He barked a laugh. They were both mad in their own way, he supposed; and maybe this scheme would only reveal them for the unbalanced people that they were. "I expected you to punch me again," he answered honestly.

Her suggestions were much better, though. Shik's eyes glinted as he smirked, though he was a little surprised that she was letting him pick a feather just like that. For a moment he surveyed her, each individual feather jumping out at him. Her wings were different, he realized; the Insanity had spread and changed their colors.

He didn't know whether to feel anger that the disease had not stopped, or to feel proud that one way or another it was slowly becoming just another part of Shaheen, a part that she owned rather than was shackled by.

"Hmm . . . What about . . ." His arm slid around her again, fingers splayed so that he could slide up against one of her wings, teasing the area where it sprouted. "We go inside and let me examine my choices?" he finished, leaning in to press his mouth to her jaw (too impatient, naturally). "And celebrate, of course, that we could agree on anything at all~"
