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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[HH 1v1] Fire Red The Stage We Tread (Jake v Belladonna) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:29 am
Jake only stared at the witch.
Holy crap, did she have an off button? He really hated the overly-chatty types. Or maybe it was overly-bubbly.
Either way, they were really annoying.

When she inquired further about his name, he scowled at her.
Chatty AND nosy.
"What's it to you, witch? Why do you want to know?"
Just because they weren't dealing blows at each other anymore didn't mean he was going to just tell her anything and everything she wanted to know.
"My first name is all you need to know, and the only thing you're going to get."

Her response to his question made him frown.
"If I remember correctly, that horsemen only fired at hunters. Are you saying... that some of the hunters... are allied with the students?"
He wasn't sure how he felt about this.

Ignoring her offer for him to sit, he continued to look at her with a frown.
If he didn't know any better, it seemed as if she were treating him more like an acquaintance than an enemy... or maybe she just wanted to drill him with questions knowing that he was powerless against her, and couldn't leave until he managed to get some answers of his own.
Neither scenario made him happy.

Her final question had been unexpected though.
"My... weapon?"
He looked down at the tonfas questioningly.

Do you know this witch?

He looked up to catch her question on whether he was a student, and Jake only snorted.
"No, he was a horse."
Seeing as the witch had put away her cards, he de-summoned the weapons, a pair of keys now resting in his hand.
"He's a guy. And I don't know, probably a demon. All I know is that he's some kind of nergal or something, whatever that is."

PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:39 pm
"Ooohhh, so nasty, we are! Well, you know what they say. The littlest foxfires bark the loudest." Humans had that saying, right? Humans had foxfires, right? How terrible that would be if they didn't! Still, the witch only waved a hand at the boy in a gesture that meant she was only being curious and that he should stop taking offense to every little thing she said. At least, all that was meant to be conveyed with the gesture. She wasn't quite sure how adept at interpretation this Hunter was. Feisty and all too willing to fight, yes. But quick on the draw? Not necessarily...
"I was just curious to know if Humans have last names as well. It isn't as though I'm going to Facespook you." Wait... Did Humans have that too? Or did Hunters have... FaceHunt? Face... Whatever this was stupid. Normally the witch could wiggle her way in with someone and find something they could bond over, or at least prove to them she was more than just a smiling face and pair of giant boobs stuffed into a fancy dress. But this wasn't the same, this was a Hunter she was dealing with. Horsemen, while different on a variety of other things, were still fundamentally Halloween. Hunters were not. Not exactly...

Yet it was the misinterpretation of her explanation that brought her back around. There was room yet to at least extract information... Both her hands laced together around her knees as she tilted her head to one side and gazed up at him.
"You tell me. Your lot was the one who was healed by students. Your portal allowed a few of us in. Is it at all possible that alliances have been made?"
Ooohhhh, how fun would that be to tell him of the witch's own alliance made with Ofelia and Before? Granted, she would listen to his reaction first and find out whether it was even a possibility, or if it was wholly against Hunter code. Naturally it should be, but then again, the witch was not privy to the inner workings of the faction.
But the thing that finally made her smile in a more mischievous manner was the way he looked at his weapon as though he doubts it. Ah, what fun is in that! Careful to keep herself looking placid, she only smiles at him innocently.
"If he's a nergal, then yes he's a demon. They're just a type of demon, green and generally very nasty. Must be a perfect match!" Here she unlaces her finger to press a finger to her chin.
"I am going to assume you were being facetious about the horse comment, so I shall ask again. Was he a student?" Her question is said with emphasis, in a voice more commanding than she had previously been using. The smile never leaves her mouth, but she stares at Jake without flinching, without diverting her gaze. He will answer her questions, whether he wants to or not.

Jake u so sassy


Sparkly Bunny



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:47 am

Jake scoffed. Now he was being compared to a dog? How nice.

"They do, but mine isn't of any concern to you. Why, do Halloween creatures not have last names?"
Having not had access to the internet sensations in his past life, he was quite clueless about facebook or tumblr.
Heck, he didn't even know the hunters had their own twitter accounts.

He narrowed his eyes at the witch.
Was that how it was? They had PURPOSELY allowed students to come to the island?
"I guess not," he muttered, still miffed about the idea.

