Thank you!

Estrilde was overjoyed. She'd come up with a good idea and the older kitlings liked it! Isifo was leading the way, but it was her idea. Her tail was sticking up like a happy little flag as she followed the two lion cubs.

"My brother Shoga is a healer," she informed the other cubs. "We can ask him if we don't see Nawiri."


Isifo was surprised to learn that Kasoro didn't know the name of his own cousin. How could that be? She eagerly soaked up all the new names and relations. She hadn't met anyone named Veri, but she added the name to her mental family tree for Kasoro. And Estrilde had a brother named Shoga. Excellent. She'd become the best matchmaker ever when she grew up.

Or perhaps she should ask the queen if she would be able to start now. That way she'd be ready to become head matron when she was all growed up. Yes! That was a great plan.

The small group managed to slip away without attracting the attention of their caretakers. But then nothing in the center of the pride could really harm a kitling so it was fairly harmless for them to wander. The invisible killer that was the plague always lurked, but it was part of life, and death, in Kitwana'antara.
