and wreck havoc on the Star Makers. Never once has she ever doubted her parent's stories - listening to them from her young age with a wide-eyed wonder and passionate enthusiasm. Though not as capable as her sister Dash - she matches both her siblings in her wild. gung-ho, in-it-win-it outtake on life. She inherited her father's warrior nobility, but not his talent in stealth (or the patience required to be a ninja...) - she prefers to be brash and straightforward: to tackle her tasks head-on. She's athletic, of course, but brazen and wild. Another fold in Zee's delusional wrinkle is her inability to feel anything besides unbridled, raw, raging emotion. She's never alittle happy or content - she's estatic. Never slightly disappointed: her heart is shattered. She falls in love easily - every foalhood crush quickly blossoming into a Romeo-and-Juliet level epic romance; though no colt or filly has managed to keep her affections to long. Not only does she fall hard, she falls easily. Though, in all fairness, her brash, hyper, loud, and frankly delusional outlook on life means most of her 'lovers' don't exactly feel the same way about her (don't tell her that, however. She thinks everyone should feel as strongly about everything as she does). Zee doesn't do anything halfway. Capricious to a fault, she's passionate, creative, emotional, delusional, inspirational and histrionic, all at the same time. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Dash Cocksure | Uncert-- Relation: Sister -- Personality: 2) Cockery | Uncert-- Relation: Brother -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional)
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:09 pm
Your Username: Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Bly Uncert Entered Relations: Copper (Father) Short Personality Blurb: Bly is like a giant foal. He is innocent to the way the world works. He is not the smartest stallion in the world. He loves chasing butterflies and playing games and having fun. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently, he ran into Giorgia. Literally, ran into her. He tried playing tag with her, but she's not the most friendly mare. But Bly has no gauge of danger or politeness so he was ignorant to her anger with him. They're currently getting to know each other. RP List: (optional) --Rp: You Have No Idea ----- Soquili Involved: Bly | url=http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q734/BabyPandah1/giorgia.jpg]Giorgia --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 2) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Copper Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Short Blurb of Recent Events: RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 2) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Sastimos [img mad h7f04np] [img]http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q734/BabyPandah1/sastimos-2.jpg[/img] Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Short Blurb of Recent Events: RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 2) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional)
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:14 pm
Your Username: Mameha Otome Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Hina'ea Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Hina'ea is daring and cocky, putting her neck on the line for a lot of stupid reasons to try and prove she is somehow great and fantastic. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Nothing recent RP List: (optional) N/A Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) N/A Familiar(s): (optional) N/A Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Guedes Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: She is silently judging, always watching her children and anyone that enters or lives near and within the swamp. She is fascinated by the lives others lead that do not practice her beliefs. She is also not above sacrificing her own children and grandchildren to pay back the debts she owes to the Loa spirits. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Nothing amazingly recent RP List: (optional) N/A Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Mar'li | Uncert -- Relation: Daughter -- Personality: She is extremely quiet and for the most part keeps to herself. Like her mother, she has a fascination with watching others from a distance and learning from them. However, she rarely (if ever) acts on any instincts to get involved without reason. 2) Amani | Uncert -- Relation: Grandson -- Personality: He tends to cause confusion, annoyance and frustration in others in the form what he says and often how he acts. He also loves to be the big, strong protector for the young and females. This tends to get him into trouble fighting with other stallions. 3) Lukou | Uncert -- Relation: Granddaughter -- Personality: She is the explorer type, always looking for reasons to go outside the bounds of the herd and get into or cause trouble. However she is the most kind-hearted of the immediate family in the swamp and so long as the ones she is helping do not anger or upset her, she is more than willing to be gentle and help them in any way. 4) Atal'ai | Uncert -- Relation: Son -- Personality: He often mumbles seemingly to himself, talking to the voices of spirits surrounding him. He does engage in normal conversation easily, managing to come off as somewhat normal despite being absolutely out of his mind with paranoia about protecting the family. 5) Rokh'jin | Uncert -- Relation: Granddaughter -- Personality: She is deceiving, wishing sooner to kill her grandmother (Guedes) and take down the herd and family from the inside. She spends nearly every minute of each day working out a plan to take over and do as she pleases. Familiar(s): (optional) N/A Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Beat Uncert Entered Relations: N/A Short Personality Blurb: Beat is excessively hyperactive at times, loving to carry on and sometimes tease and harass his brother. He is very musical, loving to both make it and dance to it. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently he has finally met his brother's girlfriend and has more than gladly been teasing the both of them about it. RP List: (optional) --Rp: No Matter What ----- Soquili Involved: Pachelbel | Tinuviel | Beat (And their respective parents) Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Clef | Uncert -- Relation: Grandmother -- Personality: She is impish and loves to play tricks on travelers through her family's forest grove. She enjoys nothing more than mis-leading others for what seems like an eternity before she'll let them go. 2) Crescendo | Uncert -- Relation: Father -- Personality: He is very musical, having taught his sons (with the help of his mate Rondel) the joys of music and dancing. The trait of buzzing his wings along to any beat or sound was passed on. 3) Staccato | Uncert -- Relation: Aunt -- Personality: She is tomboyish and proud. She is looking for someone to care for her, but will be the last to ever admit it openly and refuses to show any form of affection in public. Familiar(s): (optional) N/A
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:22 pm