It had been so long ago, but should the witch remind him, he probably wouldn't have been surprised to hear Ofelia was associated with these creatures. Before on the other hand...
Well, he couldn't care less about him.

All he knew was that they weren't supposed to associate themselves with them, let alone befriend them. However, that tidbit of info that would probably be left unknown to the witch. As far as she knew, he just didn't like associating himself with them, acknowledging them as equals.

Her explanation of nergals made him smirk.
"This one must be defective then."

He eyed Belladona, arching an eyebrow.
What was she trying to get at?

"Yes... he was." he replied, watching her expression carefully.

He feels so awkward just standing around and talking ahaha
PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:45 pm
"Of course Halloweeners have last names!" The witch replied with a dramatic flap of her hands at him, as though the idea of not having a last name distressed her greatly. "Mine is Divine. So my name is Belladonna Divine. And don't at all act as though me having your last name is a bad thing... I don't work that kind of magic, if you're worried." She smiled sweetly at him, but let him think what he would of that little sentence. But he was beginning to make her a bit fidgety, what with the way he kept doing his best to dodge her questions. It was just so frustrating! All she wanted was a nice conversation with a Hunter who didn't try to destroy her! Was that really too much to ask for?
"You sound upset by this... I understand that Hunters do their absolute best to bring about the destruction of Halloween and Horsemen..." Unfortunately they were doing a bang up job of that, on almost all accounts. "...But surely each of you have a reason for this hatred. What is yours?"
Whereas before Belladonna had taken a lighter tone, now she let her voice drop to something a bit softer, something hopefully kinder and more imploring without the strain of demand. Even if they wished ill, Hunters were still people too. Squabbly people who liked to break things, certainly, but people.

Yet at the boy's admission the witch let a momentary look of consideration pass over her face before she tilted her head to one side. A bundle of curls fell over her shoulder as she gazed up at him, but she quickly bustled up into a standing position.
"And has he told you what happened to him? What his life was like before?" A thought only just now occurred to the witch as she skipped down the stairs of the porch and happily pranced over to Jake.
"Or has he forgotten?" What a curious idea! To have forgotten everything about what made one convert over! What horridness was that? Or perhaps it was actually very clever, a better way to keep the weapons functioning properly.
Ooohhh~ Belladonna so hoped Jake would open up and be all sorts of chatty. It would be such a shame to waste an opportunity like this!

HERE Let Bells bounce around him XD


Sparkly Bunny



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:23 pm
"Divine, huh? What a pompous last name."

Jake scoffed.

... that kind of magic?
He wasn't sure what she meant, but given her abilities...
Well, it wasn't like she'd be able to track him down or anything.

When she asked his reasoning for fighting, he only glared at her, giving her a weary look.
"Are they not all the same? What difference would it make?"
He fought them because they weren't meant to exist, fought them because they made people fear, and people who were afraid did stupid things.

Never again.
His gaze had become distant, lost in past memories, until the witch suddenly stood up, causing him to snap his head up, eyeing her.
What was she planning on-

Jake blinked.
... what?

"He... doesn't remember. All I can tell you is that he converted willingly. His past life must have been crap if he gave it all up for this." he raised the keys, as they jingled softly.

Whether or not the witch took his word for it, he didn't care.
In the meanwhile, he was getting tired of watching her prance around. Geez, where did she get all this energy from?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:52 pm
The pompous comment made her smile wide and bright at him, for naturally only a human would think such a name would be such. Most likely he spoke from a place of jealousy and the witch would just have to do her best not to be rude.
"Your turn." She told him with another smile before she wandered a little bit away, as though she was curious over the side of the house, as though the broken boards were interesting rather than a sight that unsettled her deeply. For a moment she scratches a fingernail against them before she looked back up at the boy.
If he was the type to jumble his hatred in with a group, if he preferred to pretend it wasn't something worth holding onto, they were in grave danger. A faceless hatred was harder to dispel than individual, multi-faceted hatred. The witch stood up straight and opened her mouth to speak, but promptly closed it to press a finger to her lips before she carried on with her thought.
"The difference would make it that you are an individual. Surely your reasons for hatred are different then your superior's, at least a little?"
Yet it is the distant look that he takes on that she latches onto. If she can expound on that, if she can wiggle herself into that place far away and dark, she can learn something. She's not at all sure what it is, but she wants it. Its interesting and unknown and she is a curious thing.

