Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:26 am
 Stages | Masked Cert | Unmasked Cert | Masked Uncert | Unmasked Uncert
Familiar | Ezekiel
Species | Unicorn x Kirin Crossbreed
Family | Parents | Ava (Mother) and Lunar (Father) Mate | Schizoid Kids | With Melanie | Zachariah, Uriel, and Archangelica
Personality | Gabriel is an a** right off the bat. He only believes in the family and what it stands for. He isn't about to let anyone get close to him and doesn't want any kind of love. He gets that enough from his mother. His father died in battle and that is one thing he doesn't like anyone to talk about because he hates mentioning him. It sets off raw emotions that can cause him to attack you.
He loves battle and everything is a battle to him. Even to talking to other Soq is battle to him because the other could attack at any given moment. Being one of the biggest in the herd he fights a lot and sadly he doesn't have good speaking skills with others. His aggression comes out when he speaks with other Soq including females so he isn't a sweet talker and will do anything to not be in love with another.
He was trained from birth to adulthood how to battle. He has known nothing else and his father wouldn't let him have any kind of fun outside of battle. So really the only fun he has is when he is stomping his hoof into another's hide. He isn't afraid to punish males or females alike. He will rough around a foal too, but won't harm them. He just doesn't like kids.
The large stallion has never been one to follow order's accordingly to how they are set.
The family he is in has a set family value that was pretty much drilled into his head.. "Live for the family and die for the family" Sadly it's a motto that has been dying within him during his long years as an adult. He is finding faults in it and is beginning to not give two shits about the family anymore. His main reasoning for it is for his taboo love of kalona's.
He had been growing more and more distant ever since he began keeping contact with his cousin Sonneillon. After him he had been getting more and more kalona's friends to the point where he was willing to just abruptly leave the family.
Him and Lenore are close friends and have been from a young age. Sharing viewpoints except when it comes to Kalona's. That is the only time they really fought, but Justice is his sworn enemy in the family. He hates the very sight of that putrid abomination.
Now, he struggles with finding himself and his place. The place he had once thought was going to be his station for his whole life turned out to be anything, but that. Anything but the paradise he was expecting. Though he doesn't believe there will be a happy ending for him. His tastes for mare's is indescribably low and would rather maim one then spend the rest of his life with one. So he is a VERY big sexist male. He believes female's can be strong and prefers that over the sissy mares that make him sick, but in no way does he believe a female could ever be better then a male.
Breedings ✗ Isolean ✗ Maleficarum ✗ Cosette ✗ Bear ✗ Eira Linn
Gabe x Alina Child: Seren, Divine and one who goes out committing acts of justice. Saving others form harm. Will completely lose their mind when Gabriel is turned evil. Gabe x Aderes Child: Schizophrenic nut case. Gabe x Morana Child:
Female: Arcadia, Seraphim, and Naomi Male: Zelo, Cain and Abel.
Agreement Alina | Breeding Agreement Cosette | Breeding Agreement Possible Mock-Breeding with Schiz? 8D - PERMISSION HERE Mock-Breeding with Psyche - PERMISSION HERE Breeding Agreement | Gabriel x Isolean Gabriel & Eira Linn | Agreement
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:30 am
 Stages | Masked Cert | Unmasked Cert | Masked Uncert | Unmasked Uncert
Familiar | Grayscale
Species | Cerynei
Family | Parents | ??? Mate | Enitan Surrogate | Marika Kids | With Marika | Nidawi, Cai Shen, and Nevin Kids | Wishing Star | Astraea, Emeric, Zebediah, Umbra and ??? Kids | Enitan's Flings | Virgil, Elpidius, and ??? Adopted Kids | Strawberry and Sciath
Personality | Hania Shen is very timid and can be shy sometimes. Thought now that he is an adult he is more open then he use to be. He knows he is scary and scares others away. He knows this very well. So this makes him very cautious around others. If someone has a lot of energy and is bouncy, there is a good chance he won't go near you. He will simply walk away. He doesn't say much, but his words will send chills through you. It's because he is one with the spirits and his words are like ice.
