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Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • Flatterer 200
PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:28 am

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:: Post 1 - ToC:: *YOU ARE HERE*
:: Post 2 - Sable & Angel::
:: Post 3 - Aiko & Shay::
:: Post 4 - Elvira::
:: Post 5 - Roxana::
:: Post 6 - Helix::
:: Post 7 - Scout {perma-unbonded wolf pup}::

PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:30 am

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  • My very first Soq. A gift from Roarie <3
  • Backstory:
    Sable was found as a foal by a herd who raised her as one of their own. This herd was a tribe of warriors and healers, and she learned many fundamentals while with them. However, one day the herd's lands caught on fire due to lightning strikes and most of the herd was trapped and perished by the fire. She managed to escape by happening to be on the edge of the fire and by being so quick on her feet. She thinks she is the only one to have survived, although later in her life she will discover that this is not the case, as Hototo and Hahalua are still very much alive and well.

    After she escaped, she ran so long in fear that she no longer knew her location. She happened to stumble upon a meadow with a stallion residing there who helped her calm down and re-center herself. Absolutely lost with no way of finding her way back, she wasn't sure what she would do, but the stallion figured she must be a great runner if she had run so far that she was lost, and he suggested that she look around for races and other Soquili who also enjoy running. With that in mind, she set off searching for anyone and everyone who wanted to run with her, settling even for pretending to race against hare and deer, who were usually more nimble than her with their smaller bodies.

    One day, while out training for a race, she stumbled upon a pile of bright red feathers on the ground. Something about these feathers reminded her suddenly of the herd that she had lost. With equal parts heartache and joy, she wove the feathers into her mane as a reminder of her past. She never takes them out.

    For a long time, Sable lived mostly on her own. She was afraid that forming new relationships and bonds with other Soquili would just cause her more heartache. But the loneliness won out over the pain -- finally, with the passage of time, she established a life for herself and started learning how to reach out to others and form friendships again. However, she still lives out on her own, a bit away from other groups of Soquili, just in case she is bad luck. This proves to be a bad decision, for one evening in her own territory, a strange mare walked through and attacked her. This mare tore a tendon in Sable's hindquarters, and she barely escaped with her life. During her recovery, she was forced to live in a group again, and she discovered that it really wasn't as scary as she had convinced herself that it would be. It was, however, just as painful as she had imagined, because memories of the lost herd were frequently drug to the surface. At the end of her recovery, it was evident that she would have a permanent limp. Racing at the speed of the wind was no longer an option for her.

    With the loss of racing, Sable felt a bit aimless and restless, but didn't know where to put her energy. But the fates aligned, and one day she stumbled across an abandoned basket. She searched for its parents but couldn't find them, so she took the basket home with her, named her Hikaru, and raised the filly as her own. This filly became the center of her world, and Sable is immensely proud of the stunning mare that grew up right in front of her eyes.

  • Personality:
    Aside from the discovery of Hikaru's basket, Sable has had much more bad in her life than good. Although she knows logically that it was all luck of the draw, she can be very hesitant and slow to trust new situations. Throughout her life, she will try to settle down with a handsome stallion, but it never works out the first few times. While these relationships result in offspring, they inevitably leave with their father, and she plays a minor role in their lives. However, just when she thinks she will never try again to find romance, she will finally find the one stallion who truly captures her heart and makes her believe in the goodness of the world again.

    Personality-wise, Sable is sweet but sassy. She is not afraid to speak her mind more than a bit bluntly, although she will never purposely be rude about it. She also rarely loses her cool -- it's hard to ruffle her feathers.

    I've been roleplaying her out of life order, but by the time lifemating happens, she will have lost her friends and adopted family to a fire, made a friend who helped her through the trauma, healed enough to reach out to others again, then been attacked and injured by a vicious mare, and come out the other side with a permanent disability (probably a limp). She knows that all the bad things that happened were just luck of the draw and accepts the past, but will find it hard to get attached to a mate. However, once she is attached, it would destroy her to lose him.

