Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:45 am
The wind is my breath, the storm my rage, the thunder is my voice, and the lightning my bite. Fear me as you do the rage of the sky. I am the queen of the storm, and it is of me, as I am of it.
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:47 am
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:51 am
Name: Thundara
Nickname: N/A (I would not give her one either if I was you...)
Found: November 4th 2008
Temper: Stubborn
Type: Wind
Origin: Halloween Event o8
Color: #755F87
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:03 am
Mate: N/A
Breedings: Breeding o1 ❥ Open Breeding o2 ❥ Open Breeding o3 ❥ Open Breeding o4 ❥ Open
Offspring: Raamirah
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:13 am
Likes: Dark places, Apples, Clovers, Storms, Rain, Wind
Dislikes: Cute things, Happiness, Sweetness, and Love
Dreams: Thundara dreams of the sky, the perfect storm. But most of all, she dreams of who she was, and what she might have been. She wants to know who she is, but can dreams also be nightmares?
Fears: Thundara's fears are simple. She fears most of all remembering who she was, because with this, will it change who she became. She has done so much to harden herself against this world, she does not want to lose this, to break down and become soft. She will lose her shell, and the fierce storm inside.
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:16 am
Powers: N/A
Special Notes N/A
Personality: Smart is an understatement when it comes to Thundara. She spent a lot of time studying the land, who was in it, where the herds called home. She is also cruel, having a sharp tongue to make up for the dual teeth that lined her mouth. She cares little about others, her life revolves around her. She does what she wishes to who she wishes. She has a black heart, one of stone and unmoved by the plights of others.
She is unable to truly care about anything other then herself. Completely unable to grasp the concept of love, care, or anything along the line. She can fake it to get her way if it comes to it, but she is after all, just a woman, who has a storm raging inside.
Unknown History Thundara was born to a normal family. Happy, adventurous, and most of all, pure wind. She was one of two born that spring to a happy mother. Though the father did favor the son more, like most fathers do. He was the leader of their herd, strong, brave. Thundara though tried her hardest to please her parents. Her brother, being the oldest got things easily. Not to mention he was bigger, and the first to learn to fly.
The small filly had just started to learn to fly in the storms, small ones, well lit, and picked out for training. While her brother was already ahead of her. The look in her parents eyes seemed to sadden the young filly, and thus she started to take risks. The first was to jump off a cliff alone, wanting to be able to fly like her brother, she thought she only needed more height. It worked, but not without her being scolded by her parents.
So became the fight between the two. Him, having it all, and her having to race to keep up. So, one afternoon the came up with a dare to fly in the storm that was coming that night. It was a strong storm, and the children were forbidden. The one who lasted until the storm reached the mountains, or went the furthest won. He knew Thundara could not make it that far, so in his eyes it was an easy win.
Little did they know, that evening the storm had a mind of its own. Coming in like a normal storm it rolled over one set of mountains, heading towards the other, rumbling and rolling. The lightning was fast hard, and Thundara had never flown in such conditions. In minutes they were in the air, and fate began to change. The winds picked up, howling across the valley. The temperature dropped, hail began to fall across the land. The winds shifted, tossing both children through the air like bags in the wind.
A group of the adults noticed the children as they went to land, the storm becoming to much to continue. So, the chase was on, they headed off in hopes to catch the children as the storm continued to shift, Instead of heading for the mountains, it turned heading out the pass and right into unknown lands. A hard rumbling was given off in the distance, and what was just a storm became a fight for everyone's lives. A tornado formed between the dark unforgiving sky and the ground that waited for them to fall.
As the storm blew they were pushed further and further towards the pass. The oldest was able to get himself close enough to the treetops to grab a branch just in time to see his sister roll pass. Though one happened next made the foal cringe as Thundara's head collided with a tree, and all went black. No one was able to catch her as her body whipped out into the pass and into the darkness of the night.
Known History Thundara did not arrive here like most. The foal fell from the sky in this land many years ago, lost, alone and without a memory of where she came from, who she was, or even how she got into the storm. The herd that took her in called her Thundara, child of the storm. Though it did not take long for her to find herself alone. She was unstable, temperamental, maybe from the fall, or because of what she was, either way the poor creature was alone, no one could care for her, and so, she took love in the one thing she knew would never leave her.
She took into the sky one rainy day, it was cold, the storm raging on in the distance. She wanted to see if it would take her home, maybe she could find where she came from, the storm would guide her, and so, she stayed. She was spotted here and there when she landed to rest, or wait for another storm to come by.
She hardly talked to anyone as a foal, most did not understand why she would move with the storm, and were frightened with how she arrived. Cursed they called her, and cursed she became. With each passing day she grew older, into a mare that was as frightening as the storms she rode. She would swoop down on the grounded soqs and scare them, or attack them. She had no claws, no teeth but she had her wings, those red orbs, and the darkness in her soul.
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:20 am
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:22 am
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:24 am
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:25 am
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:26 am
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:41 am
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:43 am
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:59 am
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:27 am