He is very nice and can be an extremely loyal friend once you get to know him, but it takes a lot of getting use to how he is. He doesn't understand feelings and when you try to explain it he still doesn't understand. So it's best to leave him alone about it. Word to the wise...it's best not to develop feelings for him because he won't understand them and might end up breaking your heart.
Though now with him being an adult he is most curious then ever to meet others. He LOVES asking questions so if your Soquili doesn't like that then it's best they don't talk to him.
Breedings Enitan
Female: Sihu and Huyana Male: Ohanzee Shen and Yiska Shen
Agreement Lovemating Agreement | HERE Lifemating Agreement | HERE
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:35 am
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:46 am
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:48 am
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:50 am
  Cert | Uncert | Pregnant Uncert | Foal | Basket
 Captain Periwinkle
 Trinity Rose (Biological Mother), Tetsuya (Father), Nukpana (Adoptive Mother), Isadora (Sister), ??? (Brother), Askuwheteau Kajinka (Brother), Morgan (Brother), and Hateras (Sister)
 Vesper doesn't take crap from no one. She may not look tough, but she learned from her daddy (mommy) Nukpana how to fight and survive if she needed to. She doesn't like bullies even though Nukpana is very much one. She is closer to Pana then Trinity only because Pana was the one to raise her more.
She still has a great love for Trinity either way.
Even though she is tough and doesn't like to be pissed off. She is very motivated and a driven individual. She will pretty much tackle anything she sets her mind to in hopes of finishing the task or getting as much of it complete as she can. She isn't a whiner, complainer, or follower. She leads and leads well for her age. She stands by her own morals and despises close-mindedness with a passion since she is being raised by two mares.
Her dad....well there isn't much to say. She doesn't know him and probably never will, but that doesn't bother her. Even though she doesn't really look like her sister, she feels better knowing she will never see her father. Something about him up and leaving doesn't sit well with her.
She likes to have fun and will do anything to achieve a level of excitement. If your a bore she will tell you so and leave your company. This is why the only friendship she has been able to keep has been Nishant. She is very sarcastic and bold. She will tell you right to your face if your ugly or cute. It's one of her more noticeable traits.
She hates being called pretty because she doesn't feel like she is. She has seen prettier mares out there and she isn't one of them. She knows this.
 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
 Lifemating - AGREEMENT HERE
*****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ -
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:52 am
  Cert | Uncert | Foal | Basket
 Mutant Usidia
 Kayleena (Mother), Tiger Nilla (Father), Electro Nilla (Sister), Serket (Sister), Jigglypuff (Step-Mom), Hikari (Half-Sister), and Sherbert (Half-Sister)
 Phantasm is...well odd. He likes to pick and choose who he speaks with mainly because he is afraid he will weird them out or sometimes he just observes others from afar. He fears rejection and others thinking he is some weird medical experiment or something. His mother and father don't have the weird random mutations that he does and it makes him wonder what he is exactly. His spiked tail is good for a offensive or defensive weapon, but he isn't threatening enough to use it as such. Maybe if the situation called for it he would. Then his neck...it's something he can't explain and something he can't ignore. It's a second mouth with dark mist that just seeps out from time to time.
Other then that, he tries his best to stay out of the radar. He likes being unnoticed and rather...invisible. He tends to drift towards the weird and bizarre because it's what he thinks he is. His confidence is lacking even though he doesn't care what people think of him.
His two little friends, Ghastly and Haunter, have a personality of their own. Now that he is grown and they are around him at all time he never really feels alone. Ghastly, who he named Specter, and Haunter, who he named Wraith, were always there by him. Specter is very laid back and is the more intellectual of the two. He is all about thinking things through instead of just going in gun-ho about it all. Wraith on the other hand is the opposite. He is all about doing without thinking and loves scaring anyone he can. Though sometimes it backfires thanks to Specter. They are both a part of Phantasm that he wouldn't trade for anything.