Your Username: ladyfirefox89 I wont be posting uncerts here. But if you want to see something, pm me and I will link you<3. Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Zelia Dorei UncertEntered Relations: Ironforge; Father. (p.3) Bella, adopted daughter. Her lifemate came home one day with Bella as an adult, claiming to Zelia that he was going to adopt her and Zelia welcomed her with open arms. (p.4) Ophelia *mini*. Zelia found Ophilia and her twin as abandoned baskets and decided to adopt them Short Personality Blurb: Zelia is very much the mother. The most important thing to her is her family. Be it blood related or not. The second most important thing to her is making sure everyone is happy. Even if that means putting others first. In the past: ~She was raised by her father Ironforge, along with her brother. Her mother had disapeared shortly after they were placed into their baskets. She tries to hide that not having her mother around hurts her. ~Zelia became pregnant with her lifemate, Ryu, during Halloween. She had two beautiful, although mutated, foals. A colt and a filly. She vowed to make their lives the best she could. That she would do better by them then her own mother had done for her. ~Her only daughter is lost during an outing. Zelia then turns into a deep depression. Putting on a blind fold, having the mentality 'If my daughter can not see this, why should I be allowed to?'. ~On a walk in the night alone, she finds two mini baskets. If not for the circumstances, she would have left them where they were in case a parent were coming back. But when she accidentally tripped over one of them, her blind fold slipped and she saw the bones of a horse and a cold basket that had already not made it. So she decided to take them back and have Ryu and her adopt them as her own. Zelia tripping and laying next to the baskets is probably what I want to see most of if someone decides to do art of her<3. ~Now raising two rambunctious minis, Zelia finally bucks up *with some nudging from Ryu* to take off the blindfold and be able to play and take care of them fully. ~After the twin minis are grown, Zelia comes home one night to find Ryu has adopted a full grown mare into their mix matched little family. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently, Zelia is trying top keep everyone in her family from going wild. And enjoying every moment of it. Nothing more has really happened after Ryu brought home Bella. Her daughter, Marnie, is still missing. In the back of her mind, Zelia dreams of starting a herd where soquili who are lost, or feel lost can be. The physically lost would be helped by the traveling section of the herd, which would help to find what the lost soq is looking for by traveling over the lands. Gaining info when they can of each soq in their traveling band. So that join who feel like they have no place in the world will be given jobs and company, so that they might feel once again wanted and find their place in the world. The traveling herd would probably come back once every few months to pick up any others that need to find their way, and for those of the permanent helpers to see their loved ones in the stationary herd again. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Andromeda | Uncert-- Relation: Adopted daughter, twin to Ophelia -- Personality: 2) Ryoichi | Uncert-- Relation: Lifemate -- Personality: 3) Zhevra | Uncert-- Relation: Brother -- Personality: 4) Nekomata | Uncert-- Relation: Son -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s):  Thin Mint was found around the same area Ophelia and Andromeda were. Mint saw Zaelia take the baskets and thought it was a good idea. She saw the kindness of Zelia so followed her home. Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Marnie Dorei UncertEntered Relations: (p.4)Ironforge; her grandfather. Though if she had ever met him, it would have been as a very young foal. I am sure once she meets up with her mother again, she will see him again. It just hasn't happened yet. (p.1) Edmund Sylvilagus, first fling. Long story short, after being left in the woods b Cheshir, she meets Edmund and he agrees to help find her parents. During on their journey, she starts to get to know him and starts to almost love him. (p.7) Finnegan: child hood friend. He was pretty much her only childhood friend. She will meet him again later in her life and he will become her lifemate *even if its only for her last breeding lol*. They will have a happy ever after tale. Oh, also, he is the one who gave her her mask<3. Ryu only had one extra and gave it to her brother. Finn saw that this hurt her deeply, even though Marnie tries to hide it. So Finn grabed one he had in his stash and gave it to her. Marnie was so thrilled that she thought there must be something special about it, if Finnegan was willing to give it to her. She believes there is a spirit living inside it *who tells her to rick and play pranks on others*, se has named this spirit Sir. Gussington. Short Personality Blurb: Marnie is a hand full to say the least. Inheriting her grandmothers hyperness, but with the advantage of paws. He loves climbing cliffs and using her paws for any advantage. Short Blurb of Recent Events:~Is a hyper happy foal ~On one of her outings *to disspell energy* with her mother, she climbs a cliff and meets Chessir. He tells her he can take her on many adventures and she follows him ~Spends much time with Chessir as a prisoner. Though she doesnt really know she is, only that she can't get home. ~Chessir teaches her to catch and kill bunnies, though she dislikes it greatly ~Chessir becomes bored of Marnie and leasves her as an adult in the woods to fend for herself ~Meets Edmund and he offers to help her find her way to her family. They get to know eachother and start to have a bond other then friendship. ~Marnie finds a basket/some how finds herself pregnant *depending on if I win a wishing star or mock breeding or etc*. Edmund agrees to help raise the foal till they can find her family. ~Marnie adores the little foal and Edmund is a very good father figure. Though one day while juggling tea cups, a broken cup slips and cuts the foal. Edmund is a little devistated and thinks himself a danger to the foal, so he disapears. ~The foal rns off to try and find edmund, leaing Marnie heart broken. ~marnie finds out she is pregnant with Edmund's brood and is alone, she gets into a depression, wondering how she could raise the foals by herself ~Marnie gives birth to the foals, leaving one by the harpy flock and taking the other with her, thinking that she can only take care of one. ~Edmund, full of new hope, walks back into her life, the foal with him, though the foal is now a strong adult. Edmund sees the foal and is extatic to see he has a child of his own. Though marnie is over joyed to see him and her other child, she feels guilty for leaving the other foal in the hands of others. Edmund just thinks there was one, and marnie doesnt have the heart to tell him otherwise. !marnie leaves the basket with Edmund and her first child, not knowing where to run, but just trying to get away from the guilt chasing her. ~She now finds Pontifax and he tells her he will make her forget. I am not sure of the plot with him, but she will find herself pregnant from him and in need of rescue. ~Finnegan finds her and rescues her. Maybe leaving a foal with Pontifax. ~marnie and Finnegans deep passion is rekindled and she decided to spend her life with him. ~She will probably meet up with Edmund and her first child and live with them and Finnegan and the foals she will have with Finnegan as a happy little herd till they all finally find Marnie's parents. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Pontifax | Uncert-- Relation: Second fling. After running from Edmund, she comes across Pontifax and kind of takes advantage of her. -- Personality: 2) Phosgene | Uncert-- Relation: The father of the basket she will find, or some how find herself pregnant with. Besides that, he will have little contact with her. -- Personality: 3) Zelia | Uncert-- Relation: Mother. Won't be around her between teenage and adult do to plots. -- Personality: 4) Ryuichi | Uncert-- Relation: Father. Won't be around her between teenage and adult do to plots. -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: Brother. Won't be around her between teenage and adult do to plots. -- Personality: Familiar(s):  Pascal is just like the chamileon in Tangled. Protected and mainly there to keep Marnie company. He saw how lonely she was when with Chessir and decided to be her friend. Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Tait Anton Monrey  He is a growing custom, so I will not have a shaded version of him for a while lol. Entered Relations: (p.5) Nakita, his birth mother. (p.7) Cyrus Monrey, birth father. (p.7, same post) Julius Monrey, paternal grandfather. Short Personality Blurb: Tait is a happy little foal, glad to have 4 sisters to play with. His main passion is hypnotism. Though when he is an adult, he will become a little darker/miss-guided in personality and join the dark brotherhood. Short Blurb of Recent Events:~ Was born along with 4 other baskets, poped to a happy mother and father. ~Trying to become better at hypnotizing. ~As a foal, he meets a random stallion who practically dares Tait to hypnotize him, thinking it can't be done. But something goes wrong and the hypnotized stallion runs off a cliff, killing himself. This leads Tait to start rethinking his life as an angeni and realizes how unpure he must be. Heck, he even only has one set of wings. ~These thoughts of being impure leads him to join the dark brotherhood. Most of the jobs he does are off-hands killing. Like leading others into a trap so others can kill them. Or hypnotizing others to gain secrets the Brotherhood want to know. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Victoria Monrey l Uncert-- Relation: Birth sister -- Personality: Unkown 2) Larkin Monrey | Uncert-- Relation: Birth brother -- Personality: Unkown 3) Aurelia Monrey | Uncert-- Relation: Birth sister -- Personality: Unkown 4) Utani Mesmra Monrey | Uncert-- Relation: Twin sister. Note, her tail braid has been changed to the yellow of Tait's tail braid<3. -- Personality: I havent come up with one yet. 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Also, in character, his twin and him were born along with the other three, so they are the same exact age as the others if you want to do art of them all<3. I just posted the adult wip in case anyone wants to do adult art of him *u*. And I dont have his foal form haha. Familiar(s): (optional)
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:27 pm
Your Username: [X]Natty-Chan[X] Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Abbadon Elric UncertEntered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: As he grew into the stunning stallion he is now, he figured that no other, soquili or otherwise, would want to be around him anyways, so he figured he would save the other the hassle of being frightened of him and running away, by just avoiding meeting anyone else altogether. With that, he became rather indifferent and reticent to others. Reserved, Abbadon goes long ways just to make sure he doesn't make contact with any other living thing. When he spots someone, the stallion would take the furthest route around them, just so he doesn't get seen or heard. Abbadon strives his damnedest not to become familiar with anyone else, or let them get close to him... though he would wonder why they would even want to. When the chance occurs that another does spot him, approach and are not scared off -for some odd reason- then the stallion's personality shifts just a bit. Instead of trying to elude the meeting, he resorts to boorish behavior to attempt at driving the other away. He tries anything to get the other to leave him alone. From just walking away from the conversation, being rude, crass, atrocious, and gruff to being severely condescending or patronizing. He does everything just short of violence, but he will resort to threats if it gets that far. In reality, he would prefer not even having to be mean to whomever it was that he met. It is because of this inner gentle nature he has, that some of his attempts to be discourteous end up being rather awkward. Truth is, the stallion isn't really mean, like he lets on to be. Inside, there is a cordial stallion that is hiding from others. When one finally does get through his tough "shell", Abbadon is actually formal and extremely chivalrous. He shows the utmost respect to others, especially the females of any species, not just soquili. In addition, the stallion is rather just and sincere. But most of all, he can be really protective, especially to those who do or did manage to get close to him. Stout-hearted and dauntless, he won't back down from anything. He would still prefer not to resort to violence, leaning on threats or sheer determination to achieve victory, but will fight back if it's an absolute must. Not only that, the stallion is severely sympathetic, though he may not show it at all. If or when he sees someone, or something, in trouble or harmed it tugs at his heartstrings. He might hesitate for awhile at first, but soon, he will give in and go to investigate. Soon, after finding out what happened, he will attempt to help the other or take care of them if they were injured, no matter how long it may or may not take. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He met a pretty mare, but he's unsure of how he feels about her. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Marsiela Elric | Uncert-- Relation: Mother -- Personality: Exuberant 2) Isen Inferno | Uncert-- Relation: Father -- Personality: Icy 3) Dante Inferno | Uncert-- Relation: Brother -- Personality: Cold 4) Keroida Elric | Uncert-- Relation: Sister -- Personality: 5) Erebus | Uncert-- Relation: Step Father -- Personality: Cool Headed Familiar(s):  Emimili Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Yoi Kihaku UncertEntered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb: It's almost easy to describe Kihaku in one word. Happy! The girl is almost always delighted about something, whether it was big or small. Waking up to a new day is especially pleasing to her and she's always thankful to see it. She can't go on with the day without thanking it and her parents first. Once done with this task, she goes off to do whatever it was she planned for the day. But, Kihaku can't be described by only one word, she's not that simple. There's a whole slew of words that make up this felicitous unicorn. Not only is she happy, she is very genial and pleasant. Just like her name means, she has a good soul and it is easy to see. The uni is cordial, always being wholehearted, and jovial. She has a spirit of good-fellowship and this spirit seems to seep out from her and into almost everything she does. She's friendly, kind, generous... and a number of other virtuous traits. Sincere in every way, Kihaku can't seem to find herself able to tell a lie, even if it would save her life. Many would say that she is so sweet it is sickening or disgusting... many of them would be right. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Well, recently, she broke up with her lifemate and is a little heartbroken, so she's been a bit of a recluse and staying with her family, but she is still hopeful to find new love RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Zorana | Uncert-- Relation: Sister -- Personality: Passionate 2) Mikhail | Uncert-- Relation: Half-brother -- Personality: Mute 3) Sha Gojyo | Uncert-- Relation: Father -- Personality: Flirtatious 4) Morgy | Uncert-- Relation: Step Mother -- Personality: Calm Familiar(s):  Ineechi -Finishes later-
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:30 pm
