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Diamond's Plots [Open - Jorah Mormont Added] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:02 pm


Fascinating New Thing

There you go c8
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:50 pm


Fascinating New Thing

There you go c8

Thank you and tagged <3. I apologize for the wait, was pulled away to do something. :'v


Dapper Mage

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Dapper Mage

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:32 pm

gaia_diamond Jorah Mormont added~
PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:58 pm

gaia_diamond Jorah Mormont added~

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Hallo there! I would very much like to RP Saffron with Jorah if you are up for it. Saffron is a rather carefree spirit who finds pleasure in the smallest of things. I think it would be an interesting encounter!

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl


Dapper Mage

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:08 pm


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Hallo there! I would very much like to RP Saffron with Jorah if you are up for it. Saffron is a rather carefree spirit who finds pleasure in the smallest of things. I think it would be an interesting encounter!

Hi there! Thank you for your interest, sure I'd be up for an rp with Saffron and Jorah at some point! However, I'm afraid my muse isn't particularly active at the moment, and thus I'm incredibly slow when it comes to replying and such. I can do either guild rp or AIM, whichever you'd prefer. c: Also, as Jorah tends to travel alot with Daenery's khalasar, where could he perhaps bump into Saffron?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:44 am

If Jorah the group that he's traveling with ever come to the Western Region, I think Tenzin would be interested in meeting him. Because Tenzin's becoming a guard or a protector in a herd sometime in the future, I think it would be a good experience for him to talk to an actual guard and get some insight to the profession.

Are you interested?


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Dapper Mage

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:11 pm

If Jorah the group that he's traveling with ever come to the Western Region, I think Tenzin would be interested in meeting him. Because Tenzin's becoming a guard or a protector in a herd sometime in the future, I think it would be a good experience for him to talk to an actual guard and get some insight to the profession.

Are you interested?

Hi there! I'd certainly be interested in having Jorah impart some insight on his line of work to Tenzin, however, I'm afraid that due to having started back up with college I'm not really able to rp at the moment. Although I'd be delighted to plot with yourself, if you'd be up for it? c:
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