Good Reboots:
Tomb raider (2013) version
Fallout 3 (a reboot of the entire story. You have to play this amazing game)
Metroid Prime (reboot of original metroid series)
DMC 2013 (brought back fans after terrible games)
Sonic Generations (sold incredible and partially went back to the classic 2d format)
Rayman origins
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)
Prince of Persia: sands of time (reboot of 2d side scroller)
DOTA 2- reboot of DOTA1, but done by the amazingly wonderful GABEN (aka Valve)
Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver for Pokemon gold/silver/crystal (if you dare say anything bad about this game I will hunt you down!)
Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green for Pokemons red/blue/yellow(see above)

Batman: Begins (brought back series after many terrible and cheesy movies)
Battlestar Galatcica (reboot of 70s series)
Star trek (2009) (do you really need an explanation here)
Casino Royale (2006) reboot of 1967 movie. AMAZING
X-Men First Class (Wolverine's movie was awful)
Superman Returns- 2006 (look at the history of Superman movies)

Yes there are bad reboots. But believe it or not, there are many good ones and I think we need to give Crystal Dynamics the beneift of the doubt. Especially after the game out with critically acclaimed Tomb Raider. heck you could consider Super Mario Galaxy a reboot as it's essentially Super Mario 64 in SPAAAAAAAACE. With better graphics and a better camera.

Team Fortress 2 was originally a mod for another game but it became a super popular game as well.

And Pokemon...I love my Pokemon.