Simply was still sort of smooshed under the boards even as the dust was clearing. Seeing birds was honestly a good statement, even as Jason managed to come too enough to realize maybe he'd nearly seen to the demise of a small creature. Thankfully, he was kind enough to shove a few beams out of the way for her, though had Simply been awake enough she'd have told him it was fine.

Tiny as she was, she WAS a monster. If anything they were known for their strength. She did at least realize he was there, and offered a bit of a lopsided smile as she tried to scramble out from under the thing. Sadly, that was what likely what set off the joke that sent the hunter running.

"Ah- hey wait-" She did lift an arm to try and catch him, but wasn't nearly out, nor was she well enough to actually really grasp anything. Nope, the hunter was long gone. Well darn. She'd never gotten answer to that last question.

What do humans taste like? And did his parents really hate him enough to name him 'AAAAAAH?' ...or what were they thinking at least?

Oh well, she'd just... lay here a while. That last bit of energy had been about all she had going, and now... well.. she flopped over, quite happy to take a bit of a nap. She was sort of tired. Maybe at least until the birds stopped flying around.

Caw, caw, caw- They were kind of repetitive.

poke mattix
We can call dis good~! Thank you! Pffft, Jason you and your troll weapon~