Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:59 pm
 Name: Adelle Gender: Female Breed: Wind Herd: Silver Willow Bell Rank: ???
Parents: ??? x ??? Siblings: ??? Mate: Shihab Children: Andre, Del'Nal, Eton, Neva, Gideon, Cygnus, Lavanya, Alienore; Alexei, more by adoption
Height: 15hh Accent?: None Personality and Backstory: Adelle was born in the far, cold north, where snow and wolves are plentiful. She didn't know how to fly until she met Shihab, whom she later lifemated with. She developed a fear of wolves at a young age, due to an incident that left her alone in the world.
Always kind and caring, Adelle bloomed as a mother, becoming the matriarch of a large, affectionate family. To each of her loved ones, she has granted the silver bells which have become so iconic to her and her family, a mark of the love that is so typical of Adelle. She has also raised lonely foals to adulthood, caring for them in place of their missing mothers.
However, there has been a deep, dark chapter in Adelle's life. Her second daughter, Neva, always an independent one, slowly grew resentful of her parents' way of life. This grew and grew and grew, a festering desire to make her mother unhappy, until Neva had children with a Skinwalker who tried to eat her youngest sister, Alienore. Neva had already ripped Ali's wing, and later left the baskets with Adelle and Ali to raise. To make matters worse, after these horrific events, Neva attempted to make Adelle feel even worse by being willingly cursed into the form of a Skinwalker.
Adelle has not been herself since. Being the mother of so evil a person as Neva has caused Adelle to doubt herself as a mother, despite the fact that the rest of Adelle's descendants, both biological and adopted, have turned out to have good hearts. For a time, as she sank deeper and deeper into her depression, Adelle left her home and family, halfheartedly looking for a future and a meaning to her existence in the snows of the north. After a time, Shihab came after her and brought her home, building a herd to keep Adelle's thoughts off her pain. But, while Adelle's mind is not so frequently on Neva, the pain is not gone, and even now, it is hoped that something will happen to redeem her self-confidence, to help her get past the failure known as Neva.
Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:01 pm
What'choo lookin' at?Adelle + Eydis - Dead The chime of Silver Bells?Adelle, Shihab & Sevti (Shihab's two-legger) - Finished A Day for FunAdelle, Esha & Shihab - Finished Dancing in the skiesAdelle + Shihab - Finished Say that again?Adelle + Shihab - Finished Treasures Worth Protecting!Adelle, Shihab, Andre & Del'nal - Dead? A Day in the SunAdelle, Shilah & Delnal - Dead MeetingAdelle, Mialu & Del'nal - Finished Growing UpAdelle, Shihab, Andre & Del'nal - Finished Mother? Can we talk?Adelle + Andre - Finished Of when feathers FallAdelle + Shihab - Finished Signs in the snowAdelle + Shihab - Finished Kids, meet your siblings.Adelle + Shidelle Family - Dead? A Basket? Can I Raise It?Adelle, Shihab & Alexiel - Finished Remembering the PastAdelle, Shihab & Dao - Dead? Make the pain go awayAdelle + Azzinoth - Dead? Do you know my Alexiel?Adelle + Auster - Dead With a Wound and a TaleAdelle, Lavanya & Alienore - Finished Beware of Demons.Adelle, Shihab, Andre & Neva - Finished? Other MotherAdelle + Ojichaag - Dead I don't need a mother!Adelle + Tebald - Dead? Fears, Worries, and a New LifeAdelle + Claude - Ongoing A Way Forward?Adelle + Alienore - Finished 
Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:19 pm
 Name: Alienore Gender: Female Breed: Wind Herd: Night's Watch Rank: Gatherer (Working toward Ranger/Trainer)
Parents: Adelle x Shihab Siblings: Andre, Del'Nal, Eton, Neva, Gideon, Cygnus, Lavanya; numerous adopted siblings Mate: Blake; ??? Children: Nerissa, Esmerelda, 'Ailana; Branwen by adoption
Height: 15hh Accent?: None Personality and Backstory: Ali was born as what was thought at the time to be the last of Adelle's eight biological children, and she was born into a family in conflict over her second-eldest sister Neva. Neva wasn't exactly a good sibling, as she persuaded her one-time mate to try to eat poor Ali, and on another occasion, tried to rip off one of Ali's wings. Given that Neva later went on to be a Skinwalker, like the father of her first children, this has instilled in Ali a perfectly logical fear of Skinwalkers.