 ✗ Teagan ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗

*****✎ - The Prep-work (Phantasm & Yukiko) *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ -
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:53 am
  Cert | Uncert | Items Uncert


History As a young filly, Hydro lived in a very tight nit family with her mother, father, and two sisters. They lived in the colder climates where snowfall was a lot more common and blizzards took the place of rainfall. She was closer with her father more so then her mother. She would spend hours upon hours hanging around her father more so then her sisters or mother. She loved them just as much just they never really got along that well. She learned everything from her father, he knew she wasn't much of a social girl, but he tried hard to get her to open up a little bit. He wanted her to make friends and go see the world when she was old enough. It didn't work and Hydro remained the same calm, distant, and cold filly their family grew to know.
Then one day during a major snow storm, she was separated from her family. For hours, she tried finding them and soon it became days then weeks. She couldn't find any trace of them and at first she felt scared. She wondered if maybe they left her or if they even made it out alive. She managed to take refuge in a cave during the entire storm, but after months of searching for her family, she gave up. She never found them and it broke her heart. She felt so alone and so angry that nature broke her away from her family.
After that, she grew up alone and began to close herself up even more. Being cold to anyone to comes across, which wasn't too many. Eventually she grew secure enough to leave the cold tundra behind her and travel to distant lands. In doing so, she came across the Kawani lands finding the temperature to be different, but something she could stomach. She made a home out of a cave in the mountains and occasionally goes down to the plains to collect berries to bring back. She isn't social still and keeps to herself as much as she can.
That was until she met, Aellai. Her only friend and the only person she really cares about or opens up to. She has been friends with her ever since she first came into the lands and remains her close friend even though Aellai is busy with her life mate most of the time. This is one thing Hydro will not talk about. She fell in love so many times in her adult life, a total of four times, and it cost her four broken hearts. She began to feel trapped and forever alone. Until she met Ice. A wolf companion is always remains by her side.
Even now, she feels like she will remain alone forever and she has grown accustomed to it. She is now use to people leaving her and feeling broken every single time. It wasn't until she had a terrible accident and bumped her head pretty hard, that she forgot everything. She remembers her past life, but none of her broken hearts. Maybe she can finally start over..

1.) Bee's Summer Whirlwind Unedited Breedings 2.) DD's June Open Breedings 3.) Mind's June Breedings 4.) Heart's July Breedings 5.) Neph's Unedited Breedings 6.) Ryuu's July Breedings 7.) Mind's August Breedings 8.) Slimy's September Breedings
✗ Hiruki ✗ Hiruki ✗ Hiruki ✗ Hiruki ✗ Hiruki

Breeding Agreement - HERE *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ -
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:55 am
  Cert | Uncert
 Kalona Halfbreed
 Siblings | Yutaka Saito

Alestra is a pretty broken mare. She spent her entire life by her brother's side and all he did was use her. If the beatings weren't enough for him, then he would offer her to others for whatever they wanted to do with her. Sometimes she would be his payment to whomever he had a deal with. Mostly is was abuse in the form of beatings, though others things were done that she chooses to forget. She knows she has kids out there. Many kids because she is the one that dumped their baskets. She also has had a few miscarriages. So she has had her share of broken hearts.
As a result, it's made her a pretty brittle mare. She can hold her own most of the time except if you look closely, you can see that she will be cracking under the pressure. She has never had anyone care for her. Not once. So she just grew accustomed to others wanting something from her. Her brother killed her parents in front of her after he lost his mind, so she knows nothing of love. As far as she knows it's a myth.
Even though she is broken, she still likes to get her way. Because of the years she spent being manipulated by her brother, it rubbed off on her. She will do the same thing to others if she gets the chance, but usually it's to help her in some way. She won't harm them. She finds it hard to even kill other animals so she tends to scavenge for her food or when she is really desperate, she will eat berries.
She isn't evil, but she isn't good either. She is neutral. Never taking sides. Never getting involved with fights. She hasn't had a very good life, so she doesn't believe there is good out there. She has yet to meet anything good, therefore, she is very doubtful something good will come her way.
 ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
 Alestra is attracted to many. She doesn't really have a preference.

[x] - Alestra Saito & Saraqael
*****✎ - Finding Peace (Alestra Saito x Saraqael) *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ -
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:57 am
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:00 am
  Cert | Uncert
 Mate | Emeric
 Emotionless, cold and uncaring is what many feel when they look into her eyes, but that can be very deceiving.