"Doesn't remember? Ah! How very interesting!" The witch clapped her hands together, all too excited for this new information. Quickly she bounces on her toes back over to stand in front of Jake and smiled up at him, as though they were talking about something far less serious. Really if she treated it as anything else she would have an utter fit, so it was best to pretend it was a simpler topic.
"Oh admittedly, his life probably was horrid... But I'm sure you know something about that. You two must have had very similar experiences to be so thoroughly bonded." She smiled at him, innocent in expression but silently hoping he would take the bait.

Sorry for the wait ;;;;;;;;;


Sparkly Bunny



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:39 am
His... turn?
Oh, they were still doing this ridiculous motion of bouncing questions back and forth.

"So, horsemen and hunters are considered sworn enemies, and students and hunters can be friend or foe, but how about you guys and the horsemen? Where do your loyalties lie?"

Whether he wanted to know about her in general, or just the majority of students, he didn't care. He could barely remember why he was still here, and just wanted to leave.

It wasn't so much that he didn't want to hold onto his hatred, but that he didn't want to remember it. The memory still continued to haunt him, even to this day. Try as he might, he would never forget it.

"My hatred and their hatred are pretty much the same. The mere concept of having you creatures being created from human fear is... unsettling, to say the least. It's not normal, and shouldn't exist in this world, which is why we try to remove it."

He frowned, and tilted his head at her, not quite sure where she was going with this question.
The frown turned into a disapproving stare when she bounced up to him.

"I wouldn't know. He doesn't remember anything."
It was a lie, since even though Chester didn't remember, the nergal had told him of his desire to protect, to save those close to him, the one thing that brought the two of them together.

That was just a past desire for him. How could he protect something when it was already gone. All he was fighting for was an empty promise.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:15 pm
"Oh we're downright chummy." The witch cooed with a smile that she hoped looked mysterious. It wouldn't at all do to tell the Hunter that the Horseman and Halloweeners existed in a muddled place where the Halloweeners were at the bottom of a food chain where neither of the two higher rungs would exist without them. But trying telling the two factions that! It was horrid, really and the witch was just about done with it.
"Personally, for I know you absolutely adore my company and are just bursting with curiosity over intimate knowledge of me and my workings, I rather like the Horsemen. Terribly silly creatures yes, but they have not yet made any death threats on my life... And really, why would anyone possibly side with someone who wants to kill you?" Her tone had begun sweet, but had quickly spiraled down to something somber and threatening. As for Jake's words, the witch stepped forward, closer and with a small downturn of her eyebrows. Oh, he was certainly one to talk.
Not normal? Not normal? Yes, because a Human running around with a creature of Fear and using it was normal.

"Oh yes, there are a great many things that should not exist in all the worlds, but aren't you just a little too short sided to see that." Belladonna began with an actual frown as she took another step closer. "Because the world should be all good and wholesome, with no squabbles and nothing to go bump in the night. Because you Humans are not the ones who traipse about trying to destroy others and wipe away anything other that is different from yourselves. Because you're not just scared and when you're scared you can't help but want to snuff it out instead of understanding its a part of life."
The comment about not remembering was ignored as the she continued to glare.
"He may not remember, but I am positive his life was bad enough to convert. You people are the unsettling ones, taking innocent lives and tampering with things larger than yourselves. Do not act big when you are nothing but a child cowering in the dark without a shred of bravery to your name."

That is a wall of pink sorry doll OTL;;;;;


Sparkly Bunny



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:52 pm
Instead of mysterious, he found the cooing just plain annoying. Why was he even still here? This information wasn't exactly the sort of thing he had in mind and now... now it just seemed the witch was just milk answers out of him instead.

His fingers twitched, itching to reach for the pendant and just portal his way back to Deus, but for now, he would just wait and see. Maybe she herself would let up and leak out some precious information...
It was just a waiting game at this point.

His frown deepened as she declared herself on the side of the horsemen. Figures. Not like it would have made a difference if she sided with the hunters. To him, she was still an enemy, mutual alliance or not. Their job was to hunt Halloween creatures. There was no grey area. It was their duty.

He scoffed at her response.
"Please. I of all people know this damn world is far from perfect. Hell, it's already a messed up place as is, without all you mystical mumbo jumbo things running around. However, having you creatures feeding off our fear, terrorizing humans, and I guess the horsemen like to take things UP a notch, I already told you how reckless and stupid humans can get when they're afraid."