Your Username: Malikztiah Ankhere Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Ini-Herit UncertEntered Relations: Remil- brother Short Personality Blurb: Ini is a distant sort of guy, and does not like to fully socialize with others, as he still hangs onto the belief that his kalona blood is somehow a taint, and could spread, or push another away from him. Though he is growing better at simply accepting it as a part of himself and not the taboo he has always felt that it was, with the return of his brother Remil. He prefers to not take the first step in a conversation, and meeting any new soquili usually places him on the defensive as he simply does not know how they might react to his taint. Short Blurb of Recent Events: His brother Remil has finally caught up to him and is slowly but surely working down the barriers that Ini placed around himself. Most recently he has crossed paths with the 'suti Fée Marraine and a budding relationship may be forming between the pair. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Fée Marraine | Uncert-- Relation: Confidante, companion, budding romance. -- Personality: Benevolent and open-minded, Fee has had the tendency thus far to bring out questions for Ini to answer why he believes what he does, to get him to actually think about his situation. She isn't judgmental and her calm demeanor leaves no room for doubting her words. 2) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): n/a Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Remil UncertEntered Relations: Ini-Herit- brother Short Personality Blurb: Remil is chill, laid back, and pretty care free. He likes to wander wherever he feels the urge to and doesn't usually like to stay in one place for too long as it makes him feel tied down. He enjoys a good session of teasing and light-hearted banter and wouldn't know real sarcasm if it bit him on the ear. His favorite target is of course Ini. He quite enjoys ribbing, teasing, and playfully mocking his broody brother about being so moody over his kalona blood. Personally Remil thinks it makes him special and wishes he had something to make him special like that to stand out more from their former herd too. Short Blurb of Recent Events: He has met the soquili calling 'himself' "Cesario" and they have agreed to become traveling companions. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Viola | Uncert-- Relation: Currently: travel companion and "pal," developing lifemate. Remil is under the impression at this point in time that Viola is a stallion named Cesario however. -- Personality: Viola, or Cesario, is easygoing, open to Remil's idea of "adventure" and a general good sport when it comes to a bit of harmless teasing. 2) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): 
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:32 pm
Your Username: Tristam Lockhart Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Otono Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Short Blurb of Recent Events: RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 2) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert -- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional) 
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:08 pm
Your Username: The Roarie Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Hototo UncertEntered Relations: Majesty (Brother via Circumstance) Short Personality Blurb: Hoto is a warrior to his core. He was raised a strong steady warrior and even if the rest of his world shifts around him this is what he'll always go back to. He's smart, perceptive and curious. He knows lore and stories about most of the breeds of soq Short Blurb of Recent Events: Hoto has lost his job as a messenger warrior with his human ex-partner after said human fell in love and decided to settle down. Hoto was then captured by harpies, made to breed, escaped and then has been wandering looking for a purpose. Hopefully he's finally found it in teaching others to defend themselves. RP List: (optional) --Rp: This isn't good is it buddy.----- Soquili Involved: Majesty | Hototo --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Aquitaine | Hototo Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Hahalua | Uncert-- Relation: Sister -- Personality: A true force of character, she's sweet and kindhearted but never one to underestimate. Her solitary life of raising herself made her strong. It's a wonder she's still so sweet after all she's been through. 2) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): Life is unbonded but is a go between for Hoto, his sister and Hoto's human ex-partner Kuwahu. Life does not mind his life as messenger and protector. He enjoys being useful and really enjoys the treats he gets after coming back the village after a job well done. Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Majesty UncertEntered Relations: Hototo (brother via circumstance) Short Personality Blurb: Short Blurb of Recent Events:RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Tebald | Uncert-- Relation: Son -- Personality: Confused and Lonely. A wanderer looking for his place in life. Also looking for his long lost mother and brother. 2) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): Freedom looks after his friend quietly. He came along in Maj's greatest time of weakness and is treasured because of this. Free is a comforting soul and enjoys his life with Maj, his family, and their village. Often he acts more like the beloved family dog than a fox. Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Abasambo UncertEntered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Sambo is a mean little kitty that likes to make you think he's one thing and be another. Deceptive, tricky and always after fulfilling his own ends. He likes charming innocent ladies and then stealing the baskets, playing tricks (both innocent and not) and being the big man on top. He is not however and front man and is actively looking for a master or mistress to serve. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Sambo has spent recent months charming two very pretty ladies into having babies for him. He's succeeded with one and will succeed with the other sooner or later. He seeks to raises minis with powers like his own that understand you don't have to use them for good. He wants to surround himself with like minded soq. If he has to breed them so be it. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Hello Pretty Lady----- Soquili Involved: Ruby Lotus | Abasambo --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Kasha | Foal | Adult-- Relation: Daughter -- Personality: Wants to be a bad kitty just like her father. 2) Desta | Foal | Adult-- Relation: Daughter -- Personality: Perceptive 3) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional)
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:19 pm
Your Username: Nyhility Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Jumanjii UncertEntered Relations: - Short Personality Blurb: Truth be told, Jumanjii' holds many self doubts due to his mannerisms. This is due to how he was raised, separated from his family and raised under the exerting influence of a semi-Kalona stallion. It was an experience well taught, as Manjii' grew in strength and developed a pessimistic wisdom of the world around him. The Manjii' of youth was gone, and in his place stood a robust and unyielding stallion. In his mind, nothing will cross his path that he won't be able to surpass. Except maybe his dear mother or any other female. (zomg, awkward around the sassy opposite sex) By wit, strength or will, Jumanjii' puts his all forward to prove his worth both to himself and the spirits guiding him. He vows to not follow the anguished path of his mentor, but instead make an existence that delivers happiness upon him and his family. And if the spirits divine it, he will leave his path to ensure safety and happiness to others. But don't expect him to be long company. Jumanjii' is a lone traveler, despite how much he misses socializing with others. He'd rather endure the silence of the spirits than the constant chatter of other soquili day in and day out. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Visits often to help his sister, Issy, try to meditate and change her thieving ways lest she find herself in future unhappiness. Lately he's found himself in the fond company of a mare named Ekakini, and while they travel he struggles to pinpoint his emotions for her. RP List: (optional) --Rp: Two Wrongs to Make Anew----- Soquili Involved: Vartan | Jumanjii is separated from his family in the dead of winter, and is taken under the guidance of a stallion who influences his future behaviors/beliefs. --Rp: Clouds Rumble By----- Soquili Involved: Sparkles | Here Jumanjii meets a tranquil Unicorn mare, and they try to discuss and understand each others vastly different beliefs. Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Iskra'roima | -- Relation: youngest sister -- Personality: Adventurous and reckless, imagine a combination of Viking and pirate all in one. x3 2) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Soul Lexis UncertEntered Relations:Short Personality Blurb: Soul Lexis is truly one unique character, if one can ever pinpoint it. While being a Kalona has it's perks, Soul doesn't always live up to the title. He's not bloodthirsty and nor is he violent....well, not like most people believe Kalonas to be. Amongst others of his kin, Soul is actually regarded as puny and weak- a disgrace even if still a dark character. But he does not linger on the opinions of others, and is confident in creating his own wayward path of destruction and chaos. This male is the type to be seen leaning against a wall, observing everyone else and smirking at their antics. Should he find a crack in the system, he loves to slide his way in to work havoc on other peoples emotions. Acting like a friend or a mentor, even an admirer, Soul is suave when he makes his appearances. But be careful, there is no justice behind that grin of his. He has no concern or guilt for one's fate, and will easily throw others to the predators if it ensures his survival and entertainment. Life is short and Soul-Lexis figures that one should enjoy it while it lasts. Everyone else's happiness be damned, so long as he is content and has his eyes on the prize(s) worth collecting, life is good. Short Blurb of Recent Events:RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Disillusion | -- Relation: future lovemate -- Personality: Territorial and aloof, Disillusion is a Kalona with a dark past that sours his mood. Like ying and yang, these two Kalonas compliment each other on a level that both can respect and honestly admire. 2) Psychotica | -- Relation: Temptress -- Personality: This trickster mare will be the one to test Soul and Disillusion's fidelity for each other, just to gain a chance at strong offspring. Aka: a love triangle of fkn mind games. 3) Guinevere | -- Relation: Fling -- Personality: Sweet and rebellious, she is currently being wooed by Soul. But who is using who, and are there any honest emotions involved? Bwahaha 4) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): (optional) Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Nithralith UncertEntered Relations:Short Personality Blurb: Nithralith is a natural bookworm, studying herbology as natural medicine to help those around him. Very hygienic, he isn't afraid of his warrior scuffles....although he is quick to groom himself afterward. He is only a halfblood Elekk, and thus is not as large as other stallions of his family. A devoted man on many topics, Nith has suffered heartache in the past due to a past war and his own act of cowardice. Since then, he focuses more on what can help others rather than fearing the reputation of his own title/rank. Much more can be found in my journal.Short Blurb of Recent Events: Lost a potential lovemate in the midst of a herd war. Was kicked out of his family herd due to his sister's betrayal for fleeing the battle. Is currently new to these lands, and searching for his younger sister. (His intentions are unknown for now, but encountering his sister will certainly be a tense situation. Nith being disappointed but relieved, and Kayla being fearful and defensive.) RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Nhekayla | -- Relation: younger sister -- Personality: Kind-hearted, soft-spoken, but deeply misguided. She regrets fleeing from her herd's struggle, but continues running in belief that her brother will be sent to 'erase' the traitor. 2) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s):  (Tip was Nithralith's familiar, bestowed to his sister as a small form of guidance/company)
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:48 pm
Your Username: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Azure Uncert Entered Relations: Unesdala Aisgi, Lifemate ( Page 5); Unutsi, Son ( Page 5); Lazuli, Daughter (Same Post) Short Personality Blurb: For as dainty as she is, Azure has a rather enormous heart with plenty of love to give. She's always willing to help others in any way she can, whether it be by lending an ear or something a little more involved. Of course, sometimes she has a tendency to go a bit too far in this - she never seems to put limits to just how far she'll go in the name of helping others. She's prone to leaping in headfirst before thinking things through, a trait which is only further exacerbated by her startling lack of common sense. But these days the worst of this is held in check by her familiar, who has done a good deal in helping her curb the worst of her impulses. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Recently raised her first three children to adulthood with her mate and adopted a basket from which contained her newly grown quilin son. Unentered Relations:1) Auckland | Uncert -- Relation: Daughter -- Personality: 2) Yingjun | Uncert-- Relation: Adopted Son -- Personality:Familiar: Alden Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Lazuli Uncert Entered Relations: Unesdala Aisgi, Father ( Page 5); Azure, Mother (Same Post); Unutsi, Brother ( Page 5) Short Personality Blurb: Metaphorically ruffling Lazuli's feathers isn't something easily done. She is a very calm and placid mare, and tends to go with the flow whenever possible. Only the biggest of problems seem to have a hope of getting her down; the little stuff rolls off her like rain. She doesn't see the point in getting worked up over things when she can just as easily relax and try to solve the issues if possible. And when an issue comes along that isn't easily solved, she's more than willing to buckle down and do the work she needs to make things right. Even if it means she has to spend less time doing her favorite activity in the world - swimming. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Reached adulthood fairly recently and has a new adopted brother. Unentered Relations: 1) Auckland | Uncert -- Relation: Sister -- Personality: 2) Yingjun | Uncert-- Relation: Adopted Brother -- Personality: Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Lilith Uncert Entered Relations: Zelcion, Future Baby Daddy ( Page 1) Short Personality Blurb: While not necessarily malevolent, Lilith does have an exceptionally dark view on life. In her eyes death is an inevitability, friends will only stay as long as you have something to offer them, and love is something you only hear about in fairy tales. And with so much misery in the world, she's learned to take a certain joy from it. Gallows humor is something she'll always find a way to enjoy, and one of her few comforts when she finds herself sucked into a stint of depression. But for all her gloominess she is rather softhearted beneath her walls, although it would take quite a bit of work for anyone to find their way past them. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Met and has been... Kind of flirting with Zelcion? If you can call the way they antagonize each other flirting.