She is actually pretty adventurous, caring, nice, flirty and is always looking for danger. Due to this thrill of danger, she knows the terrain and landscape pretty well, but that only came from her traveling so much and so far. She isn't one to sit around lazing and talking about non-sense. She is a go-getter and will do almost anything fun as long as it doesn't mean you have to be immobile for longer then a few minutes.
Even though she is kind, it doesn't mean she is gullible. She knows when someone is using her and abusing her kindness, she has had some bad run ins in her life so she knows just how to take care of it. Hoof-to-face style <3
SHE controls her own life and doesn't like other people trying to run it for her. She makes the choices and decisions, not someone else. She also lives with the consequences which she doesn't care to much about because she follows two distinct philosophies.
1. Karma is a b***h. It will always come back and bite you in the arse. 2. What you give is what you get in return.
Being impulsive, she can be very random at times. One minute she might be climbing the mountain and then suddenly change her mind wanting to go back down to the open plains again. It depends on her mood and where she is at the moment because it can reflect on where she wants to go or what she wants to do. If she wants to wrestle and then suddenly try climbing a tree, then that is what she wants to do. But keep in mind that she isn't stupid and does know what she is doing.
 ✗ Emeric ✗ Emeric ✗ Emeric ✗ Emeric ✗ Emeric
 Breeding Agreement - HERE *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ -
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:19 am
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:27 am
 Cert | Adult | Foal | Basket
 Regular x Cerynei
 Mate | Mikasi'Nell Son | Sia Aputsiaq'Nell Daughters | Chosovi and Awahi Grandchild | ???
 Astraea can be very distant and not someone to talk to if you want to have an in depth conversation with someone. She doesn't talk much and usually just let's you figure out what she wants by giving off body signals.
She is like both of her parents combined. She believes in spirits even though she can't see them and also believes in light folk like her other daddy Enitan. While her sister goes on a pilgrimage, she has another duty to fulfill that she feels was given to her from the time of popping out of her basket. She is going to be a Mystic to her family as well as a guardian of the woods like her father was.
She feels the energy around her from the already deceased and even though she can't see them she knows they are around her.
Knowledge is her passion and the more she learns the more she feels she can help or give others information. This in turn makes her very alluring and someone that is sought after for knowledge whether it be good or bad, she is high on the hierarchy ladder with the family.
 ✗ Mikasi ✗ Mikasi ✗ Mikasi ✗ Mikasi ✗ Mikasi
Female: Mika (Intelligent Raccoon), Izusa (White Stone), Chosovi (Bluebird), Galilahi (Attractive) Male: Honiahaka'Nell (Little Wolf), Muraco'Nell (White Moon), Shiriki'Nell (Coyote), Aranck'Nell (Stars)
 Breeding Agreement - HERE *****✎ - A Day At The Beach (Astraea x Mikasi'Nell) FINISHED*****✎ - Broken (Astraea x Mikasi'Nell) FINISHED*****✎ - Family Bonding (Mikasi' Nell, Gabriel, Hania Shen, Astraea, Zachariah) FINISHED*****✎ - Trading Herbs For Company (Astraea x Mikasi' Nell) FINISHED*****✎ - Wandering Shadows (With Bhikunni) FINISHED*****✎ - Silence Is Beauty (With Oskana) FINISHED*****✎ - *****✎ -
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:29 am
Cert | Uncert
 Týr Cuauhtémoc
 Týr is loving, compassionate, and affectionate that is when he isn't so focused on himself. He LOVES his hair and if someone messes it up or messes with it period, he will get angry. But when he isn't being a stiff about his hair, he is always looking for love. He flirts with pretty mare's and has a crazy obsession with long hair. If the mare has a lot of hair, then he will pay more attention to her. The shorter the hair the less attention he will pay on her. He is very shallow and bases a lot of things on looks. So he really isn't one to settle down and is always looking for the next pretty thing.
When he isn't being judgmental or an egotistical jerk, he is traveling. He loves seeing new places and searching for a way to keep his hair from dragging on the ground. He also loves helping those in need so he can be an all around good guy when he isn't thinking of himself.
Other then that, he is a completely afraid of the dark. He cowers in fear at night and becomes an entirely different person. He will do all in his power to stay inside a cave or sometimes he will even curl up into a ball just until it returns to day time once again.