  • RP color: Sienna
  • Formerly LM to Finegal, LM broken agreed here
  • RP with Elfy & her Donehogawa for potential LM (sable would herd with him & his family)





  • Backstory RP - meeting Hoto & Hahalua after the fire
    --Contact Hoshi & Roar with plot ideas
  • Needs Herding & Herd-related Plots
  • Meeting with Dawns' Koemi; she will be badly injured. (this has an abandoned RP)
  • Find someone to RP healing Sable. Sable will end up with a permanent limp. (I was going to have Aiko do this but Aiko & Hikaru are self-paired and the timing/order wouldn't make any sense)


Tracking low-luck breedings:
1. Feb 2016
2. April 2016
3. April 2016 #2
4. August 2016
5. Sept 2016
6. Nov 2016
7. March 2017
8. Nov 2018


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • Flatterer 200


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • Flatterer 200
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:53 pm

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Min/Max: Base Stats
Obtained: Basket Giveaway RP Contest heart
Agreements: Lifemate to Hikaru
Links to other Images:
basket uncert
basket cert
foal uncert
foal cert
adult uncert
adult cert
Shay cert
Shay uncert

Herd: None

Username: Nikkichomp

Basket Name: Aiko (from Japanese characters for love and child)

Temper: Focused

Personality: Aiko is very bright, always wanting to know more and to learn everything she can. She can be annoyingly persistent and a bit obnoxious, but nearly always has good intentions. Outgoing and friendly, Aiko is never short on acquaintances.

Prompt Choice: 1

Prompt Entry: "Mushrooms?" she thought. "What the heck are mushrooms?" She tilted her head and asked aloud, "What are those for?" Aiko listened intently, head tilted to the side, trying to store as much information as she could. She always loved learning new things, particularly when they were related to plants. She was too young to have given it much thought, but had heard of Soquili who used plants to help the sick and injured, and it had occurred to her like it might be something fun to try.

But a 'mush-room'? Despite having them described to her as low-growing plants with a wide, flat top and short, thick stem, she still could not picture what they might look like. "Mush sounds like mushy...and that means squashed and gross. Maybe they are mushy!" she decided. She wandered daydreaming for the rest of the evening, trying to imagine other things that a mushroom could be.

Aiko woke up bright and early on the day of the gathering, excited to be going on an adventure, and could not sit still all morning. The group finally headed away from their home in search of the mysterious mushrooms. She ran around non-stop on the journey, expending the energy that only the very young can exude. They arrived after what felt like an eternity to Aiko, and one of the adults quickly pointed out some edible mushrooms. Her eyes grew large. "May I try one?" she exclaimed. She trotted over once permission was given and lowered her head to take a bite. Her teeth met with the flesh of the fungus, and as she bit down, the firmness of it surprised her. "It's not mushy at all!" she thought. The mushroom was somehow both soft and firm at the same time. The earthy flavor permeated her taste buds as she chewed, delighting her. "Yummy!" she declared, mouth still full.

Plot Ideas:
*Aiko will have an intense interest in healing and plants, and will need to explore and find a mentor to teach her from a young age.
*She is extremely friendly and does not understand the concept of unsociability. It would be good for her to encounter Soquili who are antisocial and/or are prickly, mean, or otherwise bad-tempered.
*Once an adult and well into her training as a healer, Aiko will encounter a Soquili that is badly injured. It will be the first time she has seen anything like it, and it will shake her badly. Whether the other Soquili survives unharmed or ends up with a permanent disability is (obviously) up to the owner of whoever volunteers for this plotline. This experience will cause her to redouble her efforts to become a better healer, although she may become someone emotionally scarred from this experience.