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:50 pm
Your Username: Faithofthefallen Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Vesper UncertEntered Relations: None so far Short Personality Blurb: Vesper is very pixie-like. She has a childlike innocence and whimsical effervescence about her than can be both enchanting and disturbing at times. She loves flowers, and tends to refer to them as though they are people, with emotions and personalities. She can often be found out in the garden she shares with Erynion, her lifemate, carrying on animated discussions with the flowers around her while Ery takes care of their more basic needs. Vesper tends to the flower's 'emotional' well being while Erynion handles most of the physical aspect of their care. She often jokes that she gets along so well with plants because she is part flower, hence the 'petals' that grow at the base of her wings. Vesper is incredibly trusting and a little naive, she doesn't really comprehend danger or evil. She had always led a very sheltered existence.
Vesper is not a very talented flyer. She never had any reason to learn, since she enjoys spending most of her time on the ground with her 'friends,' much less a teacher. She can hover and glide with the best of them but long trips are nearly impossible, she is easily distracted by the goings on below her and will forget to flap her wings, wobbling and dropping every hundred feet or so like a drunkard. Erynion has been helping to teach her the basics but even he has trouble overcoming his lifemate's short attention span. She'll often be too busy sneaking adoring glances at the stallion that she'll fly into a tree or fall out of the air all together.
Erynion is the center of Vesper's entire world, their connection is easily the closest and most meaningful of Vesper's interpersonal relationships. She is completely devoted to him, his happiness and well being are the most important things to her. They met on one of Erynion's outings to find seeds and young plants for his garden, he took Vesper home with him for a visit and she never left. It was love at first sight, theirs is truly a fairy tale romance.
Vesper does have rare moments of lucidity, when she behaves like an adult mare rather than an overgrown child. These occur almost exclusively when someone she loves is in danger or pain or at important milestones in her life. Rarely will it occur when she herself is in danger but it has happened in the past. They come and go in short spurts and Vesper often has only a vague memory of what she says and does when they occur. Short Blurb of Recent Events:RP List: (optional) --Rp: As Soft as Flowers Petals----- Soquili Involved: Erynion and Vesper Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Erynion | Uncert-- Relation: Lifemate -- Personality: Easily excited and always cheery; Erynion always does his best to bring a smile to everyone's face. He believes everyone deserves happiness; no matter what they've done in life.
Erynion has a huge passion for gardening. He travels the lands and helpspollinate flowers, collecting seeds to bring home and grow in his own garden.His garden is his pride and joy and he spends his days maintaining it;making sure it's always full of life.
When he was a foal; he believed himself to be a butterfly and his basket a cocoon. Now he's older; he understands he's a flutter but still refers to himself and other flutters and butterflies. Erynion loves butterflies; it was the main reason he started his garden. (From LOLTERNATIVE'S teepee) Familiar(s): NA Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Jessamine UncertEntered Relations: None as of yet Short Personality Blurb: Jessamine is unstable, that is to say she is very sweet, innocent and ladylike about 70 percent of the time, the other thirty percent she is ruled by a vicious bloodlust that only get worse if it isn't sated by hunting and killing (mostly small animals), the length of her 'episodes' varies both in length and severity. After she has satisfied her morbid needs, she reverts back to her normal self for a week or so before she begins to deteriorate once again. Jess wanders around a lot, she has a hard time becoming attached to other soquili or allowing anyone to get to know her true self since most shun her once they discover her more unique characteristics and desires. This has caused her to look at most other soquili with disdain. She has a dark nature and can be cruel when the mood strikes her, her deceiving doll like appearance comes in very handy at these times, usually when the blood lust is near. Most soquili are so bewitched with her pristine beauty that they ignore the small details that may give them a hint at who they are truly dealing with, her bright crimson eyes and shiny cleaver. The suspicious red stains on her hooves, coat, and around her mouth. She has an unnatural attachment to her cleaver and views it as much a part of herself as her soul. She would never, ever let anyone touch it, if she did, it would be a gesture of deep trust and surrender.Short Blurb of Recent Events: She has given up two out of three of her second batch of baskets into better homes and retreated into hiding with the third, Jezabelle, whom she kept isolated both to protect her and to keep her to herself. When Belle reached adulthood, she ran away and abandoned her mother... Just like everyone else. Now Belle has found her father, Relic, for whom Jessamine still harbors feelings for, and her sister Sangria and is hunting her mother down in hopes of finding their long lost siblings and reuniting their broken family. RP List: (optional) --Rp: I'll be your pretty little doll----- Soquili Involved: Jessamine| Devicius--Rp: An act of desperation----- Soquili Involved: Jessamine | IgnisUnentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Relic | Uncert-- Relation: Sometimes lover (She has and will fling with him again) -- Personality: His origins lie in the mysteries of the Blood Moon Carnival. A doctor consumed by the need to steal kidneys from his victims. The kill usually ends up being herbivores like deer but Relic has been known to prey on Soquili as well. Once finished with his task he'll usually consume part of the prey as well for nourishment. He is an enigma - even to himself. (From Kettyn)2) Jezabelle | Uncert-- Relation: Daughter (with Relic) -- Personality: Jezabelle is not evil or vicious, she does not kill for pleasure at the pain of others as her parents do, but only as a means to survive, the