Chester was ignored as the trainee continued his rant.

"Says the one who thinks she knows everything. Innocent my a**. I'm sure a handful of you already had more than your taste of fear. Simple scares, a bump in the night. It's not enough anymore. How much more effective would death threats be? How much more would they fear you if you slaughtered one of their own kind in front of them?"

His mind flashed back to the emergency missions with the horsemen, how he had seen humans murder each other out of fear, provoked by the horsemen. And not just horsemen. He was sure some of the Halloween students were involved too.

"Do you THINK we enjoy risking our lives trying to deal with you things? Do you think we WANT to parade around, wielding weapons made from the very things we were meant to destroy, just to have the power to fight back? No, we do this because we try to protect those who CAN'T fight back, who are just sitting ducks in this stupid game of chess. In the end, no one wins. It's just all just pointless stupid battles. And for what? Glory? Honour? Revenge? To protect those who can't protect themselves?"

No worries! And ahhhhhhhhhhh sorry for the wait.
Have a wall of teal LOL /fail
AyeAvast rolled 2 10-sided dice: 8, 8 Total: 16 (2-20)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:04 pm
The words he spoke did not lend the witch the sympathy she expected them to. Everything Jake said was right from his view point, all his feelings were legitimate and valid and laid bare his very real understanding of this odd way of life he had accepted. But his passion and his anger only furthered the witch's own. Though she could rationally understand what he was saying, she just could not agree. No part of her felt as though he were truly right, no little bit of her wanted to extend kindness toward him and absolutely nothing within her made her want to excuse him and his actions.
Instead, she grew angry, taking a step closer to him so that she was right in his face.
"I know what its like to go into the Human world. To be the bump in the night. To coax out screams, to shuffle curtains and pull books off of a shelf in the dark. To rake my fingernails over a surface and cause fear. I know." A hand flashed out to him, wrapped around the front of his shirt and pulled him close. "It is something I would never give up."
Something inside her turned wicked and she smiled devilishly up at the boy. All her joking earlier of him flirting with her made her lean in close to him, her voice turning to a purr.
"Human fear is absolutely delicious."

And then with a shriek she hauled back and punched him as hard as she could.

HP: 38/ 50
Damage: 10
Fear Attack: Y3 Battle Cry, Y2 The Chill, Y2 Battle Cry
Items: 3x Peppermint, 3x Red King Shards



Sparkly Bunny



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 2:12 pm
They were different. Much too different. A human and a creature of fear. Of course they would never see eye to eye. Of course they would never understand each other. It was just how it was. Both worlds were meant to be kept apart.

"Oh? Then have you thought just exactly what would happen from that? Did you think they would just let bygones be bygones, and allow themselves to be terrified night after night? Even as children, these things will continue to plague them, haunt them. They'll never find rest. They'll forever question themselves, their sanity. As they grow up, they'll either choose one of two options. Give up, or fight."

He glared at the witch as she came closer, not bothering to be agitated by the close proximity. He already knew she was just doing this to frustrate him, get on his nerves. Well, he could see what he was saying was doing the same thing, so he wouldn't stop. Two could play at that game.

"Giving up is much too easy. Death is but a simple way to detach yourself from this god-forsaken world, but fighting back... deciding to do something against these fears..."

His gaze never dropped.
"I am one of those who chose to fight back, who chose to do something about it. How does it feel to know that it is through your actions, caused by your own need to survive, that hunters came to be?"

He flashed a wicked grin as she pulled him ever closer.
"Then you will learn to suffer. You reap what you sow. Remember that, witch."

Despite the restraint he showed, he couldn't help but twitch as she leaned in even closer, the voice in his ear making him cringe.

Human fear is absolutely delicious.

His eyes widened, and he quickly tried to summon the tonfas, but the shriek made him stiffen as the witch delivered a punch to his jawline, sending him tumbling back onto the floor.

s**t, that was quite some punch.
He rubbed his jaw, hoping it wasn't broken, and silently cursed himself for allowing himself to let down his guard against her. He should have never de-summoned his weapon.

Sticking a hand into his vest, he pulled out a pendant, and glared at the witch.
Muttering "Deus Ex Machina", the frown turned into a smirk as he gave the witch one last glance before portalling out.


HP: -3

I think we can wrap this up now? 8D
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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