Parents: Glitter & Shoshan Blythe
Links to Relatives:
Basket Contest with mother, father, & both brothers listed
Paternal Grandma Cyrille {Rhyleigh}
Paternal Grandpa Duncan {Nekolulu}
Mother, Glitter {Pinka}
Father, Shoshan Blythe {Rhyleigh}
Full brother, Taiki Momoko {Pinka}
Full brother, Citlali Kiore {Rhyleigh}
Family Tree

1. FLING – Boone. 3 offspring :3 Summer Raaven & Hurog own the brothers
2. MATE -- Hikaru. 1 Wishing Star child - Murasaki Tsuya
Links to Offspring:
Breeding RP:

RP/Character Development
Plot Ideas:



Okay, so, she's super sweet and gentle and smart. She is always running around on her own exploring and trying to learn new things. Even though she likes mares, she hasn't figured it out yet, and is trying to find a handsome stallion to get to know.

I am thinking they could run into each other while she's gallivanting around. Craven could trick her into thinking he likes her, they mate once, and then after he gets a piece, he leaves her. Then SURPRISE for her - baskets appear. He will have no idea but then they will cross paths again one day.

Couple of points I haven't thought through yet:
1) Does she discover his uni-hunting habit after they part ways?
2) When they cross paths, does he figure out that she had his babies?

Secret babies or discovered-later-and-then-hunted babies sound interesting, either way.

Let me know if you're interested!

I am totally interested! The fact that she's smart and sweet is exactly what Craven would be looking for. He'd essentially be thinking of her as his broodmare -- so he'd flatter her and charm her and hang around until she got pregnant, giving the impression of being a doting boyfriend, and he'd wait around for the baskets. If any of them showed his unicorn heritage, that's when he'd flip and try to kill them -- which she would be more than welcome to discover and escape with the baby! -- and if not, he'd just grab one and peace out.

So basically, her finding out about his unicorn hunting ways would all depend on how the kids turned out, but I am definitely game for her finding out if there were unicorn traits, there being some kind of conflict, and everyone getting away okay. I have a few Soq I could offer up to intervene if it ends up that way -- Tybalt, Craven's cousin, or his son Laertes, or even Sigurd -- so she would definitely end up ok and the kids, too.

Current RP:
Bugs in the Forest {with Allarian}
Red Sky in the Morning {with Gwaednerth}
One Quiet Night {with Orpheus}
Finished RP:
Character Goals:
RP Color: Peru

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:56 pm

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Min/Max: base stats
Obtained: A win from the 2013 Kalona meta! emotion_kirakira
Links to other Images:
adult cert

Links to Relatives:

Links to Offspring:
Breeding RP:

RP/Character Development
Personality: Elvira is cunning, devious, predatory, and cold.

I don't have a totally set personality for her yet but I think I may need to RP her to fill in the gaps. So far, I know she is devious, predatory, and cold. She is a purist and believes that Kalona are the superior breed. She tends to ignore non-Kalona, and irrationally despises half-Kalona. Although she has a pretty typical Kalona attitude in that regard, she does not agree with the rampant cruelty and killing that was happening in the now-disbanded Kalona herd. She wants to have foals so that she can raise a small army of like-minded purebloods. Now she needs to find a mate who can tolerate her, who also has similarly-aligned beliefs and opinions.

I want a plot for her where she unknowingly meets and interacts with a half-breed, probably on several occasions, and does not find out until later he/she is not pureblooded. She needs to have her preconception challenged.

She is as likely to lie to you as she is to tell the truth.
Plot Ideas: RP with Cherie's Bane & see if they fit as mates

"Yo, does anyone have a Kalona girl who could scare the crap out of and/or creepy flirt with Nátʼoh?

He's used to being all chill and getting people to go along with his flow, so I'd like him to have an experience where that does not happen,
and instead he's caught up in their flow, and ends up totally freaked out and receiving attention he realizes he'd reeeeally rather not be getting (or maybe he does, holy crap).

Could be fun." -- RPing with [Eskimo]

Current RP:
In the Shadow of a Giant {with Bane}
Shadows and Magic {with Demon}
Finished RP:
Character Goals:
RP Color: Steel Blue


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • Flatterer 200


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • Flatterer 200
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:10 pm

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  • in Kateri herd (throne? cherubim? waiting on response)




Min/Max: base stats
Obtained: page 100 semi-custom!
Fling with Charon's Allemande (Ended in Wishing Star baskets biggrin )
Links to other Images:
itemless cert
Herd: Possibly joining White Tea herd. Herd page Recruitment
Backstory: xx

Roxana has no idea whether or not she left behind a family when she woke up with a bump on her head. Little does she know, there's a jilted stallion and offspring wondering where she went away to.