act neither repulses her nor gratifies her in any way. She tends to lose patience with the squeamish or cowardly soquili who chose to reject her or flee for a trait she cannot help. Stemming from a childhood defying her mother's wishes, Belle has a fierce independent streak. Not saying that she doesn't enjoy spending time in the company of others, she just knows how to take care of herself. Most of the time, Jezabelle is quiet and elegant, carrying herself with the poise and grace her mother instilled in her from a young age3) Sangria | Uncert-- Relation: Daughter (with Relic) -- Personality: Born from two parents that crave sustenance from hunting Sangria's inherited her father's knowledge of poison and her mother's incessant need to keep tidy after making her kills. Sangria's a seemingly porcelain doll with a deceptive personality. Her vindictive nature makes her a danger to anyone she meets. She'll use her looks to lure in potential victims before attempting to take what she needs to survive. The poison she carries around her neck once administered acts like a paralytic. Only then can she be certain of her safety while she feeds. (From Kettyn)4) Lucian | Uncert-- Relation: Son (With Relic) -- Personality: Lucian was born to Relic and Jessamine. His mother, in hopes that he could live a normal life, left his basket with Karloff. Karloff had found a way to cope with the darkness within himself, and it was Jessamine's hope that he could help the basket become just as well adjusted as himself.
However, no one realized that the imaginary friends that he had were actually voices that spoke to him from the moment he was in his basket. Throughout childhood, they were only thought to be imaginary friends.
But as the cravings for blood and flesh became stronger, and the voices more pronounced, it was realized that he had inherited some of his mother's bloody tendencies. (From Nyx's teepee)5) Devicius -- Relation: Ex-Lover -- Personality: Familiar(s):  Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Ignazio UncertEntered Relations: None Short Personality Blurb:Ignazio is suave, urbane. A lone highwayman and sometimes smuggler who mostly preys on lone travelers throughout the deserts. He chose to not follow his father's path into the ranks of the thieves guild, he makes his own way in the world and is successful enough that he can take care of himself and sneak a few tidbits to his sister to help her out when she's too distracted to notice his efforts. He has serious commitment issues after being abandoned and growing up without a mother, the only mare he truly trusts is Kynreeve. A good looking young stallion, Ignazio is involved with many mares in the Debbani, but never anything serious. He flirts and playfully seduces but pushes them away and shuts them out before anything real or meaningful can come out of his dalliances. He has grown into the mutations that once made him an outcast and the target for teasing. His eerie wings and markings now draw the eyes and desires of many mares in the herd. Ignazio is different, broody, much darker in nature than most of the stallions they are used to, not to mention 'wealthy' by the standards of the Debbani. He trails a string of would be lovers and leaves only broken hearts in his wake. Something within him yearns to leave his criminal life behind and to explore the lands beyond the deserts in which he was raised, see if he can find a better, more honest, life for himself and his sister. At the same time, he can't seem to pull away from the stark beauty of his homeland, the thrill and danger of the chase. He is also reluctant to leave his father alone again. Despite whatever issues they may have, Ignazio still loves his father deeply, although he would never admit it to his face.
Ignazio's relationship with his sister is easily the closest and most meaningful of his interpersonal relationships, she is the only one he is truly trusts. When it comes to Kynreeve, Ignazio is very protective, (which probably annoys her). He is able to let his guard down around her and reveal another side of himself, one that is sweet, intelligent, and quiet, with a passion for learning new things and finding adventure. Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Arabella-- Relation: Mother -- Personality: 2) Warrick| uncert-- Relation: Father -- Personality: 3) Kynreeve-- Relation: Sister -- Personality: 4) Taejin-- Relation: Sister -- Personality: Familiar(s): NA
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:58 pm
Your Username: SylverStar Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Douglas Grifon UncertEntered Relations: Samsara (leader of Mahapadma) Short Personality Blurb: He is not the smartest soquilli out there but he does have some brawn. He does not trust others and mostly uses intimidation so he doesn't have to get close to others. If someone were to get close they would find he has a blood lust in him and occasionally will kill small animals like bunnies. He also has psychotic rages which in one occasion he killed his parents. He thinks not letting others close will keep these rages at bay. He doesn't like them because they make him feel out of control. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Douglas was recruited into the Mahapadma herd by the skinwalker Samsara. He serves has a fighter in her ranks and has already sustained many injuries for Samsara. He is trying to get use to living with others. RP List: --Rp: And now, you are mine----- Soquili Involved: Douglas Grifon | Samsara--Rp: Twisted absolutes----- Soquili Involved: Douglas Grifon | Ironforge | Samsara | Svanbjorn | Bushkin | Ijn --Rp: Free to Wreak Havoc----- Soquili Involved: Douglas Grifon | Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) n/a Familiar(s): none Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name: Attacus Loch UncertEntered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Attacus is loyal, kind, and tries to do what he feels is the right thing. He wants to help people and learn all that he can. He got his parents sense of adventure and curiosity but often fears loneliness and abandonment which sometimes holds him back from doing what he truly wants to do. He struggles with being honest while befriending people because he tends to conform himself to those closest to him. He does not like to share his feelings and would rather focus on the positive and the external world around him. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Attacus recently had foals with Macalania. In the birthing process Macalania turned into other personality. For fear of harming her family they agreed that it would be better for her to leave. So Attacus was left to raise his children alone. He is looking now for both Macalania and his parents. RP List: --Rp: Leaves and Trees----- Soquili Involved: Attacus Loch | Macalania--Rp: Demons and Foals----- Soquili Involved: Attacus Loch | Macalania--Rp: Fireflies in the Night----- Soquili Involved: Attacus Loch | SayokoUnentered Relations:1) Actias Luna | Uncert-- Relation: Mother (anything with her, he should be a foal) -- Personality: Actias Luna is very flighty, ditsy, and for the most part unobservant. She'll pretty much believe anything anyone says. She isn't really afraid of anything. I wouldn't be surprised if she went up to a Kalona or Skinwalker and introduced herself. 2) Acanthus Lore | Uncert-- Relation: Son -- Personality: Acanthus is a sullen foal. He thinks he got the short end of the stick, especially when it comes to wings. He feels different from his family and wonders if he even belongs with them. He also isn't very bubbly and takes things more seriously. He has difficulties having fun though he is always wishing he could just have fun like his sister. He feels like he his a burden to his father and sister and feels like he can't keep up with the two flutters. 3) Macalania | Uncert-- Relation: Lover, mother of children -- Personality: Macalania has two different personalities. The one that is out more often is the sweeter of the two. She is the reincarnation of a forest that was destroyed by a plague. She holds no anger for what happened and doesn't blame anyone for it, knowing that there was nothing that could be done and they lost their home, too. She believes that she's alive for a purpose - to help heal forests that are damaged. To help protect them and those that reside in them. The other side to Macalania is less sweet. Or rather isn't sweet at all. She believes in the legend of the forest. That it died because it was abandoned and no one believed or prayed to it anymore. She is furious, always screaming at Macalania to punish those who abandoned us. This side of Macalania wants to punish all who defy nature. She believes they should pay the same price she did. Their lives. Macalania manages to keep 'the other' in tact most of the time but if she's under great stress, in danger or extremely emotional she can sometimes lose control. Macalania doesn't remember what happens during those moments. She doesn't want to. 4) Isilmé Taurë | Uncert-- Relation: Daughter -- Personality: Distant, off in her own world more often than not. Very spiritual. 5) Senka | Uncert-- Relation: Sister -- Personality: Unobtrusive Familiar(s): none Soquili Submission 3 Soquili's Full Name: Vayu UncertEntered Relations: n/a Short Personality Blurb: Vayu is still trying to seek knowledge and introspection into who he is. He is a deeply spiritual Soquilli believing that life is full of different spirits and elements. He believes he can understand the wind and has a deep connection with the element of air. He prefers to fly whenever he can and having spent so much time flying has a high endurance for long flights and is pretty agile in the skies. He loves knowledge and learning as he believes this is what allows one to grow in strength of character. He also loves to pass his knowledge on to others. He is pretty outgoing and does not shrink away from social interaction though he can tell when to leave another alone and will usually respect that. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Vayu recently left his home in the Kawani village to go on a spirit quest. He is gaining knowledge of the world outside of the village and the Soquili in it. RP List: (optional) --Rp: A story to tell ----- Soquili Involved: Luminista | Vayu--Rp: A Day for Learning----- Soquili Involved: Livi | Vayu--Rp: You're on a Quest?----- Soquili Involved: Heaven Leigh | VayuUnentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) n/a Familiar(s): 
High-functioning Counselor
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:09 pm
Your Username: Summer Raven Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Giorgia UncertEntered Relations:Short Personality Blurb:Short Blurb of Recent Events:RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations: (Optional: up to 5) 1) Blessita | Uncert-- Relation: Mother -- Personality: 2) Umojani Jeuri | Uncert-- Relation: Father -- Personality: 3) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 4) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: 5) Soquiliname | Uncert-- Relation: -- Personality: Familiar(s): n/a
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:38 pm
Your Username: o-Nightwing-o Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Star Ocean Uncert Entered Relations: Short Personality Blurb: Star Ocean is a shy mare. She enjoys spending her time alone with nature listening to the birds. She tends to be rather timid and skitish. Short Blurb of Recent Events: Star Ocean and her fling Helberd have baskets on the way. So she's a new mommy! <3 RP List: (optional) --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name --Rp: Title ----- Soquili Involved: Name | url=]Name Unentered Relations:HelberdRelation:Fling Personality: N.A Familiar(s): (optional)
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:47 pm
Your Username: pinkdog Soquili Submission 1 Soquili's Full Name: Bartho Uncert Bat Form UncertEntered Relations: n/a Short Personality Blurb: Bartho does not go out of his way to taunt, tease, or torture anyone. He keeps mostly to himself. However, one should not regard this aspect of his character as either fear nor kindness. He feels neither. In fact, once a creature, a goal, comes into sights, he will hunt it down and destroy it with his very last breath. Soquili Submission 2 Soquili's Full Name:Ristyx Uncert Entered Relations: n/a Short Personality Blurb: Conceived in a twisted night near the date of All Hallows, Ristyx has never been quite right. Where most young foals may love to play in the sunlight, admire butterflies, and play tag, Ristyx enjoys the dark. She plays in the dark forest and her best friends are spiders that spin webs by moonlight. During the day she find a dark place to sleep, such as in a cave or densely forested patch of land. During the night she is active and curious, looking for the little bugs that glow as they float by, and whispering to the bats that perch in her trees.