Despite these dark episodes early in her life, her childhood wasn't purely an unhappy one. She developed a childhood friend/sweetheart, grew up bright and happy, and even helped raise Neva's three firstborn daughters to adulthood. One of those girls, Metawa, went off later to find her father, but the other two, Shula and Branwen, Ali became close to, and even considered Branwen something of a daughter. Due to these other positive events in her life, Ali has grown to be a fundamentally positive thinker, affectionate and kind, and not one to wallow in pain, even if she is suffering a great deal on an emotional level.
Which is good, as life has generally been one to throw Ali some real hard curveballs.
Despite her fondness and affection for her childhood friend, Blake, who always called her "Sparkles," he wasn't quite as happy-go-lucky as her, and grew up without a father. His father figure was a polite Kalona, who was mostly a teacher to him, and, from the time she briefly met the stallion, Ali's had a respect for the nicer sort of Kalonas. However, the stallion's pure kalona daughter, 'Tuli, was also close to Blake. Even though Ali and Blake lifemated, 'Tuli was there, too, and when Ali and Blake finally had three daughters of their own, 'Tuli kidnapped the eldest. Ali never found out what happened to her eldest, but it broke something deep down in her heart. Worse, Blake drifted apart from her, and left her as friends to spend the rest of his life with Tuli. While she smiled for him, trying to make him feel less guilty, it hurt. It hurt to see the one she loved leave her for someone else.
The disappearance of Branwen, who emotionally took the place of Ali's lost firstborn, broke Ali down even worse. While she still smiles and does her best in the eyes of those around her, Ali's very lonely. One of the more commonly expressed sentiments from this period has been that her sweetness and gentility are her weaknesses, rendering her too delicate for her own good. She couldn't be strong enough for the ones she loved, and that's going to haunt her for a very long time.
Since the time of the birth of her daughters, Ali's been accompanied by a bear named Seren, brave and loyal and protective of Ali and her children until the girls grew up. Blake was generally uncomfortable with Seren, as well as Seren's presence around the girls, even though he and Ali had talked about getting her a familiar for security, as Ali wasn't a fighter. He didn't mean for it to be a bear, though Ali was happy to have a big, fierce animal capable of gentility, as well as persuading most things to leave Ali and the girls alone, and happier that it was a bear that has stayed as close to Ali as Seren has.
Ali's mother formed a herd after the separation, leaving invitations for family members to join. Ali, still feeling surrounded by her pain and loneliness, and still searching for a way to move on, politely refused, and continued wandering for three years. At that point, Ali stumbled across a stallion as lonely and broken and scared as she was, in the form of Karloff, whose life was also in the deep shadows of encounters with Skinwalkers. Bonding as friends, of a sort, in their mutual feelings, they agreed to start a herd to stand together against the Skinwalkers that they feared and that had haunted them. Their relationship is not that of lovers, as Karloff was reunited with his beloved mate after a time, but they have stayed friendly, two of the few genuine friends Ali has had. Ali had a number of reasons for developing this herd, and one was to grow stronger, physically and emotionally. To grow stronger in the face of her fears, and to grow strong in the face of the anxieties and guilts that still fill her at the thought of Blake.
Alienore is, so far, not a leader, or a ranger, but a humble gatherer. But she intends to grow into being a ranger and a recruiter for the herd, even help with any building projects that may come up. In the long term, however, Ali may grow into being a second leader to the herd, someone who softens the more harshly militaristic edge the herd is developing, and blunting it toward allowing for love and families on a greater scale; toward acknowledging that who she is isn't such a bad thing after all, and choosing to devote one's life to protecting others not being a dead end for a Soquili in terms of their romantic and familial plots.
Quite soon, Ali will hear of the Angeni charms from her mother. Curious to see it in action, and hoping to continue to get to a better place in her relationship with Skinwalkers, as well as her poor self-confidence, she'll acquire one, and place it on the first Skinwalker who doesn't immediately eat her. This will be Perdita de Helcegaear in one of her more innocent moments, which will, in turn, lead Perdita's mother to seek to get Charmed, changing the world of the three mares forever. Ali and Perdita may become friends as a result.
Despite the curveballs, despite the hardships, despite the concerns that her goodness have made her a weak and fragile flower in a world that frankly doesn't care, Ali's strength of character does lie in her sweet and gentle light, and in her ability to forgive, to see the light in others.
Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:22 pm
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:00 am
 Name: Flannghaile Gender: Female Breed: Usdia Herd: ??? Rank: ???
Parents: ??? x ??? Siblings: ??? Mate: Al Pine Children: Three baskets on their way!
Height: 13hh Accent?: Scottish Personality and Backstory: Flann came from a land far to the east, a land of light-haired, light-skinned two-leggers, a place of storms and stone. By comparison, the Kawani lands are very different from her homelands, which one would expect to make her homesick.
Not Flann.
Flann is a strong, brave, gruff one, an Usdia more at home in relative solitude in the mountains. She has a quiet little cave that she found and set up with what she could to make it cozy. The little vale below has streams and meadows, as well as small copses of evergreens. It's not much, but it's hers. Having set up a home in an unhospitable stretch of the mountains, Flann is aware that travelers do get lost in her mountains. That said, while she is more inclined to be a hermit, she has started to make a habit of sheltering those who get lost in the mountains, giving them her best hospitality and manners until they move on.
This is how she met her mate, Al Pine, and her goat, Una. Una's the most motherly and practical one in the cave, and as hardy as the Usdias she lives with. Given this, she's expected to eventually be the nanny goat to any Usdia foals that are born into the cave; she also runs hospitality more than the other two occupants. Al's definitely the cheerful, easy-going one of the bunch; underneath may be something that Flann and Al don't discuss, and as Flann's not really bothered by the idea of a potentially dark past, this is not an issue for the three cave occupants.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:02 am
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:19 am
 Name: Parvati Gender: Female Breed: Uni Herd: ??? Rank: ???
Parents: ??? x ??? Siblings: ??? Mate: Poultry; Tsong Tsong Children: Ganesha, ???, ???
Height: 15hh Accent?: Indian Personality and Backstory: Like many of the Soquili associated with this teepee, Parva was born far in the east. However, while, like Flann, she was also a mountain-born mare, Parva's home mountains rose to touch the heavens, and at the mountain feet was a hot and fruitful land, rich, ancient, and multilayered in culture. Parva loved her homeland, and had an interest in learning what she could about the world she lived in. Despite this, she was a shy soul, initially disinclined to get too close to strangers. What she loved, she was fiercely protective of. What she did not love, she was not as close to, and less inclined to give her life to protect.
Deciding to risk it, she came west, and eventually settled in the Kawani lands, still keeping to her beliefs and traditions. It was probably due to these beliefs and inclination toward detachment that Parva had a fling with the stallion Poultry. After they had their children, Parva and Poultry parted ways, Parva taking the pure Uni son, and Poultry taking the regular and part-Uni sons.
What Parva did not expect was to find it in herself to develop strong bonds with other Soquili.
Gane has been one of the main centers of his life since he was born, being granted the name of the god of knowledge in her homeland, and the son of her namesake. Growing up to be an intelligent and talented young stallion, Parva has nothing but pride for Gane. Finding a lovely, kind-hearted, and equally talented Flutter, she has accepted the idea that Gane is an adult. She just sort of wishes that she'd been a more affectionate and playful mother when Gane was small.
More recently, Parva has found love in the form of a Flutter of her own, a golden-brown stallion named Tsong Tsong. She has the strong intention to build a family with Tsong Tsong, and to find joy in being a mother, rather than being a mother out of feelings of religious duty.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:20 am
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:48 am
 Name: Redondo Gender: Male Breed: Mutant Wind/Cheshire Cat Herd: ??? Rank: ???
Parents: ??? x ??? Siblings: ??? Mate: Emille; Nirmala Children: Ailbhe, Louvia, Rosiotti
Height: 16hh Accent?: None Personality and Backstory: Redondo hails from a subclan of Soquili who are considered part of the clan of Soquili who refer to themselves as the "Cheshire Cats." This particular clan went wandering quite some time ago from the council grounds of the Cheshires, and bred with a Soquili who is thought to have come from China, a country far across an ocean far to the east, who brought in some Wind blood to the family line. The Wind wings have become something of a family badge, which may be why Redondo's subclan have largely avoided the council grounds ever since.. The current queen is Redondo's grandmother, who was incredibly proud of Redondo, who bore feline ears, eyes, and tail, as well as an unusually lot of extra fur at the corner of the jaw. The wings sprouting from his back were, of course, the primary badge, but bearing so many of the prized feline features of the Cheshire Cat Clan as a whole resulted in him being considered a superior specimen of their subclan.