Links to Relatives:

Offspring: Rayleigh A'Cappella and Io ____ (Theidrin) - both daughters; from Wishing Star
Links to Offspring:
Breeding RP:

RP/Character Development
Personality: "Joyful"
Plot Ideas:
**Help Aiko learn to heal?
Current RP:
Winter... {with Whinny}
Mellow Yellow {with Racardo}
Calm Before the Storm {with Charon's Allemande}
Finished RP:
Solo - Backstory
Character Goals:
RP Color: Dark Magenta

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:14 pm

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Stats here
Obtained: 2014 Plushie Conversion, CC'd by Ryuu heart
plushie thread
None at the moment
Links to other Images:
adult uncert
Wing cutaway

Links to Relatives:

Mate: LM agreement with Joquin LocHart
1. Fling (slot not taken yet)
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
Links to Offspring:
Breeding RP:

RP/Character Development
Personality: Helix used to be a sweet, outgoing stallion with a penchant for large social gatherings. He fell for a beautiful mare, and despite his mixed heritage, she seemed to have fallen for him. They stayed together long enough that he thought they would be together forever, have children together, grow old together; but his love disappeared and never returned. He became sullen and withdrawn for quite some time thereafter.

But time has passed, and his heart has begun to heal. Now, Helix is very quiet, although still quite social. He finds amusement in many things others may not find funny in the slightest, and his soft laughter can often be heard bubbling out of his throat when in his vicinity. He loves a good practical joke, whether he is playing them or having one played on him.

{more to come; still under development}
Plot Ideas:
*Have Helix discover the reason for (WHO??)'s departure
Current RP:
Beachside Blues {with Krio}
Finished RP:
Character Goals: Tear him down, build him up
RP Color: Midnight Blue

Helix & Charley
1. Feb 2015
2. July 2015
3. Nov 2015
4. April 2016


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • Flatterer 200


Magical Gekko

8,825 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • Flatterer 200
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:16 pm

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**Scout gets her own post because she will not be bonded to a Soquili.





Obtained: RP giveaway {thanks to Faid & Puu!}
Links to other Images:

Herd: The Wolf Pack
Owner: Nikkichomp
Pup trying for: D or E (although I love *all* the pups and would be glad to home any of them!)
Name of pup: Scout
Gender of pup: Female
Personality: Subdued
Story/Plot ideas:
1. Family interactions - I want to find out which siblings she gets along with best, which she tends to butt heads with. She takes after her father and tries to be helpful to her mother.

2. Narrow Escape - She goes out to scout and stumbles into something bigger and scarier than her (bear? moose? mountain lion?). She has to make a quick escape to avoid being lunch.

3. Secret Crush - Scout has a crush on one of the alpha's pups! Is she able to keep it quiet, does the other pup notice, and how does it play out?

Although her father does not speak because he is not able, she rarely speaks by choice. She has grown up watching her father get by without speech just fine, and finds idle chatter superfluous. As a beta member of the pack, she has no one to boss around, and prefers to keep her head down and focus her energy on things that are beneficial for everyone. Because of her penchant for silence, she is good at padding through the forest unnoticed, and often goes off to be lookout for any incoming danger. Her name is thus very apt.

She collects her favorite odds and ends in her pouch - pretty feathers, shiny rocks, et cetera. Since she already roams a lot as a scout, she has made it a habit from a young age to bring home things that are useful for her mother, the healer, and also tucks these into her pouch for temporary storage.

Links to Relatives:

1. agreement with Damian Obtained; 5 offspring. dropoff here
Links to Offspring:
Breeding RP:

RP/Character Development
Plot Ideas:
Current RP:
Finished RP: Five-Star RP tracker
Character Goals:
RP Color: Slate Blue


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