If he ever had kids, he would more then likely leave them with the female or dump them on someone else. It's not that he doesn't like kids, he just won't have the time for them. He will feel they would be better off with someone else then him. Hell his family didn't even raise him the right way and as a result, he has become super vain.
 ✗ Nukpana ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
 Nukpana | Agreement here *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ -
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:48 am
 Cert | Uncert | Items Uncert | Foal | Basket
 Cerynei x Mutant Gryph x Mutant
 Mother | Astraea Father | Mikasi Sister | Awahi Brother | Sia Aputsiaq'Nell Grandfather | Honovi Grandmother |
 Chosovi is very proud of her family. If something is said or done to her family she isn't afraid to come after you. It's more of her protective nature at work. Her family is her life and it's so vast and accepting that she will do everything she can to make sure it stays safe. Her father, mother, and sister are her closest and always will be. She learned at a very young age that family will always be there no matter what and she is doing the same for them. Her sister Awahi is the only one who truly understands her and knows why she is the way she is.
Even though she is clearly part harpy, she would rather not be hated for it since it was something she couldn't control. She doesn't hate who she is and is very proud of her lineage, but she does prefer to be called a "wolf."
She is headstrong and will face anything that is blocking her path. She will try to be reasonable at first, but if the other does not listen to reason well then she isn't afraid to get physical. She doesn't like to get violent, but when she does she tries her hardest to not hurt the other. As in she will use harmless methods as in pinning them to the ground or toppling them over much like wrestling or something of that nature. She prefers to be a pacifist, but if the need arises, she isn't afraid of what may happen.
At first impression, she is cold, calculated and very selfish. She can be and that is because she really doesn't trust anyone that isn't related to her. She has suffered some prejudice because of what breed she was and this really has ticked her off. So because of this, she is on the defensive with everyone and assumes they will hate her. If you do manage to earn her trust, she is probably the most loyal friend you will ever have. She won't ever abandon you and will be there for you even when others are not.
Stallions do make her more uneasy then mare's do. Especially stallions that aren't related to her or belong to the family.
Deep down past her rough exterior, she is a kind gentle soul to anyone she trusts. If you are one of the very few to delve deeper then that, she is a fun carefree individual. But sadly, no one has seen that side of her and she is becoming a darker more aggressive individual.
Her dream is to become some kind of assassin one day. She doesn't know what she will kill yet or try to kill, but she prefers evil things over good.
1.) July 2014 2.) August 2014 3.) April Twin 2015 4.) September 2015 5.) Twisted Breedings 2015 6.) October TT 2015 7.) October 2015 8.) Mixed Spirit Breeding 9.) November 2015 10.) December 2015 11.) 24-Hour December 2015 12.) January 2016 13.) February 2016 14.) March 2016 15.) April 2016 16.) June 2016 17.) June 2016 18.) July 2016 19.) Tricksters Gamble 2016 20.) November Breedings 2016 21.) Musica Breedings 2017 22.) LL Bonanza 2017
✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
Male: Hiamovi (high chief) Female: Dovi (the gray or white songbird)
 Chosovi is attracted to strong individuals. Appearances don't matter to her as long as they can hold their own.
 ---- *****✎ - *****✎ - *****✎ - Tender Moments (Chosovi x Gareth)*****✎ - Finding Reason (Chosovi x Sama'el)*****✎ - First Mistake (Chosovi x Izotz)*****✎ - Summer's Not Over (Calla and Chosovi) - Abandoning?*****✎ - Stealth Training (With Gareth and Rin Asougi) - Finished*****✎ - Fascinating New Thing (With Nemain) - Abandoning*****✎ - The Meaning of Combat (With Callan) - Abandoning*****✎ - Learning Of One Another (With Alarion) - Finished*****✎ - Weakest Hours (With Sandsablaze) - Finished*****✎ - The Big Game Hunt (With Gareth) - Finished*****✎ - Knightly Gesture (With Gareth) - Finished*****✎ - The Story Weaver And The Wolf (With Amon) - Finished*****✎ - Unexpected Guests (With Severi) - Finished