Unfortunately, Redondo himself wasn't too crazy-interested in spending his life on a pedestal, doing whatever his grandmother wished he'd do. So, one day, he ran off, taking his foalhood companion Chessire with him. Understandably, Redondo's grandmother hasn't taken this action on Redondo's part very well.
However, Redondo has been able to live the life he wants, as a clever and tricky flirt, restless and curious as a cat. He had a passing fling with Emille, an idealistic young mare who got the surprise of her life when he didn't stay. This fling resulted in children he watched and periodically visited when their mother wasn't watching. Being a father, especially a proud and affectionate one, was something of a new thing for him.
However, he was starting to fall in love with another mare, rather than the mother of his children, a very specist Flutter mare named Nirmala, who has a love-hate thing for him, expressed by hiding in his long mane, and a knife she brandishes. As bizarre as this relationship has grown, Nirmala and Redondo do care for each other, even though they haven't had children, and Nirmala is quite reluctant to spit it out. Being a Cheshire, Redondo doesn't actually consider his relationship with Nirmala odd. But, still, privately, he does look forward to a time when he can actively be a father to children of his and Nirmala.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 11:49 am
Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 6:19 am
 Name: Ganesha Gender: Male Breed: Uni Herd: ??? Rank: ???
Parents: Parvati x Poultry Siblings: ???, ??? Mate: Aerlinniel Children: None
Height: 16hh Accent?: Faint Indian Personality and Backstory: Gane was raised by his mother, without a father figure. His parents had parted ways, his father taking his two brothers, his mother taking him. While neither parent had any feelings about the situation, and Gane doesn't remember his brothers, he considers himself a fatherless only child, a situation he has no problem with. His mother gave birth out of a sense of duty, she was hanging out with other stallions after he was born...a lot could've gone wrong.
But Gane grew up strong-minded, caring, and intelligent, with a very deep love for his mother, an equally deep fondness for songs and stories and beautiful things. He learned to forgive and be understanding, though he does have his limits. Parva taught Gane her beliefs, which have helped guide him on dark days...though these beliefs haven't stopped him from feeling willing to chase off unworthy prospective mates of his mother. Even if they were to include his own father. And the person who has been the next biggest effect on his life after his mother, who realized shortly after his birth how it felt to deeply care about another Soquili, namely him, was his lifemate.
Gane and Aerlinniel met when they were foals, singing and telling stories. He was a slightly lonely colt, wandering the Kawani lands with just his mother. She was a beautiful Flutter from a happy family full of song. They clicked and have stayed together ever since.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 6:21 am
Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 6:38 am
 Name: Gahz'rilla Gender: Male Breed: Mutant Mer Herd: ??? Rank: ???
Parents: ??? x ??? Siblings: ??? Mate: Cetioscolopendra Aeliani Children: Tethys Ceto, Centioscolopendra Aeliania
Length: 9 ft Accent?: Russian Personality and Backstory: Gahzi is certainly the strangeling. He comes from a distant place, possibly to the north, referred to only as WoW. In that place, he was considered a demigod to Soquili who referred to themselves as trolls. Since coming to the Kawani Lands, Gahzi hasn't communicated with the trolls, and doesn't feel much either way about the matter.
As an individual, he's antisocial to the point of being feral, laconic to the point where he could be mistaken for not understanding common language, intelligent, and the type to attack first and ask questions sometime after others are dead. He's also klutzy and easy to startle. If someone successfully sneaks up on him, he'll actually turn quite meek and polite. It's just better to sneak up on him, in general.
Due to a run-in with a Mer mare named Bubbles, Gahzi developed an interest in the terrestrial world. Toward this end, he took the cold, proud Kelpi mare Aeliani as his lifemate, a mutant from wherever he came from. She intended to use him to get strong, ferocious children. He intended to use her to get children who could explore the land for him. What neither has expected is to start to genuinely care for each other. While they'd never entirely meant to stay after the birth of their little girls, they have ended up sticking together...just not telling each other that they were using each other. It would mean sad, painful things if they admitted that to each other, but since they do genuinely care for each other, they would probably stay together and patch it up.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 6:39 am
Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 6:41 am